Google Analytics - Account name lost - google-analytics

Good afternoon,
I just started with a new company and need to remodel our website. Within the Code their is a tracking ID for Google Analytics, but unfortunately nobody can remember what the account names are. Is there any way that I could use my tracking ID, which includes my Account number according to my research, to get to my account name?
Thank you very much to everybody who is putting in some effort to help me.

You can use the Google Analytics Account Explorer to search for all accounts you have access to.
If you have access to this account, you'll be able to find the account name by searching with the tracking ID. If nothing shows up, find someone you know has access and have them search.


Cross-domain tracking: Track if users actually cross domains

Pls apologize if I'm not clear enough, i'll try to be as concise as possible.
I'm working on a a company that created it's own competitors, each has it own website, all share the same GA through GTM. Cross-domain tracking is implemented and working.
I want to know if users do actually visit these different sites, which is very likely because there is a lot of research before buying what this company offers.
I understand User Id's will not do the trick because I want to track them before visitors identify themselves through a form. There's no login.
Initially I thought I'll be able to create a segment to narrow down to users with more than one of this company's domains in their history, but that is not working. Should that do the trick?
In the view that get all data you have to create a segment to show users that visited first and second domain. If it is greater than 0 means the cross domain is set correctly.
For good implementation see Troubleshooting Cross-Domain Tracking in Google Analytics:

It's possible to know owner of a analytics script having id UA-XXXX?

I have a site developed by a third party, that might have a mistake and wrote another analytics script that is not mine in my site. Since I have the script I have the ID UA-XXXX, is there a way to know who owns this analytics account?
There is no active service that can help you as you can't get the information from Google. They state their policy about identifying the owner of a Google Analytics id here:-
AnalyticsPro.Aruna said:
Unfortunately, due to account security issues, we're unable to
disclose or add logins to Google Analytics accounts.
Third-Party Alternatives

How do you setup a Google Analytics account for a website that already has the tracking code?

I have FTP access and am re-designing a website and I want to see historical traffic data from their Google Analytics, but they do not have a Google Analytics Account and can not get in touch with their last web person who set it up.
The tracking code has been in place for several years. There are a lot of articles about how to add Google Analytics code to a website but how do you setup a Google Analytics account with tracking code that is already there?
The best way is to ask person who set it up. But if it is impossible - here is the article, which help You -
This is the only one way.
There are 2 options,
Ask for the Authoritative person to add you as an Admin, so you can easily get access. If this option may not possible then,
You can replace old tracking code with new tracking code.

Google Analytics link to Adwords

Having trouble linking separate accounts from GA to Adwords. They are different emails, both tracking the same site. The main GA email works with a lot of different sites, so I don't want the Adwords to have access to all of it.
The Adwords account seems to have created its own analytics site --but it's not the one I've been working with.
If I understood correctly, the possible solution to your problem is setting the cross-account conversion tracking by creating the My Client Center (MCC) account:
This account is actually an AdWords account that lets you easily view and manage all of your AdWords accounts (including other MCC manager accounts) from a single location.
For additional information, please refer to:
Hope I helped.

Can I share my google analytics result to someone else?

I work in a small company and we - as many others = use google analytics to monitor how well/bad our site is doing.
To access this information we put the google account's details (username and pwd) and off we go.
I now want to share this information with one of my clients but I don't want to give him my google account.
can anybody suggest the best way or the best practices to achieve this ?
Many Thanks
Given that you want to "publish it", you might want to extract the relevant data via the Google Analytics API, which provides read-only access, works just like an ordinary Google Data API--this way you can serve it from your own Site without restriction.
That still leaves the presentation of that data, but at least you have complete control over it.
the client can give you HIS account and you give his account view rights
You create anothe rgoogle account just for read only access, give it read access to your google analytics and send the password that client.
I dont really see the issue here ;)
Check out EmbeddedAnalytics. This is a service tailored specifically to allow you to define nice looking charts against your Google Analytics data and then embed them on to your site. The service utilizes the Google Analytics API.
(disclosure: I work with EmbeddedAnalytics).
You may now use Google Analytics Embed API for the purpose. Clients still do need to have Google account.
