Calling stop( ) within function causes R CMD Check to throw error - r

I am attempting to call stop( ) from within an internal package function (stop_quietly()) which should break the function and return to the topline. This works except that R CMD Check thinks this is an error because I am forcing stop.
How do I get around the R CMD check interpreting this as an error? The function needs to stop since it requires user input as a confirmation before it creates a file directory tree at a given location. The code currently produces a message and stops the function.
path=normalizePath(path=where, winslash = "\\", mustWork = TRUE)
message(paste0("This will create research directories in the following directory: \n",path))
confirm=readline(prompt="Please confirm [y/n]:")
if(tolower(stringr::str_trim(confirm)) %in% c("y","yes","yes.","yes!","yes?")){
dir.create(path, ... [directories])
message("There, I did some work, now you do some work.")
message("Okay, fine then. Don't do your research. See if I care.")
},error=function(e){message("This path does not work, please enter an appropriate path \n or set the working directory with setwd() and null the where parameter.")})
stop_quietly is an exit function I took from this post with the modification of error=NULL which suppresses R executing the error handler as a Browser. I do not want the function to terminate to a Browser I just want it to quit without throwing an error in the R CMD Check.
stop_quietly <- function() {
opt <- options(show.error.messages = FALSE, error=NULL)
Here is the component of the error R CMD produces:
-- R CMD check results ------------------------------------------------ ResearchDirectoR 1.0.0 ----
Duration: 12.6s
> checking examples ... ERROR
Running examples in 'ResearchDirectoR-Ex.R' failed
The error most likely occurred in:
> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
> ### Name: create_directories
> ### Title: Creates research directories
> ### Aliases: create_directories
> ### ** Examples
> create_directories()
This will create research directories in your current working directory:
Please confirm [y/n]:
Okay, fine then. Don't do your research. See if I care.
Execution halted

Since your function has global side effects, I think check isn't going to like it. It would be different if you required the user to put tryCatch at the top level, and then let it catch the error. But think about this scenario: a user defines f() and calls it:
f <- function() {
If your function silently caused it to skip the second line of f(), it could cause a lot of trouble for the user.
What you could do is tell the user to wrap the call to your function in tryCatch(), and have it catch the error:
f <- function() {
tryCatch(call_your_function(), error = function(e) ...)
This way the user will know that your function failed, and can decide whether or not to continue.
From discussion in the comments and your edit to the question, it seems like your function is only intended to be used interactively, so the above scenario isn't an issue. In that case, you can avoid the R CMD check problems by skipping the example unless it is being run interactively. This is fairly easy: in the help page for a function like create_directories(), set up your example as
if (interactive()) {
# other stuff if you want
The checks are run with interactive() returning FALSE, so this will stop the error from ever happening in the check. You could also use tryCatch within create_directories() to catch the error coming up from below if that makes more sense in your package.


Is there a function in R to check if there is an error in r script or in a log?

I'm trying to create an if statement to check whether there is any errors in my R script (or error displayed on the console) and also log files if there are to have "error" in a variable and if there isn't to have "no error" in the same variable.
I looked at is.error() however I want to check if an error is shown on the console or log file.
There is no single-stop solution to the best of my knowledge. There are several things you can try:
1) Incorporate your script into your code and use tryCatch or try to catch any errors. More information on error catching and debugging in R can be found here.
2) Execute your script in the system shell via the system command and inspect output caught by setting intern=TRUE.
You can source the script in a new environment :
testscript <- function(scriptpath) {
# Tests is the script runs without error
source(scriptpath, local = new.env())
message("Script OK")
error = function(cond){
message('Script not OK')
for example, content of script.R :
x <- 1
y <- 2
x + z
Script not OK
object 'z' not found

testthat fails within devtools::check but works in devtools::test

Is there any way to reproduce the environment which is used by devtools::check?
I have the problem that my tests work with devtools::test() but fail within devtools::check(). My problem is now, how to find the problem. The report of check just prints the last few lines of the error log and I can't find the complete report for the testing.
checking tests ... ERROR
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Last 13 lines of output:
I know that check uses a different environment compared to test but I don't know how I should debug these problems since they are not reproducible at all. Specially these test where running a few month ago, so not sure where to look for the problem.
actually I tried to locate my problem and I found a solution. But to post my solution to it, I have to add more details.
So my test always failed since I was testing a markdown script if it is running without errors and afterwards I was checking if some of the environmental variables are set correctly. These where results which I calculate with the script as well as standard settings which I set. So I wanted to get a warning if I forgot to change some of my settings after developing...
Anyway, since it is a markdown script, I had to extract the code and I was using comments from this post knitr: run all chunks in an Rmarkdown document using knitr::purl to get the code and sys.source to execute it.
runAllChunks <- function(rmd, envir=globalenv()){
# as found here
tempR <- tempfile(tmpdir = '.', fileext = ".R")
knitr::purl(rmd, output=tempR, quiet=TRUE)
sys.source(tempR, envir=envir)
For some reason, this produces an error since maybe a few weeks (not sure which new packages I installed lately...). But since there is a new comment, that I can just use knitr::knit which also executes the code, this worked as expected and now my test no longer complains.
So in the end, I don't know where the problem exactly was, but this is now working.
I recently had a similar issue with my tests breaking (succeeding with devtools::test() but failing with devtools::check()). I don't know if this solution necessarily fixes the problem above, but it should help to track down similar problems.
In my case, the problem ultimately came down to using a function that needed a package listed in Suggests rather than in Imports/Depends. In particular, my function called httr::content(), which broke when I tried to pass it the as = "parsed" argument. It turns out that as = "parsed" uses a suggested package, readr to read a csv, and I needed to add it to my dependencies for devtools::check() to work.
This is a known issue with testthat. The workaround is to add the following as the 1st line in tests/testthat.R:
In case it helps someone else, this is what worked for me
Re-install all relevant packages. E.g. install.packages("testthat", "dplyr", "lubridate", "stringr") (I included all packages my package uses)
Close RStudio and reopen
Then all tests passed
I spent much too long looking into this error, so hoping that I can help someone out in the future. I would like to add to this that I was getting this error while using ggplot2::autoplot() in my function and it required that I added #import ggfortify to the Roxygen skeleton part of my function.
I ran into the same issue with my tests failing under devtools::check() while not failing under testthat::test()
And none of the above applied to my problem, so i decided to post my issue plus solution here as well. But first some NOTEs from my experience:
devtools::check() does - so it seems - deeper error checking then your own written tests.
Now to my code-setup. I had a function that was build to retrieve values from two different files. Those files contained named profiles with a set of values per profile. But the profiles were named differently, depending on the files:
Example files:
Content of file_one:
value_A = "foo"
value_B = "bar"
value_C = "baz"
value_A = "oof"
value_B = "rab"
value_C = "zab"
content of file_two:
value_X = "fuzzly"
value_Z = "puzzly"
[profile peter]
value_X = "fuzzly"
value_Z = "puzzly"
As you can see, does the naming in file two follow another naming convention, when it comes to the named profiles. The profiles are written in "[]" and the default-profile is always '[default]' in both files. But as soon as it comes to named profiles, its just '[name]' in one file and then '[profile name]' in the other one.
Now i've build the function like that (simplyfied):
get_value <- function(file_content, what, profile) {
file_content <- readr::read_lines(file)
all_profiles_at <- grep("\\[.*\\]", file_content)
profile_regex <- paste0("\\[",if(file_content == "file_two" && profile != "default") "profile ",profile,"\\]")
profile_at <- grep(profile_regex, file_content)
profile_ends_at <- if(profile_at == max(all_profiles_at)) length(file_content) else all_profiles_at[grep(paste0("^",profile_at,"$"), all_profiles_at) + 1] -1
profile_content <- file_content[profile_at:profile_ends_at]
whole_what <- stringr::str_replace_all(profile_content[grep(paste0("^",what,".*"), profile_content)], " ", "")
return(stringr::str_sub(whole_what, stringr::str_length(paste0(what,"=."))))
With this code my tests ran smoothly and even check() found no issues.
While the whole code evolved i figured, that i should read the files content beforehand and give only the alread read_in content to the function to avoid duplication in my code. So i changed the function like so:
get_value <- function(file, what, profile) {
is_file_two <- is_file_two(file_content)
all_profiles_at <- grep("\\[.*\\]", file_content)
profile_regex <- paste0("\\[",if(file_content == "file_two" && profile != "default") "profile ",profile,"\\]")
profile_at <- grep(profile_regex, file_content)
profile_ends_at <- if(profile_at == max(all_profiles_at)) length(file_content) else all_profiles_at[grep(paste0("^",profile_at,"$"), all_profiles_at) + 1] -1
profile_content <- file_content[profile_at:profile_ends_at]
whole_what <- stringr::str_replace_all(profile_content[grep(paste0("^",what,".*"), profile_content)], " ", "")
return(stringr::str_sub(whole_what, stringr::str_length(paste0(what,"=."))))
As you might notice i only changed the first line of the funciton body and left the if-condition unchanged - my mistake!
But my tests didn't throw an error, as the if-condition still worked. Even though the 'file_content == "file_two"' part now generated a logical vector and if() ... else ... normally throws a warning, when the logical has length > 1. The special construct with the && doesn't throw such an error as it returns a length(1) logical:
# with warning
if(c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)) "Done!" else "Not done!"
# no warning:
if(c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) && TRUE) "Done!" else "Not done!"
Thats why my tests with testthat::test() sill worked.
But devtools::check() saw this flaw in my code and the tests failed!
And that part of the FAILURE_REPORT showed me my errors:
where 41: test_check("my_package_name")
--- value of length: 18 type: logical ---
--- function from context ---
testthat::test() is great! Is checks whether or not your code still runs. But devtools::check() goes far deeper - and when your tests pass with testthat::test() but fail with devtools::check() then you've probaly got some deeper bugs and flaws in your code you MUST attend to!
So as I shortly mentioned above, I changed some of my code to no longer user knitr::purl but using knitr::knit and this solved my problem.
expect_error(f <- runAllChunks('010_main_lfq_analysis.Rmd'), NA)
expect_error(f <- knitr::knit('010_main_lfq_analysis.Rmd', output='jnk.R', quiet=TRUE, envir=globalenv()), NA)
This could also happen in the following scenario: You have a library already loaded in R and you are referring to the function in that library without namespace binding. For example, suppose you use the nnzero() function from the Matrix in a test file and happen to also have had the Matrix package already loaded with library(Matrix). Then devtools::test() will pass but devtools::check() fails. Using Matrix::nnzero() should fix the problem.

How do I avoid halting the execution of a standalone r script that encounters an error?

I am running an optimization program I wrote in a multi-language framework. Because I rely on different languages to accomplish the task, everything must be standalone so it can be launched through a batch file. Everything has been going fine for 2-3 months, but I finally ran out of luck when one of the crucial parts of this process, executed through a standalone R script, encountered something new and gave me an error message. This error message makes everything screech to a halt despite my best efforts:
selMEM<-forward.sel(muskfreq, musk.MEM, adjR2thresh=adjR2)
Procedure stopped (adjR2thresh criteria) adjR2cum = 0.000000 with 0 variables (superior to -0.005810)
Error in forward.sel(muskfreq, musk.MEM, adjR2thresh = adjR2) :
No variables selected. Please change your parameters.
I know why I am getting this message: it is warning me that no variables are above the threshold I have programmed to retain during a forward selection. Although this didn't happen in hundreds of runs, it's not that big a deal, I just need to tell R what to do next. This is where I am lost. After an exhaustive search through several posts (such as here), it seams that try() and tryCatch() are the way to go. So I have tried the following:
selMEM<-try(forward.sel(muskfreq, musk.MEM, adjR2thresh=adjR2))
if(inherits(selMEM, "try-error")) {
} else {
The code after the problematic line works perfectly if I execute it line by line in R, but when I execute it as a standalone script from the command prompt, I still get the same error message and my whole process screeches to a halt before it executes what follows.
Any suggestions on how to make this work?
Note this in the try help:
try is implemented using tryCatch; for programming, instead of
try(expr, silent = TRUE), something like tryCatch(expr, error =
function(e) e) (or other simple error handler functions) may be more
efficient and flexible.
Look to tryCatch, possibly:
selMEM <- tryCatch({
forward.sel(muskfreq, musk.MEM, adjR2thresh=adjR2)
}, error = function(e) {
if(is.null(selMEM)) {
} else {
Have you tried setting the silent parameter to true in the Try function?
selMEM <- forward.sel(muskfreq, musk.MEM, adjR2thresh=adjR2)
}, silent=T)

traceback() for interactive and non-interactive R sessions

I observed a different between an interactive and non-interaction R session about traceback() which I do not understand. For the code below, it will produce an error, but in an interactive R session, I can see the traceback information, whereas if I save the code to test.R and call it via Rscript test.R or R -f test.R, I can no longer see the traceback:
f = function() {
1 + 'a'
In an interactive R session:
> f = function() {
+ on.exit(traceback())
+ 1 + 'a'
+ }
> f()
Error in 1 + "a" : non-numeric argument to binary operator
1: f()
Non-interactive execution:
$ Rscript test.R
Error in 1 + "a" : non-numeric argument to binary operator
Calls: f
No traceback available
Execution halted
I did not see an explanation in ?traceback, and I'm wondering if there is a way to enable traceback for non-interactive R sessions. Thanks!
With default values of its arguments, traceback() will look for an object named .Traceback in the baseenv() for information on the call stack. It looks (from src/main/errors.c) like .Traceback is only created if, among other conditions, R_Interactive || haveHandler, suggesting that this object is not created during non-interactive sessions. If there is no object named .Traceback, you will get the message "No traceback available".
However, by passing a non-NULL value to the x argument of traceback(), one can obtain information about the call stack from a non-interactive session. With a non-zero integer value (indicating the number of calls to skip in the stack), c-level functions (R_GetTraceback) are called to investigate the call stack instead of looking in .Traceback.
So there are a couple ways to obtain traceback information in a non-interactive session:
f = function() {
1 + 'a'
Or, setting options as Brandon Bertelsen suggested
The different values passed to x in the two examples account for the different number of functions to skip
In the on.exit example, traceback(1) skips the call to traceback().
In the example setting options, there is an extra anonymous function that calls traceback() which should/could also be skipped.
In the example in the OP, there's not much more information gained by using traceback() compared to the automatic traceback provided in the case of an error in a non-interactive session. However, with functions that take (and are passed) arguments, using traceback() will be much more informative than the standard presentation of the call stack in the non-interactive session.
There is also the possibility to dump debugging information and load them later on. (See good ?debugger help pages and comments on the topic)
via e.g.:
options(error = quote(dump.frames("testdump", TRUE)))
options(error = quote({dump.frames(to.file = TRUE); q(status = 1)}))
BenBarnes's answer and dshepherd's comment are life saving. I will add one more parameter to avoid clogging up the screen in case one of the parameters is very big.
The problem with options(error=function()traceback(2)) is that it does not stop the script execution, which is really really dangerous.
To avoid that you can use:
options(error = function() {
options(error = NULL)
stop("exiting after script error")
which will properly print the stack trace, then exit properly.

tryCatch does not catch an error if called though RScript

I'm facing a strange issue in R.
Consider the following code (a really simplified version of the real code but still having the problem) :
specificWeekDay <- 2
currTs <- timeSeries(c(1,2),c('2012-01-01','2012-01-02'),
# just 2 dates out of range
start <- time(currTs)[2]+100*24*3600
end <- time(currTs)[2]+110*24*3600
# this line returns an empty timeSeries
currTs <- window(currTs,start=start,end=end)
message("Up to now, everything is OK")
# this is the line with the uncatchable error
currTs[!(as.POSIXlt(time(currTs))$wday %in% specificWeekDay),] <- NA
message("I'm after the bugged line !")
When I run that code in RGui, I correctly get the following output:
Up to now, everything is OK
error in evaluating the argument 'i' in
selecting a method for function '[<-': Error in
as.POSIXlt.numeric(time(currTs)) : 'origin' must be supplied
Instead, when I run it through RScript (in windows) using the following line:
RScript.exe --vanilla "myscript.R"
I get this output:
Up to now, everything is OK
Execution interrupted
It seems like RScript crashes...
Any idea about the reason?
Is this a timeSeries package bug, or I'm doing something wrong ?
If the latter, what's the right way to be sure to catch all the errors ?
Thanks in advance.
Here's a smaller example reproducing the issue that doesn't use timeSeries package. To test it, just run it as described above:
# define a generic function
function(x, ...){standardGeneric("foo")})
# set a method for the generic function
setMethod("foo", signature("character"),
function(x) {x})
It seems something related to generic method dispatching; when an argument of a method causes an error, the dispatcher cannot find the signature of the method and conseguently raises an exception that tryCatch function seems unable to handle when run through RScript.
Strangely, it doesn't happen for example with print(notExisting); in that case the exception is correctly handled.
Any idea about the reason and how to catch this kind of errors ?
I'm using R-2.14.2 on Windows 7
The issue is in the way the internal C code implementing S4 method dispatch tries to catch and handle some errors and how the non-interactive case is treated in this approach. A work-around should be in place in R-devel and R-patched soon.
Work-around now committed to R-devel and R-patched.
Information about tryCatch() [that the OP already knew and used but I didn't notice]
I think you are missing that your tryCatch() is not doing anything special with the error, hence you are raising an error in the normal fashion. In interactive use the error is thrown and handled in the usual fashion, but an error inside a script run in a non-interactive session (a la Rscript) will abort the running script.
tryCatch() is a complex function that allows the potential to trap and handle all sorts of events in R, not just errors. However by default it is set up to mimic the standard R error handling procedure; basically allow the error to be thrown and reported by R. If you want R to do anything other than the basic behaviour then you need to add a specific handler for the error:
> e <- simpleError("test error")
> tryCatch(foo, error = function(e) e,
+ finally = writeLines("There was a problem!"))
There was a problem!
<simpleError in doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler): object 'foo'
not found>
I suggest you read ?tryCatch in more detail to understand better what it does.
An alternative is to use try(). To modify your script I would just do:
# this is the line with the uncatchable error
tried <- try(currTs[!(as.POSIXlt(time(currTs))$wday %in% specificWeekDay),] <- NA,
silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(tried, "try-error")) {
writeLines("There was an error!")
} else {
writeLines("Everything worked fine!")
The key bit is to save the object returned from try() so you can test the class, and to have try() operate silently. Consider the difference:
> bar <- try(foo)
Error in try(foo) : object 'foo' not found
> bar <- try(foo, silent = TRUE)
> class(bar)
[1] "try-error"
Note that in the first call above, the error is caught and reported as a message. In the second, it is not reported. In both cases an object of class "try-error" is returned.
Internally, try() is written as a single call to tryCatch() which sets up a custom function for the error handler which reports the error as a message and sets up the returned object. You might wish to study the R code for try() as another example of using tryCatch().
