changes to og:image values are not updated in Disqus recommendations - facebook-opengraph

I recently enabled post recommendation for my disqus account on my site. The recommendations work mostly except, I recently changed the open graph image value for that post. But this is not being reflected in the post preview of the recommendations.
For example check this post.
Here is a screenshot.
Is there are way to refresh this value? Also I tried submitting the issue to the disqus forum. But no help there as well.


Cannot display preview. You can post as is, or try another link

I've seen a lot of other folks posting this question...
Trying to share a link from my WordPress site and comes with a "Cannot display preview. You can post as is, or try another link." Checked OpenGraph settings on Facebook OpenGraph debugger, installed Yoast SEO to edit OG tags, removed OEmbed code, still no dice.
Please let me know what else I can try.

Wordpress - All post titles in the post management page in admin are same as first in the page

All post titles in the post management page in admin are same as first in the page.
Though upon clicking it leads to the correct post to edit, and the blog runs fine.
Seems like a small bug. I doubt updating jetpack has caused this since that's the only change I did in the last few days.
Noticed the first post title of every page in post mngmnt admin is repeated.
Please help.
Re-installing the same version again helped. All okay.
Thanks to all who cared.

Amending Radio Station Wordpress Plugin - Show pages

I'm still new to wordpress so forgive me if this is a simple question.
I'm using the ['Radio Station' plugin] on my wordpress site, however the 'show' pages do not feature a side-bar. I've tried to create a child theme, and amend the coding of the 'single-show.php' page, but I'm not sure whether the basis of the page is either a post or page.
The only thing i've managed to suceed in is adding the side bar which shows right-aligned under the rest of the 'whole page' content.
Ideally, I'd like the 'show' type pages to look like the 'post' type pages.
This question was posted six years ago from the date of my reply. We've taken over the plugin from it's original developer. You can find the latest version at We also have a PRO version at Both free and PRO resolve the issue noted in this post.

Is Yoast SEO plugin the reason my Facebook share button isn't grabbing the fallback image?

I noticed in the WordPress plugin support forum for Yoast SEO that someone else seems to be having the same problem. I'm not sure what's causing it for sure, though, or how to resolve it.
A few days ago I launched my website; (the link is here). As of today I only have one blog post, and it doesn't contain an image. So in the Yoast SEO plugin, in the social tab for Facebook, I added a fallback image of a male moose. It was working just fine.
Then I changed the image to a female moose, cleared caches and used the Facebook debugger to clear that, too. And now all I get is a white box where the image should go. I've tried everything and can't figure out what's causing the problem. No one responds to support requests in the plugin forum on WordPress, so I thought I'd come here and see if anyone has some suggestions.
Thank you.

Limiting number of disqus comments displaying on WordPress post?

I have disqus comment system plugin installed on self-hosted wordpress website. There is no option to set limit on number of comments displaying on the page/post.
As the number of comments increases it slows down the page. Also the older comments are not required on my site.
Can anyone tell me a way to limit the disqus comments to 10 or 15 on a page and then there can be option to load more.
Disqus not support disqus_per_page parametres and pagination currently version. Default value 50 comments. I sended mail, i hope will fixed :)
