Limiting number of disqus comments displaying on WordPress post? - wordpress

I have disqus comment system plugin installed on self-hosted wordpress website. There is no option to set limit on number of comments displaying on the page/post.
As the number of comments increases it slows down the page. Also the older comments are not required on my site.
Can anyone tell me a way to limit the disqus comments to 10 or 15 on a page and then there can be option to load more.

Disqus not support disqus_per_page parametres and pagination currently version. Default value 50 comments. I sended mail, i hope will fixed :)


changes to og:image values are not updated in Disqus recommendations

I recently enabled post recommendation for my disqus account on my site. The recommendations work mostly except, I recently changed the open graph image value for that post. But this is not being reflected in the post preview of the recommendations.
For example check this post.
Here is a screenshot.
Is there are way to refresh this value? Also I tried submitting the issue to the disqus forum. But no help there as well.

Wordpress - All post titles in the post management page in admin are same as first in the page

All post titles in the post management page in admin are same as first in the page.
Though upon clicking it leads to the correct post to edit, and the blog runs fine.
Seems like a small bug. I doubt updating jetpack has caused this since that's the only change I did in the last few days.
Noticed the first post title of every page in post mngmnt admin is repeated.
Please help.
Re-installing the same version again helped. All okay.
Thanks to all who cared.

Wordpress Blog Overview - Requested Page No Longer Available

I was wondering could someone please help. I am working on a WordPress website. I have added blog posts and everything was going fine until unexpectedly I start getting the following message. (Side point: If you look at the message, available is actually spelled incorrectly also - AVAIBLE)
Now I have 11 blog posts, separated on the blog overview into 4 per page. So 1st page has 4 posts, 2nd page has 4 posts and 3rd page has 3 blog posts. When I set one of the posts as a draft, I should see 2 on the last (i.e. 3rd) page, but instead I see the 404 error page, even though there should be 2 posts on that page. When I publish the drafted post, everything works fine and I see the expected 3 posts on the last page.
Each of the posts themselves are fine, as I have tested clicking on each one and it brings me to their designated page as expected. But it's just in the main overview of the blogs that I'm having the issue.
This is a major issue as I now cannot add blog posts without this happening at certain time. Can anyone please help me resolve this issue?
Seeing that the 404 page of the theme has text is both grammatically incorrect and contains a spelling error, the theme you are working with has, to put it nicely, issues, primarily with pagination and post queries. (I'd much rather say "the theme is junk).
Use deductive logic to rule out the theme and plugin(s). Switch to the default WordPress twentyfifteen theme and see if the blog pagination is correct. Deactivate Yoast and see if pagination works.
If the theme is broken, or if Yoast breaks the theme, find a better theme; a good place to look is All themes in the WordPress directory have been checked out and there are dedicated support forums for each.
Besides that, this is really isn't a programming question. You need to show specific code that is causing the problem, like the page queries themselves. You're better off in the theme and plugin support forums and at

Disabling Disqus reactions count

I'm currently developing theme for Wordpress where I'm using Disqus.
How can I disable reactions link which is next to the comments? All instructions over the Internet are saying that I should disable reactions in Disqus settings, but there is not such a thing as reactions option in settings tab.
I'm looking for your help!
We just removed this feature, as Dhaulagiri mentioned, which is why you can't edit the text as you did before - this will be removed by us very shortly. Since the text is served from Disqus globally, it won't require a plugin update to take effect.
If you need this done sooner than about a week, you can contact us and we can disable it:

Wordpress comment box dissappears after the Disqus plugin (official) is activated

There are guides online for activating Disqus on Wordpress but nobody seems to have the particular problem which I am having. Previously to installing Disqus I had WP comments and they worked just fine. After activating the Disqus plugin, enabling discussions/comments, and opening comments everywhere, the comment box is gone, not a single trace.
There is simply no trace that Disqus even exists on my website. I don't believe that it is a theme issue because after disabling the theme, no comment boxes are still present.
Has anyone experienced this before? What are some methods I can look for / call in my templates that are supposed to bring up WP items?
It would always disappear because only one comment system should be there. Anyways, you can get the disqus comment box code and add it at the end of the post. This would make both the comment systems visible and both won't disturb other.
