Combine different grViz into a single plot - r

I would like to combine different DiagrammeR plots into a single figure. The plots are generated as the following example:
pDia <- grViz("
digraph boxes_and_circles {
# a 'graph' statement
graph [overlap = true, fontsize = 10]
# several 'node' statements
node [shape = box,
fontname = Helvetica]
A; B; C; D; E; F
node [shape = circle,
fixedsize = true,
width = 0.9] // sets as circles
1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8
# several 'edge' statements
A->1 B->2 B->3 B->4 C->A
1->D E->A 2->4 1->5 1->F
E->6 4->6 5->7 6->7 3->8
Therefore, I would like to combine plots like pDia, class "grViz" "htmlwidget", into a single image with labels such A, B and so on. I tried to export a svg file of the plot with the exportSVG function. Thus, would be possible to use the magick package to import and deal with different plots of such a class (i.e. "grViz" "htmlwidget"). However, this function is not available in the newer version of the DiagrammeR package. Any ideas to combine these plots in a figure that could be exported to a figure file such as pdf or tiff?

Perhaps one of the following approaches will suit your needs.
You can add additional/disconnected graphs by just adding them to the same digraph call. For example, we can add two other graphs (U -> V -> W and X -> Y -> Z) to the right of your graph by just adding the nodes & edges after the other graph; you just need to make sure the nodes are named differently from the nodes in the preceding graphs. This can however, lead to large complicated scripts and may not suit your workflow.
pDia <- grViz("
digraph boxes_and_circles {
# your existing graph here
# 2nd graph
U -> V -> W;
# 3rd graph
X -> Y -> Z;
Given that you are wanting a static output it is probably easier just to go straight to graphviz. One way to combine graphs is by adding them as images to existing nodes. For example, if you have two graphs saved as png (other formats):
digraph boxes_and_circles {
graph [overlap = true, fontsize = 10]
node [shape = box, fontname = Helvetica]
A; B; C; D; E; F
node [shape = circle, fixedsize = true, width = 0.9]
1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8
A->1 B->2 B->3 B->4 C->A
1->D E->A 2->4 1->5 1->F
E->6 4->6 5->7 6->7 3->8
# This will write out two pngs. We will use these as examples for us to combine
system("dot -Tpng -Gdpi=300 -o so-65040221A.png -o so-65040221B.png")
Then create a new graph to read in the pngs and add them to the nodes
'graph {
node [shape=none]
a [label="", image="so-65040221A.png"];
b [label="", image="so-65040221B.png"];
We execute this and output to pdf with
system("dot -Tpdf > so-65040221-combine.pdf")
# or output tiff etc
# system("dot -Ttif > so-65040221-combine.tiff")
You can then arrange multiple graphs by how you arrange the nodes in the combined script.


create fixed edge directional graphs in dot format with graphviz

Is there anyway to create defined fixed edges directional graphs using dot notation? the following dot notation (fig 2) generates an automated edges that are curved. It doesnt have notations which will generate directions with straight edges (fig 1). Been on hours trying to find anything close, any hints will be great. thank you.
# fig 1
box A --- box B
|. \
|. \
box C. \
box D
# fig 2
digraph G {
node [shape=record];
a -> b [color = red][arrowhead = diamond][taillabel = "tail"]
b -> c [shape = box]
c -> a
Not sure what a fixed edge is, but if you don't want splines for edges, look at the splines attribute (
Here is you graph with splines=false. You can also try splines=polyline.
You might also connect the edges to specific ports on one or both of the nodes (
# fig 2
digraph G {
node [shape=record];
// see
// also look at ports
splines=false // or try splines=polyline
a -> b [color = red][arrowhead = diamond][taillabel = "tail"]
b -> c [shape = box]
c -> a

R DiagrammeR Mermaid for Function Maps

How do you produce the following plot using the R function mermaid from the package DiagrammeR?
Let's just say we drop the labels "Input" and "Output" along with the red circles. The following is a minimal code for a start in R.
graph LR
a --> x
b --> y
c --> y
d --> z
classDef firstSet fill:#F8CECC
class a,b,c,d firstSet
whose output looks like this:
Specific questions:
How does one make the edges straight and not folded?
How does one include the red circles?
Try this code below.
It's not perfect (today is the 3rd day that I started learning Mermaid.js) but it has similar elements like your example:
digraph {
graph[rankdir = LR, fontsize = 30]
edge [color = 'blue', penwidth = 3.5]
node[color = 'white', fontsize = 25]
subgraph cluster_1 {
label = 'Input'
color = 'red'
node [shape = circle]
a; b; c; d}
subgraph cluster_2 {
label = 'Output'
color = 'red'
node [shape = circle]
x; y; z}
a -> x
b -> y
c -> y
d -> z
The final outcome looks like this. I may revisit this answer later once I am more proficient.

How do I graph the Thompson's construction using graphviz?

I am trying to graph the construction of Thompson using graphviz, and I would like to know if anyone could help me graph one of the rules so that I can do the others.
I attach a reference image:
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = doublecircle]; s3;
node [shape = circle];
s0 -> s1 [ label = "ε" ];
s0 -> s3 [ label = "ε" ];
s1 -> s2 [ label = "ε" ];
s2 -> s1 [ label = "ε" ];
s2 -> s3 [ label = "ε" ];
Graphviz programs try to avoid placing nodes on top of other nodes. You can get the node placement by explicitly providing pos attributes for all the nodes. (Not that difficult, but a nuisance.) You can get neato to generate all straight edges, but you will have to provide the (spline) coordinates for all the arcs. Otherwise you get this:
As an alternative, instead of graphviz, if you use dpic or gpic, this program:
.defcolor pink rgb #FFC0CB
## we need to place the large oval before we place nodes on it
Qx: circle invis ; line invis; circle invis; A: line invis;
E:ellipse at A.c shaded "pink" " N(s)"
move to Qx.w
Q: circle "q" ; arrow "ε" ""; C1: circle ; A: line invis; C2: circle ; arrow "ε" ""; F: circle "f";
F1:circle at last circle
move to E.n; up; P1: box invis "ε"
arc -> from C2.n to C1.n
arc -> from Q.s to F.s
### gpic version of greek chars:
# move to E.s; down; box invis "" "\[*e]"
### dpic/svg version of greek chars
move to E.s; down; box invis "" "ε"
produced this:
gpic is part of the GNU (Linux) groff package.
dpic can be found here:

DiagrammeR fontsize argument does nothing

I can change the fontsize argument below to be either graph [fontsize = 1] or graph [fontsize = 10] or graph [fontsize = 100] and the output in my R Studio viewer is identical. It appears the font defaults to a reasonable size that fills the node it occupies. How do I change the font size?
digraph test {
graph [fontsize = 10]
node [shape = box]
A [label = 'FooBar']
B [label = 'BarFoo']
A -> B
You change the font size of the node labels within the node declaration.
You can change it using node: node [shape = box, fontsize=5] or in a specific node label with: A [label = 'FooBar', fontsize=5]

Justify node text in DiagrammeR

Does anybody know if DiagrammeR currently supports left- and right-justification of node labels when using GraphViz?
Here is a quick example, where I would like to left-justify the text within both of the nodes:
digraph test {
graph [fontsize = 10]
node [shape = box]
A [label = 'Foo\nBar']
B [label = 'Bar\nFoo']
A -> B
I was able to find one resource here for the native GraphViz that uses /l for left-justification, but when I try that within the grViz function I receive an error. For example:
digraph test {
graph [fontsize = 10]
node [shape = box]
A [label = 'Foo\lBar']
B [label = 'Bar\lFoo']
A -> B
I appreciate any help in advance!
You need a double backslash to escape the first slash. Here are left and right justified labels:
digraph test {
graph [fontsize = 10]
node [shape = box]
A [label = 'Foo\\lBar\\l']
B [label = 'Bar\\rFoo\\r']
A -> B
