Custom domain with AppEngine and Firebase auth email templates - firebase

I have an AppEngine app that uses Firebase auth to manage users.
I recently added a custom domain to the AppEngine app, and that worked fine.
Now I'm trying to manage the Password Reset template and change the sender email to match my domain. But when I follow the instructions to add the 2 TXT records and 2 CNAME records, the verification never completes. It's been in this state for almost 2 days. What am I doing wrong?
Instructions are:

Edit the DNS settings Firebase provided to match these patterns:
HOST: firebase1._domainkey
HOST: firebase2._domainkey
VALUE: v=spf1 ~all


Godaddy Custom Domain | Firebase Website | Site can't be reached

I have purchased a domain from Godaddy let's say
I have created a project and deployed a web page in FireBase -
I have linked a custom domain in the project console
In GoDaddy the A records and TXT Records are also updated.
The site was up for a while. I could access my website using as well as
But now I keep getting Site can't be reached error. [I am however able to reach the site through firebase URL]
Even ping requests fail.
Please advice on what could be wrong and how to avoid this error.
Take out the www and the .com and use # or your sub host
Type: A, Value:#, IP: x.y.z.a
Type: A, Name:subdomain, IP: x.y.z.a

Error while connecting Custom domain to firebase hosting with

I purchased a domain from, followed the steps of firebase custom domain connect up to second point (Verify ownership). I added the TXT record as described.
Verified with dig -t txt +noall +answer and the response holds 2 records: 3455 IN TXT "v=spf1 ip4: ?all"
and 3455 IN TXT "google-site-verification=verification code"
The Firebase console keeps alerting
We couldn't verify your domain Please check your settings and try again.
What could be the possible error & what can I try next?

Firebase: Cannot Verify Ownership of Namecheap Domain

I'm having trouble verifying namecheap domain with firebase hosting
Tried to follow this posts instructions without success:
Unable to Verify Custom Domain with Firebase Using Namecheap
and this
Adding custom hosting domain: "Unexpected TXT records found. Continuing to watch for changes."
So my definitions are like this:
Type: TXT Record
Host: #
Value: globalsign-domain-verification=...
TTL: Automatic
Type: TXT Record
Host: #
TTL: Automatic
Type: CNAME Record
Host: www
TTL: Automatic
Type: A Record
Host: #
Value: First IP Address retrieved with MXToolbox
TTL: Automatic
Type: A Record
Host: #
Value: Second IP Address retrieved with MXToolbox
TTL: Automatic
When I execute "dig -t txt +noall +answer", it returns: 1798 IN TXT "globalsign-domain-verification=..." 1798 IN TXT "firebase=myprojectname"
(It has the extra dot at the end of the domain)
But still in firebase dashboard I have this message:
Verifying ownership
Unexpected TXT records found. Continuing to watch for changes.
and later:
Verification failed
Couldn't find the correct TXT records in your DNS records
I'm trying to solve this problem for several days now.
After not having my domain verify for over 24 hours and trying numerous things, I eventually deleted the CNAME record of [projectname] A few minutes later, it verified with no problem.
These are the steps that they want you to do:
Only have the TXT Record for the verification.
After verification, add two A Records.
This is what I did:
Add TXT record and two A records.
Get verified
Hope this helps. I submitted a ticket to firebase to propose that they modify the instructions to make it clear that you can't put the CNAME to your project URL.
Strongly recommend that you contact Firebase support. I had a similar issue going on for days and only after they manually intervened behind the scenes it was resolved. Good luck...
I was facing the same problem. instead of domain, I used # in host and it worked. I am on a Free plan.
Always ensure that you are using a paid version of Firebase. Domains do not get verified if you are using a free account. I had to downgrade one of my old projects in order to verify my new project. Apparently, firebase allows only a certain number of projects to be upgraded to a blaze plan. I hope this helps.

How do I configure my DNS record? - MeteorJS

How do i configure my DNS record to point to galaxy?
I bought a domain with the following attributes:
Type: CNAME Record
Host: www
I am kinda lost here, I don't know where I should actually configure my DNS. In my project, or the website I registered my domain in? and how?
The following is my host records:
In Galaxy
Log into galaxy
Click on your app.
Click on settings.
In domains, click add new domain and enter your domain
In the description for the Domains and Encryption section you will see an address that looks something like Copy this down.
On your host
Create a new custom resource record Name: *, Type: CNAME, Data: (or paste yours if it differs in galaxy).
Create a new custom resource record Name: www, Type: CNAME, Data: (or paste yours if it differs in galaxy).
Let me know if you have any questions! There is a bit more to a full deployment, the docs on go in depth on how to setup everything else.

Drupal 7 LDAP module and AD global catalog

Does anybody successfully authenticate against AD global catalog using I've got the following configuration:
LDAP server:
LDAP port:
Binding Method:
Service Account Bind
Base DNs for LDAP users:
AuthName attribute:
The module successfully authenticate users, which are members of parent domain called "service", but LDAP search can't find any user from "otherdomain", which is connected to parent domain inside AD domain forest. I´m able to test LDAP search using ldp.exe and using this tool I can find any user from any domain.
Also, there is the following error message in the Drupal watchdog:
ldap_search() function error. LDAP Error: Referral, ldap_search() parameters: ldap_search() call: base_dn: DC=otherdomain,DC=mydomain,DC=com, filter = (, attributes: , attrsonly = 0, sizelimit = 0, timelimit = 0, deref = , scope = 3
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
The LDAP client should follow the referral that is being returned in the search result - or an LDAP directory proxy server should be installed to automatically follow referrals.
When the LDAP directory server was unable or unwilling to perform the search operation, it may return a referral indicating that another server may be able to perform the requested operation. It is the responsibility of the LDAp client to "chase" referrals. Referrals are indicated by the presence of the referral field and the search result code being set to 10.
You have to write: ldaps://ldapserver:3269 in the LDAP server field and keep the same port number in LDAP port field.
