I've been fetching the academic articles in Wiley to collect author information, but the fetched column does not contain all the code.
For instance, if I inspect a site (e.g., https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1475-6773.13088), while there are more than 100 span tags, my fetched result has less than 30 span tags. Some meta tags are missing as well.
I am specifically looking for the elements like , meta tags with citation_author and citation_author_institution.
After a certain wp_query which will only display the first result (Breaking News), I want to get the result (Breaking News) tags to display related articles to the first result.
So if Doggies protest of no adoption is the first result in my first query, I want to get tags of Doggies protest of no adoption to query db so has to display other Doggies adoption story and display them. This is on index.php page not single.php page.
please see image for pictorial view
Building a resources part of website which will be a collection of links and files, all added under a "resources" post type.
There are 6 main resource taxonomies (ie: Instructions, Manuals, etc) and then some children of those to better organize long lists of content.
The main archive page is just links to each top level tax, that's working fine.
When someone clicks "Instructions", what I'd like to do is first display all posts in the parent tax (Instructions), and then output each child tax under Instructions as a heading, followed by the posts within it.
So sample Instructions page might look like...
Instructions (name of parent topic)
Post One (these are just in parent tax)
Post Two
List item
Instructions Subtopic
Post One
List Two
Instructions Subtopic 2
Post One
List Two
Any feedback or starting points would be greatly appreciated!
I have strange request to deal with. We have large piece of articles need to be added into drupal as article. Different paragraph within that article is tagged with keywords.
Now I cant find a way to do so in wysiwyg editor. I can only tag whole article with taxonomy term.
Any direction or suggestion, how can i tag specific paragraph by different keywords within an article.
You have a module called Field Group and it allows you to group some number of field. You can also make those groups repeatable.
Maybe there is some other module doing same thing, not sure about that.
Anyway, you can make groups of 2 fields, one wysiwyg area for one paragraph and other taxonomy reference, for tagging that paragraph. And you can put that group to be multiple (repeatable) so you can unlimited number of groups (paragraphs) per page.
You can also add some other field(s) in that group if they are paragraph related.
Google search engine requires pages to have different description meta tag for different pages. What is the case with open graph meta tags, mainly og:description. Is it also needed to have unique og:description?
Yes! Unless you want your pages to have the same or no description on some sites that read only open graph meta tags, you have to apply different og:description to different pages. But, in terms of Google no.
I'm struggling to find a straight answer to this question, hoping a human bean can help because my googe-ing is getting me no where.
I have two content types 'News articles' and 'video articles'. Each of these currently has taxonomy terms, for example sake lets say they have two each, Politics & religion for news and funny & cats for videos.
What I am looking for is a way to add tags to individual nodes eg a political news article will have tags or keywords 'David Cameron, Syria, Pigs etc' Essentially highlighting what the article is about.
I would like these tags separate from the taxonomy terms. Mainy because I have used taxonomy terms to create sub headings for the content types. However, I would like a more generic tagging system which will allow me to tag a node with multiple tags.
(I intend to use this for search and filtering. Foe example if someone wants to view all the articles that are tagged with David Cameron they can. But I do not wish for David Cameron to be a sub heading under my content type of News because he could also be tagged in the video content type under funny.
Additionally, these tags or keywords should be easy to add to a node (during node creation), I should be able to add multiple tags and new tags should be as easy as adding existing tags (if I'm writing about Kanye West for the first time I would like to just type his name and a tag is added)
Does such a thing even exist?
I for see there being hundreds if not thousands of tags as I described above.
Is this what taxonomies are?
Have I used taxonomies incorrectly?
essentially I am after the wordpress version of tags (https://en.support.wordpress.com/posts/tags/) or similar to stackovdrflow's tag system
Drupal has the ability to handle tagging out of the box. Create a new taxonomy and the taxonomy as a field to your content type. When you add the new taxonomy field, select "Autocomplete term widget (tagging)" as the widget type and you now have a free tagging taxonomy field. You can add one or more new terms comma separated. Existing terms will show up in the autocomplete. Since this is a separate taxonomy it won't affect the existing taxonomy you are using to categorize content.