Rails 6 duplicating and application, impact of webpacker - ruby-on-rails-6

A Rails 6 application in a directory that is named as the application would undergo a duplication of that directory & renaming the new one. This implies editing only the following files, as per conventional rails logic:
any reference to the versioning and deployment of the application
However, the name of the original application is invoked a couple of times in
the latter is intended to be administrator-editable. The former not. It is a direct consequence of webpacker (notwithstanding a node_modules directory of ~ 72 MB ) being added to the workprocess of rails 6.0
What is the best way and steps to follow to duplicate the application and have two independent applications in their self-named directories?

Yes, the above steps do work in practice. Leaving it here as a memorandum.
Editing only the following files, as per conventional rails logic:
any reference to the versioning and deployment of the application
As to the
I preferred emptying out the node_modules directory and
yarn install --check-files
to have that element up-to-date.
Import a copy of database (or whatever the context implies) and rails s !


Including a file in WEB-INF/lib

I am porting AXIS 2 SOAP webservice to an existing grails 2.4.4 project.
It works flawlessly when run from the IDE but not fram a WAR.
I have tracked this down to addresing.mar NOT being copied to the WEB-INF lib directory. If I copy this file myself then ever thing works fine.
We are using Jenkins for CI and using the Grails plugin to do the compilation of and packaging of the WAR file.
This does not include the addresing.mar file. Also when running the Grails war command it is not included.
I have tried many way to get this to be included. The AXIS plug in just wrecks the compile to teh extent that it is unusable.
I have just spent 2 days googling and tried ever thing I can find in just about every combination.
We are now getting to the point we we are considering post processing the war file and adding the addresing.mar file directly.
Though that will work it would not help my understanding of what I am doing wrong!
Any help most appreciated.
Try saving your file inside the /src file. Grails autowires external libraries when saved inside this folder.
Note: This is only applicable to Grails versions running less than 3.x.x
I don't know too much about AXIS 2 SOAP and the mentioned addressing.mar file but if it's available in the project while building the war file you could use the grails.war.resources parameter in BuildConfig.groovy and simply copy it into the lib directory in the following way:
grails.war.resources = { stagingDir, args ->
copy(file: "path/to/addressing.mar", todir: "${stagingDir}/WEB-INF/lib/")
more info about grails.war.resources in the manual

How to use extensions

Could someone please explain how one uses the premake extensions. I added the eclipse extension in a directory under my premake installation. And in the premake script I added recuire "eclipse".
Running the script with premake5 eclipse, I get an error module "eclipse.lua" not found.
I added the path of the modules directory to my environment variables.
I'm using premake (premake5) on Windows 8.
addons need to reside in a folder. You need to create a "eclipse" folder, then copy all the files in it, and the "eclipse" folder should be located where premake can load it (either next the executable or some other place handled through environment variables)
I got this working by adding the full path to the require statement.
require "C:/premake/eclipse/eclipse"
and running the command as premake5 eclipse
Note: This plugin does not generate project files that one can import into Eclipse.

Change the location of the node_modules folder

I'm currently trying to migrate an old ASP.NET WebSite project to Visual Studio 2015. I'd like to use NPM/Gulp to automatically compile LESS files to CSS (this task was done by WebEssentials in VS 2013).
I added a package.json file to the project to load the required components. This creates a node_modules folder in the root of the WebSite project, and this is where my problem starts:
Since WebSite projects don't have a project file, all files (and sub-directories) found in the project root folder, are automatically part of the project. Due to the deeply nested directory structure inside node_modules, this leads to errors because of too long path names.
An easy workaround is to set the hidden attribute on the node_modules folder (but this has to be done manually by each developer).
Is there a way to tell NPM to put the node modules into another directory e.g. one level above the project (..\node_modules) where the solution file is?
Or is it possible to set the hidden attribute on a folder from a gulp-task (which runs when the project is loaded)?
Based on #Rik's answer, I was able to solve the problem:
Instead of adding the package.json and gulpfile.js into the WebSite project, I added them at the solution level (as solution items). This means, that the node_modules folder is now in the solution directory at the same level as the WebSite project(s).
The only other change was to modify the paths in gulpfile.js accordingly.
You might want to check out npm 3.0+. It installs the modules in a maximally flat structure. It should reduce the paths lengths in the module directory.
From the release notes
Flat, flat, flat!
Your dependencies will now be installed maximally flat. Insofar as is
possible, all of your dependencies, and their dependencies, and THEIR
dependencies will be installed in your project's node_modules folder
with no nesting. You'll only see modules nested underneath one another
when two (or more) modules have conflicting dependencies.
#3697 This will hopefully eliminate most cases where windows users ended up with paths that were too long for Explorer and other
standard tools to deal with.
#6912 (#4761 #4037) This also means that your installs will be deduped from the start.
#5827 This deduping even extends to git deps.
#6936 (#5698) Various commands are dedupe aware now.
This has some implications for the behavior of other commands:
npm uninstall removes any dependencies of the module that you specified that aren't required by any other module. Previously, it
would only remove those that happened to be installed under it,
resulting in left over cruft if you'd ever deduped.
npm ls now shows you your dependency tree organized around what requires what, rather than where those modules are on disk.
#6937 npm dedupe now flattens the tree in addition to deduping.
For upgrading the windows installation check out this package npm-windows-upgrade

Assetic dump uses same tmp folder for different Symfony2 projects

I've the following environment: One Apache2 Webserver on an Ubuntu machine with three vhosts (one vhost per project). Those three project run all on Symfony2 (but differnt versions, from 2.2 to 2.4). Each of the projects (and its paths) have an own user. I'm deploying the projects with capifony on this server, each has an own receipt.
Sass version
Sass 3.2.14 (Media Mark)
Imagine I'm deploying application 1 to the Webserver. When the deploymentprocess comes to dumping all production assets, its writing the temporary generated sass files into the following folder:
as user1.
If I'm deploying now application 2 to the Webserver, dumping the assets would like to write into the exactly same folder, this time as user2 and the following error occurs:
An error occurred while running:
* [err ::] '/usr/bin/ruby' '/usr/local/bin/sass' '--load-path' '/srv/vhosts/myproject.com/releases/20140619124055/app/../web/sass' '--scss' '--cache-location' '/tmp' '/tmp/assetic_sassbsrcle'
* [err ::]
* [err ::] Error Output:
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /tmp/600d657f6ac2358f30ba6bc0ab4cd7ffb6194ced/assetic_sassbsrclec20140619-27927-aw8xrk.lock
My workaround currently is, to remove this /tmp/600d657f6ac2358f30ba6bc0ab4cd7ffb6194ced folder every time before deployment.
I didn't find any pathconfiguration in the capifony receipts nor in the Symfony2 config files in all projects.
Any help is appreciated.
This has been referenced on the official assetic repository as an issue, as well. Since you can set sys_get_temp_dir() via the environment variable TMPDIR (among others), I would recommend doing that for your dump. You could base it off the current unix time, or the commit you're deploying, or a combination of the application, time, and intent. Really, anything could work. The line responsible for setting the cache location is here, in case you wanted to fork Assetic and change that, which is quite doable as well. I would suggest the TMPDIR route at first to confirm a potential fix.
Small edit, there is also this pull to semi-address this issue.

exclude directory from deployment (like tests)

i want to have a directory that is not deployed to the server, nor is it packaged to be sent to the clients.
I read the 'tests' dir behaves this way, but i don't want to store all my files that don't nee deployment in the tests dir. tests is just for tests...
I want to include my sass files (.scss) in my project, but only the compiled css needs to be deployed (I compile to client/style.css). All of the sass source files and compass configuration files don't need to be deployed anywhere.
How to do this?
I hope I don't need to stor everything in the tests dir...
As stated in this other SO, directories whose name start with a dot (Unix hidden directories) aren't included by meteor. I use it for my less partials: client/css/.partials/_<partial_name>.less.
You could modify Meteor's app/lib/bundler.js, line 37 to include your extension:
var ignore_files = [
/~$/, /^\.#/, /^#.*#$/,
/^\.DS_Store$/, /^ehthumbs\.db$/, /^Icon.$/, /^Thumbs\.db$/,
/^\.meteor$/, /* avoids scanning N^2 files when bundling all packages */
/^\.git$/, /* often has too many files to watch */
or you could make package.js for your sass files, using stylus as an example.
