Reporting URL of downloads in Data Studio when using Google Analytics 4 automatic enhanced measurement events? - google-analytics

I have setup a new Google Analytics 4 property and have enabled enhanced tracking, which records all downloads automatically. When using Google Data Studio, I can see 'file_download' events (so it's definitely working) and use this data to build my report.
I need to create a report that shows which files were downloaded each month for a specific page only. It's really easy to get the total number of downloads which occurred on that page, however, I can't for the life of me find any way to report what the destination URL or file name was.
According to the Analytics support pages, the event has a number of useful parameters (file_extension, file_name, link_classes, link_domain, link_id, link_text, link_url), however, I can't see any related options for these in the Data Studio reports.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. At this point, I'm almost tempted to disable the automatic tracking and do it all manually via Tag Manager again.

It is possible create reports with the useful parameters. However, you need to register the parameters in Google Analytics first.
To register the customer dimensions, navigate to "All events", click "Manage Custom Definitions", and add custom dimensions for each parameter. This article goes through the details of registering custom dimensions: In this example, I've registered three dimensions (one for each parameter):
Once the dimensions are registered, Google Analytics will record the dimensions going forward. You should be able to create reports on these dimensions in Data Studio the next day. Here's the example reports:


How to see the Firebase Event Analytics with custom parameters in CSV report?

We've developed a Flutter mobile App and we've firebase account.
For our App we need to add Firebase analytics for the App Events such as button clicks.
We've integrated the Analytics SDK in the Mobile App and created an Events with custom parameters and we can see the count of Events and Users counts in the Firebase Excel/CSV report but we're unable to see the custom parameters in the report.
Our requirement is to see the Events analytics reports with the custom parameters in CSV report without linking the Bigquery. Please advise with the steps.
Custom parameters are included in the download as a CSV report. You can actually replicate this using the Firebase demo project. Go to Analytics > Events > click on level_complete event. In the level_complete page, you will see the level_name parameter card and its values. When you download this as CSV, you can see the list of level_name values in the file with metrics such as the number of times it has been logged and number of users who logged it.
Please note that when you register custom parameters, a data card for each parameter is added to the related event-detail report. However, it may take up to 24 hours for the data card to appear. During this 24-hour period, you may see (not set) appear as a parameter value. Once that initial 24-hour period has passed, you will see the expected parameter values from that point forward. See this documentation for your reference.
For seeing parameters in firebase dashboard as well as in csv report first check if the event is triggered in DebugView and then you need to define some custom definitions.
In new custom definition choose from your previously given parameters. Normally it takes several hours to get the parameters in event parameter.
The parameter will be shown in Dashboard as event parameter after 24 hours and you can download it as CSV/pdf
Also for analyze data you can use Google Data Studio which imports your data from analytics and helps to generate different types of graphical reports according to your need.

why cant i find the parameter i use in analytics on data source?

I have a nice dashboard view with charts i wanted in google analytics. some of them are "sessions by traffic sources" and "sessions by device category".
All i want is to bring these charts into one page in google data studio, but i cant find anything about sessions or traffic sources under dimensions or metrics.They use the same database so why cant i find the same data in both software?
I get so many "Available fields" but they're all irrelevant to what I want to display
You're trying to edit your fields at too basic a level. The list of fields you're seeing when you add Google Analytics as a data source is ALL GA dimensions and metrics. Just click to add it as a data source, you do not want to try editing or choosing your dimensions and metrics at this point. Once you've connected the data source, you have all GA dimensions and metrics available to you, and you can just pick out what you want each table or chart to use from them.

In Google Analytics: How to combain data from several subdomains in one report?

My need is to combine the same type of data (Behaviour/Content drilldown) from two different subdomains on my site. (For instance Unique page views, etc.) The main site is and I need two combine to subdomains like and so the data can be seen in the same report, and then exported to .pdf.
But I simply cannot find out how to do this. I guess that this must be done through "custom reports". I have been informed that it should be possible in some way through using "the common denominator" in the URL (, but how?
Most thankful for any advice.
FYI what you're referring to is called a subfolder, a subdomain would be something like
To add to DalmTo's answer:
If different properties/tracking IDs (UA-XXXXXXX-X) were used
Google Data Studio: that's probably the easiest way to create reports from multiple properties. Just create 1 data source for each property and that's it.
Google Sheets with GA API add-on: if you prefer working with spreadsheets.
GA 360 (formerly GA Premium): it has a roll-up feature for cross-property reporting, but you have to pay several $K a months for 360
If you used the same property/tracking ID
Google Analytics reporting UI: go to Reports -> Behavior -> Site Content - Content Drilldown and you'll see a breakdown of top-level folders
Google Analytics API: you can still use Data Studio or Google Sheets options listed above or build your own solution
For all above options, the GA dimension you're looking for is called ga:pagePathLevel1 in the API, and Page path level 1 in the in the reporting interface.
Assuming that the data is being insert into different properties on Google analytics website then the simple answer is you cant. There is no way to analyse data between websites in the Google Analytics website.
You could attempt to use the Google Analytics API to extract some data out for each of the websites and analyze this data locally although I would personally question how useful any results you would get for comparing different websites would be.

is it possible to create an automated report that gives "all time" numbers for page views

I'm trying to create an automated weekly report in Google Analytics and send that to certain people that want to see their all time numbers. I only see the option to set up last 30 days, when setting up the report.
Is there any other way to get this? If not, what about creating a custom range that starts a certain date, but the end date should always be current date?
You can easily do this using the Google Analytics Core Reporting API. Just set the start-date to sometime prior to setting up your account (e.g. 2005-01-01) and set the end-date value to today.
If you want to automate reports, I suggest you check out the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on. It uses the Core Reporting API under the hood and was built to make tasks like this really easy.
Here's an introduction to the add-on and some videos explaining how to use it.

Using advanced filters - Google Analytics

A client I am working for has a requirement to use historical data in Google Analytics to present a report that shows them page views on a specific page, but only when refereed to said page from the homepage, basically like in-site ad tracking. I have discovered that I can create reports that are grouped on a user-defined variable, however I need previous data to also be included in this report, and therefore cannot simply define this inside of my Google Analytics call.
I have therefore been experimenting with Advanced filters, in an attempt to populated the user-defined field with a query-string variable. I have attached an image below illustrate my current configuration:
This configuration isn't populating the "User-Defined" field, and therefore not producing the desired results.
Any help would be appriciated.
Any filters you set will only be applied to new data, not historic.
Probably what you are after can be retrieved through the Analytics API (you can use the Query explorer for that).
Try the following:
dimensions: ga:nextPagePath
metrics: ga:uniquePageviews
filters: ga:previousPagePath=~<YOUR STARTING PAGE>;ga:nextPagePath=~page\=
sort: -ga:uniquePageviews
What the query is asking is "Which are the top pages that include 'page=' did users click on from your starting page?"
