is it possible to create an automated report that gives "all time" numbers for page views - google-analytics

I'm trying to create an automated weekly report in Google Analytics and send that to certain people that want to see their all time numbers. I only see the option to set up last 30 days, when setting up the report.
Is there any other way to get this? If not, what about creating a custom range that starts a certain date, but the end date should always be current date?

You can easily do this using the Google Analytics Core Reporting API. Just set the start-date to sometime prior to setting up your account (e.g. 2005-01-01) and set the end-date value to today.
If you want to automate reports, I suggest you check out the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on. It uses the Core Reporting API under the hood and was built to make tasks like this really easy.
Here's an introduction to the add-on and some videos explaining how to use it.


Explore Free Form report in Google Analytics

I am trying to generate a report using Google Analytics Explore tab using Free Form technique. Few weeks ago I could use Message name, stream name and time to see all the notification name, platform and total no of click. I exported the same to excel file.
but today when I tried to generate the same I couldn't find "Message Name" dimension. Is this field removed from pre defined/custom dimensions from GA? or am I doing something wrong?
My main purpose is to get all list of notifications sent via Firebase.
Any help will be deeply appreciated.
Given that you excluded the obvious issues like using the too-fresh data, the proper way to debug it is to export the data into a sample BQ table, then conduct exactly the same analysis that you're trying to conduct in GA4's explorer. From there, if your issue is with explorer's filters, you will quickly see it.
If, however, you're able to see your event properties in BQ, but not able to get the explorer to display them... Well, Google likely saved quite a lot of money on GA4. UA was pretty expensive. GA4 now introduces all these amazing features like data retention limits, properties' values cardinality bugs, odd inconsistencies between explore's reports and default reports and so on.
For now, the best way to really access your data minus all the artificial limitations of GA4 is to ETL your data from there either through the reporting API or exporting it to BQ.

Google Tag Manager click event tracking working but not displaying anywhere

I have successfully created a GTM trigger and tag using the click_text parameter. When I preview and when I published the change both were successful in showing up on my Google Analytics 4 debug and real time tabs. I cannot seem to find a recorded total for this new tag trigger in either GTM or GA4 anywhere. Does this exist in either of these, or do I need to create an event in GA4 unrelated to what I set up in GTM. I have read most of Google's provided documentation on this specific step and it stops flat at this step of things.
Thank you in advance.
If you see your event in real time data report in GA, you're good. The data is in that property. It, however, is not yet available for aggregation, so you won't be able to count them or use them in other reports.
You should wait up to two days for the data to be in the non-real time reports. Vast majority of the data will be available for aggregation in one day, however. Some starts showing up in hours. GA 360 (paid version of GA) shortens the two days to four hours until all data is there.
I'd also suggest using Adswerve plugin for GA debugging: it will print all DataLayer changes as well as everything that is being sent to GA in the console. It's much more comfortable than using real time hits report and it will show you all dimensions that are being sent to GA.

Reporting URL of downloads in Data Studio when using Google Analytics 4 automatic enhanced measurement events?

I have setup a new Google Analytics 4 property and have enabled enhanced tracking, which records all downloads automatically. When using Google Data Studio, I can see 'file_download' events (so it's definitely working) and use this data to build my report.
I need to create a report that shows which files were downloaded each month for a specific page only. It's really easy to get the total number of downloads which occurred on that page, however, I can't for the life of me find any way to report what the destination URL or file name was.
According to the Analytics support pages, the event has a number of useful parameters (file_extension, file_name, link_classes, link_domain, link_id, link_text, link_url), however, I can't see any related options for these in the Data Studio reports.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. At this point, I'm almost tempted to disable the automatic tracking and do it all manually via Tag Manager again.
It is possible create reports with the useful parameters. However, you need to register the parameters in Google Analytics first.
To register the customer dimensions, navigate to "All events", click "Manage Custom Definitions", and add custom dimensions for each parameter. This article goes through the details of registering custom dimensions: In this example, I've registered three dimensions (one for each parameter):
Once the dimensions are registered, Google Analytics will record the dimensions going forward. You should be able to create reports on these dimensions in Data Studio the next day. Here's the example reports:

Google Analytics Single Daily Report

Is there a way to send a daily report with the current date's traffic only (not the whole month)? For example, if the report is sent 2015/01/25, I'd like to see traffic from 2015/01/25. I know I can manually select the data range but I'm looking for something that will automatically send daily PDF email report for current day only.
In the Email dialog of the Custom Reporting section, you can select a frequency of Daily and that will send your report every day for the previous day's data. Usually this is what you want since data for today will not always be current or accurate.
If you really need today's data, you can use the Core Reporting API and set the value for the start-date and end-date parameters to 'today'.
If you want to automate this process without too much effort, I'd recommend checking out the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on, which uses the Core Reporting API behind the scenes. It won't email you reports, but you can do everything else you're asking.

How to include custom segments in the list of segments when querying the Google Analytics API?

This may be a possible duplicate of this question, but according to all the Google Analytics documentation I really should be able to pull my list of custom segments.
Since I have a very large list of them, it would be suboptimal for me to manually copy the segment ids over one at a time.
I'm following this walk through. Steps to reproduce:
Create a custom segment using date of first session in your Google Analytics account.
Authorize the Google Analytics guide to access your Google Analytics account.
Try their on-page query tester, and inspect whether your custom segment is there.
One thing I've already ruled out was the user that created the segment. I've manually created a segment with the same user that I'm querying the API with and it still does not show. Is there a flag I need to set somewhere to include custom segments?
It turns out that it will list some custom segments, but not ones created with date of first session, so this is a duplicate of this question, which means that there is a bug in the Google Analytics API.
There was a bug which is now fixed. So it is now possible to list the Date of Session Segments in the Google Analytics Management API by calling the segments.list() method.
So after days of trying to solve this one I've come to the conclusion that it cannot be done as asked.
There is, however, another way to do it. For every segment set up a daily (or weekly, etc) email report to a email as a TSV. In each email body specify the name of the segment so when you're consuming the emails you can know which segment the attached TSV is for. It doesn't look like the daily reports were designed with segments in mind, since non of the metadata included in the TSV mentions which segment it is for.
From there it's trivial. Connect to the email address using an IMAP client once a day and update the numbers.
Note that the daily email only contains the numbers for that day (not a specified range), so you'll need to first generate the report one time with the historical data to load in.
While hacky, one nice thing about this approach is that it keeps your reports in sync with your (faked through email) api code (provided you match the column headings in the TSV). So, if for example, a new filter is included into a report, the new daily fields will continue to update.
Unfortunately though, the past data won't be reflected in the change.
Obviously this isn't great, but if you are monitoring daily cohorts it's the best you've got if you need to stay with Google Analytics. I have raised this as a bug to the Google Analytics developers, but I haven't heard back as to whether or not they plan to fix it.
