Phone toggle menu disappear when on mobile devices - wordpress

The phone toggle menu has disappeared when using on mobile only. Suspected Plugin conflict. Steps taken so far:
Switched plugins on/off and then rechecked website to see if toggle menu in header appeared (did not work)
Rollback all plugins that had been automatically updated since the problem first arose ( plugins rolled back to previous versions when issue did not occur) - did not work.
N.B cache cleared every time an action was taken.
Any advice and guidance would be awesome!
Thank you


why mobile menu toggle button is not working?

My website’s menu is working on desktops and large screens. when I resize my browser to a small size or open my site on mobile then menu toggle button does not work and the menu dropdown does not show up.
My website running the latest Version: 3.2.4.
I also tried deactivating the plugins and clearing the cache but nothing works.
Before the update, I was facing the same issue but when updated to the latest issue goes away. now it’s back again.
To review the issue please check on the website.
Please help me.

Product list randomly disappearing in Woocommerce shop page with W3TC

I manage a Wordpress page that had this issue before, but after doing some caching configuration (W3TC) the product list in shop page started disappearing more frequently. The only thing that brings it back is opening the page in page editor and pressing "update", no changes should be made. Purging all cache also does not help (pages are built using DIVI page builder).
So far I have reverted all of the changes that were made before, but that has not decreased the frequency of the issue.
Because of the store being live, I am not inclined to do plugin uninstalls as it can damage the page even more (Issues of page CSS not loading properly were seen before, purging cache helped in that case)
One thing that I thought about is making some kind of script that updates the page automatically as a temporary solution (a new site is going to be made eventually)
What could be done to either troubleshoot this issue in safe way or at least create an automatic page update script?
-WordPress 5.1.1 running Divi theme, Woocommerce version 3.5.7-
You say page "started disappearing more frequently", do you mean page is loaded but content disappears or it whole page does not load?
Try turning off Minifying in W3TC. I had this problem few times and always a problem was typo in CSS.
In W3TC in General Setting there is possibility to enable Preview mode, turn this on always before deploying. Turn on preview mode, check if everything is Ok, test, search for bugs. And only when you are sure that everything works fine then deploy it.
Thank you Vladimir for the tip about preview mode. The bug unfortunately is not in the CSS though because minifying is not enabled in W3TC.
By "disappearing more frequently" I mean Header and Footer being fine and Body being only partly loaded - Broken page screenshot
However, I have tracked down the issue to woocommerce itself. It seems like the default set shop page is the one crashing regularly. I did not find solution to the initial problem, but I found a trick that works, at least for now.
I created a new Shop page, but instead of linking it in Woocommerce settings, I just included a [products] shortcode. The previous page is still active, but not visible to user. Even if the shop page itself crashes, products are still visible and purchases are possible.

Foundation press dropdown in Wordpress remains open all the time

Having an issue where my Wordpress dropdown built in the appearance menu section remains open in the primary navigation only on desktop; the mobile menu works as expected.
I'm using Foundation press v.6+. Don't think it's a JS issue since the mobile menu is working and i'm not getting any errors in the console. I have no live site link for an example unfortunately and am just working in localhost.
only active plugin is elementor and default wordpress plugins.
image of what the open drop down looks like
Just trying to find a solution to make the dropdown remain closed until clicked. I have been searching for hours and have found no solutions that work.
Turns out , top-bar-right , really dislikes flex properties. removing my display:inline-flex attribute solved my issue.

Links don't open new page in Safari Iphone browser unless you hold and select Open/Open in New Page

I am working with a Wordpress site, and recently the links have become deprecated in the mobile Safari browser. None of the links will allow you to click through with the usual touch gestures, though the links animate as if they have been clicked. The user now must hold down the link until Safari's menu pops up and select 'open'. My question is what could be causing this, and how do I fix it?
This happens occasionally with WP themes that come bundled with other plugins. The plugins that come in these bundles sometimes do not update properly or at all until the theme developers update the theme, causing glitches and compatibility issues. Not all themes are created equal.

Wordpress site not rendering properly on mobile

I am a newbie to wordpress development and somehow managed to put together a website -
However, I am simply not able to get this to work properly on a mobile device.
Have tried several plugins (e.g., WPtouch, WP Mobile detector etc.) which are supposed to help. Here when I tried WPtouch for the first time it went to a "mobile site" and was more or less responsive. There was also a button to switch to desktop site. I clicked this button and now I only see a distorted version of desktop website on mobile, but now I don't find the button to go back to mobile theme. I have tried deleting the plugin and reinstalling, deleting the "wptouch-data" folder etc hoping to clear the cache and several other tricks but nothing seems to bring back that button to switch between desktop and mobile themes.
Anyone who has some experience with WPtouch (or any other simple plugin you recommend) may perhaps tell me how to get that "switch mobile<->desktop" button back? For the moment I have disabled WPtouch on the website so you may not see it.
As a second option, it seems to me that only certain parts of the landing page need fixing (e.g., some CSS tinkering with the topmost part) and mostly it should be okay without really getting into the WPtouch stuff. Could someone please give me guidance with the CSS modifications needed to fix the issue?
Thanks so much.
Just click the "core settings" of Wptouch. Then you will see the general settings. There is a "Desktop / Mobile Switching" option under the "Landing page" option. Put a tick into "Show switch link in mobile view" box. I hope it will work for you
