Foundation press dropdown in Wordpress remains open all the time - wordpress

Having an issue where my Wordpress dropdown built in the appearance menu section remains open in the primary navigation only on desktop; the mobile menu works as expected.
I'm using Foundation press v.6+. Don't think it's a JS issue since the mobile menu is working and i'm not getting any errors in the console. I have no live site link for an example unfortunately and am just working in localhost.
only active plugin is elementor and default wordpress plugins.
image of what the open drop down looks like
Just trying to find a solution to make the dropdown remain closed until clicked. I have been searching for hours and have found no solutions that work.

Turns out , top-bar-right , really dislikes flex properties. removing my display:inline-flex attribute solved my issue.


why mobile menu toggle button is not working?

My website’s menu is working on desktops and large screens. when I resize my browser to a small size or open my site on mobile then menu toggle button does not work and the menu dropdown does not show up.
My website running the latest Version: 3.2.4.
I also tried deactivating the plugins and clearing the cache but nothing works.
Before the update, I was facing the same issue but when updated to the latest issue goes away. now it’s back again.
To review the issue please check on the website.
Please help me.

Widgets not working correctly, can't drag and drop widgets into sidebars

Unable to drag and drop widgets into sidebars from within wordpress. We have 60+ sidebars, so is this an issue? How can we fix it, thanks. It seems to be working fine for all the sidebars except the last few, we can't drag and drop anything successfully into those. When I try and drag widgets into those, the widgets are moved to the sidebar 3sidebars above.
Have already deactivated all plugins, but no difference.
Dashboard > Appearence > Widgets > Screen Option
Click on Disable accessibility mode.
Have you tried having your page refreshed? You should consider having a hard refresh on the page by using Ctrl + F5. I also encountered this and the solution I get is having my page hard refreshed.
I had a similar problem. I installed the Google Libraries Plugin and fixed this issue. You can download the plugin from this Link.
I believe that was some sort of JavaScript bug which was stopping JS from loading properly on the widgets page in the admin section.
This plugin is compatible upto 4.1.5. you can check using hit and trial iff it work with your wordpress version.
for my case, I close another application I'm using like photoshop or illustrator. it work for me

Links don't open new page in Safari Iphone browser unless you hold and select Open/Open in New Page

I am working with a Wordpress site, and recently the links have become deprecated in the mobile Safari browser. None of the links will allow you to click through with the usual touch gestures, though the links animate as if they have been clicked. The user now must hold down the link until Safari's menu pops up and select 'open'. My question is what could be causing this, and how do I fix it?
This happens occasionally with WP themes that come bundled with other plugins. The plugins that come in these bundles sometimes do not update properly or at all until the theme developers update the theme, causing glitches and compatibility issues. Not all themes are created equal.

Drupal 7 not showing submenus

I'm using drupal 7 in my website, today i did an update of all the modules and after that the submenus dont showing, I have checked "Show as expanded" so, where is the problem?
When i login as admin, the submenus work, but when i refresh the page after, the submenus dont work
This is my webpage
Thank you very much!
The menu doesn't have the classes that the superfish module's javascript is looking for.
Finally, i fix this problem installing the superfish module and their library. I has had to place one superfish menu block at the page.
Now i'm getting another problem with the slider, it seems like the problem is because the jquery version has been updated and the function .browser does not work now. I have loaded the files jquery migrate and the problem persists.

Drupal 6 - Menu disappearing issue

I am using Drupal6.
I have defined a menu in Site Building -> Menus called "sidebar link". Then I my code, I build that menu like "menu_tree('menu-sidebar-links');".
If I am on main page or sub page then I want that menu to expand. It WORKS.
HOWEVER, often it diappears. Menu stops expanding. And to fix that, I have to clear cache in Drupal and then it starts working again.
I found a potential fix at Drupal 6 fails to build menu router and links
But in this solution, that variable is only set when I run update. I tried it and it works. But on next load, it doesn't rebuild. So, somehow that variable is getting set to FALSE again. But I want it to rebuild every time, maybe just for one menu and not all (I have 3 menus and those are working fine as those just links and not child menus).
Can someone please suggest a fix?
PS: I am unable to provide a link because this code is being used in site redesign and its only accessible in internal network until it goes live.
