How to replace an SVG CSS background on hover? - css

Here, I'm trying to replace an existing SVG CSS background (GitHub icon) with another (magnifying glass icon) on :hover. The problem is that since I'm using before:, it is displaying both SVGs at once on :hover:
.partner-link:before {
content: "";
width: 60px;
height: 24px;
display: flex;
background: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,<svg viewBox='0 0 24 24' xmlns=''><path d='M12 .297c-6.63 0-12 5.373-12 12 0 5.303 3.438 9.8 8.205 11.385.6.113.82-.258.82-.577 0-.285-.01-1.04-.015-2.04-3.338.724-4.042-1.61-4.042-1.61C4.422 18.07 3.633 17.7 3.633 17.7c-1.087-.744.084-.729.084-.729 1.205.084 1.838 1.236 1.838 1.236 1.07 1.835 2.809 1.305 3.495.998.108-.776.417-1.305.76-1.605-2.665-.3-5.466-1.332-5.466-5.93 0-1.31.465-2.38 1.235-3.22-.135-.303-.54-1.523.105-3.176 0 0 1.005-.322 3.3 1.23.96-.267 1.98-.399 3-.405 1.02.006 2.04.138 3 .405 2.28-1.552 3.285-1.23 3.285-1.23.645 1.653.24 2.873.12 3.176.765.84 1.23 1.91 1.23 3.22 0 4.61-2.805 5.625-5.475 1.096.81 2.22 0 1.606-.015 2.896-.015 3.286 0 .315.21.69.825.57C20.565 22.092 24 17.592 24 12.297c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12' /></svg>") no-repeat;
background-position: right;
.partner-link:focus {
background: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg fill='red' xmlns=''><path d='M15.838,13.693l-2.785-2.786c0.705-1.102,1.121-2.408,1.121-3.813c0-3.911-3.17-7.081-7.081-7.081s-7.081,3.17-7.081,7.081c0,3.91,3.17,7.08,7.081,7.08c1.406,0,2.711-0.415,3.813-1.121l2.787,2.786c0.195,0.197,0.518,0.197,0.715,0l1.43-1.43C16.037,14.211,16.037,13.89,15.838,13.693z M7.093,12.15c-2.789,0-5.058-2.269-5.058-5.057c0-2.789,2.269-5.058,5.058-5.058c2.79,0,5.057,2.269,5.057,5.058C12.15,9.882,9.883,12.15,7.093,12.15z'/></svg>") no-repeat 0 0;
color: red;

Seems like you're looking to only change the pseudo-element on hover / focus. Note that you aren't hovering the :before element, but rather hovering its parent.
.partner-link:before {
content: "";
width: 60px;
height: 24px;
display: flex;
background: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,<svg viewBox='0 0 24 24' xmlns=''><path d='M12 .297c-6.63 0-12 5.373-12 12 0 5.303 3.438 9.8 8.205 11.385.6.113.82-.258.82-.577 0-.285-.01-1.04-.015-2.04-3.338.724-4.042-1.61-4.042-1.61C4.422 18.07 3.633 17.7 3.633 17.7c-1.087-.744.084-.729.084-.729 1.205.084 1.838 1.236 1.838 1.236 1.07 1.835 2.809 1.305 3.495.998.108-.776.417-1.305.76-1.605-2.665-.3-5.466-1.332-5.466-5.93 0-1.31.465-2.38 1.235-3.22-.135-.303-.54-1.523.105-3.176 0 0 1.005-.322 3.3 1.23.96-.267 1.98-.399 3-.405 1.02.006 2.04.138 3 .405 2.28-1.552 3.285-1.23 3.285-1.23.645 1.653.24 2.873.12 3.176.765.84 1.23 1.91 1.23 3.22 0 4.61-2.805 5.625-5.475 1.096.81 2.22 0 1.606-.015 2.896-.015 3.286 0 .315.21.69.825.57C20.565 22.092 24 17.592 24 12.297c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12' /></svg>") no-repeat;
background-position: right;
.partner-link:focus:before {
background: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg fill='red' xmlns=''><path d='M15.838,13.693l-2.785-2.786c0.705-1.102,1.121-2.408,1.121-3.813c0-3.911-3.17-7.081-7.081-7.081s-7.081,3.17-7.081,7.081c0,3.91,3.17,7.08,7.081,7.08c1.406,0,2.711-0.415,3.813-1.121l2.787,2.786c0.195,0.197,0.518,0.197,0.715,0l1.43-1.43C16.037,14.211,16.037,13.89,15.838,13.693z M7.093,12.15c-2.789,0-5.058-2.269-5.058-5.057c0-2.789,2.269-5.058,5.058-5.058c2.79,0,5.057,2.269,5.057,5.058C12.15,9.882,9.883,12.15,7.093,12.15z'/></svg>") no-repeat 0 0;
color: red;


QML how to use a dynamic topmargin correctly

I want to enlarge or reduce a button depending on the presence of an icon. The buttons are in a rectangle and I would like to realize it with the top margin, because the buttons also have rounded corners and only the top corners should be visible.
The goal is a representation like this
If I set the topmargin fix to 10 it looks good
If I calculate the value depending on whether an icon is present, the buttons without icon are correctly displayed deeper, but the buttons with icon sit too deep
Like the picture before the topmargin for the icon buttons is 10 but they are moved lower.
Any idea - the code for display.qml is reduced and does not show all the properties. if they are needed i will add them.
Rectangle {
id: button
property string p_identity
property string p_icon
property string p_source
property string p_backgroundColor
property int p_topmargin: 10
height: 70
width: 80
Layout.leftMargin: 25
Layout.topMargin: p_topmargin
color: p_backgroundColor
radius: 10
border.color: "black"
border.width: 0
Connections {
target: m_screen;
onScreenChanged: {
p_icon = m_screen.getButtonIcon(p_identity)
p_source = (!p_icon || p_icon.length === 0) ? "" : "image://iconprovider/" + p_icon)
// p_topmargin = 10
p_topmargin = (!p_icon || p_icon.length === 0) ? 45 : 10
Item {
id: footer
property string p_footerBackgroundColor: "yellow" //m_config.getColor(Colors.FooterBackground)
property string p_buttonBackgroundColor: m_config.getColor(Colors.ButtonBackground)
Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent; x: footer.x; y: footer.y; width: footer.width; height: footer.height; color: p_footerBackgroundColor
RowLayout{ anchors.fill: parent
FooterButton{ p_identity: "FB1"; p_backgroundColor: p_buttonBackgroundColor }
FooterButton{ p_identity: "FB2"; p_backgroundColor: p_buttonBackgroundColor }
FooterButton{ p_identity: "FB3"; p_backgroundColor: p_buttonBackgroundColor }
FooterButton{ p_identity: "FB4"; p_backgroundColor: p_buttonBackgroundColor }
FooterButton{ p_identity: "FB5"; p_backgroundColor: p_buttonBackgroundColor }
Item {
id: display
Header { x: 0; y: 0; width: display.width; height: p_headerHeight; visible: p_headerVisible; color: p_backgroundColor; p_buttonColor: p_buttonBackgroundColor }
Left { x: 0; y: p_headerHeight; width: p_borderWidth; height: p_contentHeight; color: "blue" }
Right { x: display.width - p_encoderWidth; y: p_headerHeight; width: p_encoderWidth; height: p_contentHeight; p_color: "magenta" }
Footer { x: 0; y: display.height - p_footerHeight; width: display.width; height: p_footerHeight; visible: p_footerVisible }
just making sure you're not over-engineering your problem, but, I want to point out that the standard Button has both icon support and the ability to change the background to a rounded Rectangle:
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
Page {
footer: Frame {
background: Rectangle {
color: "yellow"
RowLayout {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
spacing: 20
AppButton {
//icon.source: "hammer.svg"
AppButton {
//icon.source: "hammer.svg"
AppButton {
icon.source: "hammer.svg"
AppButton {
//icon.source: "hammer.svg"
AppButton {
icon.source: "check.svg"
// AppButton.qml
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
Button {
width: 100
height: 100
background: Rectangle {
color: pressed ? palette.mid : palette.button
radius: 20
icon.source: "blank.svg"
icon.width: 64
icon.height: 64
// blank.svg
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
// hammer.svg
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M29.64 25.462c-1.186-1.62-3.535-4.176-6.254-7.136-2.657-2.893-5.671-6.173-8.066-9.11a3.883 3.883 0 0 1-1.044-1.531 6.899 6.899 0 0 0-.215-1.271 3.427 3.427 0 0 1-.08-.348 7.985 7.985 0 0 1 3.153-1.61 25.43 25.43 0 0 1 4.095-.527l1.08-.043-1.14-1.239-.148-.035a24.293 24.293 0 0 0-5.123-.606A13.096 13.096 0 0 0 7.53 4.82c-.225.2-1.433 1.478-1.338 2.334.078.73-.212.949-.792 1.383a8.35 8.35 0 0 0-.558.444c-1.468-.125-1.92.252-3.014 1.16l-.39.32-.095.105a1.472 1.472 0 0 0-.277 1.24 7.214 7.214 0 0 0 2.294 3.029 2.25 2.25 0 0 0 2.404-.483 18.003 18.003 0 0 0 1.577-2.018 2.67 2.67 0 0 1 1.633-1.26 12.815 12.815 0 0 1 2.588.88c. 4.108 5.004 6.896 8.936 8.93 11.807 1.401 1.976 2.413 3.404 3.3 4.412l.912 1.038a1.935 1.935 0 0 0 1.362.651l.078.001a1.939 1.939 0 0 0 1.334-.534l1.548-1.486a1.927 1.927 0 0 0 .22-2.52zM12.059 11.028l-.029.034c-.03-.012-.052-.018-.088-.033a10.285 10.285 0 0 0-3-.954 3.577 3.577 0 0 0-2.454 1.738 21.031 21.031 0 0 1-1.375 1.786c-.605.434-.936.519-1.313.338a6.931 6.931 0 0 1-1.792-2.446.85.85 0 0 1 .125-.305l.334-.275c1.045-.867 1.228-1.021 2.299-.933a1.02 1.02 0 0 0 .738-.247A7.72 7.72 0 0 1 6 9.337a2.27 2.27 0 0 0 1.186-2.288A3.785 3.785 0 0 1 8.19 5.571a12.232 12.232 0 0 1 7.706-2.565 20.9 20.9 0 0 1 2.624.178c-.523.076-1.076.173-1.614.298A9.024 9.024 0 0 0 13.34 5.3a1.176 1.176 0 0 0-.25 1.356 5.831 5.831 0 0 1 .19 1.1 3.345 3.345 0 0 0 .842 1.625 9.48 9.48 0 0 0-.994.683 7.036 7.036 0 0 0-1.068.964zm16.668 16.234l-1.547 1.485a.945.945 0 0 1-.678.256.924.924 0 0 1-.652-.312l-.912-1.038c-.853-.97-1.905-2.452-3.236-4.33-2.018-2.848-4.78-6.742-8.838-11.696a6.433 6.433 0 0 1 .875-.772 8.145 8.145 0 0 1 .964-.66l.09-.05C17.14 13 20.06 16.182 22.65 19.001c2.7 2.939 5.032 5.477 6.184 7.051a.923.923 0 0 1-.106 1.209z"/><path fill="none" d="M0 0h32v32H0z"/></svg>
// check.svg
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M13.5 22.142L7.59 16.42l.636-.636L13.5 20.87 26.721 7.8l.637.637z"/><path fill="none" d="M0 0h32v32H0z"/></svg>
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Style mat input on error (adding a mat icon to input field on error)

I'm trying to style my mat input field on an error by adding an error icon next to the clear field icon like this:
I can't find any way to add the icon. Thank you for your help in advance.
(click)="value = ''"
کلمه جدید
کلمه ورودی قبلا وارد شده‌است
::ng-deep .mat-error {
text-align: right;
font-size: 12px;
:host ::ng-deep .mat-form-field-appearance-outline.mat-form-field-invalid .mat-form-field-outline- thick,
:host ::ng-deep .mat-form-field.mat-form-field-invalid .mat-form-field-label,
.mat-error {
color: var(--error) !important;
Take a look how bootstrap make it in the docs
then, instead use as class is_invalid you can use {
border-color: #dc3545;
padding-left: calc(1.5em + .75rem) !important;
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='' width='12' height='12' fill='none' stroke='%23dc3545' viewBox='0 0 12 12'%3e%3ccircle cx='6' cy='6' r='4.5'/%3e%3cpath stroke-linejoin='round' d='M5.8 3.6h.4L6 6.5z'/%3e%3ccircle cx='6' cy='8.2' r='.6' fill='%23dc3545' stroke='none'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: leftcalc(.375em + .1875rem) center;
background-size: calc(.75em + .375rem) calc(.75em + .375rem);
NOTE: I change the rigth by left in padding and position the image
NOTE2: you can use any svg, e.g.
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='' width='16' height='16' fill='%23dc3545' stroke='none' viewBox='0 0 16 16'><path d='M16 8A8 8 0 1 1 0 8a8 8 0 0 1 16 0zM8 4a.905.905 0 0 0-.9.995l.35 3.507a.552.552 0 0 0 1.1 0l.35-3.507A.905.905 0 0 0 8 4zm.002 6a1 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0-2z'/></svg>");
If we are working with material angular, we need take account the "floating label"
So, we can use in styles.css {
border-color: #dc3545;
padding-left: calc(1.5em) !important;
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='' width='16' height='16' fill='%23dc3545' stroke='none' viewBox='0 0 16 16'><path d='M16 8A8 8 0 1 1 0 8a8 8 0 0 1 16 0zM8 4a.905.905 0 0 0-.9.995l.35 3.507a.552.552 0 0 0 1.1 0l.35-3.507A.905.905 0 0 0 8 4zm.002 6a1 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0-2z'/></svg>");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: left center;
background-size: calc(.75em + .375rem) calc(.75em + .375rem);
} .mat-mdc-floating-label.mdc-floating-label:not(.mdc-floating-label--float-above) {
transform: translate(1.5em,-.15rem);
See stackblitz

Centering moving SVG

I've been trying to get this SVG animation of a washing machine, I'm almost there, but CSS is not my strong suit and I can center the moving tumble. Am I missing something obvious?
<svg viewBox="0 0 20 30">
#keyframes rotate {
0% {
visibility: visible;
transform: rotate(0deg);
100% {
transform: rotate(1080deg);
.on_no_delay {
animation: rotate 1.8s linear infinite;
transform-origin: center;
fill: #5daeea;
will-change: transform;
<path fill="#5daeea" d="M15.2,10.45,6.37,1.28h12a2,2,0,0,1,2,2v16a2,2,0,0,1-2,2h-12a2,2,0,0,1-2-2v-16a2,2,0,0,1,2-2m1,2a1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0-1-1m3,0a1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0-1-1M7,10.51A6,6,0,1,0,15.14,8,6,6,0,0,0,7,10.51Z"/>
<g class="tumble on_no_delay"><path d="M14.83,11.17a4,4,0,1,1-7.66,7.66l5.66-5.66"/></g>
If you prepared svg properly, you wouldn't have this problem.
See what svg looks like when opened in a graphics program.
And it should be in this format.
Below the solution:
<svg viewBox="0 0 50 63">
#keyframes rotate {
0% {
visibility: visible;
transform: rotate(0deg);
100% {
transform: rotate(1080deg);
.on_no_delay {
animation: rotate 5s linear infinite;
transform-origin: center 60%;
fill: #5daeea;
will-change: transform;
<path d="M33.844 28.656 6.25 0h37.5C47.179 0 50 2.821 50 6.25v50c0 3.429-2.821 6.25-6.25 6.25H6.25C2.821 62.5 0 59.679 0 56.25v-50C0 2.821 2.821 0 6.25 0m3.125 6.25A3.14 3.14 0 0 0 6.25 9.375 3.14 3.14 0 0 0 9.375 12.5 3.14 3.14 0 0 0 12.5 9.375 3.14 3.14 0 0 0 9.375 6.25m9.375 0a3.14 3.14 0 0 0-3.125 3.125A3.14 3.14 0 0 0 18.75 12.5a3.14 3.14 0 0 0 3.125-3.125A3.14 3.14 0 0 0 18.75 6.25M8.219 28.844a18.745 18.745 0 0 0-2.14 8.698c0 10.286 8.464 18.75 18.75 18.75s18.75-8.464 18.75-18.75A18.774 18.774 0 0 0 33.656 21a18.755 18.755 0 0 0-8.827-2.208 18.772 18.772 0 0 0-16.61 10.052Z" style="fill:#5daeea;" />
<path class="tumble on_no_delay" d="M36.986 25.953a16.932 16.932 0 0 1 4.957 11.969c0 9.285-7.641 16.926-16.926 16.926a16.933 16.933 0 0 1-11.969-4.958l17.688-17.687" />

Problème with media queries that does not activate

I train my CSS by making models of site or others already created. Currently, I am training with media queries and I have a problem is that it does not apply.
Before posting this message I created a simple page with a div containing two to see how the breakpoints worked and I got there but on this page I can't.
Could you tell me why nothing is happening?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, shrink-to-fit=no" />
<!-- displays site properly based on user's device -->
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="./images/favicon-32x32.png" />
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<button onclick="toggleElement('btnFaq3')" id="btnFaq3" class="btnFaq">
How do I reset my password?
<svg class="iconButton" width="10" height="7" xmlns="">
<path d="M1 .799l4 4 4-4" stroke="#F47B56" stroke-width="2" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" />
<p id="textRightSide3" class="hiddenElement">
Click “Forgot password” from the login page or “Change password”
from your profile page. A reset link will be emailed to you.
<div class="divider"></div>
<button onclick="toggleElement('btnFaq4')" id="btnFaq4" class="btnFaq">
Can I cancel my subscription?
<svg class="iconButton" width="10" height="7" xmlns="">
<path d="M1 .799l4 4 4-4" stroke="#F47B56" stroke-width="2" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" />
<p id="textRightSide4" class="hiddenElement">
Yes! Send us a message and we’ll process your request no questions
<div class="divider"></div>
<button onclick="toggleElement('btnFaq5')" id="btnFaq5" class="btnFaq">
Do you provide additional support?
<svg class="iconButton" width="10" height="7" xmlns="">
<path d="M1 .799l4 4 4-4" stroke="#F47B56" stroke-width="2" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" />
<p id="textRightSide5" class="hiddenElement">
Chat and email support is available 24/7. Phone lines are open
during normal business hours.
<div class="divider"></div>
Refer the jsFiddle:
Read your code more attentively before asking, you wrote with instead of width in the #media rule.

SVG inlined in CSS works in Chrome/Edge but not in Firefox [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to use a hex value for SVG in FireFox
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have the following code to display icons. The GitHub icon doesn't work on Firefox but works on Chrome and Edge. Strangely, the Google icon works on all browsers!
.github-icon {
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 1792 1792' xmlns='' %3E%3Cpath fill='#fff' d='M1664 896q0 251-146.5 451.5t-378.5 277.5q-27 5-39.5-7t-12.5-30v-211q0-97-52-142 57-6 102.5-18t94-39 81-66.5 53-105 20.5-150.5q0-121-79-206 37-91-8-204-28-9-81 11t-92 44l-38 24q-93-26-192-26t-192 26q-16-11-42.5-27t-83.5-38.5-86-13.5q-44 113-7 204-79 85-79 206 0 85 20.5 150t52.5 105 80.5 67 94 39 102.5 18q-40 36-49 103-21 10-45 15t-57 5-65.5-21.5-55.5-62.5q-19-32-48.5-52t-49.5-24l-20-3q-21 0-29 4.5t-5 11.5 9 14 13 12l7 5q22 10 43.5 38t31.5 51l10 23q13 38 44 61.5t67 30 69.5 7 55.5-3.5l23-4q0 38 .5 89t.5 54q0 18-13 30t-40 7q-232-77-378.5-277.5t-146.5-451.5q0-209 103-385.5t279.5-279.5 385.5-103 385.5 103 279.5 279.5 103 385.5z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E%0A");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-color: dimgray;
.google-icon {
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='-60 -60 710.117 710.117' %3E%3Cpath fill='%23fff' fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='M516.375,255v-76.5h-51V255h-76.5v51h76.5v76.5h51V306h76.5v-51H516.375z M320.025,341.7l-28.051-20.4%0Ac-10.2-7.649-20.399-17.85-20.399-35.7s12.75-33.15,25.5-40.8c33.15-25.5,66.3-53.55,66.3-109.65c0-53.55-33.15-84.15-51-99.45%0Ah43.35l30.6-35.7h-158.1c-112.2,0-168.3,71.4-168.3,147.9c0,58.65,45.9,122.4,127.5,122.4h20.4c-2.55,7.65-10.2,20.4-10.2,33.15%0Ac0,25.5,10.2,35.7,22.95,51c-35.7,2.55-102,10.2-150.45,40.8c-45.9,28.05-58.65,66.3-58.65,94.35%0Ac0,58.65,53.55,114.75,168.3,114.75c137.7,0,204.001-76.5,204.001-150.449C383.775,400.35,355.725,372.3,320.025,341.7z%0AM126.225,109.65c0-56.1,33.15-81.6,68.85-81.6c66.3,0,102,89.25,102,140.25c0,66.3-53.55,79.05-73.95,79.05%0AC159.375,247.35,126.225,168.3,126.225,109.65z M218.024,568.65c-84.15,0-137.7-38.25-137.7-94.351c0-56.1,51-73.95,66.3-81.6%0Ac33.15-10.2,76.5-12.75,84.15-12.75s12.75,0,17.85,0c61.2,43.35,86.7,61.2,86.7,102C335.324,530.4,286.875,568.65,218.024,568.65z%0A'/%3E%3C/svg%3E%0A");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-color: red;
Found it. # should be replaced with %23
