Avia layout builder can't remove tabs from tab section - wordpress

Hi ive just recently started using wordpress to edit my webpages for my job. I'm just trying to remove a single tab from the tab section. Howerver there isn't a x icon on the tabs i want to remove. Even thought i can edit the tab section there is not an option for removing child tabs. Only solution i have found was to create a whole new tab section and to manually create and copy the info by hand to the new tabs. It has over 12 tabs so i want to be faster and more efficient.
enter image description here

Hope you found an answer by now. There is a delete button--in a unintuitive location.
I'm having trouble with these tabs since I can't figure out where or how to add content. I see the box but can't enter any text or links from the tabs. I'll make a standalone post to see if someone can help explain what I'm doing wrong.


no template defined wordpress masterstudy

I'm trying to do the layout of a course on masterstudy in wordpress, but I'd like to make a template for certain parts of the course, lets say for example when I hover over the title, show an image, when I click on a paragraph, make another one appear next to it etc... I think it is possible to have shortcuts for these and not have to copy paste the code each time I want to have these effects. I think this icon(see image) might do the trick (not sure) but I can't seem to save a template in my dashboard. So if it is indeed this button, can you please explain me how to save templates, and if it is not the solution can you explain me where to look ? The screenshot shows the Tiny MCE editor
Thanks screenshot

Create a Menu inside a Menu in flexdashboard - R

I'm creating a Dashboard in R with flexdashboard. I have a drop down menu (See Image 1). I want to create a menu inside the menu (See Image 2). It is possible with this library?
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do this just with the regular flexdashboard commands. The only alternatives I see:
Shiny + Flexdashboard
You can combine Flexdashboard with Shiny in order to add this submenus (consider this possibility).
If you don't need to show so many charts/plots in this sub-submenu's pages, a possibility that might suit you is combining the dropdown menu option with tab-panels in the main page. Please check Flexdashboard Layout documentation (btw, it's also possible with shiny)
Editing Flexdashboard CSS/HTML code
I am not really sure about it but, as you can change the color or resize the text editing the CSS-HTML code, you should be able to do what it (remember you can add your own custom CSS file). Try to look for web page front-end solutions to what you are looking for and try to edit the code by your own. Maybe this would help you
Sorry for this poorly edited answer, this is my first answer in stackoverflow.

Need to center widgets

I have tried: http://www.w3.org/Style/Examples/007/center.en.html. I am a newbie and still learning. Nothing works. Even tried to no avail. It stays to the left!
I am using Cm4all and do the widgets manually in File Manager with Netfirms. They had me:
Log into the control panel with your account username and password.
Click on ‘FileManager’ under ‘Website’.
Click on ‘Settings’.
Check the checkbox ‘Use Richtext Editor’.
I also called the number you instructed and they said:
centering big groups of content, or centering groups of one specific object on your site can be done with divs and css.
Here are some hyperlinks to instructions/tutorials for common website operations like this.
They gave me three links but can't post the question with the links, says I need at least 10 reputation to post more than 2 links.
Nothing I do will make it leave the left side!!

Facebook custom tab for app

I developing a facebook app for my university's library, the problem is that I want 5 different tabs in my app and every tab, I have used command in index.php file but It show command error. I dun know how can I create tabs or menu in my own app. I have found many tutorials regarding adding tabs in facebook page. But i am unable to find any tutorial which guide me how to write code to create tabs in facebook app.
Someone please help me.
You will have to create an app, before you can add it as a tab to a Facebook page.
Perhaps there are some vocabulary / language issues here. Please clarify.
When you say "tab", do you mean five elements that would create five links to the left side FB menu inside a fanpage
do you mean a "menu" of five distinct "screenviews" inside one url that creates one link in the left side menu ?
Both can be done.

how to make a tabbed page, when you have 6-7 pages to load?(css/jquery)

i want to make a css/jquery tabbed for an "Admin panel", so it will all be loaded without the need to refresh.
im going to do it dynamicly but its a small exercise site so i know ill have only 3-4 main "areas" to edit in the panel (the tabs in the top).
the thing is i have other links for each editing area.
is there a way to do it with jquery, without the need of putting all the code in 1 page, in 3-4 divs and make them all invisble except the tabed being choosen(like ive seen in examples)?
in examples i saw all the content in one page, and if adding the top tabs and also the pages of each area(lets say delete, edit etc) its alot of code.
is there a comfortable way of doing it, while being able to make it dynamicly in the future?
edit to answers:
i already made tab from the this tutorial:
the thing is, at first in the admin menu i have like 13-14 html pages(before it becomes php) with different operations.
how would you take 13 pieces of code(they have the layout and the admin+admin menu yet the content is changed) that should be in different files, and make them show up in the same tab?
would you have to split each code to only its div, and then load it someway?
from the tutorial above, they used all of the content in one page and used invisible......
how would you load 13 pieces?
Have a look at the jQuery UI Tab Widget:
you can load the tab content statically or dynamically with AJAX
it uses the jQuery CSS framework
it's easy and full of sample code
