Facebook custom tab for app - facebook-php-sdk

I developing a facebook app for my university's library, the problem is that I want 5 different tabs in my app and every tab, I have used command in index.php file but It show command error. I dun know how can I create tabs or menu in my own app. I have found many tutorials regarding adding tabs in facebook page. But i am unable to find any tutorial which guide me how to write code to create tabs in facebook app.
Someone please help me.

You will have to create an app, before you can add it as a tab to a Facebook page.

Perhaps there are some vocabulary / language issues here. Please clarify.
When you say "tab", do you mean five elements that would create five links to the left side FB menu inside a fanpage
do you mean a "menu" of five distinct "screenviews" inside one url that creates one link in the left side menu ?
Both can be done.


Avia layout builder can't remove tabs from tab section

Hi ive just recently started using wordpress to edit my webpages for my job. I'm just trying to remove a single tab from the tab section. Howerver there isn't a x icon on the tabs i want to remove. Even thought i can edit the tab section there is not an option for removing child tabs. Only solution i have found was to create a whole new tab section and to manually create and copy the info by hand to the new tabs. It has over 12 tabs so i want to be faster and more efficient.
enter image description here
Hope you found an answer by now. There is a delete button--in a unintuitive location.
I'm having trouble with these tabs since I can't figure out where or how to add content. I see the box but can't enter any text or links from the tabs. I'll make a standalone post to see if someone can help explain what I'm doing wrong.

opencms workspace (edit buttons) not displaying

I am a newbie in opencms in Tomcat6. I got assigned to review an issue that one of the project is encountering.
In opencms, after we login as Admin to edit the content, the button (a red and white small circle) at the top right hand corner is not showing. Usually, when the button is available (after login), other icons are shown at the top of the page (e.g. edit, info etc) to manage the content.
Please let me know if have any idea.
Thanks in advance ... DB
Did you checked if you´re in the offline Project? You can switch between Online and Offline. When you are in the Online Project you cant edit anything.

Can someone please explain how to integrate open graph & Like button into wordpress?

I am trying to implement Open Graph and the “Like” button on my wordpress website. I want to have the Like button positioned directly beneath a youtube video posted on one of my wordpress pages.
I have watched the facebook open graph video explaining the code to put onto your page, but it doesn’t explain how to do it in wordpress. I have researched several wordpress plugins that implement open graph into your site, but they all seem to take data from the site itself and automatically implement it into the open graph data. It also seems to me that using the “Like” button wordpress plugins, the like button is automatically placed either at the top or bottom of the page or in the sidebar.
Can anyone please help me understand exactly how to implement the open graph code into wordpress in a manner where I can control all the parameters of the code (image, url, site name, description, etc), and how to implement the Like button directly underneath of the video on my webpage?
It doesn't matter if it's "for Wordpress" or not. Wordpress is a framework, not a language. Use the Like Button Tool to generate the code you need for ANY Page - Wordpress or otherwise - and read up on the Open Graph Protocol to give you an idea on how to write your <head> section.
Facebook's Debugging Tool will also help you with any caching issues you may be experiencing, along with lots of extra information you might find useful in regards to your website.

Add share button to app page

I have created my app which just shows an image. Below the image I would like to invite people to Share by displaying a Share button. If they do share, the image is replaced by another image. I have worked out how to display the Share button but I can't work out how to display the next image if they have shared. I'm new to app development and will appreciate any assistance. Maybe there is a tutorial somewhere that I have been unable to find.
By sharing do you mean liking? If so, then search for fan-gate.
Here's a great tutorial on it:

adding an application to a profile tab in facebook

I have created an application which needs to have a profile box tab which has a link in it pointing to the main application.
However I've tried to add the application to the tab as you can see in the screenshot but it doesn't seem to be appearing as a tab (there is not mention of the application within the tabs).
Can anyone shed some light?
The solution I found in the end was to use the static fbml apllication.
