I simulated some data and created a graph network in R using visnetwork:
#create file from which to sample from
x5 <- sample(1:100, 1100, replace=T)
#convert to data frame
x5 = as.data.frame(x5)
#create first file (take a random sample from the created file)
a = sample_n(x5, 1000)
#create second file (take a random sample from the created file)
b = sample_n(x5, 1000)
c = cbind(a,b)
#create dataframe
c = data.frame(c)
#rename column names
colnames(c) <- c("a","b")
#create graph
graph <- graph.data.frame(c, directed=F)
graph <- simplify(graph)
fc <- fastgreedy.community(graph)
V(graph)$community <- fc$membership
nodes <- data.frame(id = V(graph)$name, title = V(graph)$name, group = V(graph)$community)
nodes <- nodes[order(nodes$id, decreasing = F),]
edges <- get.data.frame(graph, what="edges")[1:2]
#visnet graph
visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>% visIgraphLayout(layout = "layout_with_fr") %>%
visOptions(highlightNearest = TRUE, nodesIdSelection = TRUE)
Right now, the graph only displays node information when you click on it. Suppose if each node had observed properties in the "original file". E.g.
#add some information corresponding to the original data
other_damages_in_dollars <- rnorm(1000,104,9)
location <- c("canada","usa")
location <- sample(location, 1000, replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.3, 0.7))
type_of_house <- c("single","townhome", "rental" )
type_of_house<- sample(type_of_house , 1000, replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.5, 0.3, 0.2))
#heres how the original data would have looked like
original_data = data.frame(a,b, other_damages_in_dollars, location, type_of_house)
Is there a way to add this information when you click on each node?
#visnet graph - is it possible to use the '$' operator to add these properties?
visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>% visIgraphLayout(layout = "layout_with_fr") %>%
%>% visOptions(highlightNearest = TRUE, nodesIdSelection = TRUE)visEvents(selectEdge = "function(properties) { alert(this.body.data.edges._data[properties.edges[0]].original_data$location); }") %>% visOptions(highlightNearest = TRUE, nodesIdSelection = TRUE)visEvents(selectEdge = "function(properties) { alert(this.body.data.edges._data[properties.edges[0]].original_data$type_of_house); }") %>% visOptions(highlightNearest = TRUE, nodesIdSelection = TRUE)visEvents(selectEdge = "function(properties) { alert(this.body.data.edges._data[properties.edges[0]].original_data$other_damage_in_dollars); }")
You don't need an event. This is built into many of the vis.js elements.
So, I'll start with designing the content of my tooltip. Of the 1000 rows you made of location, home types, and costs, I created a subset with the same number of rows as there are nodes. This is what will be shown in my tooltip.
newTitle = paste0("Location: ", toupper(location[1:nrow(nodes)]),
"<br>Home Type: ", type_of_house[1:nrow(nodes)],
"<br>Damage Related Costs: ",
sprintf("$%.2f", other_damages_in_dollars[1:nrow(nodes)]))
#check it; looks okay
Now I'm going to make my tooltips the titles of my nodes.
# replace the node titles:
nodes$title = newTitle
Call the network and click anywhere on the graph once to activate it. Now you just have to hover....(note the blue box, that means it's listening). There are a lot of nodes really close together, so there will be a bit of delayed response when you move from node to node.
You can get rid of the need to click to activate with visOptions(clickToUse = F).
visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>% visIgraphLayout(layout = "layout_with_fr")
I didn't go through all of the code in the original question; there's a lot! I'm going to include what I ran before creating my graph, so you know what was in and what was not. This code is not changed from your question.
#create file from which to sample from
x5 <- sample(1:100, 1100, replace=T)
#convert to data frame
x5 = as.data.frame(x5)
#create first file (take a random sample from the created file)
a = sample_n(x5, 1000)
#create second file (take a random sample from the created file)
b = sample_n(x5, 1000)
c = cbind(a,b)
#create dataframe
c = data.frame(c)
#rename column names
colnames(c) <- c("a","b")
#create graph
graph <- graph.data.frame(c, directed=F)
graph <- simplify(graph)
fc <- fastgreedy.community(graph)
V(graph)$community <- fc$membership
nodes <- data.frame(id = V(graph)$name, title = V(graph)$name, group = V(graph)$community)
nodes <- nodes[order(nodes$id, decreasing = F),]
edges <- get.data.frame(graph, what="edges")[1:2]
#add some information corresponding to the original data
other_damages_in_dollars <- rnorm(1000,104,9)
location <- c("canada","usa")
location <- sample(location, 1000, replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.3, 0.7))
type_of_house <- c("single","townhome", "rental" )
type_of_house<- sample(type_of_house , 1000, replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.5, 0.3, 0.2))
#heres how the original data would have looked like
original_data = data.frame(a,b, other_damages_in_dollars, location, type_of_house)
I have a network diagram with a fairly large amount of nodes (~600), each node having some data, including an ID and its name.
I want to be able to run a very simple function when double-clicking on a specific node.
For that purpose, I have followed the instructions from this thread.
Using the code provided:
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
getDiagramPlot <- function(nodes, edges){
v <- visNetwork(
) %>%
visPhysics(stabilization = TRUE, enabled = TRUE) %>%
visOptions(highlightNearest = list(enabled = T, degree = 1, hover = F), autoResize = TRUE, collapse = FALSE) %>%
visEdges(color = list(highlight = "red")) %>% # The colour of the edge linking nodes
visLayout(improvedLayout = TRUE) %>%
visEdges(arrows = edges$arrows) %>%
visInteraction(multiselect = F) %>%
visEvents(doubleClick = "function(nodes) {
Shiny.onInputChange('current_node_id', nodes.nodes);
testFunction <- function(node_id){
print(paste("The selected node ID is:", node_id))
nodes <- data.frame(id = 1:3, label = 1:3)
edges <- data.frame(from = c(1,2), to = c(1,3))
output$network <- renderVisNetwork(
getDiagramPlot(nodes, edges)
shinyApp(ui, server)
The codes works well but when I replace the simple nodes and edges dataframe provided as example by my data (much larger network) then the code doesn't work anymore (nothing gets printed in the console when I double-click on any nodes).
Would anyone know why the code is not running with my data ?
Here is the adjustments that should be done to the code below:
# nodes <- data.frame(id = 1:3, label = 1:3)
# edges <- data.frame(from = c(1,2), to = c(1,3))
Best wishes,
I have tried:
adding more columns to the example nodes/edges (group, value, color, etc.) and the codes still runs well.
restricting my larger nodes/edges dataframes respectively to the "id", "label" and "from", "to" columns (same as example data) but the codes still fails.
I wonder whether the problem comes from the size of the dataframe.
I am using sankeyNetwork() from the networkD3 package for visualizing some data. I was wondering if theres a way to "isolate" a branch from start to finish, ignoring the irrelevant links.
Example: I've got this: SankeyGot
And I want to extract this: SankeyWant
reproducible example:
df <- tibble(
source = sample(stringr::words, 5) %>% rep(2),
target = c(sample(words, 7), source[1:3]),
values = rnorm(10, 10, 7) %>% round(0) %>% abs)
nodes <- data.frame(names = unique(c(df$source, df$target)))
links <- tibble(
source = match(
df$source, nodes$names) -1,
target = match(
df$target, nodes$names) -1,
value = df$values
sankeyNetwork(Links = links, Nodes = nodes, Source = "source",
Target = "target", Value = "value", NodeID = "names",
iterations = 64, sinksRight = F, fontSize = 14)
I'd like to be able to filter out "name" for example and get everything that connects to that on all levels upstream and downstream - how would i go about doing this?
Calculating the paths from a node in a graph is non-trivial, but the igraph package can help with the all_simple_paths(). However, heed that warning in the help file...
Note that potentially there are exponentially many paths between two
vertices of a graph, and you may run out of memory when using this
function, if your graph is lattice-like.
(I don't know what your words vector is, so I recreated the links data.frame manually)
df <- read.csv(header = TRUE, text = "
df$values <- rnorm(10, 10, 7) %>% round(0) %>% abs()
# use graph to calculate the paths from a node
graph <- graph_from_data_frame(df)
start_node <- "name"
# get nodes along a uni-directional path going IN to the start_node
connected_nodes_in <-
all_simple_paths(graph, from = start_node, mode = "in") %>%
unlist() %>%
names() %>%
# get nodes along a uni-directional path going OUT of the start_node
connected_nodes_out <-
all_simple_paths(graph, from = start_node, mode = "out") %>%
unlist() %>%
names() %>%
# combine them
connected_nodes <- unique(c(connected_nodes_in, connected_nodes_out))
# filter your data frame so it only includes links/edges that start and
# end at connected nodes
df <- df %>% filter(source %in% connected_nodes & target %in% connected_nodes)
nodes <- data.frame(names = unique(c(df$source, df$target)))
links <- tibble(
source = match(
df$source, nodes$names) -1,
target = match(
df$target, nodes$names) -1,
value = df$values
sankeyNetwork(Links = links, Nodes = nodes, Source = "source",
Target = "target", Value = "value", NodeID = "names",
iterations = 64, sinksRight = F, fontSize = 14)
If you code sankeyNetwork as an object you can use str(object) to identify it as a list, with a matrix called x that holds your input df
list_sankey <- sankeyNetwork(Links = links, Nodes = nodes, Source = "source", Target = "target", Value = "value", NodeID = "names", iterations = 64, sinksRight = F, fontSize = 14)
You can then filter the x matrix to only contrain your desired input source and output target nodes
list_sankey_filter <- list_sankey
list_sankey_filter$x$links <- list_sankey_filter$x$links %>% filter(source %in% c(4, 2, 0), target %in% c(4, 2, 0, 10))
This then gives you the object below.
# example data
links <- cbind.data.frame(from = rep("A", 6),
to = LETTERS[1:6],
weight = rep((1:3), each =2))
nodes <- nodes <- cbind.data.frame(id = LETTERS[1:6],
feature = rep((1:3), each =2))
net <- graph_from_data_frame(d = links, vertices = nodes, directed = T)
V(net)$color <- V(net)$feature
plot(net, vertex.size=30, edge.arrow.size = 0)
This is what I get:
What I want is to cluster the same colored nodes together, something similar as shown in the figure below. How can I do it?
Maybe the option mark.groups in plot could help
plot(net,mark.groups = split(V(net)$name,V(net)$color))
which gives
I have constructed multiple protein - protein networks for diseases in shiny app and I ploted them using visnetwork. I found the articulation points for each network and I want to remove them.
My code for a disease looks like this:
output$plot54 <- renderVisNetwork({
alsex <- as.matrix(alsex)
sel1 <- alsex[,1]
sel2 <- alsex[,2]
n10 <- unique(c(sel1,sel2))
n10 <- as.data.frame(n10)
colnames(n10) <- "id"
ed10 <- as.data.frame(alsex)
colnames(ed10) <- c("from", "to", "width")
g <- graph_from_data_frame(ed10)
nodes4 <- data.frame(n10, color = ifelse(n10$id=="CLEC4E"|n10$id=="ACE2"|n10$id=="MYO7A"|n10$id=="HSPB4"
visNetwork(nodes4, ed10, main = "Articulation Points") %>%
visNodes (color = list(highlight = "pink"))%>%
visOptions(highlightNearest = list(enabled = T, hover = T),
nodesIdSelection = T)%>%
visInteraction(keyboard = TRUE)
visNetworkProxy("plot54") %>%
visRemoveNodes(id="CLEC4E")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "CLEC4E")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="ACE2")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "ACE2")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="MYO7A")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "MYO7A")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="HSPB4")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "HSPB4")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="EXOSC3")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "EXOSC3")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="RBM45")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "RBM45")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="SPAST")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "SPAST")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="ALMS1")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "ALMS1")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="PIGQ")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "PIGQ")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="CDC27")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "CDC27")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="GFM1")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "GFM1")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="UTRN")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "UTRN")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="RAB7B")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "RAB7B")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="GSN")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "GSN")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="VAPA")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "VAPA")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="GLE1")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "GLE1")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="FA2H")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "FA2H")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="HSPA4")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "HSPA4")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="SNCA")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "SNCA")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="RAB5A")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "RAB5A")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="SETX")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "SETX")
g <- graph_from_data_frame(ed10)
I found the articulation points, and I marked them with red color using ifelse as you can see in nodes4 vector.
My questions:
How to shorten my code in ifelse using loop, so I don't have to write the articullation points one by one manually.
How to shorten my code in visRemoveNodes and visRemoveEdges using loop, so I don't have to write them one by one manually as well.
Crossed posted at:
The answer for the second question is:
l <- c("CLEC4E","ACE2", "MYO7A", "HSPB4", "EXOSC3", "RBM45","SPAST","ALMS1",
"RAB7B", "GSN", "VAPA", "GLE1","FA2H","HSPA4",
"SNCA","RAB5A","SETX") #we put all genes that we want to delete in a vector
for (i in l){
visRemoveNodes(id= i)%>%visRemoveEdges(id = i)
I have this shiny app that generates a network graph from a df.
ui <- fluidPage(
fluidRow(selectInput("nos","Mínimo de orientações",c(1:10),selected=c(1)))
"redes", width = "100%", height = "800px"
server <- function(input, output, session) {
df_orientadores <- data.frame(orientador=c("Chet Baker","Bill Evans","Miles Davis","Miles Davis","Dizzy Gillespie","Miles Davis"),
autor=c("Clifford Brown","Freddie Hubbard","Kenny Dorham","Kenny Burrell","Arturo Sandoval","Goku"))
output$redes <- renderSimpleNetwork({
sources <- df_orientadores %>%
select(orientador) %>%
dplyr::rename(label = orientador)
destination <- df_orientadores %>%
select(autor) %>%
dplyr::rename(label = autor)
nodes <- full_join(sources, destination, by = "label")
nodes <- nodes %>% group_by(label) %>% count(label) %>% rename(freq=n)
nodes <- nodes %>% rowid_to_column("id")
nodes$peso <- ((nodes$freq)^3)
orientacoes_network <- df_orientadores %>%
group_by(orientador, autor) %>%
dplyr::summarise(weight = n()) %>%
edges <- orientacoes_network %>%
left_join(nodes, by = c("orientador" = "label")) %>%
dplyr::rename(from = id)
edges <- edges %>%
left_join(nodes, by = c("autor" = "label")) %>%
dplyr::rename(to = id)
edges <- select(edges, from, to, weight)
nodes_d3 <- mutate(nodes, id = id - 1)
edges_d3 <- mutate(edges, from = from - 1, to = to - 1)
filtro_nos <- nodes_d3
edges_d3$value <- 1
forceNetwork(Links = edges_d3, Nodes = nodes_d3, Source = "from", Target = "to",
NodeID = "label", Group = "id", Value = "value",
opacity = 1, fontSize = 20, zoom = TRUE, Nodesize = "peso",
arrows = TRUE)
shinyApp(ui, server)
I want to update the graph by the minimum number of nodes (described as freq in the nodes_d3 dataframe) that the user chooses (on the input$nos)
I've tried filtering the nodes_d3 and the edges_d3 by the number of frequencies but it return the error Warning: Error in $<-.data.frame: replacement has 1 row, data has 0 [No stack trace available]
any ideas how to do it?
I've tried using reactiveValues as well, but it wouldn't do. I don't know if in this kind of situation I have to subset the original dataframe and generate the network, or simply subsetting the dfs used in the forcenetwork (which I think I did but still didn't work.)
Once you've created your data, you need to filter both the edges_d3 and the nodes_d3 data frames, and then you need to re-adjust the from and to values in the filtered edges_d3 data frame to reflect the new positions of the nodes they refer to in the nodes_d3 data frame.
# determine the nodes that have at least the minimum freq
nodes_d3_min_freq <-
nodes_d3 %>%
filter(freq >= input$nos)
# filter the edge list to contain only links to or from the nodes that have
# the minimum or more freq
edges_d3_filtered <-
edges_d3 %>%
filter(from %in% nodes_d3_min_freq$id | to %in% nodes_d3_filtered$id)
# filter the nodes list to contain only nodes that are in or are linked to
# nodes in the filtered edge list
nodes_d3_filtered <-
nodes_d3 %>%
filter(id %in% unlist(select(edges_d3_filtered, from, to)))
# re-adjust the from and to values to reflect the new positions of nodes in
# the filtered nodes list
edges_d3_filtered$from <- match(edges_d3_filtered$from, nodes_d3_filtered$id) - 1
edges_d3_filtered$to <- match(edges_d3_filtered$to, nodes_d3_filtered$id) - 1
forceNetwork(Links = edges_d3_filtered, Nodes = nodes_d3_filtered,
Source = "from", Target = "to", NodeID = "label",
Group = "id", Value = "value", opacity = 1, fontSize = 20,
zoom = TRUE, Nodesize = "peso", arrows = TRUE)