Weird Google Analytics Issues - google-analytics

I have several properties set up with Google Analytics. Today when I signed in to Google and went to the Google Analytics homepage, it displayed a “Welcome” page, as if I was a first-time user. My analytics were nowhere to be seen. I was finally able to access my analytics account by using a different browser that still apparently had my login information cached. But it displayed as follows:
Note the percent sign between my name and domain. And what's the all about?
Using this weird login, I was able to successfully access my information. But I'm concerned about the next time I attempt to log in. Can anyone shed some light on this?

In troubleshoot issues with Google Accounts, you can read that you have a conflicting account.
How a conflicting account is created
A conflicting account is a personal Google Account that was created using the email address of a G Suite account. For this reason, any G Suite user could have two accounts with the same email address.
Try this to fix:


Google OAuth 2.0 not working for Google Workspace (G Suite) Accounts

I have created a project at Google Developer Console. And I have followed the steps to create an OAuth Consent screen to ask users for their consent to let me use their email address and Google Calendar for my App. App is still at Test Mode, and everything is working fine.
But for the users of Google Workspace (G Suite) ( the consent screen is not working. It just ends up saying that Something went wrong and ... the request is malformed.... I am sure it isn't malformed, because it is just working fine for non-workspace ( users.
I got it working later by Manage Domain Wide Delegation by logging into the Google Workspace Admin account and manually setting up my Apps's service account Client ID and Scopes. The process allowed users of that (non-admin) email to get my consent screen working.
But this is not practical. I can't ask every email address user to contact their Google Workspace Admins and add my app to the domain wide delegation area manually.
There are apps and services out there which connected to my non-admin Google Workspace account without having my Admin do it for me.
So there must be some way to get my consent screen work on email addresses hosted at Google Workspace without involving the Admin account or Domain wide delegation stuff.
How can I get it done? Please help, I can't find any solution online.
EDIT More banging head in the wall, but no similar issues found on the internet. So what I feel like is that I need to wait for my OAuth application to be approved for production for it to work for Google Workspace accounts. PLEASE HELP if you know there is some other issue and I can try to fix...
Looks like there was some temporary issue with Google. I emailed them, and the issue was fixed.

Sharepoint - Google analytics (New Users)

So a problem has arisen on my site when I placed the google analytics script on each of the pages, as when I log into google analytics its gives me incorrect data.
I know this because only 4 people have been given access (from London) to the site and in google analytics under "New Users" we have people from USA, Thailand, and other countries. Any ideas as to why we are recieving incorrect data from google analytics?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I doubt the numbers are incorrect. Is the login page for the site exposed to the world? If so, I suspect the majority of the unknown visits are people who hit the login page but don't actually login.
You should also check the Hostnames report to verify the code is coming from the expected website. We've seen instances where a development shop copies GA code from one site to another and forgets to change the UA number.

Google Analytics link to Adwords

Having trouble linking separate accounts from GA to Adwords. They are different emails, both tracking the same site. The main GA email works with a lot of different sites, so I don't want the Adwords to have access to all of it.
The Adwords account seems to have created its own analytics site --but it's not the one I've been working with.
If I understood correctly, the possible solution to your problem is setting the cross-account conversion tracking by creating the My Client Center (MCC) account:
This account is actually an AdWords account that lets you easily view and manage all of your AdWords accounts (including other MCC manager accounts) from a single location.
For additional information, please refer to:
Hope I helped.

Google analytic lost account

I have taken over a .net site.
when I view the source I see it has the Google analytic code.
ga('create', 'UA-51570230-1'...
But to access this you need to login to your gmail account, but am not sure what it is.
is there any other way to get the Google analytic information?
The only way to get access to the Google Analytics account is to have the owner of the account 'UA-51570230-1' give you access. There is also no way to find out who or what email address owns the account 'UA-51570230-1'.
Unfortunately the only thing you can do really is to either track down the owner of the account or start over creating a new account and changing the code on the site.

Setting Up Multiple Google Analytics Accounts

I posted this on Google's help forums, but I still haven't gotten a response, so I thought I'd try it here;
I work for a web development company with 200+ active clients. We are in the process of setting up Google Analytics tracking for each of their websites. We have already created a Google account for each of our clients, and we are attempting to manually sign each one up for GA. We haven't gotten very far in creating new GA accounts, after creating a few accounts, we are required to use text-message verification to create the accounts, and after a few more, we are unable to create any new accounts at all.
We are following the recommendation of Google's Help Article found here:
We are a legitimate business trying to set up analytics for legitimate customers. At this point we can't create a single new GA account, but we still have 182 clients that we have promised to set up with GA, plus any new customers, all of which we intend to set up with GA. We've clearly been flagged as a robot by Google's system, which is totally understandable given the volume of accounts we are creating, but we are not using any robots, we have a person sitting at a computer manually entering all of the information for each of our clients.
Does anyone have any ideas or a solution?
Are you logging in as a different client each time in order to open the new account?
If so, try logging in as yourself and creating each new accounts in your profile. Once created, add your client as a user (report or admin level).
