Google analytic lost account - google-analytics

I have taken over a .net site.
when I view the source I see it has the Google analytic code.
ga('create', 'UA-51570230-1'...
But to access this you need to login to your gmail account, but am not sure what it is.
is there any other way to get the Google analytic information?

The only way to get access to the Google Analytics account is to have the owner of the account 'UA-51570230-1' give you access. There is also no way to find out who or what email address owns the account 'UA-51570230-1'.
Unfortunately the only thing you can do really is to either track down the owner of the account or start over creating a new account and changing the code on the site.


Weird Google Analytics Issues

I have several properties set up with Google Analytics. Today when I signed in to Google and went to the Google Analytics homepage, it displayed a “Welcome” page, as if I was a first-time user. My analytics were nowhere to be seen. I was finally able to access my analytics account by using a different browser that still apparently had my login information cached. But it displayed as follows:
Note the percent sign between my name and domain. And what's the all about?
Using this weird login, I was able to successfully access my information. But I'm concerned about the next time I attempt to log in. Can anyone shed some light on this?
In troubleshoot issues with Google Accounts, you can read that you have a conflicting account.
How a conflicting account is created
A conflicting account is a personal Google Account that was created using the email address of a G Suite account. For this reason, any G Suite user could have two accounts with the same email address.
Try this to fix:

Google Analytics: updating multiple accounts

I have account that has 100 accounts, I've added a Google Service account (I can't use anything else because of 3rd party app limitation) and now I need to allow it to access all of these accounts. Seems there's no way at Google Analytics UI to do that and I will have to manually edit 100 accounts.
Is there any better way to do it? Maybe something like AdWords Editor just for Analytics?
If you have a Google User Account that has access to all the Google Analytics Accounts (which is how I interpret your first sentence) you can bulk edit them via the Google Analytics Management API, and that includes adding users that might or might not be service accounts. A reasonable easy way would be to use a Google Spreadsheet and some Google Apps Script. The script will run as the user that is currently logged in to Google and will be able to access all Analytics account that user has access to.
However you need to have necessary permissions to edit the GA accounts, so if you do not already have an authorized account you will (unsurprisingly) not be able to add one

It's possible to know owner of a analytics script having id UA-XXXX?

I have a site developed by a third party, that might have a mistake and wrote another analytics script that is not mine in my site. Since I have the script I have the ID UA-XXXX, is there a way to know who owns this analytics account?
There is no active service that can help you as you can't get the information from Google. They state their policy about identifying the owner of a Google Analytics id here:-
AnalyticsPro.Aruna said:
Unfortunately, due to account security issues, we're unable to
disclose or add logins to Google Analytics accounts.
Third-Party Alternatives

Google analytics Embeded api with out Oauth authorize

How can i use without button..
I need it for customers, to track visits on their subdomain, and I have my analytics code on page, so they can't use button to authorize, need without it, automatically.
Any example?
Your question isn't very clear it is hard to understand what you mean by Button.
I think you mean that you would like to select data from YOUR Google Analytics account and display it on YOUR website.
To do this you will need to use a service account as apposed to Oauth2 (Oauth2 would popup with a new window requesting access). When you create the service account in the Google developer console take the service account email address. Give it access at the ACCOUNT level in the Google analytics admin section. It must be the account level this will then give the service account access to read your Google analytics data.
Quota: I am not sure what you are extending to do here but remember you can only make 10000 requests per day against your Google Analytics profile. After that you are cut off there is no way to extend this number. So I advice you to save the data in the database someplace you shouldn't request the same data more then once.
I suggest that you look for an example in what ever programing language you are intending to use. Again your question doesn't state anything about what language you will be using. Hello analytics API might be a good place to start but it depends upon the language the PHP one is way out of date I wouldn't bother with it. Also you cant use a service account with JavaScript so that one is out to.
Update figured out button
Embded api I think I have finally figured out what you mean by button. is used in the Google analytics embedded api. Which is JavaScript which it is not possible to use with a Service account. So the final answer to your question is
Answer: You cant remove the button from the Google Analytics Embded api the only way to login with JavaScript is to use Oauth2.
Advice: switch to PHP and use a service account to request data yourself. Or give each of your customers access to your Google analytics so they can login themselves.

How to remove a website from Google Analytics

I have access to a website's analytics from a former employer. The website is an internal tool that is not available in a public kinda way. I would like to delete this website/profile from my analytics account. I've searched through the documentation for analytics but it seems like it's a little out of date. Does anyone have the low-down on how to do this?
Thanks Everyone
If you want to "delete" the profile only for your account, ask to the profile's Administrator to delete you from the users list.
Google now has a method for removing an account (web site) from your administration list WITHOUT deleting the GA account that other users may be relying on.
From the GA Admin screen, select the account you wish to remove. In the first column (Account) select USER MANAGEMENT -> Remove myself from this account.
