Is there a way to test events from the test fixture directly without using expectEvents? - axon

Im trying to test an Aggregate and would like to assert the events outside of the fixture and perhaps even use Hamcrest to evaluate?
An example of using timestamps
.when(new UserCreateCommand("1",""))
.expectEvents(new UserCreatedEvent("1","");
The fixture allows me to easily test equality, e.g. the command produces exactly this event, its not so easy if I wanted to say introduce a Timestamp of when the event was created for example
.when(new UserCreateCommand("1",""))
.expectEvents(new UserCreatedEvent("1","",;
This expectation will never work as the will never be precisely equal to the timestamp generated in the aggregate.
I could simply include the Timestamp in the command payload, but feel a preference to handle inside the Aggregate to ensure a consistent way of generating this timestamps.
Is there a way to retrieve the Event out of the fixture to assert independently of the fixture e.g.
UserCreatedEvent uce = fixture.given()
.when(new UserCreateCommand("1",""))
This would then allow me to use other assertion libraries also like hamcrest for example:
assertThat(uce.getCreatedAt(), is(greaterThanOrEqualto(;

Reasonable question #vcetinick!
You should actually be able to use matchers with Axon's Aggregate Test Fixtures really. The result validation part of the AggregateTestFixture provides the expectEventsMatching(Matcher<? extends List<? super EventMessage<?>>> matcher) method. You can find the code for this here by the way.
On top of this Axon Framework provides a set of reasonable matchers you can use for messages in general, grouped under the utility class Matchers (which you can find here).
With all this in place, you should be able to do something like this:
void sampleTest() {
FixtureConfiguration<SampleAggregate> fixture =
new AggregateTestFixture<>(SampleAggregate.class);
.when(new UserCreateCommand("1",""))
Matchers.matches(payload -> {
// Your UserCreatedEvent validation
// disregarding the time stamp here
You can essentially pair any number of Matchers methods in their if you desire.
Hoping this answers your question #vcetinick!

Despite being an old post, for those stumbling upon the same issue, an alternative approach can be used by using
fixture = new AggregateTestFixture<>(YourAggregate.class);
fixture.registerFieldFilter(new IgnoreField(YourEvent.class, "date"));
In this example, YourEvent could be an event implementation class of a base class for all events containing a timestamp field date.
#NotNull(message = "The event date cannot be null")
#Past(message = "The event date cannot be in the future")
#JsonProperty(value = EVENT_DATE_TAG, required = true)
private ZonedDateTime date;
Using this approach, all calls to expectXXXX test-methods ignore the date field.


Is there any way to get the c# object/data on which NUnit test is failing?

I am writing unit tests for a complex application which has so many rules to be checked into a single flow by using NUnit and Playwright in .Net5. Actually the case is, to save the time for writing the test scripts for Playwright (front-end testing tool), we have used a library named Bogus to create dummy data dynamically based on the rules (because the test cases has numerous rules to be checked and it was much more difficult to write fresh data to every case). I am using Playwright script into the NUnit test and providing the data source by using [TestCaseSource("MethodName")] to provide dynamic data object for different cases.
Now, we are facing a problem that some of the tests cases get passed and some are failed and we are unable to identify that particularly which test case is causing the problem because the testcase data is being provided by the dynamic source and in that source the data is being generated by the Bogus library on the bases of the rules which we have generated. Plus, we cannot look at the tests for a long time that's why we have automated the process.
public async Task Test_SubmitAssignmentDynamicFlow(Assignment assignment)
using var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();
await using var browser = await playwright.Chromium.LaunchAsync(new BrowserTypeLaunchOptions
Headless = false,
private static IEnumerable<TestCaseData> GetDataToSubmit()
//creating data for simple job
var simpleAssignment = new DummyAssigmentGenerator()
yield return new TestCaseData(simpleAssignment);
Now, my question is, is there any way so that we can view that what were the actual values in the object in the failed case, when we see the whole report of the testcases? So that we can come to know that which certain values are causing problems and eventually fixed those.
Two approaches...
Assuming that DummyAssignmentGenerator is your own class, override its ToString() method to display whatever you would like to see. That string will become part of the name of the test case generated, like...
Apply a name to each TestCaseData item you yield using the SetName() fluent method. In that case, you are supplying the full display name of the test case, not just the part in parentheses. Use {m}(YOUR_STRING) in order to have it appear the same as in the first approach.
If you can use it, the first approach is clearly the simpler of the two.

Pattern for async testing with scalatest and mocking objects with mockito

I am writing unit tests for some async sections of my code (returning Futures) that also involves the need to mock a Scala object.
Following these docs, I can successfully mock the object's functions. My question stems from the fact that withObjectMocked[FooObject.type] returns Unit, where async tests in scalatest require either an Assertion or Future[Assertion] to be returned. To get around this, I'm creating vars in my tests that I reassign within the function sent to withObjectMocked[FooObject.type], which ends up looking something like this:
class SomeTest extends AsyncWordSpec with Matchers with AsyncMockitoSugar with ResetMocksAfterEachAsyncTest {
"wish i didn't need a temp var" in {
var ret: Future[Assertion] = Future.failed(new Exception("this should be something")) // <-- note the need to create the temp var
withObjectMocked[SomeObject.type] {
when(SomeObject.someFunction(any)) thenReturn Left(Error("not found"))
val mockDependency = mock[SomeDependency]
val testClass = ClassBeingTested(mockDependency)
ret = testClass.giveMeAFuture("test_id") map { r =>
r should equal(Error("not found"))
} // <-- set the real Future[Assertion] value here
ret // <-- finally, explicitly return the Future
My question then is, is there a better/cleaner/more idiomatic way to write async tests that mock objects without the need to jump through this bit of a hoop? For some reason, I figured using AsyncMockitoSugar instead of MockitoSugar would have solved that for me, but withObjectMocked still returns Unit. Is this maybe a bug and/or a candidate for a feature request (the async version of withObjectMocked returning the value of the function block rather than Unit)? Or am I missing how to accomplish this sort of task?
You should refrain from using mockObject in a multi-thread environment as it doesn't play well with it.
This is because the object code is stored as a singleton instance, so it's effectively global.
When you use mockObject you're efectibly forcefully overriding this var (the code takes care of restoring the original, hence the syntax of usign it as a "resource" if you want).
Because this var is global/shared, if you have multi-threaded tests you'll endup with random behaviour, this is the main reason why no async API is provided.
In any case, this is a last resort tool, every time you find yourself using it you should stop and ask yourself if there isn't anything wrong with your code first, there are quite a few patterns to help you out here (like injecting the dependency), so you should rarely have to do this.

How to get all aggregates with Axon framework?

I am starting out with the Axon framework and hit a bit of a roadblock.
While I can load individual aggregates using their ID, I can’t figure out how to get a list of all aggregates, or a list of all aggregate IDs.
The EventSourcingRepository class only has load() methods that return one aggregate.
Is there a way to all aggregate (IDs) or am I supposed to keep a list of all aggregate IDs outside of axon?
To keep things simple I am only using an InMemoryEventStorageEngine for now.
I am using Axon 3.0.7.
First off I'm was wondering why you would want to retrieve a complete list of all the aggregates from the Repository.
The Repository interface is set such that you can load an Aggregate to handle commands or to create a new Aggregate.
Asking the question you have, I'd almost guess you're using it for querying purposes rather than command handling.
This however isn't the intended use for the EventSourcingRepository.
One reason you'd want this I can think about, is that you want to implement an API call to publish a command to all Aggregates of a specific type in your application.
Taking that scenario then yes, you need to store the aggregateId references yourself.
But concluding with my earlier question: why do you want to retrieve a list of aggregates through the Repository interface?
Answer Update
Regarding your comment, I've added the following to my answer:
Axon helps you to set up your application with event sourcing in mind, but also with CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation).
That thus means that the command and query side of your application are pulled apart.
The Aggregate Repository is the command side of your application, where you request to perform actions.
It thus does not provide a list-of-aggregates, as a command is an expression of intent on a aggregate. Hence it only requires the Repository user to retrieve one aggregate or create one.
The example you've got that you need of the list of Aggregates is the query side of your application.
The query side (your views/entities) is typically updated based on events (sourced through events).
For any query requirement you have in your application, you'd typically introduce a separate view tailored to your needs.
In your example, that means you'd introduce a Event Handling Component, listening to your Aggregate Events, which update a Repository with query models of your aggregate.
The EventStore passed into EventSourcingRepository implements StreamableMessageSource<M extends Message<?>> which is a means of reaching in for the aggregates.
Whilst doing it the framework way with an event handling component will probably scale better (depending on the how its used / the context), I'm pretty sure the event handling components are driven by StreamableMessageSource<M extends Message<?>> anyway. So if we wanted to skip the framework and just reach in, we could do it like this:
List<String> aggregates(StreamableMessageSource<Message<?>> eventStore) {
return immediatelyAvailableStream(eventStore.openStream(
eventStore.createTailToken() /* All events in the event store */
.filter(e -> e instanceof DomainEventMessage)
.map(e -> (DomainEventMessage) e)
Note that the stream returned by BlockingStream.asStream() will block / won't terminate
as it waits for future elements.
static <M> Stream<M> immediatelyAvailableStream(final BlockingStream<M> messageStream) {
Iterator<M> iterator = new Iterator<M>() {
public boolean hasNext() {
return messageStream.hasNextAvailable();
public M next() {
try {
return messageStream.nextAvailable();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Didn't expect to be interrupted");
Spliterator<M> spliterator = Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(iterator, Spliterator.ORDERED);
Stream stream =, false);
return (Stream)stream.onClose(messageStream::close);

Query workflow tasks based on custom property with other criteria than equals

I have the need to construct a WorkflowTaskQuery with a custom workflow model date as criteria. The criteria needs to be "currentDate >= myCustomDate".
I have noticed that it is possible to add custom properties to the WorkflowTaskQuery but looking into the implementation it seems like those properties all are added as equals-criterias. (reference(4.2.x): org.alfresco.repo.workflow.activiti.ActivitiWorkflowEngine.addTaskPropertiesToQuery)
To get all active tasks and do the filtering on the returned result will not be a good approach since there will be thousands of running workflow tasks in this implementation.
The only other approach I can think of would be to subclass both WorkflowTaskQuery and ActivitiWorkflowEngine and rewrite some private methods (like createRuntimeTaskQuery) and handle my special cases on my own there. (Activiti has methods like greaterThan and so on when searching for tasks based on variables....)
If anyone have any better suggestions, please feel free to share them with me :)
We are implementing a solution that drives Activiti using the Rest interface and have successfully implemented task queries using the POST /rest/service/query/task
The body of the request contains the conditions and the operator to use in query can have the following values: "equals", "notEquals", "equalsIgnoreCase", "notEqualsIgnoreCase", "lessThan", "greaterThan", "lessThanOrEquals", "greaterThanOrEquals" and "like".
Now, with that said.....I'm not sure I understand your query.
currentData >= customDate, obviously currentDate is self explanatory, but is customDate a process instance variable or a task local variable? It may impact the format of the query.

Unittesting a Save function using MVP pattern and RhinoMock

I am trying to get a better code coverage with my unittests, and recently I switched to using RhinoMock for my Mocking needs.
But I have got a question with how to write a specific unit-test, the Save() function.
I have an IView interface with several functions to retrieve values from the view (aspx page), examples are GetUsername(), GetPassword(), GetAddress() and GetCountry().
When the user clicks the submit button I want to have tests that tests if all these functions are actually being called. So I wrote this test:
public void MainController_Save_ShouldRetrieveLUsername()
//Initialize the IView and Controller
//Trigger the Save function triggering the controller
//to collect information for storage
_view.AssertWasCalled(s => s.GetUsername(), o => o.Repeat.Once());
Now finally comes the question, considering the aspx contains 15 input fields that needs to be saved, is there a better way to test this behaviour that writing and maintaining 15 of these tests?
On one hand test should be simple and optimally only one Assert, but 15 of these functions feels like a waste.
Instead of testing whether these functions are called (they look more like properties instead of functions, BTW), you should check the results of the Save function. You should treat your test code more like a black box and try not to insert too much of its interior knowledge into your tests. This way your tests will be less brittle when the Save code changes.
Google for "state based testing".
