Migrate ga3 to ga4: multi domain referral exclusion - google-analytics

When using google analytics v3 (universal analytics, analytics.js) to v4 (gtag.js, firebase-analytics) we are trying to figure out how to support what we did in multi-domain sites:
Referral Exclusion (wwww.site.com -> sub.site.com)
Segment based on users interested in product vs users looking to login (www.site.com -> app.site.com/login)
We did that previously using filters and views, however that doesn't exist in v4, and I cannot find any updated docs on Referral Exclusion using v4.
We have Enhanced Metrics activated

Maybe you can use "event modifications" (https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/10085872) instead that check the event property page_referrer and unset it if it should be excluded?


Retrieving user_pseudo_id from GA4 api

Is there a way to retrieve the user_pseudo_id field from GA4 api? It is not present in the dimensions list of the documentation but neither was the clientId for UA although it could be specified as a dimension.
See reference for clientID parameter in the older GA-UA APIs.
I need to retrieve historical data from GA4 and import them into Google BigQuery but not all export's fields are present in the GA4 api.
You will need to pass it as a custom user parameter via Google Tag Manager. Just need to set it once and then the rest of your GA4 tags will inherit it. Here’s a pretty good tutorial on how to do this: https://www.simoahava.com/gtmtips/write-client-id-other-gtag-fields-datalayer/

Google Analytics 4 and Firebase - How to use unwanted referrals list

I would like to ask how could I exclude unwanted referrals from GA4 and Firebase? In my particular case, I would like to exclude checkout.stripe.com from purchase event sources.
I've added checkout.stripe.com to the unwanted referral list (Data Streams -> More tagging settings -> List unwanted referrals)
and specified my domain (Data Streams -> More tagging settings -> Configure your domain).
However without a satisfactory result - still each purchase conversion is assigning to checkout.stripe.com
To configure GA4 in my project I'm using the Angularfire library.
OK, I know how to fix it.
To filter unwanted referral from GA4 use domain instead subdomain. So in this particular case the proper configuration the "Match type" is "contains" and the domain field to "stripe.com".

get CTR or clicks/Impressions via sisense from google analytics

I have CTR, clicks in the Google analytics. I want to get these data via sisense. According to the instruction https://documentation.sisense.com/7-1/managing-data/connectors/google-analytics.htm#gsc.tab=0 I use elastiCube manager to create an ElastiCube. I use google analitics web service to add the data to ElasiCube. I got 27 tables with names like: Traffic By Navigation, Monthly Report, Traffic By Navigation, Monthly Report and so on. By they do not have the fields which I need. I go to google analitics account via Behavior->Events->Overview. I can see "Clicks". How can I get it via sisense?
Here you can find an example for adding event fields with XML: https://support.sisense.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115007407787-Tracking-Sisense-Usage-Via-Google-Analytics

How to filter a domain?

Is it possible to segment based on URL path?
Say I have one Google Analytics account with one created property (tied to abc.com). Depending on your login information, it will send you to abc.com/red, abc.com/blue or abc.com/yellow.
Is it possible to create separate views for /red, /blue and /yellow? How do you implement a custom filter for it?
Using Google Data Studio, how would you add a filter control to filter between /red, /blue and /yellow?
In your GA filter for the view choose :
predefined -> include only traffic to the subdirectories -> that are equal to -> /red/

Google Analytics Query Explorer - Custom Metric (alias)

Is it possible to have alias for custom defined metric in Google Analytics Query Explorer?
Currently I get table column name: Custom Metric 1 Value.
The Google Analytics Query explorer is mainly a development testing tool. It returns the information directly from the Google Analytics API, using the raw dimension and metric names.
The correct name via the API for custom metrics is GA:metric1 - ga:metric20 or Custom Metric 1 - Custom Metric 20.
You cant change that to make or make an alias.
If you want to do something like that you would have to code it directly yourself using the Google Analytics reporting api
