get CTR or clicks/Impressions via sisense from google analytics - google-analytics

I have CTR, clicks in the Google analytics. I want to get these data via sisense. According to the instruction I use elastiCube manager to create an ElastiCube. I use google analitics web service to add the data to ElasiCube. I got 27 tables with names like: Traffic By Navigation, Monthly Report, Traffic By Navigation, Monthly Report and so on. By they do not have the fields which I need. I go to google analitics account via Behavior->Events->Overview. I can see "Clicks". How can I get it via sisense?

Here you can find an example for adding event fields with XML:


Sending a custom dimension to Google Analytics using the Google Measurement Protocol

I am currently trying to send a hit to Google Analytics from my CRM. I have been successful in sending events and purchase as well as products etc. However, when I try to send through a custom dimension I am not seeing this dimension within the user explorer section of Google Analytics.
My example case as follows:
I go to the Google Analytics Hit builder to build a prototype hit for this interaction found here
I send through an event to Analytics as follows; this contains the all important custom dimension:
v = 1
t = event
tid = {{Analytics account ID}}
cid = {{Random string}}
ec = Offline sales
ea = Completed sale
el = Oflline sale completed
ni = 1
cd4 = Sale made
(Don't run the above, you need to enter it into the respective fields in the hit builder)
I validate this hit and as you can see below it will show valid and will send
Image of valid hit
The event shows up in the real time events
However, the custom dimension never shows up in Analytic's user explorer
Could someone please assist?
Since you specifically mention the user explorer report my educated guess would be that your custom dimension is not user scope (which is the only scope the user explorer will show).
Look if you can select them as secondary dimension in your standard reports or build a custom report (or rather more straightforward, check the scope of your dimension in the property settings)

How to track USER_ID generated by Google analytics which came from certain campaign/utm?

when somebody register on my website, Google Analytics genrate a new USER ID form him. How can I label/track generated USER_IDs which came from certain campaign (i.e. form certain custom URL with utm parameters)?
Thx for help.
In the first step you should push the UID (or CID) as a Dimension into your GA Account. So you are able to export the UID/CID through the API (or CSV). Here is a article how to do this:!topic/tag-manager/lcTvzfvcTvU;context-place=topicsearchin/tag-manager/category$3Aadvanced-setup--implementation%7Csort:relevance%7Cspell:false
If you have the ID as a Dimension you can build a Segment containing your Campaign. In your reports you now see the IDs.
Another solution would be to fire the dimension with the IDs just if a User is on a page containing the specific parameters.

add transaction manually to Google Analytics and eCommerce

I'm using the following tutorial, which tells us how to add a transaction manually using a url like the following:
This works ok. However, the eCommerce part of GA does not register a conversion, so it's not possible to use the multi channel funnels report.
I'm wondering is there a way to register a sale similar to how a shopping cart would on a webpage? Would I have to add in the "clientId" for the customer, into the cart so the sale can be recorded against all the other actions in GA?
OR am I doing something wrong? Such as not registering an item? Would this trigger the ecommerce conversion to register?
Either way, somehow the ecommerce tag is not firing, so I can't record multi channel funnels based on clientId
You need save clientId in custom dimensions and in your site (it can be hide field, for example)
If you send transaction with use real clientid (send cid and cd# parameters) = this transaction will be linked with this user and all actions with this cid
On my practice better send t=event&ec=ecommerce&ea=purchase&pa=purchse&item...
With this method I have all data in ecommerce reports

Google Analytics Query Explorer - Custom Metric (alias)

Is it possible to have alias for custom defined metric in Google Analytics Query Explorer?
Currently I get table column name: Custom Metric 1 Value.
The Google Analytics Query explorer is mainly a development testing tool. It returns the information directly from the Google Analytics API, using the raw dimension and metric names.
The correct name via the API for custom metrics is GA:metric1 - ga:metric20 or Custom Metric 1 - Custom Metric 20.
You cant change that to make or make an alias.
If you want to do something like that you would have to code it directly yourself using the Google Analytics reporting api

Are variables passed in a URL tracked by Google Analytics

From what I understand, the data passed in POSTs from a form on a site is not tracked by Google Analytics. What about any variables that get passed in the URL, as in ?value=bla
Does value=bla get stored by GA?
If so, is there a way to not track variable info from the URL?
I am aware of the anonymizeIp for IPs.
GA profile settings have a text field where you can enter query parameters that should be ignored. You can also set up an advanced filter to summarily excludes all query parameters (simply google "exclude query parameters google analytics", there a lot of tutorials on how th do this).
