I have a problem when using replicate to repeat the function.
I tried to use the bootstrap to fit
a quadratic model using concentration as the predictor and Total_lignin as the response and going to report an estimate of the maximum with a corresponding standard error.
My idea is to create a function called bootFun that essentially did everything within one iteration of a for loop. bootFun took in only the data set the predictor, and the response to use (both variable names in quotes).
However, the SD is 0, not correct. I do not know where is the wrong place. Could you please help me with it?
# Load the libraries
# Read the .csv and only use M.giganteus and S.ravennae.
dat <- read_csv('concentration.csv') %>%
filter(variety == 'M.giganteus' | variety == 'S.ravennae') %>%
# Check the data
# sample size
n <- nrow(dat)
# A function to do one iteration
bootFun <- function(dat, pred, resp){
# Draw the sample size from the dataset
sample <- sample_n(dat, n, replace = TRUE)
# A quadratic model fit
formula <- paste0('resp', '~', 'pred', '+', 'I(pred^2)')
fit <- lm(formula, data = sample)
# Derive the max of the value of concentration
max <- -fit$coefficients[2]/(2*fit$coefficients[3])
max <- bootFun(dat = dat, pred = 'concentration', resp = 'Total_lignin' )
# Iterated times
N <- 5000
# Use 'replicate' function to do a loop
maxs <- replicate(N, max)
# An estimate of the max of predictor and corresponding SE
Base package boot, function boot, can ease the job of calling the bootstrap function repeatedly. The first argument must be the data set, the second argument is an indices argument, that the user does not set and other arguments can also be passed toit. In this case those other arguments are the predictor and the response names.
bootFun <- function(dat, indices, pred, resp){
# Draw the sample size from the dataset
dat.sample <- dat[indices, ]
# A quadratic model fit
formula <- paste0(resp, '~', pred, '+', 'I(', pred, '^2)')
formula <- as.formula(formula)
fit <- lm(formula, data = dat.sample)
# Derive the max of the value of concentration
max <- -fit$coefficients[2]/(2*fit$coefficients[3])
N <- 5000
set.seed(1234) # Make the bootstrap results reproducible
results <- boot(dat, bootFun, R = N, pred = 'concentration', resp = 'Total_lignin')
#boot(data = dat, statistic = bootFun, R = N, pred = "concentration",
# resp = "Total_lignin")
#Bootstrap Statistics :
# original bias std. error
#t1* -0.4629808 -0.0004433889 0.03014259
results$t0 # this is the statistic, not bootstrapped
# -0.4629808
mean(results$t) # bootstrap value
#[1] -0.4633233
Note that to fit a polynomial, function poly is much simpler than to explicitly write down the polynomial terms one by one.
formula <- paste0(resp, '~ poly(', pred, ',2, raw = TRUE)')
Check the distribution of the bootstrapped statistic.
op <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
Test data
set.seed(2020) # Make the results reproducible
x <- cumsum(rnorm(100))
y <- x + x^2 + rnorm(100)
dat <- data.frame(concentration = x, Total_lignin = y)
As it is large I can't dput it here. But suppose the realmatrix is a "mts" with non-trivial values
realmatrix <- matrix(NA, ncol = 100, nrow = 138)
In fact it stores 100 time series with length (rows) = 138 (from Jan 2005 to June 2016).
I want to store the Arima forecasts (12 months ahead: that is, from July 2016 to June 2017) in another matrix farimamatrix (which should have 12 rows and 100 columns), via the following loop:
farimamatrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = 12, ncol = 100)
m <- k <- list()
for (i in 1:100) {
try(m[[i]] <- Arima(realmatrix[,i], order = c(0,1,0), seasonal = c(1,0,1)))
k[[i]] <- forecast.Arima(m[[i]], h=12)
farimamatrix[,i] <- fitted(k[[i]])
But I am getting the following message:
Error in farimamatrix[, i] <- fitted(k[[i]]) :
incorrect number of subscripts on matrix
What's wrong? Thanks in advance.
Edited (24/10): updated / corrected under Zheyuan's answer and previous problem gone
Original data:
tsdata <-
structure(c(28220L, 27699L, 28445L, 29207L, 28482L, 28326L, 28322L,
28611L, 29187L, 29145L, 29288L, 29352L, 28881L, 29383L, 29898L,
29888L, 28925L, 29069L, 29114L, 29886L, 29917L, 30144L, 30531L,
30494L, 30700L, 30325L, 31313L, 32031L, 31383L, 30767L, 30500L,
31181L, 31736L, 32136L, 32654L, 32305L, 31856L, 31731L, 32119L,
31953L, 32300L, 31743L, 32150L, 33014L, 32964L, 33674L, 33410L,
31559L, 30667L, 30495L, 31978L, 32043L, 30945L, 30715L, 31325L,
32262L, 32717L, 33420L, 33617L, 34123L, 33362L, 33731L, 35118L,
35027L, 34298L, 34171L, 33851L, 34715L, 35184L, 35190L, 35079L,
35958L, 35875L, 35446L, 36352L, 36050L, 35567L, 35161L, 35419L,
36337L, 36967L, 36745L, 36370L, 36744L, 36303L, 36899L, 38621L,
37994L, 36809L, 36527L, 35916L, 37178L, 37661L, 37794L, 38642L,
37763L, 38367L, 38006L, 38442L, 38654L, 38345L, 37628L, 37698L,
38613L, 38525L, 39389L, 39920L, 39556L, 40280L, 41653L, 40269L,
39592L, 39100L, 37726L, 37867L, 38551L, 38895L, 40100L, 40950L,
39838L, 40643L, 40611L, 39611L, 39445L, 38059L, 37131L, 36697L,
37746L, 37733L, 39188L, 39127L, 38554L, 38219L, 38497L, 39165L,
40077L, 38370L, 37174L), .Dim = c(138L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(
NULL, "Data"), .Tsp = c(2005, 2016.41666666667, 12), class = "ts")
z <- stl(tsdata[, "Data"], s.window="periodic")
t <- z$time.series[,"trend"]
s <- z$time.series[,"seasonal"]
e <- z$time.series[,"remainder"]
# error matrix
ematrix <- matrix(rnorm(138 * 100, sd = 100), nrow = 138)
# generating a ts class error matrix
ematrixts <- ts(ematrix, start=c(2005,1), freq=12)
# combining the trend + season + error matrix into a real matrix
realmatrix <- t + s + ematrixts
# creating a (forecast) arima matrix
farimamatrix <- matrix(NA, ncol = 100, nrow = 12)
m <- k <- vector("list", length = 100)
for (i in 1:100) {
try(m[[i]] <- Arima(realmatrix[,i], order = c(0,1,0), seasonal = c(1,0,1)))
k[[i]] <- forecast.Arima(m[[i]], h = 12)
farimamatrix[,i] <- k[[i]]$mean
# ts.plot(farimamatrix[,1:100],col = c(rep("gray",100),rep("red",1)))
The loop seems to work, but breaks down after a few iterations due to failure of Arima:
Error in stats::arima(x = x, order = order, seasonal = seasonal, include.mean = include.mean, : " non-stationary seasonal AR part from CSS
Yep, the previous problem is gone, and now you have a new problem, regarding the failure of Arima. Strictly speaking you should raise a new question on this. But I will answer it here anyway.
The error message is quite illustrative. When you fit a model ARIMA(0,1,0)(1,0,1), sometimes the seasonal part is non-stationary, so a further seasonal differencing is needed.
By looking at ts.plot(realmatrix),I see that all 100 columns of realmatrix are pretty similar. I will thus take out the first column for some analysis.
x <- realmatrix[,1]
Obviously the non-seasonal differencing is a must, but do we need a seasonal differencing as well? Have a check with ACF
We actually spotted strong evidence that for the seasonal pattern. So yes, a seasonal differencing is needed.
Now let's check the ACF after both differencing:
acf(diff(diff(x, lag = 12))) ## first do seasonal diff, then non-seasonal diff
There appears to be a negative spike between season, suggesting a seasonal MA process. So ARIMA(0,1,0)(0,1,1)[12] would be a good bet.
fit <- arima(x, order = c(0,1,0), seasonal = c(0,1,1))
Have a check at the residuals:
I would actually be pretty happy about this result, as there is no lag 1 or even lag 2 autocorrelation at all, and there is also no seasonal autocorrelation. You can actually try further adding a seasonal and / or non-seasonal AR(1), but there will be no improvement. So this is our final model to go.
So use the following loop:
farimamatrix <- matrix(NA, ncol = 100, nrow = 12)
m <- k <- vector("list", length = 100)
for (i in 1:100) {
m[[i]] <- Arima(realmatrix[,i], order = c(0,1,0), seasonal = c(0,1,1))
k[[i]] <- forecast.Arima(m[[i]], h = 12)
farimamatrix[,i] <- k[[i]]$mean
Now all 100 model fitting are successful.
A retrospect reflection
Perhaps I should explain why ARIMA(0,1,0)(1,0,1)[12] models works for my simulated data in the initial answer. Because note how I simulate my data:
seasonal <- rep_len(sin((1:12) * pi / 6), 138)
Yes, the underlying seasonal pattern is a true replication and of course stationary.
I want to get the accuracy or the RMSE of the Prediction result of a neural network. I started using a Confusion Matrix, but as indicated by previous answers, the Confusion Matrix gives valid results for non Continuous variables.
Is there any way I can get the accuracy or the error rate of a Neural Network Prediction??
As an example here is the code I've got until now:
newformula <- perm ~ area + peri + shape
y <- rock[, "perm"]
x <- rock[!colnames(rock)%in% "perm"]
original <- datacol(rock,"perm")
nnclas_model <- nnet(newformula, data = rock, size = 4, decay = 0.0001, maxit = 500)
nnclas_prediction <- predict(nnclas_model, x)
nnclas_tab <- table(nnclas_prediction, y)
rmse <- sqrt(mean((original - nnclas_prediction)^2))
Does anyone know how can I make this work? or how can I get the Accuracy or the of the Neural Network Prediction?
Any help will be deeply appreciated.
I don't know about "nnet", but I have used the "neuralnet" library and am able to get the RMSE. Here is my full code: Just change the data for training_Data and testing_Data as per your requirements and in place of "Channel" give what is your classification attribute
dat <- read.csv("Give path of your data file here")
cleandata <- dat
cleandata <- na.omit(cleandata)
apply(cleandata,MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x)sum(
maxs = apply(cleandata, MARGIN = 2, max)
mins = apply(cleandata, MARGIN = 2, min)
scaledData =, center = mins, scale = maxs - mins))
#Splitting data in 80:20 ratio
train = sample(1:nrow(scaledData), nrow(scaledData)*0.8)
test = -train
training_Data = scaledData[train,]
testing_Data = scaledData[test,]
#neural net
n <- names(training_Data)
f <- as.formula(paste("Channel ~", paste(n[!n %in% "Channel"], collapse = " + ")))
neuralnet_Model <- neuralnet(f,data = training_Data, hidden = c(2,1))
pred_neuralnet.scaled <- pred_neuralnet$net.result *(max(scaledData$Channel)-min(scaledData$Channel))+min(scaledData$Channel)
real.values <- (testing_Data$Channel)*(max(cleandata$Channel)-min(cleandata$Channel))+min(cleandata$Channel)
MSE.neuralnetModel <- sum((real.values - pred_neuralnet.scaled)^2)/nrow(testing_Data)
plot(real.values, pred_neuralnet.scaled, col='red',main='Real vs predicted',pch=18,cex=0.7)
legend('bottomright',legend='NN',pch=18,col='red', bty='n')
As mentioned in the comments, confusion matrices are for classification problems. If you meant to classify perm according to its levels, then the following code should work for you.
rock$perm <- as.factor(rock$perm)
nnclas_model <- nnet(perm ~ area + peri + shape, data = rock,
size = 4, decay = 0.0001, maxit = 500)
x <- rock[, 1:3]
y <- rock[, 4]
yhat <- predict(nnclas_model, x, type = 'class')
confusionMatrix(as.factor(yhat), y)
If you mean to treat perm as continuous, the confusion matrix doesn't make any sense. You should think in terms of mean-squared error instead.
I'm using the fGARCH package in R in order to fit an ARMA_GARCH(1,1) model to a time series. I want to extract standardized residuals, meaning the residuals divided by the corresponding daily volatility estimate. I tried to things
res <- residuals(m1, standardize=FALSE)
vol <- volatility(m1)
stand.res <- res/vol
stand.res <- residuals(m1, standardize=TRUE)
if I plot both results, they differ from each other. Why is that?
Thank you very much.
I'm having a similar problem; please consider:
x <- runif(6587, -0.10, 0.10)
gfit <- garchFit(formula = ~ garch(2,2), cond.dist = "std", data = x, include.shape=TRUE, trace=FALSE)
condVar = gfit#h.t
resid <- (x / sqrt(condVar));
tail(resid) # Standardized Residuals
#[1] -0.4201041 -0.8342208 1.5639541 1.0237848 -0.1779349 -0.7820030
tail(x/ gfit#sigma.t)
#[1] -0.4201041 -0.8342208 1.5639541 1.0237848 -0.1779349 -0.7820030
tail(residuals(gfit, standardize = TRUE))
#[1] -0.4156200 -0.8297368 1.5684382 1.0282689 -0.1734509 -0.7775190
I am building a logistic regression model in R. I want to bin continuous predictors in an optimal way in relationship to the target variable. There are two things that I know of:
the continuous variables are binned such that its IV (information value) is maximized
maximize the chi-square in the two way contingency table -- the target has two values 0 and 1, and the binned continuous variable has the binned buckets
Does anyone know of any functions in R that can perform such binning?
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
For the first point, you could bin using the weight of evidence (woe) with the package woebinning which optimizes the number of bins for the IV
# get the bin cut points from your dataframe
cutpoints <- woe.binning(dataset, "target_name", "Variable_name")
# apply the cutpoints to your dataframe
dataset_woe <- woe.binning.deploy(dataset, cutpoint, add.woe.or.dum.var = "woe")
It returns your dataset with two extra columns
Variable_name.binned which is the labels
Variable_name.woe.binned which is the replaced values that you can then parse into your regression instead of Variable_name
For the second point, on chi2, the package discretization seems to handle it but I haven't tested it.
The methods used by regression splines to set knot locations might be considered. The rpart package probably has relevant code. You do need to penalize the inferential statistics because this results in an implicit hiding of the degrees of freedom expended in the process of moving the breaks around to get the best fit. Another common method is to specify breaks at equally spaced quantiles (quartiles or quintiles) within the subset with IV=1. Something like this untested code:
cont.var.vec <- # names of all your continuous variables
breaks <- function(var,n) quantiles( dfrm[[var]],
lapply(dfrm[ dfrm$IV == 1 , cont.var.vec] , breaks, n=5)
options (scipen = 999)
read.csv("dummy_data.txt") -> dt
mydata <- dt
for(i in 1:ncol(mydata)){
val.quant <- unname(quantile(mydata[,i],probs = 0.75))
mydata[,i] = sapply(mydata[,i],function(x){if(x > (1.5*val.quant+1)){1.5*val.quant+1}else{x}})
x <- mydata[,!names(mydata) %in% c("Cust_Key","Y")]
y <- as.factor(mydata$Y)
fit <- randomForest(x,y,importance=T,ntree = 70)
mydata2 <- mydata[,!names(mydata) %in% c("Cust_Key")]
mydata2$Y <- as.factor(mydata2$Y)
####var reduction#####
vartoremove <- ncol(mydata2) - 20
for(i in 1:vartoremove){
rf <- fit(Y~.,data=mydata2,model = "randomForest", mtry = 10 ,ntree = 100)
varImportance <- Importance(rf,mydata2,method="sensg")
Z <- order(varImportance$imp,decreasing = FALSE)
IND <- Z[2]
var_to_remove <- names(mydata2[IND])
mydata2[IND] = NULL
library(smbinning) -> inp
inp$target <- as.numeric(inp$Y) *1
inp$target <- inp$target -1
result= smbinning(df=inp, y="target", x="X37", p=0.0005)
boxplot(inp$X2~inp$Y,horizontal=T, frame=F, col="red",main="Distribution")
inp$Y <- NULL
sample = sample.split(inp$target, SplitRatio = .7)
train = subset(inp, sample == TRUE)
test = subset(inp, sample == FALSE)
fit1 <- glm(train$target~.,data=train,family = binomial)
prediction1 <- data.frame(actual = test$target, predicted = predict(fit1,test ,type="response") )
result= smbinning(df=prediction1, y="actual", x="predicted", p=0.005)
write.csv(prediction1 , "test_pred_logistic.csv")
predict_train <- data.frame(actual = train$target, predicted = predict(fit1,train ,type="response") )
write.csv(predict_train , "train_pred_logistic.csv")
result= smbinning(df=predict_train, y="actual", x="predicted", p=0.005)
####random forest
rf <- fit(target~.,data=train,model = "randomForest", mtry = 10 ,ntree = 200)
prediction2 <- data.frame(actual = test$target, predicted = predict(rf,train))
result= smbinning(df=prediction2, y="actual", x="predicted", p=0.005)
##### K-fold Validation ########
cv_fold_count = 2
folds = createFolds(mydata2$Y,cv_fold_count,list=T);
smpl = folds[[i]];
g_train = mydata2[-smpl,!names(mydata2) %in% c("Y")];
g_test = mydata2[smpl,!names(mydata2) %in% c("Y")];
cost_train = mydata2[-smpl,"Y"];
cost_test = mydata2[smpl,"Y"];
rf <- randomForest(g_train,cost_train) <- cbind(cost_train,g_train) <- glm(cost_train~.,,family = binomial)
prediction <- data.f
rame(actual = test$Y, predicted = predict(rf,test))