No such directory or file - Mac - unix

I'm pretty rookie to this, but I managed to get this code running when I had a PC.
Now I want to get this working on my MacBook.
I'm using Rclone to sync to Jottacloud, and I want to make a clickable file, just as a .bat file in windows.
This is my simple code:
cd /
cd /Applications/rclone
rclone copy /Users/windsvendsen/Pictures/Billedebank Jottacloud:Billedebank
Running it in Terminal, without the #!/bin/bash, it works as it should.
But when I save it as a file, without extension, and running chmod 744 on it, it returns with the error "No such file directory"
And here does my knowledge end.
It is probably a pretty simple problem, but I do not manage to get the essence out of my google searches.
Thanks in advance!

Can you do ls on the directory and see if the file actually got created


Can't open input file: zsh

I'm trying to execute a .zsh script on Macos big sur and it's not letting me.
Whenever I run the .zsh in terminal, it says "/bin/zsh: can't open input file: file-name.zsh"
I already did brew install zsh prior to this so I'm a bit confused.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
In macOS Transparency Consent and Control (TCC) restricts access to "personal" data, including anything in a user's Desktop folder and outputs a /bin/zsh: can't open input file error message if you try to disobey this rule. Try moving file-name.zsh to a different folder, and if moving file-name.zsh to another folder doesn't help refer to file-name.zsh by using the full path to file-name.zsh.
Figured it out for ZSH on Mac! To get scripts to run from any relative directory, you can first append the rest of the path to the front of the script name and then run as usual:
BASEDIR=$(dirname "$0")
echo "Script location: ${BASEDIR}"
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
This is currently working for me on macOS Monterey.
(Copied from comment to Karel's answer about macOS ZSH + TCC policy)

Cannot change working directory to folder in windows through R in Ubuntu command line

I have had to install Ubuntu command line on windows10 in order to install R and download a package that is not supported on R for windows. This has worked fine, however, I need to set the working directory in R to the folder containing the files the package needs to work with. I have looked at lots of forums about changing directory and I have no luck!
My default working directory is a hidden folder created by windows when I installed ubuntu command line. I can access this, but I dont need this folder...I need to change the working directory in R to a folder on the D drive on my computer. I have tried to no avail!!
I have tried the normal setwd() command with the following combinations, all of which return the error 'cannot change working directory'
setwd("D:/RNA-seq data/")
I am really frustrated that I cannot carry out this simple command (maybeI am doing something fundamentally wrong) or maybe this is a limitation because of the hidden default home folder set by windows? Please not I cannot transfer the necessary files in to the default folder created by windows for 'home/R' as it is on the C drive and there isnt enough space on disk. I need to navigate to the folder on d drive in order to carry out my code!!
Any help would be really really appreciated! Many thanks!

Custom home not working when console run manually (cygwin)

I was trying to set a new home directory for Cygwin, but the thing is I've managed to do so only partially.
I changed the 'db_home:' parameter (cygwin64/etc/nsswitch.conf) to '/windows' so it now matches the win10 default home folder, but the trick works only if mintty.exe was run through cmd.
Running mintty manually with a desktop shortcut results with the very same default directory as if the file was never changed.
Having all that said, I'm a total newbie when it comes to both Cygwin and Unix in general, so it's very likely I missed something obvious.
I appreciate any help provided, thanks in advance.

PCL execution error

I'm fairly new to the PCL and linux in general. I'm having trouble following the examples in documentation. None of the examples execute.The code compiles fine and a executable is generated. But I keep getting a permission denied error. The usual chmod and chown dont work. I've tried reinstalling PCL. What am I missing here ?
Here is the output from terminal
From the dump you provide it looks like you are working in a mounted disk (/media/chaitanya/); possibly it was mounted with noexec or something. Try running mount to see.
Alternatively try working in your home directory:
cd ~
cp -r /media/chaitanya/work/learn-pcl/ ./

How to move a plone install on the file system

Is it possible to make copied of plone/zope folder on the file system and still be able to run the site?
At the moment when I try to start it, it says
bash: ./bin/instance: /home/atf/Plone-3.3.6/Python-2.4/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
looking for python in the old folder. How can I update this and are other things likely to be broken after fixing this?
It currently thinks your python is at:
Just re-run bootstrap with the new python:
