Product field in WordPress form changes when adding a new field? - wordpress

I am very new to WordPress and I am trying to edit a registration form by adding more fields. When I add a new text field, the product field no longer displays the product and price and just shows the default. I didn't make the website I just need to edit this, I am using the Gravity Forms plugin.
This is the form before editing:
And after adding a new field the product field ( in green writing) reverts to default values:
I can't figure out what makes it change so if you have come across this problem before or have any advice please let me know. Thanks!

I'd bet there is some custom code at play here is that is dependent on the field ID. When you change the field, it has a new ID, and the custom code isn't being applied. I'd suggest doing a full theme/plugin conflict (start with your theme) to see where that custom code resides:


How to add text field in custom post without plugin and without using custom field

I'm new to WordPress and doesn't much about it. I am making property listing plugin for WordPress I want to add Price field/(numeric type)
.I don't want to use plugin and custom fields. I want the field as shown
You can use a metabox to add a new box to the Admin Frontend. If its done, you need a filter to handle the inputs value for the backend. For more detailed helped, you need to provide more informations about your plugin.

New/edited fields not showing up after editing ACF field group

I am managing an existing site, with working ACF - there are several field groups set up, one of which is for Team Members- We want to add an additional field to the custom fields for Team Members for an alternate image.
I have set the new image field up - as shown in this screenshot:
But when I attempt to add/edit a new team member, the new fields do not appear in the editor - as shown in this screenshot:
Does anyone have any idea why this could be happening? I have disabled other plugins and reactivated them, I have updated to the latest ACF also, nothing seems to make the new fields appear in the editors.
ACF settings can actually be overwritten by code added to the functions.php file using a combination of built in filters for ACF such as acf_load_listing_type_source and acf_add_local_field_group.
Anyone running into this issue should confirm that this is not the case. It happened to me as I am editing a client's website and I did not actually create the theme, so was unaware of the code overriding the ACF settings.

How to add attributes for a Simple Product on Checkout Page?

Been trying to figure out how to add attributes... for example the size of a product on the checkout page of woocommerce for wordpress. Seems simple enough, but all searches I do on this point me to how to add custom fields to woocommerce using hooks. But I don't want a custom field. I just want to add in the size attribute for Simple Products on the checkout page only so people are reminded of the size... can someone point me in the right direction please?
You can add attributes from admin side. There is no need to use any hooks for this. In admin side go to products->products and edit the product for which you want to add attribute. There below the product description you will find attributes tab there you can add your custom product attribute.
And you can also create common attribute for all the products from Products->Attributes. Here Add New Attribute and after saving it click on configure terms button to add attribute value

woocommerce: how to add new fields to variations form and show them on frontend

using last versions of wordpress, woocommerce and cheope (theme).
the question: how to
add some extra fields in variations form (text and image field types)
show them on frontend so that their values change accordingly on changing of attributes-select values.
e.g.: the site sells candles and uses variable products, for each kind of candle has several dimensions (with specific different prices), each of which has different duration.
The duration is an important element that I want the user to be informed about.
The same to show the available colors all together.
Unluckily in the standard variation form there is no field where I can insert these or other features.
some help please?
updated 07-August-2013
I succeeded in adding to variations form a new field displayed on back-end, as you can see here, by inserting the code you can find here (please see the comments too) in the function.php file of the theme.
Now, what I’m not able to do is get this field to display with each proper value on front-end (please take a look to the last comment in the above linked page).
Any tip or trick?
1)Add product attribute and check checkbox Used for variations and Visible on the product page
2)go to variations and add new and fill all fields price and stock must add on them
Your producr display variations and their data

Wordpress: add a custom field option that's available to all posts

As part of my theme install, I'd like to add a set of custom field options to the wordpress database that would be available to all posts as long as my theme is active.
For example, I'd like to add these fields:
And also these
And then when a user goes to add or edit a post, they can insert values for each of these fields if they choose to...
You simply have to create a post and add these custom fields once to have them proposed for every next posts (in the custom fields part of the form).
If you need to create a more integrated interface for these extra fields, you might be better off creating a plugin or looking for existing ones, such as this one.
Use the add_meta_box function that comes with WordPress.
