New/edited fields not showing up after editing ACF field group - wordpress

I am managing an existing site, with working ACF - there are several field groups set up, one of which is for Team Members- We want to add an additional field to the custom fields for Team Members for an alternate image.
I have set the new image field up - as shown in this screenshot:
But when I attempt to add/edit a new team member, the new fields do not appear in the editor - as shown in this screenshot:
Does anyone have any idea why this could be happening? I have disabled other plugins and reactivated them, I have updated to the latest ACF also, nothing seems to make the new fields appear in the editors.

ACF settings can actually be overwritten by code added to the functions.php file using a combination of built in filters for ACF such as acf_load_listing_type_source and acf_add_local_field_group.
Anyone running into this issue should confirm that this is not the case. It happened to me as I am editing a client's website and I did not actually create the theme, so was unaware of the code overriding the ACF settings.


ACF Fields missing after migrate but website works fine

I have recently migrated my DB to a staging environment using string find and replace on the DB to rename the domain. This has made the ACF fields in the CMS to go missing.
That page should have several fields available. And while the fields are showing in the pages that ACF group is assigned to I can't edit or see them here any more. I can't even create a New ACF group because I can't see the Add Fields box.
The website works fine, the only issue is the fields cannot be edited anymore.
Any ideas?
Go to your DB, open table usermeta, find your user and delete the field acf_user_settings

Product field in WordPress form changes when adding a new field?

I am very new to WordPress and I am trying to edit a registration form by adding more fields. When I add a new text field, the product field no longer displays the product and price and just shows the default. I didn't make the website I just need to edit this, I am using the Gravity Forms plugin.
This is the form before editing:
And after adding a new field the product field ( in green writing) reverts to default values:
I can't figure out what makes it change so if you have come across this problem before or have any advice please let me know. Thanks!
I'd bet there is some custom code at play here is that is dependent on the field ID. When you change the field, it has a new ID, and the custom code isn't being applied. I'd suggest doing a full theme/plugin conflict (start with your theme) to see where that custom code resides:

Within an admin menu point, set number of posts via input field

I'm quite new to Wordpress and currently working on a custom plugin.
I know how to create a new admin menu point via plugin, now I'm trying to figure out how to add a functionality, when entering the site the user shall be able to specify the number of shown posts via input field - the amount of posts shall be saved in a way that you receive a shortcode for the amount.
Hope that was clear. Thanks in advance!
I know there are a lot of Wordpress php codesnippets and shortcuts to use, but I'm uncertain which the ones are I need.

ACF - Not displaying custom fields or groups on Custom post Type on edit / new admin page

Hi there I working on directory kind website with WordPress and AIT-FoodGuide Theme
Now I stuck... here I trying to add Custom Field with ACF But It not showing on custom post type "items" edit page(backend) of users
[note:But this fields visible to administrator only]
Will you please try to find my what is the problem and what possible solution.
Custom Post type is ITEM
Not Showing to all other user e.g author editor role etc..
I Also Checked pulling ACF of normal post type.... and it works for every other user roles too..
ON TRIAL AND ERROR I also figure out it might be it's problem of user capability... Any suggestion which one is ideal?

ACF - Template Assignment Seems Permanent

I've been using the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin for quite a while now. It's absolutely awesome but I'm experiencing some behaviour that is not the norm.
I've noticed that if I change the page template that is assigned to a set of custom fields, the pages that ran off that template (no longer assigned to those fields) effectively holds onto those custom fields and thus renders correctly on the site.
ACF Partner Fields are assigned to a Partners Template that has a number of pages running of it.
If I assign these fields to another template, all of the pages running of the Partners template, still render correctly.
I'm not sure I've ever experienced that before and it is causing issues with another plugin that is being integrated for translation.
Any ideas what might be happening?
All time and help is appreciated.
When you change the template, your only changing where those fields appear on the backend and what post type or location they write to in the database. The database table for those unassigned posts still contains the information form those ACF, they just won't be written to any longer.
