Timeout function still executes the operation - firebase

I am trying to create a method where user can change it's firebase_authentication display name with a timeout function attached to it:
Future<void> changeDisplayName({String name}) async {
try {
await _auth.currentUser
.updateProfile(displayName: name)
.timeout(Duration(seconds: 10))
.then((value) => _createSnackbar(
'Update Successfull', 'Your new display name is $name'));
} on TimeoutException {
'Timeout Exception', 'Operation stopped.');
} catch (e) {
_createSnackbar('Error Occurred', '${e.toString()}');
My intention is when the timeout exception is thrown, stop the operation entirely. But even the timeout exception is thrown the profile update is still done after the timeout. How can I avoid doing the operation when timeout is called?

There is no way to cancel the updateProfile operation. Once you make the method call, you will have to wait for it to complete and call then or catch to determines its result.
If you're trying to handle the case where the user's is not on a network, you may want to detect that condition before calling the API. But personally I'd consider just signaling the actual condition to the user instead: "This is taking longer than expected, you might want to try again later."


Mutiny async update

I am trying to update a document asynchronously without need to worry:
persistenceManager.updateElement(datastore, filterParams, fieldsToUpdate)
throw new MyException(ErrorCodes.GONE, errMsg);
updateElement returns a Uni<Integer>. Throwing Exception triggers an aspect (interceptor) to finalize metrics and to log errors in a standard way.
updateElement never updates the element. I tried to await() but Vertx complains the call is blocking. I tried onItem().failWith() no luck it does not interrupt the normal flow. I tried subscribe(), onItem().invoke(x->log...).
How can I be sure at least the update is sent to database before throwing exception and end the call?
It seems the call ends always before the update is even tried.
If you want to throw an exception asynchronously, you need to create a failed item:
return persistenceManager
.updateElement(datastore, filterParams, fieldsToUpdate)
.chain( () -> Uni.createFrom().failure(new MyException(ErrorCodes.GONE, errMsg)) );
Or, throw the exception in a following uni:
return persistenceManager
.updateElement(datastore, filterParams, fieldsToUpdate)
.invoke( () -> throw new MyException(ErrorCodes.GONE, errMsg) );
Or, you can use .failWith:
return persistenceManager
.updateElement(datastore, filterParams, fieldsToUpdate)
.failWith( () -> throw new MyException(ErrorCodes.GONE, errMsg) );
Note that in all these functions, I've used the form () -> .... But if you need the item returned by updateElement, this will also work:
item -> ....

Kotlin Execution order and result issues

I'm trying to get all files from firebase's storage through listAll.
By the way..
storageReference.listAll().addOnSuccessListener { listResult ->
val image_task : FileDownloadTask
for (fileRef in listResult.items) {
fileRef.downloadUrl.addOnSuccessListener { Uri ->
println("size1 : " + image_list.size)
println("size2 : " + image_list.size)
enter image description here
Why is the execution order like this?
How do I solve it??
When you add a listener or callback to something, the code inside the listener will not be called until sometime later. Everything else in the current function will happen first.
You are adding listeners for each item using your for loop. No code in the listeners is running yet. Then your "size2" println call is made after the for loop. At some later time, all your listeners will fire.
If you want asynchronous code like this to be written sequentially, then you need to use coroutines. That's a huge topic, but your code would look something like this (but probably a little more involved than this if you want to properly handle errors). I'm using lifecycleScope from an Android Activity or Fragment for this example. If you're not on Android, you need to use some other CoroutineScope.
The calls to await() are an alternative to adding success and failure listeners. await() suspends the coroutine and then returns a result or throws an exception on failure.
lifecycleScope.launch {
val results = try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
println("Failed to get list: ${e.message}")
val uris = try {
results.map { it.downloadUrl.await().toString() }
} catch (e: Exception) {
println("Failed to get at least one URI: ${e.message}")
There is nothing wrong with the execution order here.
fileRef.downloadUrl.addOnSuccessListener { Uri ->
the downloadUrl is an asynchronous action which means it doesn't wait for the action to actually complete in order to move along with the code.
You receive the result with the success listener (at least in this case)
If you want to deal with it in a sequential way, look at coroutines.

Firebase authenticaiton error handling in unity

I have been struggling to find a solution for this and it seems that i'm doing something in the wrong way due to my limited knowladge, so here is the breakdown of the problem:
public void RegisterNewUser()
if (CheckRegisterDataIntegrity())
_auth.CreateUserWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(_email, _password).ContinueWith(task => {
if (task.IsCanceled) {
Debug.LogError("CreateUserWithEmailAndPasswordAsync was canceled.");
if (task.IsFaulted)
// Firebase user has been created.
Firebase.Auth.FirebaseUser newUser = task.Result;
Debug.LogFormat("Firebase user created successfully: {0} ({1})",
newUser.DisplayName, newUser.UserId);
else if (!CheckRegisterDataIntegrity())
HandleRegistrationErrors(new AggregateException("passwords do not match"));
above is the Registration function that I got straight from Firebase docs, it's very straightforward
the FetchRegisterInputValues(); function gets the email and passwords, the CheckRegisterDataIntegrity() compares the password with the password conformation in the form, and finally HandleRegistrationErrors(task.Exception); is meant to fire a popup panel to show the error,
this is how HandleRegistrationErrors(task.Exception); looks
private void HandleRegistrationErrors(AggregateException errMsg)
print("its here from the errors method " + errMsg.Message);
registerErrorPopup.description = errMsg.Message;
it's using a UI asset from the asset store, the .OpenNotification(); starts the animation and pops it up, and then im just showing the message.
Now, I got two problems, the first is when there is an error encountered by Firebase and the if (task.IsFaulted) Condition is true, the HandleRegistrationErrors function should be called, right?. well that's exactly what happens, except only the print("it's here from the errors method " + errMsg.Message); line gets called and the rest of the function does not execute, I thought at first that its a problem with asset, but I tried doing it manually (created a native UI with unity and used SetActive() method to start the popUp), but again only print method executed, I think its because of the
CreateUserWithEmailAndPasswordAsync is Asynchronous and I should handle errors accordingly, but I really don't know how to go about it and there is no documentation that I could find.
The second problem is how to get the correct Error Message because of the task.Exception.Message always returns me a "One or more errors occurred". while the task.Exception itself gives the right message but it's not formatted correctly.
The first question is the easiest. To update your code with the minimal amount of effort, just replace ContinueWith with ContinueWithOnMainThread will force logic onto the main thread. Also, you should avoid calling task.Result if task.Exception is non-null as it will just raise the exception (see the related documentation).
For the threading related stuff: I go into much more detail about threading with Firebase and Unity here and you can read about the ContinueWithOnMainThread extension here.
For your second issue, the issue you're running into is that task.Exception is an AggregateException. I typically just attach a debugger and inspect this when debugging (or let Crashlytics analyze it in the field), and my UI state is only concerned about success or failure. If you want to inspect the error, the documentation I linked for AggregateException recommends doing something like:
task.Exception.Handle((e) => Debug.LogError($"Failed because {e}"));
Although I would play with .Flatten() or .GetBaseException() to see if those are easier to deal with.
I hope this helps!

Displaying server side validation errors

For one of my models, I have a simple ondelete event handler:
function validateStateDeletion(record){
if (record.Name===STATE_SUBMITTED || record.Name===STATE_CLOSED){
throw 'Cannot delete internal states '+STATE_SUBMITTED+' and '+STATE_CLOSED;
This does indeed work and prevents records meeting the condition from being deleted. I see the error is propagated back to the client (it is displayed in the dev console as an exception). However, capturing the exception to display something to the user, using window.onerror as part of the app initialization script, does not seem to have any effect (This may not be the correct Window object as window.onerror is undefined in the dev console, it may be some sandbox iframe where client side scripts are executed) .
window.onerror=function(message, url, line, column, error){
window.toastr.error("Error:" +(message||error));
return false;
Question: Any insight on global exception handling in AppMaker, or an alternative way to display server side validation errors?
>> global exception handling in AppMaker
afaik there is no such mechanism right now
>> or an alternative way to display server side validation errors?
Here we have at least 3 cases
1 Calling the server-side function
.withSuccessHandler(function(result) {
.withFailureHandler(function(e) {
2 Triggering any data-related action(createItem, saveChanges, deleteItem, load, reload... etc)
success: function (somethingThatDependsOnActionType) {
failure: function (e) {
3 Making a change to an item for a datasource in auto save mode
app.datasources.Employees.item.Name = 'Bob';
Afaik there is no good way to handle error in this case. Hope it will be fixed soon. For the time being as workaround you can switch datasource to manual save mode and pass success+failure handler to the saveChanges callback

Implementing exception handling in a function which returns a Stream

I'm implementing a function which returns a Stream. I'm not sure how to implement the error handling, what is best practice?
For functions which return a Future, it's best practice never to throw a synchronous error. Is this also true for functions which return a Stream?
Here's an example of what I'm thinking:
Stream<int> count() {
var controller = new StreamController<int>();
int i = 0;
try {
new Timer.repeating(new Duration(seconds: 1), () => controller.add(i++));
} on Exception catch (e) {
return controller.stream;
In general it is true for Streams as well. The main idea is, that users should only need to handle errors in one way. Your example moves all errors to the stream.
There are circumstances where immediate errors are better (for instance you could make the error is due to a programming error and should never be handled anyways, or if you want to guarantee that a Stream never produces errors), but sending the error through a stream is almost always a good thing.
Small nit: a Stream should usually (there are exceptions) not produce any data until somebody has started listening. In your example you are starting a Timer even though you don't even know if there will ever be a listener. I'm guessing the example is reduced and not representative of your real code, but it is something to look out for. The solution would be to use the StreamController's callbacks for pause and subscription changes.
I've updated the example to take on-board Florian's comments.
In my real use case, I don't ever want to buffer the results, so I'm throwing an UnsupportedError if the stream is paused.
I've made it a terminating stream, rather than an infinite one.
If the user of this function adds a listener asynchronously after a few seconds, then they will lose the first couple of results. They shouldn't do this. I guess that's something to document clearly. Though perhaps, I could also throw an error if the subscribe state changes after the first data has been received, but before a close has been received.
Stream<int> count(int max) {
var controller = new StreamController<int>(
onPauseStateChange: () => throw new UnsupportedError('count() Stream pausing not supported.'));
int i = 0;
try {
new Timer.repeating(new Duration(seconds: 1), () {
if (!controller.hasSubscribers)
if (i >= max)
} on Exception catch (e) {
return controller.stream;
