I am trying to add a new user in below json which matches group NP01-RW. i am able to do without NP01-RW but not able to select users under NP01-RW and return updated json.
"id": 181,
"guid": "c9b7dbde-63de-42cc-9840-1b4a06e13364",
"isEnabled": true,
"version": 17,
"service": "Np-Hue",
"policyType": 0,
"policyPriority": 0,
"isAuditEnabled": true,
"resources": {
"database": {
"values": [
"isExcludes": false,
"isRecursive": false
"column": {
"values": [
"isExcludes": false,
"isRecursive": false
"table": {
"values": [
"isExcludes": false,
"isRecursive": false
"policyItems": [
"accesses": [
"type": "select",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "update",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "create",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "drop",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "alter",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "index",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "lock",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "all",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "read",
"isAllowed": true
"type": "write",
"isAllowed": true
"users": [
"groups": [
"conditions": [],
"delegateAdmin": false
"accesses": [
"type": "select",
"isAllowed": true
"users": [
"groups": [
"conditions": [],
"delegateAdmin": false
"denyPolicyItems": [],
"allowExceptions": [],
"denyExceptions": [],
"dataMaskPolicyItems": [],
"rowFilterPolicyItems": [],
"options": {},
"validitySchedules": [],
"policyLabels": [
below is what i have tried but it returns part of the JSON matching NP01-RW and not full JSON
jq --arg username "$sync_userName" '.policyItems[] | select(.groups[] | IN("NP01-RO")).users += [$username]' > ${sync_policyName}.json
Operator precedence in jq is not always intuitive. Your program is parsed as:
.policyItems[] | (select(.groups[] | IN("NP01-RO")).users += [$username])
Which first streams all policyItems and only then changes them, leaving you with policyItems only in the output.
You need to make sure that the stream selects the correct values, which you can then assign:
(.policyItems[] | select(.groups[] | IN("NP01-RO")).users) += [$username]
This will do the assignment, but still return the full input (.).
For the below JSON, I need the and output using jq for the ones having
authorization.roles[].name == "Supervisor"
What is the command for jq to to that ? For the below json we expect 1231 id and name AAAA alone as output as that only has Supervisor as role
"results": [{
"id": "1231",
"name": "AAAA",
"div": {
"id": "AAA",
"name": "DDSAA",
"selfUri": ""
"chat": {
"jabberId": "nn"
"department": "Shared Services Organization",
"email": "",
"primaryContactInfo": [{
"address": "",
"mediaType": "EMAIL",
"type": "PRIMARY"
"addresses": [],
"state": "active",
"title": "AAA",
"username": "",
"version": 27,
"authorization": {
"roles": [{
"id": "01256689-c5ed-43a5-b370-58522402830d",
"name": "AA"
}, {
"id": "1e65b009-9f8f-4eef-9844-83944002c095",
"name": "BBB"
}, {
"id": "8a19f1ff-40e5-45d2-b758-14550a173323",
"name": "CCC"
}, {
"id": "d02250e2-7071-46bf-885b-43edff2d88a6",
"name": "Supervisor"
}, {
"id": "1255",
"name": "BBBB",
"div": {
"id": "AAA",
"name": "DDSAA",
"selfUri": ""
"chat": {
"jabberId": "nn"
"department": "Shared Services Organization",
"email": "",
"primaryContactInfo": [{
"address": "",
"mediaType": "EMAIL",
"type": "PRIMARY"
"addresses": [],
"state": "active",
"title": "AAA",
"username": "",
"version": 27,
"authorization": {
"roles": [{
"id": "01256689-c5ed-43a5-b370-58522402830d",
"name": "AA"
}, {
"id": "1e65b009-9f8f-4eef-9844-83944002c095",
"name": "BBB"
}, {
"id": "8a19f1ff-40e5-45d2-b758-14550a173323",
"name": "CCC"
}, {
"id": "d02250e2-7071-46bf-885b-43edff2d88a6",
"name": "Tester"
Don't put commas before closing brackets or curly braces (it's not valid JSON). Your input should look like this:
"results": [
"id": "1231",
"name": "AAAA",
"div": {
"id": "AAA",
"name": "DDSAA",
"selfUri": ""
"chat": {
"jabberId": "nn"
"department": "Shared Services Organization",
"email": "",
"primaryContactInfo": [
"address": "",
"mediaType": "EMAIL",
"type": "PRIMARY"
"addresses": [],
"state": "active",
"title": "AAA",
"username": "",
"version": 27,
"authorization": {
"roles": [
"id": "01256689-c5ed-43a5-b370-58522402830d",
"name": "AA"
"id": "1e65b009-9f8f-4eef-9844-83944002c095",
"name": "BBB"
"id": "8a19f1ff-40e5-45d2-b758-14550a173323",
"name": "CCC"
"id": "d02250e2-7071-46bf-885b-43edff2d88a6",
"name": "Supervisor"
"id": "1255",
"name": "BBBB",
"div": {
"id": "AAA",
"name": "DDSAA",
"selfUri": ""
"chat": {
"jabberId": "nn"
"department": "Shared Services Organization",
"email": "",
"primaryContactInfo": [
"address": "",
"mediaType": "EMAIL",
"type": "PRIMARY"
"addresses": [],
"state": "active",
"title": "AAA",
"username": "",
"version": 27,
"authorization": {
"roles": [
"id": "01256689-c5ed-43a5-b370-58522402830d",
"name": "AA"
"id": "1e65b009-9f8f-4eef-9844-83944002c095",
"name": "BBB"
"id": "8a19f1ff-40e5-45d2-b758-14550a173323",
"name": "CCC"
"id": "d02250e2-7071-46bf-885b-43edff2d88a6",
"name": "Tester"
Then, you can use select to narrow down your target objects (here using any to check if at least one of the role names matches your string -- thx #ikegami), then output any part of the resulting object(s):
jq '
| select(any(.authorization.roles[]; .name == "Supervisor"))
| {id, name}
"id": "1231",
"name": "AAAA"
If instead of a JSON output you need raw text, use the -r (or --raw-output) flag, and provide the fields you are interested in:
jq -r '
| select(any(.authorization.roles[]; .name == "Supervisor"))
| .id, .name
I am new to NoSQL and MongoDB, so please don't bash. I have used SQL databases in the past, but am now looking to leverage the scalability of NoSQL. One application that comes to mind is the collection of experimental results, where they are serialized in some manner with a start date, end date, part number, serial number, etc. Along with each experiment, there are many "measurements" collected, but the list of measurements may be unique in each experiment.
I am looking for ideas in how to structure the document to achieve the follow tasks:
1) Query based on date ranges, part numbers, serial numbers
2) See resulting table in a "spreadsheet" table
3) Perform statistical calculats, perhaps with R, on the different "measurements"
An example might look like:
"_id": {
"$oid": "5e680d6063cb144f9d1be261"
"StartDate": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1583841600000"
"EndDate": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1583842007000"
"PartNumber": "1Z45NP7X",
"SerialNumber": "U84A3102",
"Status": "Acceptable",
"Results": [
"Sensor": "Pressure",
"Value": "14.68453",
"Units": "PSIA",
"Flag": "1"
"Sensor": "Temperature",
"Value": {
"$numberDouble": "68.43"
"Units": "DegF",
"Flag": {
"$numberInt": "1"
"Sensor": "Velocity",
"Value": {
"$numberDouble": "12.4"
"Units": "ft/s",
"Flag": {
"$numberInt": "1"
"_id": {
"$oid": "5e68114763cb144f9d1be263"
"StartDate": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1583842033000"
"EndDate": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1583842434000"
"PartNumber": "1Z45NP7X",
"SerialNumber": "U84A3103",
"Status": "Acceptable",
"Results": [
"Sensor": "Pressure",
"Value": "14.70153",
"Units": "PSIA",
"Flag": "1"
"Sensor": "Temperature",
"Value": {
"$numberDouble": "68.55"
"Units": "DegF",
"Flag": {
"$numberInt": "1"
"Sensor": "Velocity",
"Value": {
"$numberDouble": "12.7"
"Units": "ft/s",
"Flag": {
"$numberInt": "1"
"_id": {
"$oid": "5e68115f63cb144f9d1be264"
"StartDate": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1583842464000"
"EndDate": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1583842434000"
"PartNumber": "1Z45NP7X",
"SerialNumber": "U84A3104",
"Status": "Acceptable",
"Results": [
"Sensor": "Pressure",
"Value": "14.59243",
"Units": "PSIA",
"Flag": "1"
"Sensor": "Weight",
"Value": {
"$numberDouble": "67.93"
"Units": "lbf",
"Flag": {
"$numberInt": "1"
"Sensor": "Torque",
"Value": {
"$numberDouble": "122.33"
"Units": "ft-lbf",
"Flag": {
"$numberInt": "1"
Another approach might be:
"_id": {
"$oid": "5e680d6063cb144f9d1be261"
"StartDate": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1583841600000"
"EndDate": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1583842007000"
"PartNumber": "1Z45NP7X",
"SerialNumber": "U84A3102",
"Status": "Acceptable",
"Pressure (PSIA)" : "14.68453",
"Pressure - Flag": "1",
"Temperature (degF)": "68.43",
"Temperature - Flag": "1",
"Velocity (ft/s)": "12.4",
"Velocity Flag": "1"
"_id": {
"$oid": "5e68114763cb144f9d1be263"
"StartDate": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1583842033000"
"EndDate": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1583842434000"
"PartNumber": "1Z45NP7X",
"SerialNumber": "U84A3103",
"Status": "Acceptable",
"Pressure (PSIA)" : "14.70153",
"Pressure - Flag": "1",
"Temperature (degF)": "68.55",
"Temperature - Flag": "1",
"Velocity (ft/s)": "12.7",
"Velocity Flag": "1"
"_id": {
"$oid": "5e68115f63cb144f9d1be264"
"StartDate": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1583842464000"
"EndDate": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1583842434000"
"PartNumber": "1Z45NP7X",
"SerialNumber": "U84A3104",
"Status": "Acceptable",
"Pressure (PSIA)" : "14.59243",
"Pressure - Flag": "1",
"Weight (lbf)": "67.93",
"Weight - Flag": "1",
"Torque (ft-lbf)": "122.33",
"Torque - Flag": : "1"
An example table might look like (probably with correct spacing):
StartDate EndDate PartNumber SerialNumber Pressure 'Pressure - Flag' Temperature 'Temperature - Flag' Velocity 'Velocity - Flag' Torque 'Torque - Flag' Weight 'Weight - Flag'
2020-03-10T12:00:00Z 2020-03-10T12:06:47Z 1Z45NP7X U84A3102 14.68453 1 68.43 1 12.4 1 N/A N/A N/A
2020-03-10T12:07:13Z 2020-03-10T12:13:54Z 1Z45NP7X U84A3103 14.70153 1 68.55 1 12.7 1 N/A N/A N/A
2020-03-10T12:07:13Z 2020-03-10T12:13:54Z 1Z45NP7X U84A3104 14.59243 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 67.93 1 122.33
Any thoughts on the best structure? In reality, there might be 200+ "sensor values".
I used API/query downsample to query the data, but the results I get are different. I cannot explain why.
My first query:
"start": 1498838400,
"end": 1501516800,
"timezone": "Asia/Shanghai",
"useCalendar": true,
"delete": false,
"queries": [
"aggregator": "sum",
"metric": "",
"downsample": "24h-first",
"rate": false,
"filters": [
"type": "literal_or",
"tagk": "deviceId",
"filter": "127",
"groupBy": true
The result:
"metric": "",
"tags": {
"deviceTypeId": "1",
"deviceNo": "340340001750",
"deviceId": "127",
"gatewayId": "72"
"aggregateTags": [],
"dps": {
"1498924800": 0.029999999329447746,
"1499097600": 349577.59375,
"1499184000": 410578.90625,
"1499270400": 515834.09375,
"1499356800": 616553.6875,
"1499443200": 722792.5,
"1499529600": 800983.75...}}]
For the second request, I only change 24h-first to 24h-first-nan, and the second request result is:
"metric": "",
"tags": {
"deviceTypeId": "1",
"deviceNo": "340340001750",
"deviceId": "127",
"gatewayId": "72"
"aggregateTags": [],
"dps": {}
I want the result is:
"metric": "",
"tags": {
"deviceTypeId": "1",
"deviceNo": "340340001750",
"deviceId": "127",
"gatewayId": "72"
"aggregateTags": [],
"dps": {
"1498924800": 0.029999999329447746,
"1499011200": NaN,
"1499097600": 349577.59375,
"1499184000": 410578.90625,
"1499270400": 515834.09375,
"1499356800": 616553.6875,
"1499443200": 722792.5,
"1499529600": 800983.75...}}]
I also delete the "useCalendar", but the time is not what I want.
Do you see my issue? Can you help? Thank you!
For an input file that looks like this:
"employees": [
"number": "101",
"tags": [
"value": "yes",
"key": "management"
"value": "joe",
"key": "login"
"value": "joe blogs",
"key": "name"
"number": "102",
"tags": [
"value": "no",
"key": "management"
"value": "jane",
"key": "login"
"value": "jane doe",
"key": "name"
"number": "103",
"tags": [
"value": "no",
"key": "management"
"value": "john",
"key": "login"
"value": "john doe",
"key": "name"
... I'd like to get details for all non-management employees so that the desired output looks like this:
"number": "102",
"name": "jane doe",
"login": "jane"
"number": "103",
"name": "john doe",
"login": "john"
I can't figure out how to limit results based on a key without selecting that key (in this case "management")
The following is a slightly more succinct solution:
| .tags |= from_entries
| select( == "no")
| {number, "name":, "login": .tags.login}
Using from_entries, this worked for me:
$ jq '.employees[] | {number: .number, tags: .tags | from_entries} | select("no") | {number: .number, name:, login: .tags.login}' input
... and the output is:
"number": "102",
"name": "jane blogs",
"login": "jane"
"number": "103",
"name": "john doe",
"login": "john"
There may be a better way to achieve what I wanted, so I'll leave the question open for a while if someone wants to offer a better solution.
Here is another solution which uses from_entries
| {number} + (.tags | from_entries)
| if .management == "no" then {number, name, login} else empty end