View ID on Measurement Protocol - Google Analytics - google-analytics

I am going trough the documentation of Google Analytics, but the documentation doesn't seem to mention when the user wants to send the hit to a specific view. It does require the property ID but any signal of the View ID..
I have also searched on the internet but I cannot find anything. It is pretty rare that there is no documentation on this.
Any suggestions?

You don't see it because all views receive the data. You send the data to the property. You need to filter out the traffic in the view configurations, not at collection time.


Can Client ID be Used to Retroactively Filter Internal Traffic?

With the goal of performing analysis that does not include staff traffic, I started following this guide to exclude internal visits which seemed great but apparently cannot work retroactively. In fact, I've heard differing opinions on if any sort of retroactive filtering of this sort can be done in GA at all. I'm very new to using GA, but one field I noticed is the Client ID, which seems to track browsers. If I could identify which Client ID's correspond to my coworker's browsers, could I use this to retroactively exclude them from analysis? This seems like it may work to me, but I have found no sources online suggesting this as an option.
If it matters, the analysis I am most interested in is tracking exit clicks.
ClientId is not a value normally available in Analytics reports, also if the coworker has deleted the cookies that value will be different.
This solution works for Univeral Analytics and not GA4.
With Google Tag Manager, you can create a configuration that allows you to filter out internal traffic.
In GA, you can create a custom dimension that tells GA which users are internal users and not. This information is passed on by Google Tag Manager via a query string.
For a step-by-step guide read: How to Filter Internal Traffic in Google Analytics with Google Tag Manager

Is there any API call or any kind of feedback to know whether data is actually sent through google analytics collect endpoint?

I have settled my google tag manager as from the guide.
I have got in place a page that redirect just after the tag gtm-load is collected into the dataLayer. It's actually a "transition" page that should redirect instantaneously.
In this way I make sure is called, as I can see from the network ta of my browser, seems the only way to do so for an "instant redirect page".
However I need to test it from the back-end side.
Is there any way to have a feedback from Google Analytics about the data is actually sent? For example something like, so that I can use a restAPI to check it out?
As far as I know, google analytics provide only metrics through a web page, and no actual data sent to.
Moreover there are some Rest API here but they are only for configuration purpose.
you might pass a JavaScript function as a hitCallback parameter of analytics send command and it will be called right after hit data were sent:
Here's an example of how to use it with GTM alongside another useful feature of eventcallback
Hope this helps.
There is a realtime API in Google Analytics, so what I have done for testing is to call my test URL with utm campaign parameters attached. Then I made a call to the realtime API and filtered by my custom campaign.
The realtime API is fairly limited (no session based values, obviously, you cannot test custom dimensions etc), but at least this tells you if your hit has registered in GA.

Missing e-commerce data

I have to debug the following message which I get in google analytics:
The data view XY was configured for e-commerce, but no data is transmitted.
This is the site.
As you can see in the source code, the tag manager is implemented properly, and a network analysis shows that data is transmitted, I get status code 200.
I used the extension "Google Tag Assistant", it showed that everything works fine (go to the site and click on something, then you will get this:)
As you can see it works. So why do I get this message?
Could you show us a little bit more what you have setup in GTM? As far as i can see i assume you should be getting pageviews since the beacons are correct:
But im also seeing you have some kind of event that wont work cause your Action and Category are undefined and Analytics says this fields are mandatory.
If you are not even seeing the pageviews you may have your UA-45904794-4 wrong (Or not well configured on GTM) or a filter on Google Analytics that shouldnt be there.
If you have any further questions just ask and i ll edit this and add more information.
Hope it helps!
You can check that you don't have ecommerce tracking in the container:
Since you do not, you should disable it in analytics on the property:
This warning means that according to the Analytics property settings you intend to track ecommerce data, but you are not sending any.
Or you can finish setting up ecommerce and publish the resulting container. For example, by following that section in the quick start guide:

Google Analytics - flagging PII/NPI (personally identifiable information & non-public information)

Can you set up alerts in Google Analytics to flag potential PII/NPI such as name, email address, billing address, billing details etc.? If so, how?
First I have do say I do not understand the downvote(s). For example I have seen applications with user logins where a full name was part of the page title - combined with time based dimensions that gave profile that say which user looked at what page at what time, and that would be clearly illegal. Even worse I have seen a case where security tokens were transmitted to GA that allowed access to secured resources. So clearly accidental transmission of PII to Google Analytics is a real thing.
Unfortunately there is not much you can do about it. You can either do a custom report with relevant dimensions and have it sent to you for a manual audit, or pull them via the API and have them programmatically examined via regular expressions that look for patterns like e-mail addresses etc. But by the time you can do that it is already to late, the data will already be permanently recorded in the GA property.
You have to stop this before the data is collected - if at all possible already in the website (via form validation etc), or use Google Tag Manager with custom javascript variables with validation rules, or filters in the analytics view (the latter being cumbersome and not very promising for this purpose).
The good news is that GA will not suddendly start to track PII on it's own. So you only need to check if your GA account tracks PII when you set up the account. Collect a few days data, validate that everything is okay, make changes as necessary and after all flaws are straightened out copy the view to start data collection from scratch and drop the old view if it contains PII.

Can't track E-Commerce shipping details using Google Analytics Measurement Protocol

I need to track E-Commerce data in my Google analytic account using measurement Protocol. In the request I need to send following data and those data need to be tracked in my account.
Billing City (utmtci)
Billing Region (utmtrg)
Billing Country (utmtco)
But when I tried to find the parameters for these using enter link description here I could not find any matching parameter. Please help if any one know whether I can track these using measurement protocol.
This has been discussed (but not yet answered) here - basically it seems those fields have been deprecated.
I do not see that spelled out in the documentation, but those field do not appear in the parameter reference, not in the API (via the query explorer) and not in the GA user interface. If stuff is not part of the documentation it's pretty safe to assume that it is not there.
You can create custom dimensions in your property settings and send the geo information there.
