My data look like:
Sample_ID Member_ID gender relative_ID relative_desc
1 11 male 1 Head
1 12 female 2 Partener
1 13 female 3 Child
1 14 female 3 Child
2 21 female 1 Head
2 22 male 3 Child
3 31 male 1 Head
3 32 female 2 Partener
4 41 male 1 Head
4 42 female 2 Partener
4 43 male 3 Child
4 44 male 3 Child
5 51 female 1 Head
5 52 female 3 Child
5 53 male 3 Child
5 54 male 3 Child
and many other columns..
what I want to know is how many child that each family has
and I did a lot of search and try to unpivot the relative_desc variable by :
COMPUTE Child = (relative_desc = "Child").
And then try to sum the aggregate with break of sample Id
/Child = SUM(Child).
this will move the sample id and number of child in each family into new dataset, what I did is merge the new sum column into the original dataset but I got a lot of missing data, any other suggestions?
thank you so much.
You can aggregate directly into the original dataset and save yourself work and troubles:
AGGREGATE OUTFILE=* mode=addvariables overwritevars=yes
/Child = SUM(Child).
Note - the overwritevars subcommand lets you rewrite the Child variable with the sum. alternatively you could put the sum in a new variable like SumChild.
If you do prefer to aggregate to a new dataset and then reattach it back to the original dataset, please add to your post the syntax you used for that, so we can see what the problem was.
I have a large data frame with over 1 million observations. Two of my independent variables A and B have 18 and 72 numerically labelled categories respectively. For simplicity sake, assume the categories are labelled 1-18 and 1-72. I'd like to partition all of my data into 36 groups of 6, (A 1-6 with B 1-6, A 1-6 with B 7-12, etc.)
Currently, I am using dplyr's mutate with 36 nested ifelse statements, such as mutate(partition = ifelse(A <= 6 & B <= 6, 1, ifelse(...))) but this is tedious and difficult to change should I want to make partitions of different sizes.
Another way of describing it is that there are 18 * 72 = 1296 unique combinations of parameter A and B, but I would like to partition these 1296 into 36 groups of 36 observations, with the flexibility to change the number of observations and groups.
I really feel like there should be a better way to partition my data, but nothing comes to mind immediately. The only other idea I have is to use expand.grid and use a join of sorts. What other methods exist that allow me to partition my data?
The below example is kind of how I would like my data to appear.
A B Partition
1 1 1
1 2 1
1 3 1
1 4 1
1 5 1
1 6 1
2 1 1
... ... ...
6 6 1
7 1 2
... ... ...
12 71 12
12 72 12
13 1 13
... ... ...
18 70 36
18 71 36
18 72 36
I'm new to R and I'm stuck.
NB! I'm sorry I could not figure out how to add more than 1 space between numbers and headers in my example so i used "_" instead.
The problem:
I have two data frames (Graduations and Occupations). I want to match the occupations to the graduations. The difficult part is that one person might be present multiple times in both data frames and I want to keep all the data.
One person may have finished many curriculums. Original DF has more columns but they are not relevant for the example.
Person_ID__curriculum_ID__School ID
Not all graduates have jobs, everyone in the DF should have only one main job (JOB_Type code "1") and can have 0-5 extra jobs (JOB_Type code "0"). Original DF has more columns but the are not relevant currently.
End result:
New DF named "Result" containing the information of all graduations from the first DF(Graduations) and added columns from the second DF (Occupations).
Note that person "2" is not in the Occupations DF. Their data remains but added columns remain empty.
Note that person "3" has multiple jobs and thus extra duplicate rows are added.
Note that in case of person "4" has both multiple jobs and graduations so extra rows were added to fit in all the data.
New DF: "Result"
For me the most difficult part is how to make R add extra duplicate rows. I looked around to find an example or tutorial about something similar but could. Probably I did not use the right key words.
I will be very grateful if you could give me examples of how to code it.
You can use merge like:
merge(Graduations, Occupations, all.x=TRUE)
# Person_ID curriculum_ID School_ID JOB_ID JOB_Type
#1 1 100 10 1223 1
#2 2 100 10 NA NA
#3 2 200 10 NA NA
#4 3 300 12 3334 1
#5 3 300 12 2122 0
#6 3 300 12 7843 0
#7 4 100 10 4522 0
#8 4 100 10 1240 1
#9 4 200 12 4522 0
#10 4 200 12 1240 1
Graduations <- read.table(header=TRUE, text="Person_ID curriculum_ID School_ID
1 100 10
2 100 10
2 200 10
3 300 12
4 100 10
4 200 12")
Occupations <- read.table(header=TRUE, text="Person_ID JOB_ID JOB_Type
1 1223 1
3 3334 1
3 2122 0
3 7843 0
4 4522 0
4 1240 1")
An option with left_join
left_join(Graduations, Occupations)
I´m obviously a novice in writing R-code.
I have tried multiple solutions to my problem from stackoverflow but I'm still stuck.
My dataset is carcinoid, patients with a small bowel cancer, with multiple variables.
i would like to know how different variables are distributed
carcinoid$met_any - with metastatic disease 1=yes, 2=no(computed variable)
carcinoid$liver_mets_y_n - liver metastases 1=yes, 2=no
carcinoid$regional_lymph_nodes_y_n - regional lymph nodes 1=yes, 2=no
peritoneal_carcinosis_y_n - peritoneal carcinosis 1=yes, 2=no
i have tried this solution which is close to my wanted result
ddply(carcinoid, .(carcinoid$met_any), summarize,
with the result being:
carcinoid$met_any livermetastases regionalmets pc
1 1 21 46 7
2 2 21 46 7
Now, i expected the row with 2(=no metastases), to be empty. i would also like the rows in the column carcinoid$met_any to give the number of patients.
If someone could help me it would be very much appreciated!
My dataset, although the column numbers are: 1, 43,28,31,33
case_nr met_any liver_mets_y_n regional_lymph_nodes_y_n pc
1 1 1 1 2
2 1 2 1 2
3 2 2 2 2
4 1 2 1 1
5 1 2 1 1
desired output - I want to count the numbers of 1:s and 2:s, if it works, all 1:s should end up in the met_any=1 row
nr liver_mets regional_lymph_nodes pc
met_any=1 4 1 4 2
met_any=2 1 4 1 3
Although i probably was very unclear in my question, with your help i could make the table i needed!
met_any lymph_nod liver_met paraortal extrahep
1: 50 46 21 6 15
2: 111 115 140 151 146
i am very grateful! #mtoto provided the solution
Based on your example data, this data.table approach works:
# met_any liver_mets_y_n regional_lymph_nodes_y_n pc
# 1: 4 1 4 2
# 2: 1 4 1 3
This question already has answers here:
How to sum a variable by group
(18 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I don't know how to word the title exactly, so I will just do my best to explain below... Sorry in advance for the .csv format.
I have the following example dataset:
ID Tag Flowers
1 1 6871 1
2 2 6750 1
3 3 6859 1
4 4 6767 1
5 5 6747 1
6 6 6261 1
7 7 6750 1
8 8 6767 1
9 9 6812 1
10 10 6746 1
11 11 6496 4
12 12 6497 1
13 13 6495 4
14 14 6481 1
15 15 6485 1
Notice that in Lines 2 and 7, the tag 6750 appears twice. I observed one flower on plant number 6750 on two separate days, equaling two flowers in its lifetime. Basically, I want to add every flower that occurs for tag 6750, tag 6767, etc throughout ~100 rows. Each tag appears more than once, usually around 4 or 5 times.
I feel like I need to apply the unlist function here, but I'm a little bit lost as to how I should do so.
Without any extra packages, you can use function aggregate():
res<-aggregate(data$Flowers, list(data$Tag), sum)
This calculates a sum of the values in Flowers column for every value in the Tag column.
and thanks in advance for your help. I am very new to R and am having some trouble with code that, to me looks like it should work, but isn't. I have a data frame like the one below:
studentID classNumber classRating
7 1 4
7 2 4
7 4 3
79 1 5
79 2 3
116 1 5
116 2 4
134 1 5
134 3 5
134 4 5
And I want it to read like this:
Student ID class1 class2 class3 class4
7 4 4 NA 3
79 5 3 NA NA
116 5 4 NA NA
134 5 NA 5 5
I've tried to piece together different things that I've come across and it seemed like the best approach was to create a new data frame and matrix and then populate it from the current data frame. I came up with the broken code below:
classRatings = data.frame(matrix(NA,4,5))
for(i in 1:nrow(classDB)){
#Find ratings by each student
rowsToReplace = classDB$studentID==classRatings$studentID[i]
#Make a row for each unique studentID in classRatings
classDB$studentID[rowsToReplace] = classRatings$studentID[i]
#for each studentID, find put the given rating for each unique class into
#it's own vector
for(j in classDB$classNumber){
I'm getting an error that says:
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
and I am beyond my skill level to figure it out. Any help is appreciated.
The tidyr package can spread this long table into a wider one: