can Firebase detect unusual amount of reads/writes? - firebase

Hope you guys are all doing well. I just have a quick question regarding Firebase and how if Firebase has any sort of ways to detect malicious users?
The scenario I am imagining is that some user downloaded my app and for whatever reason wrote some script or something that just continuously reads and writes to my Firebase firestore and/or storage
I am wondering if Firebase has any built in functionality that detects any unusual amounts of read/writes from a single user or what are some ways I can do so to prevent a user from, say, read and/or write more than 100 times within 1 min?

Firebase doesn't have any per-user accounting. If you want to record what each user is doing and enforce limits, you'll have to implement that yourself. Security rules also will be of little help to you enforcing overall read limits. You will have to:
Force all users to access the database through a backend you control
Send the identity of the user along with the request
Record somewhere how much that user has read and written
Refuse to perform more queries if that limit is exceeded, for whatever threshold or duration you define.
In short, it's a lot of work you have to do yourself.


Monitoring reads (per user) in Firebase

I have thought about monitoring reads for users in Firebase.
Let's say that a user makes a lot of "reads", then I will monitor these "reads" by writing to a counter in a separate document. Once the user has reached 104 reads I will tell the user that they have reached their daily quota. In such a case I also want to disable them from making any further reads (for a day), is this possible in Firebase?
No, that's not currently possible. At least not in any secure way that would prevent the user from manipulating the value.
Your best solution at present would be to use Firestore or RTDB as a non-public database and then create an API behind the API Gateway to handle your rate limiting. Then reads go through your API giving you much more control but of course involves losing realtime updates.

Does Firebase have a way to limit access to all public data in the security rules?

Update: Editing the question title/body based on the suggestion.
Firebase store makes everything that is publicly readable also publicly accessible to the browser with a script, so nothing stops any user from just saying db.get('collection') and saving all the data as theirs.
In more traditional db setup where an app's frontend is pulling data from backend, and the user would have to at least go through the extra trouble of tweaking the UI and then scraping the front end to pull more-and-more data (think Twitter load more button).
My question was whether it was possible to limit users from accessing the entire database in a click, while also keeping the data publicly available.
From what I understand, any user who can see data coming out of a Firebase datastore can also run a query to extract all of that data. That is not desirable when data itself is of any value, and yet Firebase is such an easy to use tool, it's great for pretty much everything else.
Is there a way, or a best practice, for how to structure the data or access rules s.t. users see the data, but can't just run a script to download all of it entirely?
Kato once implemented a simplistic rate limit for writes in Realtime Database security rules: Firebase rate limiting in security rules?. Something similar could be possible in Cloud Firestore rules. But this approach won't work for reads, since you can't update the timestamp at the same time the read is performed.
You can however limit what queries a user can perform on your database. For example, to limit them to reading 50 documents at a time:
allow list: if request.query.limit <= 50;

Firebase Firestore authenticated user write data freely after tampering client side code

Firebase Firestore authenticated user write data freely after tampering code, is it possible?
For example, after setting firebase security rule to only allow user write document created by themselves, can hacker tampering the client side code and upVote their own post voteCount from 1 to 1000?
I understand we can set security rule to only allow increment of 1 vote per one write of document. I want to focusing on knowing whether hacker can modified client side code and use the app again as usual. A high confident answer is greatly appreciated. Thank you. I am a happy firebase user
For security purposes, you should assume that the client code has been compromised. After all, it's running on a machine or device that you don't have control over. It's actually pretty easy for someone to change the way JavaScript works in a browser environment.
Firebase has many security and data validation features in its rules system. All security and data verification needs to be done or verified within firebase rules. You can never trust that a client app/web-interface is behaving.
Perhaps votes are stored as a set of user-id: vote, and a user is only allowed to create a slot with their own id, and vote can be 1,-1 for example.

Limit a specific type of user in Firestore to read documents based on time

Has any way to limit users to read based on time, using Firestore Rules?
E.g: Limit a malicious user authenticated as an anonymous user to read a document several times per millisecond. This can cause elevate pricing for this multiples requests
There is no way to limit the rate of document reads using security rules. If you think someone is abusing the resources in your project, contact Firebase support and explain what you're observing.

Understanding the Firebase and purpose of google cloud functions

Let's say I'm developing app like Instagram: for iOS, Android and Web. I decided to use Google Firebase as it really seems to simplify the work.
The features user needs in the app are:
Uploading photos
Searching for other people, following them and see their photos
I come from traditional "own-backend" development where I do need to setup a server, create database and finally write the API to let the frontend retrieve the data from the server. That's the reason why it's unclear to me how it all works in Firebase.
So the question is how can I create such app:
Should I create my own API with cloud functions? Or it's ok to work with the database directly from the client-side?
If I work with the database directly why do I need cloud functions? Should I use them?
Sorry for such silly questions, but it is really hard to get from scratch.
The main difference between Firebase and the traditional setup you describe is that with Firebase, as far as the app developer is concerned, the client has direct access to the database, without the need for an intermediate custom API layer. Firebase provides SDKs in various languages that you would typically use to fetch the data you need / commit data updates.
You also have admin SDKs that you can use server-side, but these are meant for you to run some custom business logic - such as analytics, caching in an external service, for exemple - not for you to implement a data fetching API layer.
This has 2 important consequences:
You must define security rules to control who is allowed to read/write at what paths in your database. These security rules are defined at the project level, and rely on the authenticated user (using Firebase Authentication). Typically, if you store the user profile at the path users/$userId, you would define a rule saying that this node can be written to only if the authenticated user has an id of $userId.
You must structure your data in a way that makes it easily readable - without the need for complex database operations such as JOINs that are not supported by Firebase (you do have some limited querying options tough).
These 2 points allow you to skip the 2 main roles of traditional APIs: validating access and fetching/formatting the data.
Cloud functions allow you to react to data changes. Let's say everytime a new user is created, you want to send him a Welcome email: you could define a cloud function sending this email everytime a new node is appended to the users path. They allow you to run the code you would typically run server-side when writes happen, so they can have a very broad range of use-cases: side-effects (such as sending an email), caching data in an external service, caching data within Firebase for easier reads, analytics, etc..
You don't really need a server, you can access the database directly from the client, as long as your users are authenticated and you have defined reasonable security rules on Firebase.
In your use case you could, for example, use cloud functions to create a thumbnail when someone uploads a photo (Firebase Cloud Functions has ImageMagick included for that), or to denormalize your data so your application is faster, or to generate logs. So, basically you can use them whenever you need to do some server side processing when something changes on your database or storage. But I find cloud functions hard to develop and debug, and there are alternatives such as creating a Node application that subscribes to real time changes in your data and processes it. The downside is that you need to host it outside Firebase.
My answer is definitely NOT complete or professional, but here are the reasons why I choose Cloud Functions
You mentioned that you're writing an instagram-like mobile device app, then I assume that people can comment on others' pictures, as well as view those comments. How would you like to download comments from database and display them on users' devices? I mean, there could be hundreds, maybe thousands of comments on 1 post, you'll need to paginate your results. Why not let the server do all the hard work, free up users' devices and wait for the results? This doesn't seem like a lot better, but let's face it, if your app is incredibly successful, you'll have millions of users, millions of comments that you need to deal with, server will do those hard jobs way better than a mobile phone.
If your project is small, then it's true that you won't worry about performance, but what about security? If you do everything on client side, you're basically allowing every device to connect to your database, meaning that every device can read from/write into your database. Once a malicious user have found out your database url, all he has to do is to
With 1 line of code, you'll lose all your data. Okay, if you say, then I'll just come up with some good security rules like the one below:
This means that for each post, only the owner of that post can make any changes to it or read from it, other people are forbidden to do anything. It's good, but not realistic. People are supposed to be able to comment on the post, that's modifying the post, this rule will not apply to the situation. But again, if you let everybody read/write, it's not safe again. Then, why not just make .read and .write false, like this:
It's 100% safe, because nobody can do anything about anything in your database. Then, you write an API to do all the operations to your database. API limits the operations that can be done to your database. And you have experience in writing APIs, I'm sure you can do something to make your API strong in terms of security, for example, if a user wants to delete a post that he created, in your deletePost API, you're supposed to authenticate the user first. This way, 'nobody' can cause any damage to your database.
