Monitoring reads (per user) in Firebase - firebase

I have thought about monitoring reads for users in Firebase.
Let's say that a user makes a lot of "reads", then I will monitor these "reads" by writing to a counter in a separate document. Once the user has reached 104 reads I will tell the user that they have reached their daily quota. In such a case I also want to disable them from making any further reads (for a day), is this possible in Firebase?

No, that's not currently possible. At least not in any secure way that would prevent the user from manipulating the value.
Your best solution at present would be to use Firestore or RTDB as a non-public database and then create an API behind the API Gateway to handle your rate limiting. Then reads go through your API giving you much more control but of course involves losing realtime updates.


Best method to upload data to multiple documents in Firestore

I am currently working on an iOS App that uses Cloud Firestore from Firebase.
I was wondering: what is the best way (cost, efficiency and security-wise) to upload some data to multiple Firestore documents simultaneously (or almost simultaneously)?
* The data I have to upload consists of the following: there are two users (User A is the user currently using the app, User B is the one whose profile is currently being seen by User A). If User A saves User B's profile, I must upload User B's UID to User A's Firestore Document. Then, I have to increase a counter in User A's Firestore Document. Finally, I must add User A's UID to User B's Firestore Document. - Note that with Firestore Document I mean either a document Field or a document Subcollection.
The choices are:
Upload everything from the client: seems the best method, cost-wise: it doesn't require extra Cloud Functions usage. I would create a Batch Operation and upload all the data from there*. The downside is that the client must be able to access multiple unrelated collections and documents.
Update one document from the client, then update everything else from Cloud Functions: this method is the best one efficiency and security-wise; the client only uploads data to the user's document*, without accessing unrelated collections and documents. Also, the client only has to upload a fraction of the data that it had to upload in the previous method, saving bandwidth and cellular data / WiFi usage. The downside is that the usage of Cloud Functions would increase, eventually resulting in more costs.
Update one document from the client, update the counter* from the client and then update everything else form Cloud Functions: this method is somewhat a hybrid between the first two, as I think that updating the counter from the client is more secure (Cloud Functions' .onWrite trigger may happen twice or more, increasing the counter multiple times?).
My first thought was to go with method 2, as it's far more secured and efficient, but I would like to have someone else's advice too, before "wasting" too much time coding something wrong.
I hope this isn't any kind of duplicate, as I couldn't find anything that answered my question with enough specificity.
Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.
I would follow the third approach: updating from the client the current user collections (the saved_profiles collection and the counter field), which are private and only accessible by this user (configure Firestore Security Rules) and updating the other user's collection (users_who_saved_my_profile) with a triggered Cloud Function. As these operations are not controlled by security rules, they can access any part of the database. This way no unnecessary permissions are granted to any user.

can Firebase detect unusual amount of reads/writes?

Hope you guys are all doing well. I just have a quick question regarding Firebase and how if Firebase has any sort of ways to detect malicious users?
The scenario I am imagining is that some user downloaded my app and for whatever reason wrote some script or something that just continuously reads and writes to my Firebase firestore and/or storage
I am wondering if Firebase has any built in functionality that detects any unusual amounts of read/writes from a single user or what are some ways I can do so to prevent a user from, say, read and/or write more than 100 times within 1 min?
Firebase doesn't have any per-user accounting. If you want to record what each user is doing and enforce limits, you'll have to implement that yourself. Security rules also will be of little help to you enforcing overall read limits. You will have to:
Force all users to access the database through a backend you control
Send the identity of the user along with the request
Record somewhere how much that user has read and written
Refuse to perform more queries if that limit is exceeded, for whatever threshold or duration you define.
In short, it's a lot of work you have to do yourself.

Best strategy to develop back end of an app with large userbase, taking into account limitations of bandwidth, concurrent connections etc.?

I am developing an Android app which basically does this: On the landing(home) page it shows a couple of words. These words need to be updated on daily basis. Secondly, there is an 'experiences' tab in which a list of user experiences (around 500) shows up with their profile pic, description,etc.
This basic app is expected to get around 1 million users daily who will open the app daily at least once to see those couple of words. Many may occasionally open up the experiences section.
Thirdly, the app needs to have a push notification feature.
I am planning to purchase a managed wordpress hosting, set up a website, and add a post each day with those couple of words, use the JSON-API to extract those words and display them on app's home page. Similarly for the experiences, I will add each as a wordpress post and extract them from the Wordpress database. The reason I am choosing wordpress is that it has ready made interfaces for data entry which will save my time and effort.
But I am stuck on this: will the wordpress DB be able to handle such large amount of queries ? With such a large userbase and spiky traffic, I suspect I might cross the max. concurrent connections limit.
What's the best strategy in my case ? Should I use WP, or use firebase or any other service ? I need to make sure the scheme is cost effective also.
My app is basically very similar to this one:
For push notifications, I am planning to use third party services.
Kindly suggest the best strategy I should go with for designing the back end of this app.
Thanks to everyone out there in advance who are willing to help me in this.
I have never used Wordpress, so I don't know if or how it could handle that load.
You can still use WP for data entry, and write a scheduled function that would use WP's JSON API to copy that data into Firebase.
RTDB-vs-Firestore scalability states that RTDB can handle 200 thousand concurrent connections and Firestore 1 million concurrent connections.
However, if I get it right, your app doesn't need connections to be active (i.e. receive real-time updates). You can get your data once, then close the connection.
For RTDB, Enabling Offline Capabilities on Android states that
On Android, Firebase automatically manages connection state to reduce bandwidth and battery usage. When a client has no active listeners, no pending write or onDisconnect operations, and is not explicitly disconnected by the goOffline method, Firebase closes the connection after 60 seconds of inactivity.
So the connection should close by itself after 1 minute, if you remove your listeners, or you can force close it earlier using goOffline.
For Firestore, I don't know if it happens automatically, but you can do it manually.
In Firebase Pricing you can see that 100K Firestore document reads is $0.06. 1M reads (for the two words) should cost $0.6 plus some network traffic. In RTDB, the cost has to do with data bulk, so it requires some calculations, but it shouldn't be much. I am not familiar with the pricing small details, so you should do some more research.
In the app you mentioned, the experiences don't seem to change very often. You might want to try to build your own caching manually, and add the required versioning info in the daily data.
It would possibly be more efficient and less costly if you used Firebase Hosting, instead of RTDB/Firestore directly. See Serve dynamic content and host microservices with Cloud Functions and Manage cache behavior.
In short, you create a HTTP function that reads your database and returns the data you need. You configure hosting to call that function, and configure the cache such that subsequent requests are served the cached result via hosting (without extra function invocations).

Does Firebase have a way to limit access to all public data in the security rules?

Update: Editing the question title/body based on the suggestion.
Firebase store makes everything that is publicly readable also publicly accessible to the browser with a script, so nothing stops any user from just saying db.get('collection') and saving all the data as theirs.
In more traditional db setup where an app's frontend is pulling data from backend, and the user would have to at least go through the extra trouble of tweaking the UI and then scraping the front end to pull more-and-more data (think Twitter load more button).
My question was whether it was possible to limit users from accessing the entire database in a click, while also keeping the data publicly available.
From what I understand, any user who can see data coming out of a Firebase datastore can also run a query to extract all of that data. That is not desirable when data itself is of any value, and yet Firebase is such an easy to use tool, it's great for pretty much everything else.
Is there a way, or a best practice, for how to structure the data or access rules s.t. users see the data, but can't just run a script to download all of it entirely?
Kato once implemented a simplistic rate limit for writes in Realtime Database security rules: Firebase rate limiting in security rules?. Something similar could be possible in Cloud Firestore rules. But this approach won't work for reads, since you can't update the timestamp at the same time the read is performed.
You can however limit what queries a user can perform on your database. For example, to limit them to reading 50 documents at a time:
allow list: if request.query.limit <= 50;

Firebase Ecosystem - Security and Cost

In the Firebase ecosystem, for example in Cloud-Firestore, financial cost is highly dependent on factors such as document reads.
Is there anything protecting us from hostiles sending large numbers of read requests directly to our Firestore (circumventing our app) in order to drive our cost up?
Does the Firebase platform somehow recognise this and filter it out, or would we simply have to pay if this happened to us?
Clarification: Let's assume our Firestore security rules are such, that there are certain read requests which can be performed by anyone (allow read;). Consider for example a HackerNews type application, where anyone can list posts (no authentication required).
Cloud Firestore is designed to enable you to scale without experiencing an outage due to overload. We do enable you to set daily spending caps using the App Engine daily spending limit which can help prevent unexpected runaway costs.
There are a few other strategies to help control for this as well, such as using Firebase Auth and requiring users to sign-in, or doing server-side rendering of read-only results.
