"TypeError: Cannot read property 'Network' of undefined" in vis-network - vis.js

I am trying to create a vis-network in vueJS 2.6
My vis-network version is 8.3.2
I get TypeError: Cannot read property 'Network' of undefined" in vis-network
following is my code
<div id="mynetwork"></div>
import vis from 'vis-network'
export default {
data() {
return {
network: null,
nodes: [
{ id: 1, shape: "circularImage"},
{ id: 2, shape: "circularImage"},
edges: [
{ from: 1, to: 2 },
options: {
container: "",
mounted() {
this.container = document.getElementById("mynetwork");
var data = {
nodes: this.nodes,
edges: this.edges,
this.network = new vis.Network(this.container, data, this.options);

Solved It by replacing the import statement
import {Network } from 'vis-network/standalone/umd/vis-network.min'


DynamoDB result is not structured the way I want

I am doing a simple command to list all the items in my table. However, the data I am getting back is not structured the way I want. I want a simple JSON structure but DynamoDB is turning the results into nested objects.
DynamoDB gives me below response:
// What I am currently getting
id: { S: '8' },
lastName: { S: 'Perry' },
firstName: { S: 'Matthew' }
id: { S: '3' },
firstName: { S: 'Joan' },
lastName: { S: 'Peter' }
But I want this:
// What I want
id: 8
lastName: 'Perry' ,
firstName: 'Matthew'
id: 3,
firstName: 'Joan' ,
lastName: 'Peter'
How can I achieve the later result set. Below is my code:
const { ExecuteStatementCommand } = require('#aws-sdk/client-dynamodb')
const { ddbDocClient, memberTableName } = require('./client.js')
const selectAll = async () => {
const params = {
Statement: `SELECT * FROM ${memberTableName}`,
Parameters: [{ S: '3' }]
return await ddbDocClient.send(new ExecuteStatementCommand(params));
.then(d => console.log(d.Items))
ddbDocClient was created like this:
const ddbDocClient = DynamoDBDocumentClient.from(ddbClient);
The command import is incorrect. To send and receive native JS types, import the ExecuteStatementCommand command from the #aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb "document client" package.
const { ExecuteStatementCommand } = require('#aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb');
You are importing the command from the "regular client" package #aws-sdk/client-dynamodb, i.e. the one that accepts and returns DynamoDB JSON.
Note: The Parameters: [{ S: '3' }] line is also wrong, but it's currently not causing trouble because your statement is scanning for all records. If you were to include a WHERE id=? phrase in the statement, make sure to change the parameters to Parameters: ['3']. You must pass JS types to the "document client" commands.
You need use simple lib https://www.npmjs.com/package/#aws-sdk/util-dynamodb
then use like this:
const { DynamoDB } = require("#aws-sdk/client-dynamodb");
const { marshall, unmarshall } = require("#aws-sdk/util-dynamodb");
const client = new DynamoDB(clientParams);
const params = {
TableName: "Table",
Key: marshall({
HashKey: "hashKey",
const { Item } = await client.getItem(params);

Fullcalendar cannot read property destroy of undefined when going directly to the page

I am using Nuxt 2.14.3 and I want to use the fullcalendar library. For this I have added the following packages via Yarn:
yarn add #fullcalendar/vue
yarn add #fullcalendar/interaction
yarn add #fullcalendar/daygrid
yarn add #fullcalendar/timegrid
yarn add #fullcalendar/list
My Vue template file looks like this:
<client-only placeholder="loading...">
<FullCalendar class="demo-app-calendar" :options="calendarOptions">
<template #eventContent="arg">
<b>{{ arg.timeText }}</b>
<i>{{ arg.event.title }}</i>
import FullCalendar from '#fullcalendar/vue'
import dayGridPlugin from '#fullcalendar/daygrid'
import timeGridPlugin from '#fullcalendar/timegrid'
import interactionPlugin from '#fullcalendar/interaction'
export default {
components: {
mixins: [
meta() {
return {
title: this.$tU('meta_title_vrm_planning'),
data() {
return {
calendarOptions: {
plugins: [
interactionPlugin, // needed for dateClick
headerToolbar: {
left: 'prev,next today',
center: 'title',
right: 'dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,timeGridDay',
initialView: 'dayGridMonth',
initialEvents: [
id: 1,
title: 'All-day event',
start: new Date().toISOString().replace(/T.*$/, ''),
id: 2,
title: 'Timed event',
start: `${new Date().toISOString().replace(/T.*$/, '')}T12:00:00`,
], // alternatively, use the `events` setting to fetch from a feed
editable: true,
selectable: true,
selectMirror: true,
dayMaxEvents: true,
weekends: true,
select: this.handleDateSelect,
eventClick: this.handleEventClick,
eventsSet: this.handleEvents,
/* you can update a remote database when these fire:
currentEvents: [],
methods: {
handleDateSelect(selectInfo) {
const title = prompt('Please enter a new title for your event')
const calendarApi = selectInfo.view.calendar
calendarApi.unselect() // clear date selection
if (title) {
id: 3,
start: selectInfo.startStr,
end: selectInfo.endStr,
allDay: selectInfo.allDay,
handleEventClick(clickInfo) {
if (confirm(`Are you sure you want to delete the event '${clickInfo.event.title}'`)) {
handleEvents(events) {
this.currentEvents = events
It gives me the following errors:
[Vue warn]: Error in mounted hook: "TypeError: DateProfileGeneratorClass is not a constructor"
found in
---> <FullCalendar>
TypeError: DateProfileGeneratorClass is not a constructor
at buildDateProfileGenerator (main.js?d610:7232)
and also
TypeError: Cannot read property 'destroy' of undefined
at VueComponent.beforeDestroy (FullCalendar.js?ff68:33)
Note: this works perfectly when accessing my page from another page, but when going directly to the page URL (or when clicking CTRL+F5) I receive the errors as mentioned above.
Note 2: I tried transpiling the library in Nuxt config as suggested in the example repo https://github.com/fullcalendar/fullcalendar-example-projects/tree/master/nuxt, but it gives me the exact same errors, but with the .ts files instead of the .js files.

Vuejs data not showing properly on mounted

Im new in Vuejs. I started a project with Vue, Firebase and using Chart Js inside of it. Here is the details of problem.
If I give any value of sales_today in data() it shows properly on mounted where I use it by this.sales_today also works perfectly in template {{sales_today}}.
But into the Created I'm trying to change this.sales_today value by an output of firebase query. then the output shows perfectly into template {{sales_today}} but not working inside the mounted here
**data: [this.sales_today,30,60,10]**
mounted() {
data: {
datasets: [{
data: [this.sales_today,30,60,10],
let ref = db.collection('sales').where("sales_date", "==", moment().format('DD-MM-YYYY'))
.then(snapshot => {
var total = 0;
snapshot.forEach(doc => {
total += Number(doc.data().price)
this.sales_today = total
Here is the complete code
This should be on mounted(). I don't have the editor on comments and i will answer here.
let ref = db.collection('sales').where("sales_date", "==", moment().format('DD-MM-YYYY'))
.then(snapshot => {
var total = 0;
snapshot.forEach(doc => {
total += Number(doc.data().price)
this.sales_today = total;
var chart = this.$refs.chart;
var ctx = chart.getContext("2d");
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'line',
data: {
datasets: [{
label: 'Sales of June',
data: [this.sales_today,30,60,10],
backgroundColor: [
borderColor: [
borderWidth: 3
options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true
P.S. check the console for errors

Apollo/GraphQL: Setting Up Resolver for String Fields?

In GraphiQL at http://localhost:8080/graphiql, I'm using this query:
instant_message(fromID: "1"){
I'm getting this response:
"data": {
"instant_message": {
"fromID": null,
"toID": null,
"msgText": null
"errors": [
"message": "Resolve function for \"instant_message.fromID\" returned undefined",
"locations": [
"line": 3,
"column": 5
"message": "Resolve function for \"instant_message.toID\" returned undefined",
"locations": [
"line": 4,
"column": 5
"message": "Resolve function for \"instant_message.msgText\" returned undefined",
"locations": [
"line": 5,
"column": 5
I tried to set up my system according to the examples found here:
Looking at that article, it doesn't seem to be necessary to set up individual resolvers for string fields, but I must be missing something.
What is the correct way to update my resolvers so as to return results from string fields? Example code would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks very much in advance to all for any thoughts or info.
import Sequelize from 'sequelize';
const db = new Sequelize(Meteor.settings.postgres.current_dev_system.dbname, Meteor.settings.postgres.current_dev_system.dbuser, Meteor.settings.postgres.current_dev_system.dbpsd, {
host: 'localhost',
dialect: 'postgres',
.then(function(err) {
console.log('Connection to Sequelize has been established successfully.');
.catch(function (err) {
console.log('Unable to connect to the Sequelize database:', err);
const IMModel = db.define('IM', {
id: {type: Sequelize.INTEGER, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true},
fromID: {type: Sequelize.STRING},
toID: {type: Sequelize.STRING},
msgText: {type: Sequelize.STRING}
IMModel.sync({force: true}).then(function () {
// Table created
return IMModel.create({
fromID: '1',
toID: '2',
msgText: 'msg set up via IMModel.create'
const IM = db.models.IM;
export {db, IM };
const typeDefinitions = [`
type instant_message {
id: Int
fromID: String
toID: String
msgText: String
type Query {
instant_message(fromID: String, toID: String, msgText: String): instant_message
type RootMutation {
fromID: String!
toID: String!
msgText: String!
): instant_message
schema {
query: Query,
mutation: RootMutation
export default typeDefinitions;
import * as connectors from './db-connectors';
import { Kind } from 'graphql/language';
const b = 100;
const resolvers = {
Query: {
instant_message(_, args) {
const a = 100;
return connectors.IM.find({ where: args });
RootMutation: {
createInstant_message: (__, args) => { return connectors.IM.create(args); },
export default resolvers;
When you define your GraphQLObjectTypes you need to provide a resolver for each of their fields.
You defined your instant_message with multiple fields but did not provide resolvers for each of these fields.
More over you defined the types of those field with regular typescript fields while you need to define it with GraphQL types (GraphQLInt, GraphQLString, GrapQLFloat etc..)
So defining your type should look something like this:
let instant_message = new GraphQLObjectType({
id: {
type: GraphQLInt,
resolve: (instantMsg)=> {return instantMsg.id}
fromID: {
type: GraphQLString,
resolve: (instantMsg)=> {return instantMsg.fromID}
toID: {
type: GraphQLString,
resolve: (instantMsg)=> {return instantMsg.toID}
msgText: {
type: GraphQLString,
resolve: (instantMsg)=> {return instantMsg.msgText}
In addition, you will need to define your Query as follows:
let Query = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "query",
description: "...",
fields: () => ({
instant_messages: {
type: new GraphQLList(instant_message),
args: {
id: {type: GraphQLInt}
resolve: (root, args) => {
connectors.IM.find({ where: args })
The issue is that the query does not expect an array,
Please fix it:
type Query {
instant_message(fromID: String, toID: String, msgText: String): [instant_message]
Then you should make sure the resolver returns Array of objects, if it doesnt work then the resolver is not returning an Array.

Rally Grid load event is not firing

I've been trying to make sure that the load event in the Rally.ui.grid.Grid is firing since I have a problem because my Grid is not filtering. I tried calling the methods myStore.setFilter() and myStore.load(), these two are firing, but I can't be sure the Grid is working properly since the first time, when it all loads, it does the filtering right, but then when I change the dropdown or combobox it doesn't.
This is how I load myStore:
filters: myFilters,
console.log('Grid Created!');
// this.myStore.setFilter();
// this.myStore.load();
console.log('Grid reloaded!');
fetch:["FormattedID","State","Iteration", "Release"]
And this is how I load myGrid:
this.myGrid = Ext.create("Rally.ui.grid.Grid",{
columnCfgs:["FormattedID","State","Iteration", "Release"],
listeners: {
load: function(myGridy){
console.log('myGrid did load!');
Here is an example by David Thomas from his videos on building Rally apps that uses reconfigure method to which a store is passed: _myGrid.reconfigure(myStore)
Ext.define('CustomApp', {
extend: 'Rally.app.App',
componentCls: 'app',
launch: function() {
var relComboBox = Ext.create('Rally.ui.combobox.ReleaseComboBox',{
ready: function(combobox){
//console.log('loaded release name', combobox.getRecord().get('Name')); //getRecord() returns currently selected item
var releaseRef = combobox.getRecord().get('_ref');
//console.log('what is this', this);
select: function(combobox){
var releaseRef = combobox.getRecord().get('_ref');
scope: this
_loadStories: function(releaseRef){
console.log('loading stories for ', releaseRef);
var myStore = Ext.create('Rally.data.WsapiDataStore',{
model: 'User Story',
fetch: ['Name','ScheduleState','FormattedID'],
property : 'Release',
operator : '=',
value : releaseRef
listeners: {
load: function(store,records,success){
console.log("loaded %i records", records.length);
_createGrid: function(myStore){
console.log("load grid", myStore);
this._myGrid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
title: 'Stories by Release',
store: myStore,
columns: [
{text: 'ID', dataIndex: 'FormattedID', flex: 1},
{text: 'Story Name', dataIndex: 'Name', flex: 2},
{text: 'Schedule State', dataIndex: 'ScheduleState', flex: 2}
height: 400
_updateGrid: function(myStore){
if(this._myGrid === undefined){
