User comments plugin on my website using Google Analytics - google-analytics

is it possible to add some kind of comments form for users of my website based on Google Analytics?
Does Google Analytics have such a functionality? Or maybe some third party plugins could do it?
Thank you!

I think there is some confusion about what Google Analytics does. It is a tracking system, it has nothing to do with the functionality of the site, such as leaving a comment.
So to remove any doubt the answer is no, it does not provide any plugin to do what you want.


Track count of views,likes and comments in a community site

Can anyone tell me how can I track number of views,likes,comments and shares in a collaboration and community site. This is not a Google site. This site was created using lumapps. It's a collaboration site, Which works similar to Google+, where you can write a blog, post and like/ share the same. I need a way of keep tracking the likes/shares/views on such posts or blogs, So that I can display the same in Google data studio.
I heard it's possible using Google tag manager. Can anyone confirm this OR let me know about anyways of achieving the same.
Thanks and Regards
You would do this by sending an event to Google Analytics and using this source in Data Studios.
Please see reference on how to send events using Google Tag Manager and custom Variables.

How to insert your Google Analytics tracking code in your Strikingly website with a free account?

website is ready on Strikingly
free account
no access to my code
how to insert my tracking code? can i use a tool and hide the code in it?
Without access to the code you cant add the Google Analytics tracker. Unless Strikingly has some kind of addon for it. I would contact Strikingly.

How to use Google Analytics on my embeddable widget?

I'm providing a simple embeddable js widget that people can put on their site.
I'd like to track impressions and behavior.
What's the right way to integrate Google Analytics on this widget?
Most likely the host page will already have Google Analytics so I shouldn't interfere with it, and the events should be sent to my own GA account.
I have the similar needs to elado, thanks for your post.
This was my recent post
Hope that its possible to simply track interactions on my widget, not concerned about the host site or blog statistics.

Tracking a subdomain separately in Google Analytics

So I've been trying to set up Google Analytics to track site's (Tumblr) blog separately from the rest of the site, but I've been having no luck. All of the tutorials online seem to be outdated, and Google's own help center isn't helping.
Can someone please help. I tried messing with filters, but simply can't get it to work.
The website is and the blog is They both share a tracking code.
Create an a custom include filter on the hostname:
on one profile, include only ^$
on another profile, include only ^$
Beware that e-Commerce transactions can't be filtered by hostname but only by transaction ID
I encourage you to keep a 3rd profile without filters, to be able to check that you don't miss anything.
Create two Analytics profiles, one for each site. Then put their respective tracking codes on each site.

Visitors stats for Wordpress

What is the best way to provide information who is using visiting blogs on wordpress installation? Is there a plugin that provides this information?
Beside integrating Google Analytics, you should install the Stats Plugin. To use it, you have to get a free "" API Key, but then you can get very good details about the real visitors of your blog. It is not as huge as Google Analytics but it is a very good combination of what a blog user want's to know.
Google Analytics provides this kind of information. This plugin integrates analytics reporting in to your WordPress installation.
Google Analytics for WordPress is a great plugin. You can then get the analytics data from Google or other sites
I also suggest trying out the plugin: Jetpack. It is good stuff. It is also not recognized as a standard and hence should be viewed as outside of the mainstream.
