Visitors stats for Wordpress - wordpress

What is the best way to provide information who is using visiting blogs on wordpress installation? Is there a plugin that provides this information?

Beside integrating Google Analytics, you should install the Stats Plugin. To use it, you have to get a free "" API Key, but then you can get very good details about the real visitors of your blog. It is not as huge as Google Analytics but it is a very good combination of what a blog user want's to know.

Google Analytics provides this kind of information. This plugin integrates analytics reporting in to your WordPress installation.

Google Analytics for WordPress is a great plugin. You can then get the analytics data from Google or other sites
I also suggest trying out the plugin: Jetpack. It is good stuff. It is also not recognized as a standard and hence should be viewed as outside of the mainstream.


How to link Google Analytics account to wordpress

I have read multiple tutorials on web but I'm unable to find my tracking I'd/code on my Google Analytics property list. This is the image which I got from web and I want to see m Any help will be appreciated.
You can simply use any plugin out there. Here are some of my favorites:
Google Site Kit. <== This is the official Google Plugin
GA Google Analytics <== Simplest and just for this purpose. No unnecessary code.
Note: There are many others but these are per my favorites list and liking.
1st plugin will auto-connect with your google account and you won't need to put any ID or code into your site manually. Hence easy to set up.
Site Kit by Google is great for WordPress users. By using Site Kit you don't need to manually insert the code, as depicted by the screenshot you share. The plugin can insert the code for you.
In addition to the placement of code, Site Kit can show you Analaytics and other data within your wp-admin dashboard!

User comments plugin on my website using Google Analytics

is it possible to add some kind of comments form for users of my website based on Google Analytics?
Does Google Analytics have such a functionality? Or maybe some third party plugins could do it?
Thank you!
I think there is some confusion about what Google Analytics does. It is a tracking system, it has nothing to do with the functionality of the site, such as leaving a comment.
So to remove any doubt the answer is no, it does not provide any plugin to do what you want.

How to monitor wordpress plugin usage statistics?

I have created a wordpress plugin that I'm about to publish. However I would like to gather statistics of its usage. What would be the best way of doing so? What I have so far is the plugin settings page with opt-in checkbox for user to agree for statistics sharing.
I was thinking of using google statistics but not sure would that be the best option. Most probably the plugin user would already have google analytics on their webpage enabled. Wouldn't that cause a conflict?

Best wordpress plugin for google analytics?

Hi I want to implement google analytics in my project. Please suggest a best wordpress plugin to implement this feature.
Here are some Google Analytics plugins for Wordpress, in order of the number of downloads.
1. Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP)By Alin Marcu
2. Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights
3. Google Analytics Dashboard Plugin for WordPress By Analytify (free)
4. Analytify Premium version
To add on to Rahul's list, if you're looking to measure more than just page hits, I would check out the IntelligenceWP plugin by LevelTen Interactive.

Linking my Wordpress log to Google Buzz

Is there a way for Wordpress to automatcally post to my Google Buzz account, I saw one way but it looked like WAY too much effort having add a rel=me link and forcing Google to recrawl your site. Surely there's an easier way than this. The temptation is just to use the social buttons on my site after I post but I'd much prefer to do this automatically.
The only way is to add a link to your Google profile. It's not a big deal from your wordpress link manager.
After Google recrawls your site, you'll get the option to add it in your Google Buzz stream
