Does Ghost Blog have any logs? - ghost-blog

I'm developing a theme locally for
I'm running into a ton of issues.
But there are no logs. I have no idea why it is failing.
Are there any options to display the logs while developing
a on localhost?

Yep, tho they are are pretty poor. Its in content/logs. It has helped me a bit with some filtering problems, at least it showed an error somewhere. There are a lot of unusable info there btw.


How should be the HTTP timing?

This is the graph of one of my sites, first line of firefox development tools -> Network, and I'm not sure that the blocked and waiting entries are "normal".
Waiting, I suspect it's the server's fault, it's a small vps on Vultr - Ubuntu 18.04, the other day I updated to php7-4-fpm and I haven't activated opcache, memcached, acpu or anything else yet, because (unfortunately) my sites are small, less than a thousand visits a day, and I don't know if it makes sense to activate chace systems, maybe they also affect indexing and positioning on search engines?
Even if yandex and bing give a lot of work for my little server... and maybe just them would take advantage from the cache?
Blocked, it is more confusing, I'm not sure it's me, everything happens before you get to my server? Maybe it's Vultr's fault? Maybe namesilo's fault? (where domains are registered) Maybe mine, some apache configuration or something else? Maybe they're normal values? I have no idea.
Can anyone help me understand if they are normal values? And if they are not, to understand how I can improve?
I have read the pages you have suggested to me, even they do not seem to have understood much or found a solution....
I did some things on my little server, like: blocked yandex, enabled opcache, installed memcached.
The intent is to stabilize, to begin to understand something.
I have done many other tests these days, and I have seen results like these:
This is another site, but it is on the same server, the one highlighted is matomo (statistics), the tracking javascript script, is in a sub-domain, but always on the same server.
The difference is enormous, and the tests were done within seconds of each other.
So at this point maybe the question is: do you have any suggestions on what else I can do to start understanding something?
At least to understand if to create these timings is me, if it is my server, the scripts of my sites, the browsers, the connection or what else.
None of what you've posted looks very bad, but your service is sometimes taking > 6s to respond to the initial connection request. There are probably a lot of small things wrong that you can fix, I would start with looking at this question which addresses the same problem I'm seeing with your site.
The timing looks bit large as for me.
Seems the server is not responding during 150ms (blocked) especially on main page.
Then takes up to 150ms for TLS setup, 200ms to load content etc.
But this is not stable.
Sometimes it took about 800ms to receive homepage, sometimes the whole thing took less then 200ms.
Most likely it is server issues (as your virtual server share physical hardware machine with other servers).
And just for reference:
What does "Blocked" really mean in the Firefox developer tools Network monitoring?
Also, there is some general things to consider as troubleshoot:
I suggest to create local (localhost) version of the site, then:
Check time actually required to render homepage (inside server log)
Temporary remove gzip compression
Temporary remove https
Temporary remove output buffering in php (hope your code does not need it)
Check if any "post processing" content hooks are active in php

When will Meteor hosting be reliable enough for production use?

I've had very mixed experiences trying to host on
I often get "This site is down. Try again later.". Initially I couldn't figure out why, but then I suspected that the problems were caused by me accidentally restoring the "system.users" collection. I tried restoring without that, but the site went down a few days later. Today, it's magically back up again without me doing anything.
"meteor logs" shows nothing. It's a complete black box.
I've investigated other options (Heroku, demeteorizer, meteor bundle, etc), but they are clunky and unreliable too (problems installing fibers, doesn't seem to handle properly, etc).
I would really like to host in production on, but I feel I can't trust it right now. Free is nice, but I need reliable, production-quality Meteor hosting. When will I be able to buy that from
From the documentation:
We provide this as a free service so you can try Meteor. It is also helpful for quickly putting up internal betas, demos, and so on.
So it means it's intended to try things out, not for production. They offer it for free, I think it would be bad manner to abuse it. And with so many people around trying the thing, don't be surprised if it's overloaded from time to time.
I'm not sure if and when the Meteor team will make this hosting production ready. At this moment, I'm happy they're focusing on making the framework mature.
For other options, Heroku works as a charm. I'm using it for several projects, including production ones, and had no problem. Don't bother with demeteorizer and such. Just create a new app and run these commands (replacing appname with your app name):
heroku git:remote -a appname
heroku config:add
heroku config:set BUILDPACK_URL=
git push -f heroku master
MDG (the Meteor Development Group, the core team) is working on a hosting solution called Galaxy. It will likely tie in to meteor in ways other solutions won't (such as meteor deploy). This will be (AFAIK) a paid service, and as such will likely offer analytics for better insight (my guess). And of course scaling will be taken care of for us.
More on the subject:

Slow development environment (DNN/ASP.NET)?

I have a site that runs off of dotNetNuke with much customization. In production, this site runs fine, speed is relatively optimal, etc. In development, it's PAINFULLY slow (anywhere from 10-30 seconds per action slow). Can anyone recommend any tools/ideas on how to diagnose this issue? The environments are very similar (the dev database is not as powerful as the production one, but it's not enough to warrant this type of delay). I'm looking for something that can help determine all the points of contact for the requests, etc.
Any thoughts?
Try out the following tools:
YSlow: YSlow analyzes web pages and why they're slow based on Yahoo!'s rules for high performance web sites
PageSpeed: The PageSpeed family of tools is designed to help you optimize the performance of your website. PageSpeed Insights products will help you identify performance best practices that can be applied to your site, and PageSpeed optimization tools can help you automate the process.
Firebug and Network Monitoring: Look at detailed measurements of your site's network activity.
YSlow, PageSpeed, and Firebug are great tools you should definitely use but the fact that you're only seeing the issue in the development environment seems to imply it's not the site that's the problem but something with the development environment. Generally, I find most slowness in these cases is related to Disk and/or RAM issues. Use Task Manager to verify the machine has enough RAM for it's current load. Make sure there's sufficient available disk space for proper caching to occur. You may need a faster hard drive.
Run the site lokal in release mode and see if it changes something.
If you can run the live site in debug mode and see if it slows down as much as in the lokal environment.

Running Python & Django on IIS

Is it possible to run Python & Django on IIS?
I am going to be a Lead Developer in some web design company and right now they are using classic ASP and ASP.NET.
As far as I can see ASP.NET MVC is not mature. Should I recommend Python & Django stack?
If it's not possible to run Python on IIS what do you think I should do? Stick with ASP.NET which I don't know? I don't know python well as well but I'm more comfortable with it.
Can I run IIS and Apache in parallel?
There's two issue here, technological and psycological.
Technologically, yes, it's definitely possible. In fact, Django has a wiki article about this. Google also shows a lot of similar tutorials. Apache and IIS can also run on the same machine (I'm actually doing that right now from a development machine).
The bigger issue will be psycological, in the form of backlash you'll get from the other developers. I agree that Django kicks the pants off ASP.NET, but you're probably going to find that an ASP.NET shop is going to be married to ASP.NET and will likely ignore your suggestion to try anything else, much less Django.
We've been running django on IIS for a couple of years using PyISAPIe. It's a fairly big site, about 150,000 users. We're moving to linux/apache though, partly cos PyISAPIe isn't great.
Case in point - WebKit browsers don't work well with it, it seems to mess up the chunking. That's tolerable for us as we are allowed to limit our users to FF/IE7+, but annoys me on a mac as I much prefer Safari to FF.

My under development local drupal site become very slow, how to solve?

I am developing locally a site with drupal and suddenly it became very slow. The last thing I made was installing the internationalization module.
Now when I try to reach administration panel I receive:
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded...
What to do now? Should I increase the maximum execution time allowed? OR could be that I have too many modules installed?
EDIT: Forgot to tell you that I am working on a PC with 2GB RAM and CPU 2.9 GHz, Windows XP + XAMPP
Exceeding 60 seconds execution time is quite something - indicates that something is going quite wrong.
I'd start troubleshooting by disabling modules (physically moving them out of your modules directory) one at a time until the problem goes away. Then, add them back one at a time, until the problem returns (you'll need to re-enable them through the Modules page as you go). You should be able to quickly isolate exactly which module is causing the problem.
Since the last thing you did was to install internationalization, I'd start by disabling that module.
Once you've isolated the module, you can try to work out what's going wrong.
Some things to look into ...
is your database running out of space
Are you missing any indexes
Do you need to "update statistics" (rebuild metrics on table contents and column distributions)
The Devel module can be useful for logging performance statistics, to help you track down the bottleneck.
A php accelerator may help you get the time down a bit, there are also a number of caching options that your site can use (look in admin under performance), this may make developing more difficult but can make pages load faster.
I wouldn't increase your maximum execution time, at some stage you want to put your site wide, and if people don't get a page within a second or so they will think the site is down.
To have too many modules installed you would have to have a lot of modules, it is more likely that one of your modules is causing a performance bottleneck. Or something on your site like a view is causing things to slow down. mattv's answer helps with that.
try also activating the cache system under site settings / performance. It could be helpful.
there is a known and documented problem about massive queries getting dynamically built by the Views module when rebuilding the dynamic menu, apparently.
Unfortunately, no simple and definitive answer has been found, yet.
You can find more information here (please be aware that some answers relate to version 5).
I would really like to know how to fix this in a definitive and efficient manner.
Use Zend Server. For detailded information check this out:
