Why SBT ask Username and Password - sbt

I just started to learn SBT (https://www.scala-sbt.org).
When I tried the command "sbt new sbt/scala-seed.g8" in https://www.scala-sbt.org/1.x/docs/Hello.html. It downloaded lots of jar files, and then start to ask me to provide Username and Password.
What are the Username and Password for?

Use of the Lightbend Platform and/or ConductR in development requires acceptance of the terms outlined in the Lightbend Subscription Agreement.
Production deployment of the Lightbend Platform requires the purchase of a Lightbend Subscription and acceptance of the terms outlined in the Lightbend Subscription Agreement.
Maybe you want learn Scala Programming Language.

This happened to me because I mistyped the name of the template in sbt, that is
The following requests user & password:
sbt new scala/hellow-world.g8
But the following doesn't:
sbt new scala/hello-world.g8


Alire mandates use of GitHub account?

I went to try out the Alire package manager for Ada the other night, and found this in the documentation:
Issue alr init --bin myproj (you can use --lib for a library project)
The first time you run this command, alr will ask a couple of questions to automatically fill-in information about the crate:
GitHub login: is used to identify the maintainer of the crate when contributed to the community index.
Full name: Name of the author of the crate
Email address: Point of contact to author of the crate
All the questions are optional for now, you can just press enter to use the default values.
This "All the questions are optional for now" is somewhat concerning in that it implies they will be mandatory in the future.
This seems like a very strange design choice. I do not have or want a GitHub account, and while I understand that Alire needs to pull from GitHub to retrieve crates I would think that an account should not be required to clone public repositories. I do not want to become overly reliant in the Alire ecosystem if I will effectively become locked out of it in future.
I have not found any discussion or timeline around when Alire will start requiring a GitHub account - is this truly the case, and if so when will it become mandatory?
These instructions appear among the First steps in Creating a new crate, likely required to initialize the corresponding local git repository, as shown here. Particular values would seem relevant only when Publishing your projects in Alire and establishing Crate ownership. I would infer that now in this context means while getting started. In any case, you can examine and change these settings as shown here. Going forward, additional restrictions on using a work would violate the project's existing license terms.†
†Disclaimer: Neither affiliated with nor a current user of the Alire project.
It is not at all required to have a GitHub account to use Alire.
On the other hand, a GitHub account is required to publish a crate in the community index. That's because the current procedure requires one to open a pull request on the alire-index repository. And this is why Alire is asking you to provide a GitHub login.
But as you saw in the documentation this is optional.
"for now" doesn't imply that it will be mandatory in the future for sure. I think the intent was to express that it might be a possibility.

Create Travis v3 API token for GitHub app

So, the issue is the following: I need to access Travis CI API to get the build status for our organization repositories. The issue here is that using personal GitHub token to generate Travis API token is an overall bad practice, cause the user can leave the organization, or his access rights could be revoked for particular repositories.
The idea was to create a GitHub App, install it to the organization and let the app generate Travis CI tokens using its privileges, and grab the build status programmatically.
I created an app and tried to perform such a trick with the authentication, but it did not work for me.
Any ideas/suggestions are welcome.
As per the answer from the Travis support, it is currently not possible to create API tokens with anything except the personal GitHub token.
The best solution is to create the less-permissive GitHub token, ideally from the GitHub user-account that is used for automation.

IBM BPM 8.6 upgrade to IBM Business Automation Workflow is not working?

I have updated IBM BPM version 8.6.0 to IBM Business Automation Workflow V18.0.0.2 by following below documentation.
IBM BPM upgarde to IBM Business Automation Workflow V18.0.0.2
In the above documentation I have executed all the commands, only one command createProcedure_ProcessServer.sql was not successful and the optional commands i have not executed.
Now after doing all these things IBM BPM was upgraded as i can see the process portal/admin/center login page name is chnaged and also the additional rest api for sharing "saved searches" and RPA task is available. but when I am trying to access case builder it is giving me below error.
You mentioned skipping the optional steps in the upgrade instructions when performing your upgrade.
However, several of the optional steps specifically mention that they are needed in order enable the new case management functionality:
Optional: To use case management, follow these instructions to enable it.
Note: Steps 22-24 are about configuring case management. If you have a Db2 for z/OS database or an AdvancedOnly deployment environment, or you want to configure case management later, or you do not intend to use case management, skip these steps.
Thus, if you follow the optional steps 22-24 that would most likely solve your issue.
As Jan said,
BAW uses an additional Database/Schema the CPEDB, so if you have upgraded, you must export the current Dmgr profile, check if there you have the option to set the CPEDB database and credentials, fill that and then update the Dmgr profile.
If after the export you don't have the CPEDB options, open the samples config files and look for the differences and add them to the exported file.

How to create script to deploy asp.net application direct from clearcase?

I am trying to write a script to deploy asp.net application from Clear Case. I am using Clear Case Remote Client.
How will i start? what is the easiest way?
CCRC is for accessing code from a "web" ClearCase snapshot view.
Being a light ClearCase installation, you:
won't have all the cleartool command which would allow to detect new content (new versions on files) to be updated
won't have the easy integration you could have with TeamCity, or Jenkins, or Hudson, ... since they all rely on a cleartool command.
TeamCity, for instance, has still a pending ticket on CCRC support.
For you, since you don't want/need to use those schedulers anyway, you can start by using the CCRC CLI (rcleartool) in order to:
update your ccweb view
check if the update has gotten any new versions
deploy your app if it has gotten anything new.
rcleartool update [-username user-name][-ser/ver server-url][-pas/sword user-password]
[-print] [-ove/rwrite | -nove/rwrite | -ren/ame]
[pname ...]
Jenkins currently follows a similar path to plan for CCRC support: ticket 5192:
(and neither Jenkins nor Hudson support CCRC yet)
I'm thinking about which is better the calling of rcleartool as external tool, or develop a teamapi (or as they call now cmapi) based pure java extension.
More details on this IBM article:
"Continuous integration with IBM Rational ClearCase Remote Client"
In this general architecture schema for CI with CCRC, my suggestion above (rcleartool update) is illustrated by the link between the CM server and the build server.
Personally I'd start by not re-inventing the wheel.
Team City is one such product that can do what you're asking about

InstallShield 2010 with license - no license for automatic build system (CI) as Windows service

I really need help here.
We are using CI build-process (Hudson) as an automated build system using Msbuild.
The CI run in Apache Tomcat 6 that run under the credentials of a domain user (not a local Windows user ).
Every time the CI try to build an InstallShield project (using isproj files) we get a license error message:
" C:\Program Files\MSBuild\InstallShield\2010\InstallShield.targets(62,3): error : -7159: The product license has expired or has not yet been initialized. You must launch the IDE to configure the product license in order to proceed.
C:\Program Files\MSBuild\InstallShield\2010\InstallShield.targets(62,3): error : Exception Caught".
If I log in to the same machine with the same domain user credentials and build the InstallShield project there is a license and it is working well.
Adding the user to the local Users group doesn't help (no license).
Adding the user to the local Administrators group helps and it is working.
We do not want the user to be in the local Administrators group - for various reasons.
What do I need to do to make it work?
Do I need to add permissions to the use?
Help will be highly appreciated.
Is your build calling isSaBld.exe or isCmdBld.exe? InstallShield changed their policy in 2010 so that the standalone build functionality (isSaBld) is only available with a top-tier license. In previous versions it was usable in Pro too. Maybe this has something to do with it?
We have a similar build system - Hudson in tomcat 6, IS2010, but with Ant scripts - and calling IsCmdBld.exe is working for us.
If you are using Hudson as a service, try running the service as an administrator. But you need to make sure the administrator succees to build the project from the InstallShield IDE first.
We do not want the user to be in the local Administrators group
To my knowledge there is no way around this requirement. InstallShield's product licensing runs low-level system checks that require that the running user be in the Administrators group to succeed. That's why when you start the InstallShield IDE the UAC prompt appears. That way they can verify that the license they granted you hasn't been moved to a different machine. Without being privy to exactly how they do this, imagine e.g. direct disk sector access, CPU serial number reads, hard drive firmware access, etc. You just can't do those things without Admin rights.
However to ensure that every build can be reproduced, a build machine should be sacrosanct, and access to it should only be granted to trusted build users. It's standard for them to be Administrators on the build machine.
Can you give more details about why you need to keep the user from being an Administrator? That would enable us to give you better input.
