Select all elements with a certain color? - css

Is there a selector that can select all elements with a certain color? I want to change all text with color: #1a0dab to color:00b0f4.

If the styles are defined inline, you can do this:
[style*="#1a0dab"] {
color: #00b0f4 !important;
[style*="#1a0dab"] {
color: #00b0f4 !important;
<p style="color: #1a0dab">paragraph 1</p>
<p>paragraph 2</p>
<p style="color: #1a0dab">paragraph 3</p>
There's no pure CSS way of doing this if the original styles aren't defined inline.
If you have access to JavaScript, you can do something like the following, though performance will probably be poor if your page has a lot of elements or you need to run the function frequently:
.filter(el => getComputedStyle(el).color === 'rgb(26, 13, 171)')
Note that you need to use the RGB representation, not the hex version, to check equality.
Here's a demo of the latter approach:
.filter(el => getComputedStyle(el).color === 'rgb(26, 13, 171)')
.forEach(el => = '#00b0f4')
.has-color {
color: #1a0dab;
<p class="has-color">paragraph 1</p>
<p>paragraph 2</p>
<p class="has-color">paragraph 3</p>

There is no such selector available in Javascript/jQuery. Perhaps you can:
1 - Update the CSS files and find/replace all instances instead
2 - Add a class to all the required elements and then use the class to target them.

You should make a list of all the tags you need to change color and then with jquery give a unique color change order


CSS pipe selector with multiple classes

Suppose I have two elements with multiple classes:
<p class="fruit-apple something">First</p>
<p class="whatever fruit-banana">Second</p>
How can I use the “pipe” selector (|=) to select the fruit- classes?
I have tried something like the following but this seems not to work.
p[class|=fruit] {
color: red;
<p class="fruit-apple something">First</p>
<p class="whatever fruit-banana">Second</p>
This is clearly because in the second case, the class string does not begin with fruit-, and the selector is matching naively.
The |= selector only selects the starting portion of the specified attribute.
You'll want the *= operator instead.
It will search for classes that contain the phrase fruit-x where x is anything you want.
p[class*=fruit-] {
color: red;
<p class="fruit-apple something">First</p>
<p class="whatever fruit-banana">Second</p>
<p class="whatever fruit">Third (No selection)</p>
<p class="fruit noselect">Fourth (No selection)</p>

CSS selector based on a:target

This is my HTML:
<p class="define"><a class="term" href="#jump" name="jump">jump</a> - Some description</p>
When the browser jumps to #jump I want to highlight the .define class. If I do;
a.term:target { background-color: #ffa; -webkit-transition: all 1s linear; }
I of course only highlight the a. How do I modify this to complete p? I tried a couple of variants like the one below, but none of them work.
a.term:target .define { stuff here }
a.term:target p.define { stuff here }
a.term:target p { stuff here }
You can't modify the parent of an element using css. You will have to use a javascript alternative.
You will not be able to determine where the user is on the page using CSS. This can be accomplished with JavaScript - If you're not trying to reinvent the wheel, I'd recommend using Bootstrap's ScrollSpy.
Your <p> tag isn't the target of anything. If it were:
<p class="define" id="something">
<a class="term" href="#something" name="jump">jump</a> - blah
You could style it like so:
a.term:target { background-color: #ffa; }
but that has nothing to do with the <a> actually being clicked on. You'll need to use an onclick handler for that, ideally adding a class to the target and styling based on that class.

select all ids where the only difference is the number in the ID name

I have all these divs with an identical ID name except for the fact that they all have a different number at the end.
I know I can use a class but it must be an ID.
<div id="myid1">text</div>
<div id="myid2">text</div>
<div id="myid3">text</div>
<div id="myid4">text</div>
<div id="test1">text</div>
<div id="test2">text</div>
My question is using css how can I select them all but shorter than this .
Does this type of thing exist and if so how do you write it?
Just use the prefix attribute selector
[id^="myid"] {
This selector targets any element with an ID attribute that has the prefix "myid" - quotes around the value are optional. This selector works in IE7 & above as well.
you can use begins with this attr selector.
[id^=myid] {
CSS3 should help here:
Yes, there's a way
<div id="myid1" class="foo">text</div>
<div id="myid2" class="foo">text</div>
<div id="myid3" class="foo">text</div>
<div id="myid4" class="foo">text</div>
<div id="test1">text</div>
<div id="test2">text</div>
and css
.foo { color:red; }
If those have to be IDs, try with [id^=myid]
I think it would work a lot better for you to use classes as incremental ids goes against HTML and general programming principles. You could rewrite it like so:
<div class="myid" data-id="1">text</div>
<div class="myid" data-id="2">text</div>
However, if you must keep the ids as they are, you can use the attribute selector:
[id^=myid] {
color: red;
In your case this would do it:
[id=^"myid"] {
//your rules
That selects all elements whose id attribute begins with "myid".
You're not limited to the id attribute though. In fact, you could use any other html element's attribute.
Let's say you wanted to select all <a> tags whose "href" attribute begun with "". The following would do it:
a[href=^""] {}
There's really a ton of options. Instead of pointing them out myself I'll you link to the w3 page where all of it is detailed:
use classes in addition to the ids (if you really need the ids):
<div class="mytext" id="myid1">text</div>
<div class="mytext" id="myid2">text</div>
<div class="mytext" id="myid3">text</div>
<div class="mytext" id="myid4">text</div>
<div id="test1">text</div>
<div id="test2">text</div>
then the CSS is simple:
div.mytext {
color: red;

CSS element back to default style

Is there a fast way in CSS to remove all of the styles applied to an element? For example, say a tab menu of some sort:
<div class='outer'>
<div id='d1'></div>
<div id='d2'></div>
<div id='d3'></div>
<div id='d4'></div>
The CSS is applied...
.outer { foo:blee; bar:blah; bas-bloo:snork; /*...long long list...*/ }
Now, I want #d3 (for example) to return to default styling, but I don't want to explicitly unset all of the parent styles:
#d3 { remove-styles:all } /* <- [I made this up, obviously] */
Pipe dream or possibility?
In CSS3, yes. You could use the negation pseudo-class:
.outer:not(#d3) { foo:blee; etc etc }
Too bad CSS3 support is a little lacking at the moment with most browsers...
With CSS level less than 3, you're screwed. Sorry.
No. Not feasibly possible. Just override it.

Can CSS give me paragraph styling based on the previous heading class?

So I want to rig up some css rules for interview transcripts. The format I have in mind looks something like this:
<h2 class="interviewer">Alice: [00:00:00]</h2>
<p>Is it ok if I ask you a question now?</p>
<h2 class="interviewee">Bob: [00:00:03]</h2>
<p>Sure go ahead.</p>
I'd like the paragraph to be a particular colour based on the class of the preceeding heading. Is there a way to do this, as it would make the html markup significantly simpler.
You can use following-sibling combinator: +
h2.interviewer + p { /* style goes here */ }
h2.interviewer + p {
color: red;
I'm not entirely sure how to do it with multiple paragraphs though. Perhaps if you encased the entire set of paragraphs in a div:
<h2 class="interviewer">Alice: [00:00:00]</h2>
<p>Is it ok if I ask you a question now?</p>
<p>More text here.</p>
<h2 class="interviewee"> class="interviewee">Bob: [00:00:03]</h2>
<p>Sure go ahead.</p>
You could then do this:
h2.interviewer + div {
color: red;
By the way, there are better HTML elements for displaying a conversation, like the newly introduced <dialog> tag
The <dialog> element never made it into HTML5. It does not exist.
