While running an R Kernel in a Google Colab notebook, how can a data frame be exported as a .csv file? - r

The title of the question pretty much says it all. I’m using R in Google Colab and while analyzing some data I have generated an output data frame which I wish to export (either to Google Drive or to my local desktop). How can I achieve this?

You can save a .csv file in Colab root folder with a classic:
write.csv(your_df, file='output.csv')
You will find the file in the left sidebar, clicking on it will pop the option to download it.


Open CSV data in tableau

I have had problems uploading the following file to Tableau:
When loaded it looks like this
but loading it in R
Is it possible to load them in R and then by Rserve connect to tableau or is there a way to load them fine
Looks like a problem within the interpreter.
I can't download the file myself as I don't have a Kaggle account, and its not clear from you R screenshots, though you could adjust the text file properties to see if you can adjust how the interpreter works by right-mouse the object "netflix_titles.csv" in the data model window and selecting Text file properties from the context menu.
Another option would be to try to use the interpreter Usar el intérprete de datos
It looks like Tableau is reading this file as a Text file and not a CSV. Tableau should have multiple headers for every comma that it sees but your screenshot has a single column for the entire first row.
Sometimes, Tableau can correctly read the file if you check the "Use Data Interpreter" checkbox.
If you have trouble making that work, just simply open the CSV in Excel and save it as an XLSX. You could even connect to it via an import to Google Sheets if you don't have Excel.

Where to put the classes.txt file and each label txt file for images for YOLOv4

As I used the YOLOv4 following the video tutorial, I could not get the chart.png which I believe should be because of the training has not even started.
Here is the link of my notebook.
I tried to find the place where I should upload the classes.txt file into google colab VM.
I believe without that file the trainer does not know what the first digit in image label txt files corresponds to.
Any help will be appreciated!

How to open a file in R studios (version 4.0.3) from GLODAP?

I'm very new to coding in R and do not know what I am doing. I am trying to map some environmental variables but I cannot open this one file. This is the link to the files I want to open:
This link opens to a page with 2 folders in which I would like the GLODAPv2_Mapped_Climatology.tar.gz I do not know if I need to add this into the link when trying to open in R. I do not know what link is needed but this is the download link:
I have tried downloading this folder and when I open in R it shows no data for the specific environmental variables in the mapped climatology variables, I think it is because the file is too large, so I saw coding where you use the link to open the folder in R.
So if someone could please help me in telling me how to open this folder into r and how to extract the files I specifically want for my maps, In this file I would like to access these 4 variables:
I have tried everything to try and get the files into R but all the coding I try doesn't work. If someone knows how to get these files into R and produce them into maps I would be very grateful!

Loading CSV File in Google Colaboratory

HI I am using Jyputer Notebook Colaboratory
I am writing in R
How can I load the CSV File as r code
I am not familiar with R, but the instructions should be relatively similar to Python.
This article is very useful: https://towardsdatascience.com/3-ways-to-load-csv-files-into-colab-7c14fcbdcb92
If none of the methods in the article suit your needs, here is another method that involves mounting your Google Drive to Collaboratory:
Go to Google Colab and type:
from google.colab import drive
Run the code block (Ctrl + Enter), click on the link, sign in to your Google account, and copy the authorization code and paste it into the output of the code block in Google Colab.
The files in your Google Drive should be under the 'Files' tab when you open the left toolbar (by clicking the small arrow on the left side of the screen).
When you want to load the CSV in your code, enter this line of code (where loadCSV is the variable name, and the part after the = sign is the directory of the file):
loadCSV = "gdrive/My Drive/dataset.csv"
I upload the spreadsheet to google drive, make it published on the web, and use the link:
download.file(url, destfile = "./Data.csv",cacheOK=TRUE)
Data1<-read.csv("./Data.csv",header=T,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Where the "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/AAAAAAAAAAAAA" is the weblink generated by google drive for the spreadsheet but selecting just one Sheet as csv.
this should work:
x = read.csv(filepath)

how to save and close excel file in R using Shell()

I have an excel file that queries Olap cube using DAX.
For some unfortunate reasons with DBAs, this is currently only viable way for me to load cube data into R.
So I am trying to automatize opening, refreshing, and closing excel file using R script, instead of doing that manually.
After some web search, I am able to open the excel file using Shell(). And the excel file is set to refresh itself when it is opened.
What come's next is where I need help; I want to save this file (like Ctrl + S) and close it. So I can load it to my R.
#open excel file
#save excel file
"How do I do this?"
#close excel file (this is what I found online, but this only opens the file)
Thanks for your time and effort!
