Symfony My debug toolbar doesn't appear on my website anymore - symfony

While debugging, I actually lost my debug toolbar (like, it doesn't appear anymore on my website) so I tried various thing to have it back:
composer require symfony/profiler-pack
composer require symfony/apache-pack
And even:
composer remove apache-pack
composer require symfony/apache-pack
But I still can't have it back. I found nothing that can help on the Internet.
Thanks !
The command bin/console debug:router _wdt return this:
| Route Name | _wdt |
| Path | /_wdt/{token} |
| Path Regex | #^/_wdt/(?P<token>[^/]++)$#sD |
| Host | ANY |
| Host Regex | |
| Scheme | ANY |
| Method | ANY |
| Requirements | NO CUSTOM |
| Class | Symfony\Component\Routing\Route |
| Defaults | _controller: web_profiler.controller.profiler::toolbarAction |
| Options | compiler_class: Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCompiler

In .env.local AND be sure APP_ENV=dev and APP_DEBUG=1
Also, in config/packages/dev/web_profiler.yaml you have something like
toolbar: true
Also, if you change any values in these you should clear your cache php bin/console cache:clear


Openstack Keystone Install Issues

When trying to create Keystone:
openstack domain create --description "An Example Domain" example
I get this return error below:
Could not clean up: 'ClientManager' object has no attribute
I am not sure what this is in reference to...
following the Doc here
This means that you aren't authenticated.
stack#ubuntu:~/devstack$ openstack domain create --description "An Example Domain" example
Missing value auth-url required for auth plugin password
Could not clean up: 'ClientManager' object has no attribute 'sdk_connection'
If you are using devstack you can just source userrc_early inside the devstack folder.
stack#ubuntu:~/devstack$ source userrc_early
stack#ubuntu:~/devstack$ openstack domain create --description "An Example Domain" example
| Field | Value |
| description | An Example Domain |
| enabled | True |
| id | 1ddc2084930d492dbe39680cda5ef660 |
| name | example |
| options | {} |
| tags | [] |

My Project and Admin panel's resource can not be retrieve, but Identity resource can be retrieve, after I use the openstacksdk change the password

My Project and Admin panel's resource can not be retrieve, but Identity resource can be retrieve, after I use the openstacksdk change the password:
conn.identity.update_user(user_id, password=new_password) # after this step, the Project and Admin resources can not be retrieved.
Now my Project and Admin's resources can not be retrieved:
But the Identity resources can retrieve:
And please attention, when I login the openstack dashboard, I still use the old_password, can not use the new_password login the openstack dashboard.
And, if I use the conn.identity.update_user method change to the old_password, then the issue will gone, there will become normal.
I use the command :
openstack role assignment list --names
to check the role assignment list:
[root#controller ~]# openstack role assignment list --names
| Role | User | Group | Project | Domain | Inherited |
| user | demo#Default | | demo#Default | | False |
| admin | nova#Default | | service#Default | | False |
| admin | cinder#Default | | service#Default | | False |
| admin | glance#Default | | service#Default | | False |
| admin | placement#Default | | service#Default | | False |
| admin | neutron#Default | | service#Default | | False |
| admin | admin#Default | | admin#Default | | False |
This sounds like a roles issue. I would use one of the OpenStack CLI to check out the roles:
openstack role assignment list --names
Something like that assuming a recent version of OpenStack. I don't know enough about Horizon to know what roles are needed to view those pages.

How to restart ceilometer service

I changed pulling intervals in /etc/ceilometer/pipeline.yaml file from 600 to 60 and can't make the service to use new values. I restarted everything that relates to ceilometer in openstack-status command, but that did not work. Can somebody tell me the proper way how to do it?
I am using Openstack Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
root#OS1:~# openstack service list
| ID | Name | Type |
| 056fcccaad5c4991a8a0da199ed1d737 | cinderv2 | volumev2 |
| 483a0cd1ba79430690a8960ae3d40222 | glance | image |
| 5c704fc9253e4c15895589eb19fab2ac | keystone | identity |
| 92bfcfb417314e80a43e6e7d4d21f99b | nova | compute |
| a7a3809d73674d3da3fbe8030b47055a | horizon | dashboard |
| c21b5e3c9d68417cb11df60d72f9bb58 | heat | orchestration |
| c7030edb082346328a715b00098b974a | neutron | network |
| d331f5360e2b4d3a854e7f47107a9421 | ec2 | ec2 |
| f0a22f827bed43dbbc43822abfc3e3e0 | ceilometer | metering |
root#OS11:~# openstack-status
== Ceilometer services ==
ceilometer-api: active
ceilometer-agent-central: active
ceilometer-agent-compute: inactive (disabled on boot)
ceilometer-collector: active
ceilometer-alarm-notifier: active
ceilometer-alarm-evaluator: active
Well, you need to restart ceilometer-agent-notification service because this service is responsible for transforming the data into samples in the ceilometer database.
Thus, systemctl restart ceilometer-agent-notification.service will help along with restarting other services.
Since ceilometer-agent-compute service is disabled, you just need to restart ceilometer-agent-central service on the node you have modified the config file.
sudo service ceilometer-agent-central restart
You might want to auto reload pipelines after you modify it, for that, you can set refresh_pipeline_cfg=True and a proper time for pipeline_polling_interval such as 120 seconds in /etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf.
Note, be careful when you enable auto reload, and only save pipeline config file after you are sure about the content is right (otherwise it might lose 1 polling period data)

I m installing OROCRM so i have an error during the installation process

I m installing orocrm so i have an error during the installation process
this is my command php app/console oro:install error is [Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException]
The process timed-out.
i have check the oro_install.log file there is no any error
here is the instrucktion page i have followed
this is my console
root#efttt-Intron-5t59:/home/eures/tance/crm-application/orocrm# php app/console oro:install
Installing Oro Application.
Oro requirements check:
+---------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check | Mandatory requirements
+---------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OK | Vendor libraries must be installed
| | OK | app/cache/ directory must be writable
| | OK | app/logs/ directory must be writable
| | OK | Configured default timezone "Asia/Colombo" must be
supported by your installation of PHP | | OK | json_encode() must
be available
| | OK | session_start() must be available
| | OK | ctype_alpha() must be available
| | OK | token_get_all() must be available
| | OK | simplexml_import_dom() must be available
| | OK | PCRE extension must be available
| | OK | Cache folder should not be inside encrypted directory
+---------+--------------------------------------------+ | Check | PHP settings |
+---------+--------------------------------------------+ | OK | date.timezone setting must be set | | OK |
detect_unicode must be disabled in php.ini | | OK | memory_limit
should be at least 512M |
+---------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check | Oro specific requirements
+---------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OK | PHP version must be at least 5.4.9 (5.6.11-1ubuntu3.1
installed) | | OK | GD extension must be at least 2.0
| | OK | cURL extension must be at least 7.0
| | OK | mcrypt_encrypt() should be available
| | OK | intl extension should be available
| | OK | icu library must be at least 3.8
| | OK | web/uploads/ directory must be writable
| | OK | web/media/ directory must be writable
| | OK | web/bundles/ directory must be writable
| | OK | app/attachment/ directory must be writable
| | OK | web/js directory must be writable
| | OK | web/css directory must be writable
| | OK | app/config/parameters.yml file must be writable
+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check | Optional recommendations
+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OK | Requirements file should be up-to-date
| | OK | When using the logout handler from the Symfony Security
Component, you should have at least PHP 5.4.11 due to PHP bug #63379
(as a workaround, you can also set invalidate_session to false in the
security logout handler configuration) | | OK | PCRE extension
should be at least version 8.0 (8.35 installed)
| | OK | PHP-XML module should be installed
| | OK | mb_strlen() should be available
| | OK | iconv() should be available
| | OK | utf8_decode() should be available
| | OK | posix_isatty() should be available
| | OK | intl extension should be available
| | OK | intl extension should be correctly configured
| | OK | intl ICU version should be at least 4+
| | OK | a PHP accelerator should be installed
| | OK | short_open_tag should be disabled in php.ini
| | OK | magic_quotes_gpc should be disabled in php.ini
| | OK | register_globals should be disabled in php.ini
| | OK | session.auto_start should be disabled in php.ini
| | OK | PDO should be installed
| | OK | PDO should have some drivers installed (currently
available: dblib, mysql, odbc)
| | OK | SOAP extension should be installed (API calls)
| | OK | A JS Engine (node) is installed
Dropping database schema... Database schema dropped successfully!
Clear the entity config cache Clear the extended entity cache Setting
up database. Process migrations...
-------------------------------------------------------------------- >"Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException The process
probably due to dev log messages, try with the prod symfony env:
php app/console oro:install --env=prod
In the installation instruction on the github project page mention this note also:
Note: If the installation process times out, add the --timeout=0
argument to the command.
Hope this help

flywaydb baseline baselineVersion parameter is being ignored

I am trying to impelment flywaydb in our process. In our env each client has their own instance of the DB.
I have a bash that loops through the clients to run migrate. So the command looks like
flyway -url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1434/main_client_$ID migrate
This all works when all the clients start from the baseline. But as we add new customers their DB will reflect the newest code. Now we have older clients started with V1(and all the migration scripts to V2) and new clients with the latest DB V2.
I thought i could do something like :::
flyway baseline -url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1434/main_client_3
--baselineVersion=2 --baselineDescription="Base 2 version"
but when i do it this way then call info i see something like :
| Version | Description | Installed on | State |
| 1 | << Flyway Baseline >> | 2015-06-08 22:07:54 | Success |
| 1.1 | update | | Pending |
| 1.2.0 | update | | Pending |
| 1.2.1 | update | | Pending |
if i look in the DB i see the version value of schema_version set to 1.
if via the DB i force schema_version column value to 1.2.0 i see
| Version | Description | Installed on | State |
| 1 | Base version initial | | <Baseln |
| 1.1 | update | | <Baseln |
| 1.2.0 | << Flyway Baseline >> | 2015-06-08 22:07:54 | Success |
| 1.2.1 | update | | Pending |
This is what i want.
But i can not figure out how to set the value via the baseline command
Thanks for any help
All parameters should be passed in with - not --
