I am trying to implement a simple line-search algorithm in Julia. I am new to Julia programming, so I am learning it on the go. I'd like to ask for some help, if possible, to correct an error while running the code.
Source code.
using LinearAlgebra
function bracket_minimum(f, x = 0, s = 1e-2, k = 2.0)
a, fa = x, f(x)
b, fb = x + s, f(x + s)
if(fb > fa)
a, b = b, a
fa, fb = fb, fa
s = -s
c, fc = b + s, f(b + s)
if(fb < fc)
return a < c ? (a, c) : (c, a)
a, fa, b, fb = b, fb, c, fc
s *= k
function bisection(f, a₀, b₀, ϵ)
function D(f,a)
# Approximate the first derivative using central differences
h = 0.001
return (f(a + h) - f(a - h))/(2 * h)
a = a₀
b = b₀
while((b - a) > ϵ)
c = (a + b)/2.0
if D(f,c) > 0
b = c
a = c
return (a,b)
function line_search(f::Function, x::Vector{Float64}, d::Vector{Float64})
objective = α -> f(x + α*d)
a, b = bracket_minimum(objective)
α = bisection(objective, a, b, 1e-5)
return α, x + α*d
f(x) = sin(x[1] * x[2]) + exp(x[2] + x[3]) - x[3]
x = [1,2,3]
d = [0, -1, -1]
α, x_min = line_search(f, x, d)
I am getting a Linear algebraic error, so I think I must not be passing vectors correctly or perhaps I am not doing scalar-vector multiplication correctly. But, I was having a hard-time figuring out. If I step through the code, it fails on the function call line_search(f,x,d) and does not even enter inside the function body.
Error description.
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching *(::Tuple{Float64,Float64}, ::Array{Int64,1})
Closest candidates are:
*(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any...) at operators.jl:538
*(::Adjoint{var"#s828",var"#s8281"} where var"#s8281"<:(AbstractArray{T,1} where T) where var"#s828"<:Number, ::AbstractArray{var"#s827",1} where var"#s827"<:Number) at C:\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.5\LinearAlgebra\src\adjtrans.jl:283
*(::Transpose{T,var"#s828"} where var"#s828"<:(AbstractArray{T,1} where T), ::AbstractArray{T,1}) where T<:Real at C:\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.5\LinearAlgebra\src\adjtrans.jl:284
Here is a fix in the code (I have cleaned up several stylistic things, but the key problem that your bisection returned a tuple not a value - I have changed it to return the center of the bracketing interval):
function bracket_minimum(f, x = 0.0, s = 1e-2, k = 2.0)
a, fa = x, f(x)
b, fb = x + s, f(x + s)
if fb > fa
a, b = b, a
fa, fb = fb, fa
s = -s
while true
s *= k
c, fc = b + s, f(b + s)
if fb < fc
return minmax(a, c)
a, fa, b, fb = b, fb, c, fc
function bisection(f, a₀, b₀, ϵ)
function D(f, a)
# Approximate the first derivative using central differences
h = 0.001
return (f(a + h) - f(a - h)) / (2 * h)
a = a₀
b = b₀
while (b - a) > ϵ
c = (a + b) / 2.0
if D(f, c) > 0
b = c
a = c
return (a + b) / 2 # this was changed
function line_search(f::Function, x::Vector{Float64}, d::Vector{Float64})
#assert length(x) == length(d)
objective(α) = f(x .+ α .* d)
a, b = bracket_minimum(objective)
α = bisection(objective, a, b, 1e-5)
return α, x .+ α .* d
f(x) = sin(x[1] * x[2]) + exp(x[2] + x[3]) - x[3]
x = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
d = [0.0, -1.0, -1.0]
α, x_min = line_search(f, x, d)
I was not commenting on the algorithm, as I assume you are writing this as a programming exercise and you are not trying to write the fastest and most robust algorithm.
Without using arithmetics (=< , =>, etc.)!
I have a few separate piles of blocks, for example two piles.
I need a way to figure out if block A sits Higher on any pile than block B.
For example:
is_on_top(Block1,Pile,Block2). %relations of blocks in a particular pile
for example:
is_bellow(a,1,b). % a is bellow b in pile number 1
is_bellow(f,2,null). % is at top.
and so on.
I'm trying to figure out how to write the predicate:
is_higher(Block1,Block2):- %block1 is higher than block2 in Any line.
% to check for the same line if a block is higher than another I'm this
% is Block1 higher than Block2 in THE SAME pile.
taller(Block1, Block2) :-
taller(Block1, Block2) :-
is_bellow(Y, I,Block1),
taller(Y, Block2).
is it possible to do it without using arithmetics?
I think I have the terminating condition.
is_bellow(Block1,_,null), is_bellow(Block2,_,X).
X \= null.
is_higher(Block1,Block2):- % don't know how to continue.
From the comments:
I thought something along the lines of digging deeper on both blocks till block one is paired with null, but I cant quite get my head around it.
You are thinking along the correct lines, but your representation of the world seems to confuse you a bit. It becomes easier if we define a cleaner language for talking about blocks and their relationships.
It would have been good if you had posted a complete example. Here is the one I will be using:
is_below(a, 1, b).
is_below(b, 1, null). % topmost on pile
is_below(c, 2, d).
is_below(d, 2, e).
is_below(e, 2, f).
is_below(f, 2, null). % topmost on pile
I understand this to model the following world:
b d
a c
pile 1 pile 2
Now let's talk about concepts related to this world. First... what even is a block? The representation is implicit, but it appears that a block is something that is on a pile. Being "on a pile" is somewhat implicit too, but it means being below something -- another block, or the special non-block atom null.
So this is a block:
% block(X): X is a block
block(X) :-
is_below(X, _Pile, _BlockOrNull).
Prolog can now enumerate blocks:
?- block(X).
X = a ;
X = b ;
X = c ;
X = d ;
X = e ;
X = f.
Note that null is not included, which is good since it is not a block.
Now, is_below complicates things because it talks about non-blocks (namely, null) and also about the numbers of piles, which we don't always need. Let's define a simpler notion of a block being directly on top of another block:
% block_on(X, Y): X is a block directly on top of block Y
block_on(X, Y) :-
is_below(Y, _Pile, X),
Note that we use block(X) to make sure we only talk about blocks. Let's test:
?- block_on(X, Y).
X = b,
Y = a ;
X = d,
Y = c ;
X = e,
Y = d ;
X = f,
Y = e ;
Good. Now, let's define notions for being the topmost and the bottommost block on a pile:
% top(X): X is a block that is topmost on its pile
top(X) :-
\+ block_on(_OtherBlock, X). % no other block is on X
% bottom(X): X is a block that is bottommost on its pile
bottom(X) :-
\+ block_on(X, _OtherBlock). % X is not on any other block
This behaves like this:
?- top(X).
X = b ;
X = f.
?- bottom(X).
X = a ;
X = c ;
And now we can return to your comment:
I thought something along the lines of digging deeper on both blocks till block one is paired with null, but I cant quite get my head around it.
You were talking about digging (upwards?) until you arrive at a topmost block, but in fact what you should be doing is to dig downwards until you arrive at a bottommost block! Hopefully you can see that it's easier to talk about these concepts now that we have given them clearer names, rather than descriptions like being "paired with null".
Let's start with a non-recursive rule for expressing "higher than". Any non-bottom block is definitely "higher than" any bottom block:
% higher_than(X, Y): X is a block higher on any pile than Y
higher_than(X, Y) :-
\+ bottom(X).
This already captures a lot of relationships:
?- higher_than(X, Y).
X = b,
Y = a ;
X = d,
Y = a ;
X = e,
Y = a ;
X = f,
Y = a ;
X = b,
Y = c ;
X = d,
Y = c ;
X = e,
Y = c ;
X = f,
Y = c ;
Any non-bottom block (b, d, e, f) is higher than any bottom block (a, c).
Now let's do the "digging" part to express that, for example, f is higher than b. Your idea is correct: If we're at some blocks X and Y, and X is directly on top of some block V and Y is directly on top of some block W, and we can somehow establish that V is higher than W, then X is higher than Y! Here's the same idea expressed in Prolog code:
higher_than(X, Y) :-
block_on(X, V),
block_on(Y, W),
higher_than(V, W).
So is f higher than b?
?- higher_than(f, b).
true ;
Nice. And enumerating all "higher than" pairs:
?- higher_than(X, Y).
X = b,
Y = a ;
X = d,
Y = a ;
X = e,
Y = a ;
X = f,
Y = a ;
X = b,
Y = c ;
X = d,
Y = c ;
X = e,
Y = c ;
X = f,
Y = c ;
X = e,
Y = b ;
X = e,
Y = d ;
X = f,
Y = b ;
X = f,
Y = d ;
X = f,
Y = e ;
Most of these are as before, but we got some new pairs as well: e is higher than b and d, f is higher than b, d, and e. And that is all!
Final remark: I'm not an expert on blocks worlds, but my impression was that it is more usual to model the table top as a special "location" rather than having a special marker for "there is nothing above this".
So I would have represented the same world more like this:
pile_on(1, a, table).
pile_on(1, b, a).
pile_on(2, c, table).
pile_on(2, d, c).
pile_on(2, e, d).
pile_on(2, f, e).
You could switch your code to this representation, maybe it would make your life easier. You could also keep the same higher_than definition -- if you adjust the definitions of block and block_on, all the rest can remain the same.
Assuming is_below( A, P, B) means block A is immediately below block B in some pile P, or is topmost in that pile, with B = null, we can code the is_higher( A, B) predicate exactly as you wanted:
we either have one more step to go down the piles and recurse, or we've reached the bottom of the B pile and judge the situation accordingly:
is_higher( A, B) :- % A is higher than B, if
is_below( A2, _, A), % A is atop one
is_below( B2, _, B), % which is _higher_ than that
A \== B, % which B is atop of
is_higher( A2, B2). % (determined _recursively_)
is_higher( A, B) :- % or,
is_below( _, _, A), % A is not bottommost
is_below( B, _, _), % while B is, because
\+ is_below( _, _, B). % there is nothing below B
%% the world: c
%% b e
%% a d
36 ?- findall( A-B, (is_higher(A,B), A\==null), X).
X = [c-b, c-e, b-a, b-d, c-a, c-d, e-a, e-d].
I would like to calculate the bisection of two 3D lines which have an intersecting point. The lines are sympy lines defined by a point and a direction vector. How can I find the equation of the two lines which are the bisection of them?
Let lines are defined as A + t * dA, B + s * dB where A, B are base points and dA, dB are normalized direction vectors.
If it is guaranteed that lines have intersection, it could be found using dot product approach (adapted from skew line minimal distance algorithm):
u = A - B
b = dot(dA, dB)
if abs(b) == 1: # better check with some tolerance
lines are parallel
d = dot(dA, u)
e = dot(dB, u)
t_intersect = (b * e - d) / (1 - b * b)
P = A + t_intersect * dA
Now about bisectors:
bis1 = P + v * normalized(dA + dB)
bis2 = P + v * normalized(dA - dB)
Quick check for 2D case
k = Sqrt(1/5)
A = (3,1) dA = (-k,2k)
B = (1,1) dB = (k,2k)
u = (2,0)
b = -k^2+4k2 = 3k^2=3/5
d = -2k e = 2k
t = (b * e - d) / (1 - b * b) =
(6/5*k+2*k) / (16/25) = 16/5*k * 25/16 = 5*k
Px = 3 - 5*k^2 = 2
Py = 1 + 10k^2 = 3
normalized(dA+dB=(0,4k)) = (0,1)
normalized(dA-dB=(-2k,0)) = (-1,0)
Python implementation:
from sympy.geometry import Line3D, Point3D, intersection
# Normalize direction vectors:
def normalize(vector: list):
length = (vector[0]**2 + vector[1]**2 + vector[2]**2)**0.5
vector = [i/length for i in vector]
return vector
# Example points for creating two lines which intersect at A
A = Point3D(1, 1, 1)
B = Point3D(0, 2, 1)
l1 = Line3D(A, direction_ratio=[1, 0, 0])
l2 = Line3D(A, B)
d1 = normalize(l1.direction_ratio)
d2 = normalize(l2.direction_ratio)
p = intersection(l1, l2)[0] # Point3D of intersection between the two lines
bis1 = Line3D(p, direction_ratio=[d1[i]+d2[i] for i in range(3)])
bis2 = Line3D(p, direction_ratio=[d1[i]-d2[i] for i in range(3)])
Alice and Bob took a journey to the mountains. They have been climbing
up and down for N days and came home extremely tired.
Alice only remembers that they started their journey at an altitude of
H1 meters and they finished their wandering at an alitude of H2
meters. Bob only remembers that every day they changed their altitude
by A, B, or C meters. If their altitude on the ith day was x,
then their altitude on day i + 1 can be x + A, x + B, or x + C.
Now, Bob wonders in how many ways they could complete their journey.
Two journeys are considered different if and only if there exist a day
when the altitude that Alice and Bob covered that day during the first
journey differs from the altitude Alice and Bob covered that day during
the second journey.
Bob asks Alice to tell her the number of ways to complete the journey.
Bob needs your help to solve this problem.
Input format
The first and only line contains 6 integers N, H1, H2, A, B, C that
represents the number of days Alice and Bob have been wandering,
altitude on which they started their journey, altitude on which they
finished their journey, and three possible altitude changes,
Output format
Print the answer modulo 10**9 + 7.
1 <= N <= 10**5
-10**9 <= H1, H2 <= 10**9
-10**9 <= A, B, C <= 10**9
Sample Input
2 0 0 1 0 -1
Sample Output
There are only 3 possible journeys-- (0, 0), (1, -1), (-1, 1).
This problem comes originally from a hackerearth competition, now closed. The explanation for the sample input and output has been corrected.
Here is my solution in Python 3.
The question can be simplified from its 6 input parameters to only 4 parameters. There is no need for the beginning and ending altitudes--the difference of the two is enough. Also, we can change the daily altitude changes A, B, and C and get the same answer if we make a corresponding change to the total altitude change. For example, if we add 1 to each of A, B, and C, we could add N to the altitude change: 1 additional meter each day over N days means N additional meters total. We can "normalize" our daily altitude changes by sorting them so A is the smallest, then subtract A from each of the altitude changes and subtract N * A from the total altitude change. This means we now need to add a bunch of 0's and two other values (let's call them D and E). D is not larger than E.
We now have an easier problem: take N values, each of which is 0, D, or E, so they sum to a particular total (let's say H). This is the same at using up to N numbers equaling D or E, with the rest zeros.
We can use mathematics, in particular Bezout's identity, to see if this is possible. Some more mathematics can find all the ways of doing this. Once we know how many 0's, D's, and E's, we can use multinomial coefficients to find how many ways these values can be rearranged. Total all these up and we have the answer.
This code finds the total number of ways to complete the journey, and takes it modulo 10**9 + 7 only at the very end. This is possible since Python uses large integers. The largest result I found in my testing is for the input values 100000 0 100000 0 1 2 which results in a number with 47,710 digits before taking the modulus. This takes a little over 8 seconds on my machine.
This code is a little longer than necessary, since I made some of the routines more general than necessary for this problem. I did this so I can use them in other problems. I used many comments for clarity.
# Combinatorial routines -----------------------------------------------
def comb(n, k):
"""Compute the number of ways to choose k elements out of a pile of
n, ignoring the order of the elements. This is also called
combinations, or the binomial coefficient of n over k.
if k < 0 or k > n:
return 0
result = 1
for i in range(min(k, n - k)):
result = result * (n - i) // (i + 1)
return result
def multcoeff(*args):
"""Return the multinomial coefficient
(n1 + n2 + ...)! / n1! / n2! / ..."""
if not args: # no parameters
return 1
# Find and store the index of the largest parameter so we can skip
# it (for efficiency)
skipndx = args.index(max(args))
newargs = args[:skipndx] + args[skipndx + 1:]
result = 1
num = args[skipndx] + 1 # a factor in the numerator
for n in newargs:
for den in range(1, n + 1): # a factor in the denominator
result = result * num // den
num += 1
return result
def new_multcoeff(prev_multcoeff, x, y, z, ag, bg):
"""Given a multinomial coefficient prev_multcoeff =
multcoeff(x-bg, y+ag, z+(bg-ag)), calculate multcoeff(x, y, z)).
NOTES: 1. This uses bg multiplications and bg divisions,
faster than doing multcoeff from scratch.
result = prev_multcoeff
for d in range(1, ag + 1):
result *= y + d
for d in range(1, bg - ag + 1):
result *= z + d
for d in range(bg):
result //= x - d
return result
# Number theory routines -----------------------------------------------
def bezout(a, b):
"""For integers a and b, find an integral solution to
a*x + b*y = gcd(a, b).
RETURNS: (x, y, gcd)
NOTES: 1. This routine uses the convergents of the continued
fraction expansion of b / a, so it will be slightly
faster if a <= b, i.e. the parameters are sorted.
2. This routine ensures the gcd is nonnegative.
3. If a and/or b is zero, the corresponding x or y
will also be zero.
4. This routine is named after Bezout's identity, which
guarantees the existences of the solution x, y.
if not a:
return (0, (b > 0) - (b < 0), abs(b)) # 2nd is sign(b)
p1, p = 0, 1 # numerators of the two previous convergents
q1, q = 1, 0 # denominators of the two previous convergents
negate_y = True # flag if negate y=q (True) or x=p (False)
quotient, remainder = divmod(b, a)
while remainder:
b, a = a, remainder
p, p1 = p * quotient + p1, p
q, q1 = q * quotient + q1, q
negate_y = not negate_y
quotient, remainder = divmod(b, a)
if a < 0:
p, q, a = -p, -q, -a # ensure the gcd is nonnegative
return (p, -q, a) if negate_y else (-p, q, a)
def byzantine_bball(a, b, s):
"""For nonnegative integers a, b, s, return information about
integer solutions x, y to a*x + b*y = s. This is
equivalent to finding a multiset containing only a and b that
sums to s. The name comes from getting a given basketball score
given scores for shots and free throws in a hypothetical game of
"byzantine basketball."
RETURNS: None if there is no solution, or an 8-tuple containing
x the smallest possible nonnegative integer value of
y the value of y corresponding to the smallest
possible integral value of x. If this is negative,
there is no solution for nonnegative x, y.
g the greatest common divisor (gcd) of a, b.
u the found solution to a*u + b*v = g
v " "
ag a // g, or zero if g=0
bg b // g, or zero if g=0
sg s // g, or zero if g=0
NOTES: 1. If a and b are not both zero and one solution x, y is
returned, then all integer solutions are given by
x + t * bg, y - t * ag for any integer t.
2. This routine is slightly optimized for a <= b. In that
case, the solution returned also has the smallest sum
x + y among positive integer solutions.
# Handle edge cases of zero parameter(s).
if 0 == a == b: # the only score possible from 0, 0 is 0
return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) if s == 0 else None
if a == 0:
sb = s // b
return (0, sb, b, 0, 1, 0, 1, sb) if s % b == 0 else None
if b == 0:
sa = s // a
return (sa, 0, a, 1, 0, 1, 0, sa) if s % a == 0 else None
# Find if the score is possible, ignoring the signs of x and y.
u, v, g = bezout(a, b)
if s % g:
return None # only multiples of the gcd are possible scores
# Find one way to get the score, ignoring the signs of x and y.
ag, bg, sg = a // g, b // g, s // g # we now have ag*u + bg*v = 1
x, y = sg * u, sg * v # we now have a*x + b*y = s
# Find the solution where x is nonnegative and as small as possible.
t = x // bg # Python rounds toward minus infinity--what we want
x, y = x - t * bg, y + t * ag
# Return the information
return (x, y, g, u, v, ag, bg, sg)
# Routines for this puzzle ---------------------------------------------
def altitude_reduced(n, h, d, e):
"""Return the number of distinct n-tuples containing only the
values 0, d, and e that sum to h. Assume that all these
numbers are integers and that 0 <= d <= e.
# Handle some impossible special cases
if n < 0 or h < 0:
return 0
# Handle some other simple cases with zero values
if n == 0:
return 0 if h else 1
if 0 == d == e: # all step values are zero
return 0 if h else 1
if 0 == d or d == e: # e is the only non-zero step value
# If possible, return # of tuples with proper # of e's, the rest 0's
return 0 if h % e else comb(n, h // e)
# Handle the main case 0 < d < e
# --Try to get the solution with the fewest possible non-zero days:
# x d's and y e's and the rest zeros: all solutions are given by
# x + t * bg, y - t * ag
solutions_info = byzantine_bball(d, e, h)
if not solutions_info:
return 0 # no way at all to get h from d, e
x, y, _, _, _, ag, bg, _ = solutions_info
# --Loop over all solutions with nonnegative x, y, small enough x + y
result = 0
while y >= 0 and x + y <= n: # at most n non-zero days
# Find multcoeff(x, y, n - x - y), in a faster way
if result == 0: # 1st time through loop: no prev coeff available
amultcoeff = multcoeff(x, y, n - x - y)
else: # use previous multinomial coefficient
amultcoeff = new_multcoeff(amultcoeff, x, y, n - x - y, ag, bg)
result += amultcoeff
x, y = x + bg, y - ag # x+y increases by bg-ag >= 0
return result
def altitudes(input_str=None):
# Get the input
if input_str is None:
input_str = input('Numbers N H1 H2 A B C? ')
# input_str = '100000 0 100000 0 1 2' # replace with prev line for input
n, h1, h2, a, b, c = map(int, input_str.strip().split())
# Reduce the number of parameters by normalizing the values
h_diff = h2 - h1 # net altitude change
a, b, c = sorted((a, b, c)) # a is now the smallest
h, d, e = h_diff - n * a, b - a, c - a # reduce a to zero
# Solve the reduced problem
print(altitude_reduced(n, h, d, e) % (10**9 + 7))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Here are some of my test routines for the main problem. These are suitable for pytest.
# Testing, some with pytest ---------------------------------------------------
import itertools # for testing
import collections # for testing
def brute(n, h, d, e):
"""Do alt_reduced with brute force."""
return sum(1 for v in itertools.product({0, d, e}, repeat=n)
if sum(v) == h)
def brute_count(n, d, e):
"""Count achieved heights with brute force."""
if n < 0:
return collections.Counter()
return collections.Counter(
sum(v) for v in itertools.product({0, d, e}, repeat=n)
def test_impossible():
assert altitude_reduced(0, 6, 1, 2) == 0
assert altitude_reduced(-1, 6, 1, 2) == 0
assert altitude_reduced(3, -1, 1, 2) == 0
def test_simple():
assert altitude_reduced(1, 0, 0, 0) == 1
assert altitude_reduced(1, 1, 0, 0) == 0
assert altitude_reduced(1, -1, 0, 0) == 0
assert altitude_reduced(1, 1, 0, 1) == 1
assert altitude_reduced(1, 1, 1, 1) == 1
assert altitude_reduced(1, 2, 0, 1) == 0
assert altitude_reduced(1, 2, 1, 1) == 0
assert altitude_reduced(2, 4, 0, 3) == 0
assert altitude_reduced(2, 4, 3, 3) == 0
assert altitude_reduced(2, 4, 0, 2) == 1
assert altitude_reduced(2, 4, 2, 2) == 1
assert altitude_reduced(3, 4, 0, 2) == 3
assert altitude_reduced(3, 4, 2, 2) == 3
assert altitude_reduced(4, 4, 0, 2) == 6
assert altitude_reduced(4, 4, 2, 2) == 6
assert altitude_reduced(2, 6, 0, 2) == 0
assert altitude_reduced(2, 6, 2, 2) == 0
def test_main():
N = 12
maxcnt = 0
for n in range(-1, N):
for d in range(N): # must have 0 <= d
for e in range(d, N): # must have d <= e
counts = brute_count(n, d, e)
for h, cnt in counts.items():
if cnt == 25653:
print(n, h, d, e, cnt)
maxcnt = max(maxcnt, cnt)
assert cnt == altitude_reduced(n, h, d, e)
print(maxcnt) # got 25653 for N = 12, (n, h, d, e) = (11, 11, 1, 2) etc.
I need to decompress a list in prolog , like in the example below :
L = [a, b, b, c, d, d, d] ;
I made this code :
makelist(_,N,[]):- N =< 0 .
makelist(X,Y,[X|Result]):-Y1 is Y-1,makelist(X,Y1,Result).
and when i call
L2 = [a,a,a].
but when i call
runs continuously. What am i doing wrong ?
Another variation of the theme, using a slightly modified version of Boris' repeat/3 predicate:
% True when L is a list with N repeats of X
repeat([X, N], L) :-
length(L, N),
maplist(=(X), L).
decode(Encoded, Decoded) :-
maplist(repeat, Encoded, Expanded),
flatten(Expanded, Decoded).
If Encode = [[a,1],[b,2],[c,1],[d,3]], then in the above decode/2, the maplist/3 call will yield Expanded = [[a],[b,b],[c],[d,d,d]], and then the flatten/2 call results in Decoded = [a,b,b,c,d,d,d].
In SWI Prolog, instead of flatten/2, you can use append/2 since you only need a "flattening" at one level.
EDIT: Adding a "bidirectional" version, using a little CLPFD:
rle([], []).
rle([X], [[1,X]]).
rle([X,Y|T], [[1,X]|R]) :-
X \== Y, % use dif(X, Y) here, if available
rle([Y|T], R).
rle([X,X|T], [[N,X]|R]) :-
N #= N1 + 1,
rle([X|T], [[N1,X]|R]).
This will yield:
| ?- rle([a,a,a,b,b], L).
L = [[3,a],[2,b]] ? ;
(1 ms) no
| ?- rle(L, [[3,a],[2,b]]).
L = [a,a,a,b,b] ? ;
| ?- rle([a,a,a,Y,Y,Z], [X, [N,b],[M,c]]).
M = 1
N = 2
X = [3,a]
Y = b
Z = c ? a
| ?- rle([A,B,C], D).
D = [[1,A],[1,B],[1,C]] ? ;
C = B
D = [[1,A],[2,B]] ? ;
B = A
D = [[2,A],[1,C]] ? ;
B = A
C = A
D = [[3,A]] ? ;
(2 ms) no
| ?- rle(A, [B,C]).
A = [D,E]
B = [1,D]
C = [1,E] ? ;
A = [D,E,E]
B = [1,D]
C = [2,E] ? ;
A = [D,E,E,E]
B = [1,D]
C = [3,E] ? ;
| ?- rle(A, B).
A = []
B = [] ? ;
A = [C]
B = [[1,C]] ? ;
A = [C,D]
B = [[1,C],[1,D]] ? ;
As #mat suggests in his comment, in Prolog implementations that have dif/2, then dif(X,Y) is preferable to X \== Y above.
The problem is in the order of your append and decode in the last clause of decode. Try tracing it, or even better, trace it "by hand" to see what happens.
Another approach: see this answer. So, with repeat/3 defined as:
% True when L is a list with N repeats of X
repeat(X, N, L) :-
length(L, N),
maplist(=(X), L).
You can write your decode/2 as:
decode([], []).
decode([[X,N]|XNs], Decoded) :-
decode(XNs, Decoded_rest),
repeat(X, N, L),
append(L, Decoded_rest, Decoded).
But this is a slightly roundabout way to do it. You could define a difference-list version of repeat/3, called say repeat/4:
repeat(X, N, Reps, Reps_back) :-
( succ(N0, N)
-> Reps = [X|Reps0],
repeat(X, N0, Reps0, Reps_back)
; Reps = Reps_back
And then you can use a difference-list version of decode/2, decode_1/3
decode(Encoded, Decoded) :-
decode_1(Encoded, Decoded, []).
decode_1([], Decoded, Decoded).
decode_1([[X,N]|XNs], Decoded, Decoded_back) :-
repeat(X, N, Decoded, Decoded_rest),
decode_1(XNs, Decoded_rest, Decoded_back).
?- decode([[a,1],[b,2],[c,1],[d,3]],L).
L = [a, b, b, c, d, d, d].
?- decode([[a,3],[b,1],[c,0],[d,3]],L).
L = [a, a, a, b, d, d, d].
?- decode([[a,3]],L).
L = [a, a, a].
?- decode([],L).
L = [].
You can deal with both direction with this code :
:- use_module(library(lambda)).
% code from Pascal Bourguignon
%end code
pack_1(In, Out) :-
maplist(\X^Y^(X = [V|_],
Y = [V, N],
length(X, N),
maplist(=(V), X)),
In, Out).
decode(In, Out) :-
when((ground(In); ground(Out1)),pack_1(Out1, In)),
packRuns(Out, Out1).
Output :
?- decode([[a,1],[b,2],[c,1],[d,3]],L).
L = [a, b, b, c, d, d, d] .
?- decode(L, [a,b,b,c,d,d,d]).
L = [[a, 1], [b, 2], [c, 1], [d, 3]] .
a compact way:
decode(L,D) :- foldl(expand,L,[],D).
expand([S,N],L,E) :- findall(S,between(1,N,_),T), append(L,T,E).
findall/3 it's the 'old fashioned' Prolog list comprehension facility
decode is a poor name for your predicate: properly done, you predicate should be bi-directional — if you say
decode( [[a,1],[b,2],[c,3]] , L )
You should get
L = [a,b,b,c,c,c].
And if you say
decode( L , [a,b,b,c,c,c] ) .
You should get
L = [[a,1],[b,2],[c,3]].
So I'd use a different name, something like run_length_encoding/2. I might also not use a list to represent individual run lengths as [a,1] is this prolog term: .(a,.(1,[]). Just use a simple term with arity 2 — myself, I like using :/2 since it's defined as an infix operator, so you can simply say a:1.
Try this on for size:
run_length_encoding( [] , [] ) . % the run-length encoding of the empty list is the empty list.
run_length_encoding( [X|Xs] , [R|Rs] ) :- % the run-length encoding of a non-empty list is computed by
rle( Xs , X:1 , T , R ) , % - run-length encoding the prefix of the list
run_length_encoding( T , Rs ) % - and recursively run-length encoding the remainder
. % Easy!
rle( [] , C:N , [] , C:N ) . % - the run is complete when the list is exhausted.
rle( [X|Xs] , C:N , [X|Xs] , C:N ) :- % - the run is complete,
X \= C % - when we encounter a break
. %
rle( [X|Xs] , X:N , T , R ) :- % - the run continues if we haven't seen a break, so....
N1 is N+1 , % - increment the run length,
rle( Xs, X:N1, T, R ) % - and recurse down.
. % Easy!
In direct answer to the original question of, What am I doing wrong?...
When I ran the original code, any expected use case "ran indefinitely" without yielding a result.
Reading through the main predicate:
This says that [] is the result of decoding []. Sounds right.
decode([H|T],L) :- makelist2(H,H2), append(H2,L,L2), decode(T,L2).
This says that L is the result of decoding [H|T] if H2 is an expansion of H (which is what makelist2 does... perhaps - we'll go over that below), and H2 appended to this result gives another list L2 which is the decoded form of the original tail T. That doesn't sound correct. If I decode [H|T], I should (1) expand H, (2) decode T giving L2, then (3) append H to L2 giving L.
So the corrected second clause is:
decode([H|T], L) :- makelist2(H, H2), decode(T, L2), append(H2, L2, L).
Note the argument order of append/3 and that the call occurs after the decode of the tail. As Boris pointed out previously, the incorrect order of append and the recursive decode can cause the continuous running without any output as append with more uninstantiated arguments generates a large number of unneeded possibilities before decode can succeed.
But now the result is:
| ?- decode([[a,3]], L).
L = [a,a,a] ? ;
L = [a,a,a,a] ? ;
If you try out our other predicates by hand in the Prolog interpreter, you'll find that makelist2/2 has an issue:
It produces the correct result, but also a bunch of incorrect results. Let's have a look at makelist2/2. We can try this predicate by itself and see what happens:
| ?- makelist2([a,3], L).
L = [a,a,a] ? ;
L = [a,a,a,a] ? ;
There's an issue: makelist2/2 should only give the first solution, but it keeps going, giving incorrect solutions. Let's look closer at makelist/2:
makelist2(L,L2) :- divide2(L,X,Y), makelist(X,Y,L2).
It takes a list L of the form [A,N], divides it (via divide2/3) into X = A and Y = N, then calls an auxiliary, makelist(X, Y, L2).
makelist(_,N,[]):- N =< 0 .
makelist(X,Y,[X|Result]):-Y1 is Y-1,makelist(X,Y1,Result).
makelist/3 is supposed to generate a list (the third argument) by replicating the first argument the number of times given in the second argument. The second, recursive clause appears to be OK, but has one important flaw: it will succeed even if the value of Y is less than or equal to 0. Therefore, even though a correct solution is found, it keeps succeeding on incorrect solutions because the base case allows the count to be =< 0:
| ?- makelist(a,2,L).
L = [a,a] ? ;
L = [a,a,a] ? ;
We can fix makelist/2 as follows:
makelist(_,N,[]):- N =< 0 .
makelist(X,Y,[X|Result]):- Y > 0, Y1 is Y-1, makelist(X,Y1,Result).
Now the code will generate a correct result. We just needed to fix the second clause of decode/2, and the second clause of makelist/3.
| ?- decode([[a,3],[b,4]], L).
L = [a,a,a,b,b,b,b]
The complete, original code with just these couple of corrections looks like this:
divide(L, X, Y) :- length(X, 1), append(X, Y, L).
divide2(L, X, Y) :- divide(L, [X|_], [Y|_]).
makelist(_, N, []) :- N =< 0 .
makelist(X, Y, [X|Result]) :- Y > 0, Y1 is Y-1, makelist(X,Y1,Result).
makelist2(L, L2) :- divide2(L, X, Y), makelist(X, Y, L2).
decode([], []).
decode([H|T], L) :- makelist2(H,H2), decode(T,L2), append(H2,L2,L).
Note some simple, direct improvements. The predicate, divide2(L, X, Y) takes a list L of two elements and yields each, individual element, X and Y. This predicate is unnecessary because, in Prolog, you can obtain these elements by simple unification: L = [X, Y]. You can try this right in the Prolog interpreter:
| ?- L = [a,3], L = [X,Y].
L = [a,3]
X = a
Y = 3
We can then completely remove the divide/3 and divide2/3 predicates, and replace a call to divide2(L, X, Y) with L = [X,Y] and reduce makelist2/2 to:
makelist2(L, L2) :- L = [X, Y], makelist(X, Y, L2).
Or more simply (because we can do the unification right in the head of the clause):
makelist2([X,Y], L2) :- makelist(X, Y, L2).
You could just remove makelist2/2 and call makelist/2 directly from decode/2 by unifying H directly with its two elements, [X, N]. So the original code simplifies to:
makelist(_, N, []) :- N =< 0 .
makelist(X, Y, [X|Result]) :- Y > 0, Y1 is Y-1, makelist(X,Y1,Result).
decode([], []).
decode([[X,N]|T], L) :- makelist(X, N, H2), decode(T, L2), append(H2, L2, L).
And makelist/3 can be performed a bit more clearly using one of the methods provided in the other answers (e.g., see Boris' repeat/3 predicate).