After domain change WordPress website became broken. (css) - css

The old domain was, the new is The css of the site became ugly, and I can not find a solution.
Can anybody help me what is the problem? I tried all of the steps which are recommended after domain change.

as I can see you didn't move your files correctly.
errors in Chrome
Move you folder with videos and pictures. And also move your file

Go to appearance -> theme editor and then copy the css in style.css


Custom CSS WordPress Theme via cPanel (not updating)

I am wondering why I am not unable to make changes; I already tried several things yet, I don't seem to be able to update the CSS, the following I did already:
There is no Editor, so I am unable to make changes via there.
I am an Administrator and have access to cPanel.
I made changes via ../wp-content/theme/my-theme/style.css and no changes were made.
I empty my cache via plugin and hard reload my Chrome, Firefox and Safari. And no changes were made.
Is there any other solutions? I already found the file which contains all the styles. I would try to add my own class, and see if I am to see if there is any effect.
First thing first, From cPanel you can navigate to your website from the fileManager, use it to make code changes and then save them. You need to clear the cache everytime you make changes (i usually do it from the browser (in chrome, open the dev console, then long press on the refresh button and select the bottom one)
If the changes are still not showing on your site, I think that maybe you are editing the wrong CSS? Is this your theme and are you 100% sure you are editing the right file and, for example, it's not overwritten by a child theme or something else?
If you are using any framework, maybe your property is overwritten by your framework (for example, by bootstrap). To check this, open the console or try to add !important in your CSS file.
Just as an example, when I develop a theme I leave the root style.css with only the theme definitions, and then I create different stylesheets in a different folder. This leads me to the next question: are you enqueue your file correctly? is it even loaded by WordPress?
to check this I usually inspect the code in and search for the id of the file I enqueued from my functions.php.
Unfortunately, without more details, this is the only things I could think of when developing and WordPress theme and make changes from cPanel. Hope some of this can actually help.
Please check following options
Permission of file at ../wp-content/theme/my-theme/style.css.
Grab the css and open in Dream-viewer or sublime is there any css syntax issue.
Also the path of style.css in header is show same by view source.
Even you can use the plugins which allow to add custom css without toching the server check this plugin

Can I modify jquery/javascript on Wordpress?

I installed a theme that has some desc wrapping effects of some images (when you pass by the image with the mouse cursor, it will slide or something) which is made probably with javascript/jquery?
Is it possibly to deactivate this effect without losing the settings on the next update of my theme? I have created a child theme which I use to edit the css of my website, but I don't know how should approch jquery/javascript.
ps. I really can't give you link to the website because it is put on private, but I will try to provide more info if you need to help me solve this problem.
Thanks in advance,
In your themes folder, there should be a /js or /scripts directory. The JavaScript/jQuery on your page should be contained within that.
The full path of your theme from the root directory will be wp-content/themes/YOUR_THEME. Within this folder you will find the JavaScript folder.

Website magento theme install didn't go as planned

So, i'm building a website using magento, i tried to install a theme but there are some files that dont seem to be loading, including some css, i'm gonna list the website and the demo of the theme so you guys can tell me if you see something where you can help:
The website
The Demo
As you can see, there is a lot going wrong... the name of the divs isnt even the same, i have followed the readme tutorial and done this multiple times, the theme was installed using magento connect.
I've done the whole System>Configuration>Design and pointed to the new theme...
If you could give me some clue about what's wrong, i'd be very thankful, any further details needed, just ask.
Package from Magento Connect includes only design and skin files without WebAndPeople Custommenu extension.
Which names of divs do you see as not similar? I installed this theme for test and it is similar to yours with div names. Don't look on the's demo because it is modified theme and is not original that included in package! You can compare their style.css and your with diff or notepad++ to find differences (about 20% of original skin).
Footer. You made mistake in HTML code and placed tag <h3> outside of <ul>. Just move them one line down like in /readme.html file.
If you wish to use modified mobileshoppe demo from you can simply grab their style.css and images and put in your folder.

site css fine in file but compressed in chrome

im working on a clients site and i made changes to the style.css file in the twentyten theme. file looks fine and normal, but my added style isnt showing up in the chrome inspector when I selet it in the HTML element. So I click on the style.css link in the element inspector to vie the css to see if the class i added is there and everything is compreessed ????
no idea why. there are no caching plugins or anything that I can see.
Anyone have anyida what is happening. Im new to the site and not sure what is going on.
any help appriciated. site is, so you can see for your self. im stumped.
I searched the compressed text and did not find a reference to my new class which is .videostyle
so that file is not MY edited style.css. hmmm....the plot thickens. where is that file and how do I edit it? What hath the other developer done?
It was Cloudflare. A 3rd party that provides all sorts of caching and minifying and DNS or CDN services. Available in most CPANEL's. In the cloud flare settings they had it set to minify JS and CSS. Kinda cool but drove me crazy. I called Bluehost support for VPS and they were awesome and saw that I was using it and that solved all. thanks

Wordpress theme is taking no affect?

i want to make some changes into my wordpress css file. i downloaded the style.css and other css file via ftp and made all the changes into the codes i wanted to. I uploaded the files and replace it with the other files. I waited for some time to take it affect but nothing happened, i left it and open my site the other day but the things were still same, no changes. I was using the WP Minify cache plugin. I even deleted it and re upload the css files again but still no changes. I tried out so many things but no success.
I than changed the name of the theme main directory via ftp, it help me a bit and made me happy for awhile, all the changes appeared. I again needed some changes in css files but unfortunately again suffering the same process. Please help :(
P.S. No theme is taking the effects of modifications in the css files codes. i tried different themes, but same results. Even if i delete the style.css nothing happened, but when i delete the entire directory of that theme then blank white page appear on my website.
It doesn't sound like you activated the new theme from your administration panel.
When using any cache plugins you should delete its cache when you do any changes to the website. Have you already done that?
Are there any other css files being loaded after style.css that may alter what you are trying to change?
It's generally not a good idea to edit the themes style.css directly b/c when you upgrade that theme you will lose all of your customizations.
Doesn't your theme have some place for custom CSS? Some themes have it in Appearance >> Theme Options, or something of that nature. What theme is it? Do you have a framework, or child themes? More info needed ... but every theme has a spot for custom css; as was mentioned, it's not best practice to make your modifications in the actual main theme stylesheet, due to updates, etc. ... and anything in the custom css section overrides the default theme stylesheet.
