site css fine in file but compressed in chrome - css

im working on a clients site and i made changes to the style.css file in the twentyten theme. file looks fine and normal, but my added style isnt showing up in the chrome inspector when I selet it in the HTML element. So I click on the style.css link in the element inspector to vie the css to see if the class i added is there and everything is compreessed ????
no idea why. there are no caching plugins or anything that I can see.
Anyone have anyida what is happening. Im new to the site and not sure what is going on.
any help appriciated. site is, so you can see for your self. im stumped.
I searched the compressed text and did not find a reference to my new class which is .videostyle
so that file is not MY edited style.css. hmmm....the plot thickens. where is that file and how do I edit it? What hath the other developer done?

It was Cloudflare. A 3rd party that provides all sorts of caching and minifying and DNS or CDN services. Available in most CPANEL's. In the cloud flare settings they had it set to minify JS and CSS. Kinda cool but drove me crazy. I called Bluehost support for VPS and they were awesome and saw that I was using it and that solved all. thanks


After domain change WordPress website became broken. (css)

The old domain was, the new is The css of the site became ugly, and I can not find a solution.
Can anybody help me what is the problem? I tried all of the steps which are recommended after domain change.
as I can see you didn't move your files correctly.
errors in Chrome
Move you folder with videos and pictures. And also move your file
Go to appearance -> theme editor and then copy the css in style.css

Shopify Stylesheet - CodeMirror? 99% unused

I've got this stylesheet loading on the index, but I can't seem to find the source anywhere. After researching CodeMirror, I'm guessing it has to do with the page customizer?
Is there any way to disable this stylesheet?
This stylesheet is not included in the code of theme.liquid
It's loaded via the {{content_for_header}} in the head section.
It is not coming from an app, as one would suggest,
Its coming from Shopify and is only loaded, when previewing a theme.
It is a little misleading when you are trying to get the page-load down and you are using the developer tools from chrome.
Inspect the theme again after it's live or block the requested URL in dev tools.
If the stylesheet is included in the layout/theme.liquid file, then you can comment out or remove it there.
If it is not included in that file, there is a good chance that it is coming from a Shopify app store app. If that is the case, you would have to check that app for settings, or not use that app.

What is this mystery css that lighthouse is flagging up?

I'm using Chrome's Lighthouse audit to make some performance improvements to a website and there are some styles under the "Remove unused CSS' section that I cannot locate anywhere on the site.
The ones I am questioning are the 2 lines starting html, body etc.
They look a bit like reset styles but aren't the ones I have in the CSS file.
I've tried searching the theme files (this is a shopify site), the page source, turning off javascript and these styles don't show up anywhere.
Has anyone encountered this before?
Since it's a Shopify Site it's using the Shopify style CDN by default. Since it's a CDN the css files are not going to be found in your project directory but rather on Shopify's website. An example of a style CDN can be found here, this one is for bootstrap.It uses a URL to access style options that are stored on their servers so you don't have to download the CSS locally.
Here's more on CDNs.
As for your issue, it looks like your project is referencing these CDNs but you're not using them. If you can find where in your project these CDNs are linked and remove them/comment them out it should resolve the issue.
Here's a similar question about whether or not it's safe to remove unused/deferred styles for Shopify.

My style sheet css don´t show lines in the console Chrome

What happened?, the console don´t show lines of document.css thanks.
I solve this problem.
The styles.css don´t show because I use the Prefix free plugin
In his limitations says : "Unprefixed linked stylesheets won’t work locally in Chrome and Opera."
I disable this plugin for local testing.
I faced same situation before, all i had to do is to remove a jQuery plugin. i don't remember the name but that was converting external style as internal styles.
Try removing links to your external JavaScript files and look which plugin cause the problem.
Hope this helps :)

Issue with CSS stylesheets

I have been working on a site for a few days now and uploaded the site to test. In dreamweaver the site looks fine and the CSS styles are being applied. In a browser the CSS does not take. I have checked and re-checked the links and cannot understand where the disconnect is happening. Here is the test site
Thanks for your help
Each time I load the site, your site.css file seems to be getting larger. So I'm pretty sure this is a case of your site.css file not being up-to-date.
If you get this file to the correct version, all of your issues should be fixed.
Probably the cache. Try cachebusting technique. Eg : add css/site.css?v2
