Wordpress plugin editor on mobile typing bug - wordpress

I love to do some "on the go" coding in the wordpress backend in my spare time.
The situation:
When editing theme or plugin files in the theme editor or plugin editor on my mobile device (android), whenever I try to type on a new line in the file, the character gets automatically "backspaced".
The editor does work when editing existing lines of code, or copy and pasting it in.
When using a bluetooth keyboard the editor works fine too.
There doesn't seem to be any jquery related errors either.
Does anyone know the root of this problem?

I would advise you to report this as a bug, WordPress is open source. Bugs will be handled by priority by many volunteers.
You can read more about submitting a bug and what you need to yourself when submitting one.
See: https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/testing/reporting-bugs/
Make sure to read the page thoroughly before submitting a "bug".


How to access your wordpress website via code editor?

So I am trying to customize my already running website via custom code
for better user experience etc.
I see a lot of people developing for WordPress via the code editor
and I simply can't find any information on how I can access my website
via a code editor and customize it with customer HTML, CSS, and javascript (or react.js)
and of course, PHP if necessary.
Could anyone please help me where I can find that information?
I would be very grateful!
Not sure exactly what you are looking for, but I go to CPanel on my host and open File Manager. Scroll down to the public_html folder and the web site below that. Select a PHP file and click Edit. Beware, though, that updating the theme will wipe out any changes when taking this approach.

Wordpress' Page editor changed to "Block" format, and lost theme components

Today I logged into my WordPress admin and was prompted to "Update the database," no options were given so I did. After that, my pages showed a "new" visual composer based in blocks that showed none of my theme's components, but only a text block with a series of shortcodes.
It changed the usual backend vs frontend editor that the visual composer shows and allows me to manipulate my page through rows and columns.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling plugins, the theme itself, etc. But no success so far.
Is there a way to revert to the last editor (no backups), or debug why I'm only getting shortcodes?
So as I was posting this question I logged into another one of my sites and saw an alert warning me of the automatic inclusion of "Gutenberg" (a new page editor) after version 5.0.1 of Wordpress. That was it.
According to their suggestion, I downloaded this plugin which solved my problem: https://wordpress.org/plugins/classic-editor/
Hope this helps someone!

Can't open or move widgets after Wordpress update

I recently updated my WordPress site http://www.yourwhiteknight.com/ to 4.1.5 and found that I can't move or open any widgets on the widgets page. If I try to add one, I don't get the menu to add it to a widget and I can't drag and drop on into a sidebar. I can't click the down arrow on any widgets or on any sidebars that are not open in order to edit their contents.
I believe the version I was working with before was 3.5.2. I even tried to go to the customizer but it just gets stuck constantly trying to reload the page, some sort of redirect loop.
Has anyone had this problem before and can point me in the direction of a solution?
I am at a complete loss, other than uploading the older version of wordpress. If I do that, I don't know if the database will still work due to any changes in the DB from the upgrade. I can't revert to the old database because the client has already made a lot of changes.
What you need to do is look for Javascript errors in the WordPress admin area using Dev Tools. The inability to move widgets or use other javascript functions in admin is common and a characteristic of Javascript conflicts with plugins or low-quality themes and the Javascript libraries that WordPress loads be default.
Use the developer tools in Firefox (or Firebug) or Chrome or Safari or IE to see what scripts are loading on your site - I can see from my end that there are a lot of them - and look in the console to see if there are errors. See Using Your Browser to Diagnose JavaScript Errors.
If there are errors, deactivate plugins one by one and look for a theme update. It can take some time to find the cause of Javascript errors, and in some cases, you may need to debug yourself.

Kaltura's All IN ONE Video plugin for Wordpress: is there any "how to use" documentation?

Kaltura's plugin for Wordpress looks like a great tool. It seems to work to add video to a page while editing the page. But, the video doesn't display once you view the site. Also, there is a button on the post page that says "Add Video Comment". It doesn't work either. This is what I'd REEEEEEally like to get working.
I've been to the Kaltura site, and there is reams and reams of documentation, but nothing that actually applies to this Wordpress plugin. Its almost like it doesn't exist to them....
Any help on this would be great.
Seems like you have a faulty installation... the features you mentioned should just work after installation.
Are you using Kaltura.com or your own self hosted Kaltura CE?
Any public URL where we can see the issues?

Wordpress: Editing pages with another editor

Relatively simple question, but I can't find the answer: How can I edit static pages (or posts) with my own editor instead of using WordPress? I'm not asking about the details of how to FTP, but instead where can I actually find the pages I created using WordPress in the WordPress directory?
The content of the pages you create are stored in the mySQL database rather than as static files so you cannot just see them if you look through the directory. The software reads out the data from the db when requested and renders it according to various settings.
As for editing your wordpress pages/entries using an external editor, wordpress supports an XML RPC interface which can be used to communicate with it. For an example of an emacs extension to edit WP articles, check out http://www.tolchz.net/2008/01/06/posting-to-wordpress-with-emacs-webloggerel/. I'm sure many other editors have this facility as well (including, I'm led to believe, Microsoft Word).
Finally, if you want to use the web interface but use your own editor for the textboxes where you edit pages/articles, check out the it's all text plugin for Firefox.
Windows Live Writer is an excellent editor for this purpose. The latest version (2011) surprisingly better than the first, which was already more than I expected for a freebie, and a small project team.
Make sure you avoid all the extra "Live" options and just leave the Writer checked for install. And in WP admin settings, enable XML RPC.
wp generates dynamic pages - that means the pages only exist the moment they are requested. You would first need to "statify" them - simply downlowding would do, but there's also plugins that can do this.. Usually needed for optimizing speed/cache
Looking for "wordpress static pages plugin" might help..
PS: this would do the job of making wp 'static'
