SSH issues when upgrading MariaDB - mariadb

I have an app that's been running on MariaDB 10.1.41 for a while now. Recently a dev database was upgraded to 10.2.33, and now it won't allow us to use self-signed certificates for SSH. We need inter-server communication for replication, and up until now these certs have been fine.
I've been trying to find out what in this upgrade might have caused this, but everything I've been able to find so far suggests that self-signed certificates probably shouldn't have worked at all.
We did have some other issues following the update - mostly caused by strict mode being enabled by default - these have been resolved, but I've been unable to find anything suggesting why our certs no longer work.


"The WS-Management service cannot process the request. The service is configured to not accept any remote shell requests" when managing server

I can't do anything in server manager. I have tried enabling "Allow Remote Shell Access" in GPO. This is ridiculous how this just doesn't work for software costing OVER A THOUSAND DOLLARS!
UPDATE: Microsoft just doesn't know what the hell they're doing, they make an operating system for "datacenters" and yet their bulls****y OSes come broken. Now, if their OS was working, when the value found at "WSMAN:\localhost\Shell\AllowRemoteShellAccess" says "True", you'd think that it really is true, but it just isn't. Microsoft is a billion dollar company built on broken software and utterly horrible customer support.
Have you tried installing the required features from a different server's Server Manager by adding this server as a remote server ?
This is how I worked around the issue. It seemed the local server manager on the specific server had issues.
I tried all the recommended stuff - Allow Remote Shell Access; gpupdate /force in an admin window; WM service restart. All to no avail. BUT simple Windows restart fixed it. OMG!

How to see what web server is running on my mac?

I'm trying to learn how to create a custom WordPress theme. I've been following a tutorial, and I was trying to install DesktopServer onto my MacBook Pro (to create a local environment.)
But I'm not able to install it because it's stating that
"It appears that you have another web server already running. DesktopServer cannot be installed. Check that you do not have Web Sharing turned on from your System Preference -> Sharing control panel or turn off and remove your other web server."
I've checked my Sharing settings, and nothing is enabled (including internet sharing.) So that must mean I have a web server already running. But I don't know what that would be.
Is there a way for me to find out what web server my mac is running?
And after that, is there a way for me to disable that so I could possibly use DesktopServer instead.
I've really good with writing HTML, CSS, Javascript, etc., but I'm pretty new to the server and hosting and stuff. I honestly don't understand everything yet.
I had the same problem, and the solution that worked for me was here:
By default, Mac OSX has an Apache server running in the background
which conflicts with Serverpress by default.
To turn it off, run sudo apachectl stop.

Sonatype Nexus - Central repository : In Service - Remote Automatically Blocked and Unavailable

I'm sorry about this question, but I havn't found any solution to this, yet.
My nexus install worked very well, but suddenly I realized that default repositories are blocked (Central, Apache snapshoot, Codehouse). OK, Codehouse is a different story.
I have tried the followings:
- increase nexus allocated memory (
- go throogh these trouble shooting tips (
- tried to use ?describe feature to find out more info,
- tried to repair configurations if neccessary, but ...
nothing helped me.
Do you have any idea what should I do?
Nexus automatically blocks repositories when there are network errors so that misbehaving remotes won't deplete the connection thread pool. When connectivity is restored the repositories will be automatically unblocked.
Check the nexus logs. Most likely you'll find your corporate firewall is blocking outbound access to the internet.

Sending email no longer working on Ubuntu 14.04.1 after deploying with Meteor Up

Recently I added email sending capability to my Meteor app, using both the email package, and the account registration APIs to send emails. The other day, after having tested this thoroughly on my dev machine, I deployed it to our production server using Meteor Up. Once deployed, I did a quick check that the email APIs were working properly, and let it be. A day or two later, I made some minor changes, wrapping these email APIs in a Meteor.defer method to speed up the UI. I tested the changes locally (all fine), and re-deployed. I also ran apt-get update on my server after seeing a notification there were some new security updates available. After doing this, the email system no longer works. I tried reverting back to my previous configuration, and it still isn't working. I'm getting a timeout error:
Exception while invoking method 'forgotPassword' Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what might be causing this timeout (a blocked port? can I diagnose this?). Given my SMTP port is working on my development machine, it doesn't seem to be an issue with my code, but rather either with the MUP deployment, or Ubuntu configuration. I'm not super familiar with configuring Ubuntu servers. Any suggestions on how to go about de-bugging would be greatly appreciated!
We got a similar problem, and it was solved by opening the needed port in EC2. thanks to

How can I resolve certificate issues in Eucalyptus?

I have recently installed eucalyptus on a Ubuntu 10.04. Everything works fine until I get to the user interface. Whenever I try to get to the store tab I get the following error:
Error 60: server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none
I have been doing some research and tried to update the certificate, make changes to the /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/imagestore/lib/ but none of these solutions worked.
I am really stuck and do not know what to do.
I cannot help resolve the issue on Ubuntu and I suspect the Euca version involved is way out date. If you are willing to work on CentOS then you've got two great options
FastStart - this is an awesome bundle of Eucalyptus and CentOS. I use this to spin up a new cloud after each release, including the pre-release of 3.3. Total time to new cloud is roughly 35 minutes.
Package downloads - This is your standard install method and the only option to pick if you're trying to build a large cloud.
BTW - if you are looking to build a large cloud I also recommend you check out the Reference Architectures. These are Eucalyptus deployment blueprints based on lots of real-world, customer environments.
If you have other questions, I hope we see you on IRC. It's the #eucalyptus channel on freenode:
Hope this helps
