Looker: Run queries only when the dashboard window in visible - looker

We have a looker dashboard that reloads all of the tiles automatically every 5 mins. But this tends to be left open in the background and triggers a lot of queries which runs without purpose, is there a way to run the queries only when the tab or window with the dashboard is on the foreground?


Code working correctly only in incognito mode

I created an owl carousel with many items in it. I use javascript fetch to get data and then i insert the data in this items. The problem is that this works only for the items that are displayed on the screen when the page loads. If i scroll to the next item which is hidden at first then the data are missing. The weird thing is that this doesn't happen if i open the website in incognito mode. Everything works perfect there. How is it possible for a code to work correctly only in incognito mode? The website is this https://bet-prognostika.com/ and the carousel is on top of the homepage. The season overall number and the number in front of new pick(s) are the ones that i insert using fetch.

how to prevent user when opening a new tab,minimising,maximising in browser using javascript jquery

I have to restrict the user of opening new tab,minimizing or opening another browser while running a web page.
Is there any way for me to make this happening?
One liner answer, you can't. You can control your page certain extend programmatically by restricting resize of the window or make it full screen but you can't restrict users minimizing or opening another browser while running a web page.
Click here for details of browser full screen mode programmatically, this full screen mode provides an illusion of restricting of another browser opening by hiding the options. But that's not the case, once user exit from full screen everything will be back in original state, so users can perform minimizing or opening another browser or a new tab.

Way to hide splash screen?

Is it possible to hide splash screen in MAF app and directly display some form/page to gather information from user at place of splash screen, and while user is being entering his values then initial loading process (which loads behind splash screen) can be continue at back-end?
The splash screen is of value to you as users know you app is loading. Its purpose is to load quickly as the rest of the app sets up.
Why would you want to move logic into this visual process? I want to caution you that I think it's a poor choice to reject industry standards. Work with the framework.

Detect soft keyboard in Meteor cordova with ratchet

Meteor now support mobile apps. That's great. However, I find that the app running as a mobile app is not the same as running in a mobile browser.
When it runs as a mobile app, if the user wants to input to a text field, a soft keyboard shows up. Then, after the user finishes and click the button (at that point, the soft keyboard is still shown), the app brings to another page. However, the new page renders as if the soft keyboard still exists so the lower portion of the screen is blank. The elements that are rendered to a fixed position (like footer) still shows up at the bottom though. Even though the lower portion of the screen is blank, the elements are still there. If I tap the blank portion, and if there is a link or button in the place I tap, the app still brings me to the new page. Since I use Meteor and ratchet, I don't know which one is the issue.
I suspect the issue is that when the user clicks the button, the Meteor renders the new page immediately, but the soft keyboard get hidden afterwords.
This situation doesn't happen when the meteor app runs in a mobile browser, however.
I use meteor, iron-router, and ratchet. The issue is identified in an android 4.X device. Any idea how to fix the mobile app specific issue? Thanks.
PS. If I delay firing the page transition by a second, I don't have the issue. So my suspicion is correct that the page transition happens before the keyboard is hidden.

Remote images don't load in Appcelerator (mobilesdk-1.7.1)

I have a tabGroup with two tabs:
tab1 and tab2 both have a TableView with some remote images.
If I scroll really fast in tab1 and then quickly change to tab2 before the images can get a change to load and before the momentum scroll has stopped, no images will load in tab2. I have to manually to a little scroll in tab2 before the images will start loading.
Can anyone think of a solution to this?
Thanks in advance.
If I am understanding you correctly this is natural on the iPhone, check out a long listing on iTunes in the mobile app and you will see not only does it only load the images you scroll slowly over but also removes them if you scroll a certain number of rows up or down and will reload them when you come back to them. I believe this is a memory saving technique.
