Way to hide splash screen? - splash-screen

Is it possible to hide splash screen in MAF app and directly display some form/page to gather information from user at place of splash screen, and while user is being entering his values then initial loading process (which loads behind splash screen) can be continue at back-end?

The splash screen is of value to you as users know you app is loading. Its purpose is to load quickly as the rest of the app sets up.
Why would you want to move logic into this visual process? I want to caution you that I think it's a poor choice to reject industry standards. Work with the framework.


iOS app with Gluon, get app in full screen and keep screen alive

I am making a simple iOS application with two Views using gluon. In one of the views I need to be able to keep screen alive indefinitely, prevent it from rotating and have it full screen without the status bar showing. The other View should have the default behaviour(rotating normally, let screen go off when there is no touch input by the user and status bar should be showing).
I have seen some tutorials on how to do this on Android binding an interface to native code. Is this possible to do in iOS? I have looked around everywhere online and no one seems to have done this. Any pointers ? Thank you.

Visual response for loading pages in pwa

Is there a way to let PWA users know that a clicked link is being loaded. Usually in the browser we see the blue progress line indicating this but in the pwa the user is left to assume the page is loading except there is a pseudo effect on the buttons programmed by the developer. I understand the idea behind pwa includes giving users immersive visuals and if pages load faster, the users will not bother about the blue line but sometimes it's needed.
Going through the same thing but i think i found a way.
We can use bootstrap spinners to animate this. We can use javascript to detect a link click and show the spinner. We can also add this on submit button click.

how to prevent user when opening a new tab,minimising,maximising in browser using javascript jquery

I have to restrict the user of opening new tab,minimizing or opening another browser while running a web page.
Is there any way for me to make this happening?
One liner answer, you can't. You can control your page certain extend programmatically by restricting resize of the window or make it full screen but you can't restrict users minimizing or opening another browser while running a web page.
Click here for details of browser full screen mode programmatically, this full screen mode provides an illusion of restricting of another browser opening by hiding the options. But that's not the case, once user exit from full screen everything will be back in original state, so users can perform minimizing or opening another browser or a new tab.

Prevent Apple Watch from turning off the screen

I'm writing an extension for the Apple Watch which aim is to guide the user through a set of steps. I don't have the watch to test the extension but I need to be sure that the screen will remain always on until all the steps are completed.
Does anyone can tell me when Apple Watch display is turned off or if there any way to prevent the display from turning off (similar idleTimerDisabled from UIApplication in iOS)?
There is currently no way to programmatically prevent the display from being turned off. Otherwise, we can speculate that as long as the user is interacting with your app, the screen will remain on. Worst case, you'll receive a didDeactivate when the app is suspended and a willActivate when the user wakes it up to continue (assuming the Watch app isn't terminated in between).
As of watchOS 4 you can use this boolean to keep the display on, and this will rotate the UI when the arm is turned.
Consider HKWorkout.
it ensures that your app appears whenever the user checks their watch
It seems when the system is using the mic, it forces the screen to stay on — I’ve noticed this even in third party apps that allow sending voice messages. Here is the view that the user sees when screen idling is disabled in this way:
Note that this is a third party app and the screen didn’t turn off even after 2 full minutes!

Detect soft keyboard in Meteor cordova with ratchet

Meteor now support mobile apps. That's great. However, I find that the app running as a mobile app is not the same as running in a mobile browser.
When it runs as a mobile app, if the user wants to input to a text field, a soft keyboard shows up. Then, after the user finishes and click the button (at that point, the soft keyboard is still shown), the app brings to another page. However, the new page renders as if the soft keyboard still exists so the lower portion of the screen is blank. The elements that are rendered to a fixed position (like footer) still shows up at the bottom though. Even though the lower portion of the screen is blank, the elements are still there. If I tap the blank portion, and if there is a link or button in the place I tap, the app still brings me to the new page. Since I use Meteor and ratchet, I don't know which one is the issue.
I suspect the issue is that when the user clicks the button, the Meteor renders the new page immediately, but the soft keyboard get hidden afterwords.
This situation doesn't happen when the meteor app runs in a mobile browser, however.
I use meteor, iron-router, and ratchet. The issue is identified in an android 4.X device. Any idea how to fix the mobile app specific issue? Thanks.
PS. If I delay firing the page transition by a second, I don't have the issue. So my suspicion is correct that the page transition happens before the keyboard is hidden.
