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How to make Selenium not wait till full page load, which has a slow script?
(2 answers)
Don't wait for a page to load using Selenium in Python
(3 answers)
"Eager" Page Load Strategy workaround for Chromedriver Selenium in Python
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'm writing a UI automated test that runs on SauceLabs (chrome browser) and want to make sure my test is handling when web pages are very slow at loading.
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The console.log() prints 2 identical messages while creating react app
(1 answer)
Closed 4 months ago.
There are two lines when using console.log() from my "react-app", how can I stop the second line from showing up?
I think you're using React strict mode or the React Chrome extension. Turn off the Chrome extension. When you command the strict mode, it will go off. If it's helpful, accept it as the answer.
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button click is only working on Windows & not working on Android mobile sheet
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I hope you can help me with this. I have assigned a script to multiple drawings (as buttons) in Google Sheets and is running perfectly on PC. When I try it on my phone, the script does not run, but rather gives an option to edit. What should I do, please?
The Google Sheets mobile apps doesn't support using drawings as buttons (assign a Google Apps Script function).
Regarding what you should do, you should look for other ways to call your functions from a mobile apps like using a edit trigger.
button click is only working on Windows & not working on Android mobile sheet
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Can you do complex editing of Word Documents in a browser?
(6 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I need open a ms word document (Doc/Docx) then need to edit and save it in client side itsetf.forthat i'm using ActiveXObject and is working fine with IE but it's not working in other browsers(Chrome,Firefox).
var w = new ActiveXObject('Word.Application');
w.Visible = true;
obj = w.Documents.Open("D:\\test.docx");
docText = obj.Content;
w.Selection.TypeText("Hello world!");
what is the Alternative for the ActiveX object for the other browsers excluding IE (OR) How can i edit a word document (Doc/Docx) by using client side scripting for Chrome , firefox?
Short version, you can't.
ActiveX is a propriety IE/Microsoft technology, and can only be relied on within IE.
Are there other avenues you can go down?
Create a browser plugin for each browser..
Office 365?
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How to exclude iframe in Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey?
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
How can I prevent Tampermonkey from running on iframes?
E.g. I write a script for
// #include http://**
// #include https://**
The script will also run on external websites with embedded YouTube players. That's unneeded and even expensive when Tampermonkey fires 20 times on a page with 20 YT players.
How can I set the script to only fire when the surfed website is
If your script really only runs at Tampermonkey (and/or Greasemonkey and/or Scriptish) you also can use the #noframes directive.
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How to write JavaScript to a separate window?
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
How can I open a new browser tab in ASP.NET and write to it? I don't want to redirect to a page but I want to write/output the content directly from source.
You'll need to use JavaScript to do this then - look into Once you open a new window, you can access its document object to write the contents of it programatically.