Hierarchical input select - r

Could you please help me solving an issue related to Hierarchical input select.
I build a simply app for hierarchical input selecting, where the choices of each selectInput are updating based on the previous user selection. The app works, but I have found some strange behavior, which I want to avoid if possible.
My first input is the sliderInput, where the user can select which rows of the mtcars table should be used for the further sub-selection.
Then the selected cars are shown in the first selectInput and after the user choose which cars he want to see, the second selectInput mpg is filtered respectively.
Then after pressing an Action button, the sub-selection is displayed as table output.
When the user start the procedure from the beginning by changing the sliderInput, only the cars choices are updated. If we press on mpg selectInput we can still see the old selection.
Off course when we select again some cars the mpg are getting updated.
Do you know some way to avoid this behavior. My goal is, that mpg is always empty after the sliderInput is getting updated and not showing the old selections.
Thank you.
# Hierarchical inputSelect Example with mtcars
ui <- fluidPage(
sliderInput(inputId = "RowsINP",label = "Rows",min=1, max = dim(mtcars)[1], value=16,step=1),
selectInput("carsINP", "cars", choices = NULL,multiple=TRUE),
selectInput("mpgINP", "mpg", choices = NULL,multiple=TRUE),
actionButton("actionINP", "action")
server <- function(input, output,session) {
mtcars_tab <- reactive({
observeEvent(mtcars_tab(), {
updateSelectInput(session,"carsINP", choices = unique(mtcars_tab()$cars))
cars <- reactive({
filter(mtcars_tab(), cars %in% input$carsINP)
observeEvent(cars(), {
# Also tried this option and many others
# if (!isTruthy(input$carsINP[1])){choices <- NULL}
# else{ choices <- unique(arrange(cars(),mpg)$mpg)}
choices <- unique(arrange(cars(),mpg)$mpg)
updateSelectInput(session, "mpgINP", choices = choices)
mpg <-eventReactive(input$actionINP,{
filter(cars(), mpg %in% input$mpgINP)
output$table <- renderTable(mpg())
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

In my opinion, uiOutput/renderUI is perfect for these situations. We can avoid using a bunch of observeEvent and updateSelectInput calls, and the dropdown choices are updated (effectively) instantaneously, so you won't see the issue you've shown in your example. I think it's also a little bit easier to follow.
ui <- {
sliderInput(inputId = "rows",label = "Rows",
min=1, max = dim(mtcars)[1],
value=16, step=1),
actionButton('action', 'Action'),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# render the car selection input
output$car_selector <- renderUI({
selectInput('car_input', 'Cars',
choices = rownames(mtcars)[1:input$rows],
multiple = TRUE)
# render the mpg selection input
output$mpg_selector <- renderUI({
selectInput('mpg_input', 'mpg',
choices = mtcars[rownames(mtcars) %in% input$car_input, 'mpg'],
multiple = TRUE)
# update the table data when the action button is clicked
table_data <- eventReactive(input$action, {
mtcars[rownames(mtcars) %in% input$car_input & mtcars$mpg %in% input$mpg_input, ]
# render the table data
output$table_data <- renderDataTable(table_data())
shinyApp(ui, server)


SHINY Summarise info based on sheet selected by user after uploading file

My goal is that user uploads an Excel file. Then, the user selects which sheets wants to be summarised, after the selection has been updated. I have managed to update selectInput with the name of the sheets but I have not been able to find\understand how to summarise based on what the sheet selected by the user. Thanks for any help.
not_sel <- "Not Selected"
# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage('MAIN TITLE',
theme = shinytheme('flatly'),
fileInput('files','Import File', accept = c('.csv','.xlsx'),
multiple = F),
actionButton('boton1', 'Load', icon = icon('table')),
selectInput("indices", "Select SHEET:", choices = c(not_sel))
# selectInput('var01', 'Variable to summarise', choices = c(not_sel)),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
df <- eventReactive(input$boton1, {
# else{
# }
# Sheets of file uploaded
sheets_name <- reactive({
if (!is.null(input$files)) {
return(excel_sheets(path = input$files$datapath))
} else {
# Update inputSelector with sheet names
choices <- c(sheets_name())
updateSelectInput(inputId = "indices", choices = choices)
# DATA Tab
## This will show the name of the file
output$tabla <- renderTable({
## This Shows the head() but it is only showing the first sheet
output$cabeza <- renderTable({
tabla <- as_tibble(bind_cols(Date = format(as.Date(df()$Date),"%Y-%m-%d"),
Close.Price = df()$Close))
# HERE is where I do not know how to calculate based on selection
# Table for STATS
output$stats <- renderTable({
datos <- df()
Value <- c(round(mean(datos$Close,na.rm = T),2)
Statistic <- c("Mean")
data.table(Statistic, Value)
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I want to assume that by knowing how to calculate mean based on the sheet selected, I. can replicate the code for the top rows (head()) shown in the Data Panel.
If I missed a similar question asked, I would appreciate any link and I will try the solution proposed first.
As I cannot share the file, this is how the file would look:
After working with this answer I made my app work. If there is a 'cleaner'/'better' answer, I will be happy to read.
Following the recommendation in the linked answer my server ended up like this:
ui <-fluidPage{
#My UI stayed the same with the exception of adding
uiOutput("dropdownUI") #Whererever I needed to appear
server <- function(input, output, session) {
## STATS Tab
output$stats <- renderTable({
Values <- c(round(mean(Dat()[,2],na.rm = T),2)
Statistics <- c("Mean")
data.table(Statistics, Values)

Assigning values to an input before it is created

Note: the first example below is not particularly clear - I've added another example below which more clearly explains the desired behavior.
I'm running into a slightly tricky issue with an app that I am building. I am using uiOutput to dynamically render a series of radioButtons. However, I need to assign values to the inputs before they are created. I recognize that this might not make sense, but in my actual use case I see no other way around this.
In the example below, I would like to create three inputs, input$mpg, input$hp and input$disp and assign them each a value of yes before the UI is generated. Then, when the UI is generated, I would like to replace those default values with the selected value. Note that in the example below, I am including an actionButton to prevent those inputs from being immediately created by the UI.
Can anyone suggest an approach for how to accomplish this?
var_names <- c("mpg", "hp", "disp")
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton("go", "Go!"),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$go, {
output$var_type <- renderUI({
var_names %>% map(~radioButtons(inputId = .x,
label = .x,
choices = c("Yes", "No")))
shinyApp(ui, server)
Edit: New Example for Improved Clarity
I am using uiOutput to dynamically render three radioButtons. The values of these radioButtons will be concatenated into a string and rendered in the textOutput "values". However, these three radioButtons and their associated inputs are only generated after an actionButton, Go!, is clicked.
Prior to the actionButton being clicked and the radioButtons and their associated inputs being rendered, I would still like to render the textOutput, using a default set of values for these inputs. I would like to assign default values of yes to each of the three inputs. This the root cause of my problem as I would like to in-effect create a placeholder input and assign it a value prior to the actual input being following the clicking of the Go! button.
Prior to clicking Go!, I would like the textOutput values to read 'Yes Yes Yes' as these are the default values previously mentioned. However, after Go! is clicked and the radioButtons rendered, the textOutput "values" should be responsive to these changing inputs. For example, if, after clicking Go, the button for mpg was changed to "No", then the text would read No Yes Yes.
var_names <- c("mpg", "hp", "disp")
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton("go", "Go!"),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$go, {
output$var_type <- renderUI({
var_names %>% map(~radioButtons(inputId = .x,
label = .x,
choices = c("Yes", "No")))
output$values <- renderText({
paste(input$mpg, input$hp, input$disp)
shinyApp(ui, server)
Perhaps you are looking for this
var_names <- c("mpg", "hp", "disp")
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton("go", "Go!"),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$go, {
output$var_type <- renderUI({
var_names %>% map(~radioButtons(inputId = .x,
label = .x,
choices = c("Yes", "No")))
output$values <- renderText({
if (is.null(input$mpg)) val1 = "Yes" else val1 = input$mpg
if (is.null(input$hp)) val2 = "Yes" else val2 = input$hp
if (is.null(input$disp)) val3 = "Yes" else val3 = input$disp
paste(val1, val2, val3)
shinyApp(ui, server)

How to update DT datatable in Shiny when within a module and the selection criteria are changed

I try to make a shiny module to present data from dataframes using the DT package. I would like to use a module to have a standard set up of DT-table options like language and others.
I want the user to be able to select different subsets of the data interactively and thereafter be able to see the data as a DT-table. The selection of the subset will be generated outside the module because I would like the subset to be available for other uses, for example to be exported to a csv-file.
This works as intended when I don't use a module for making the DT table. When I put the code inside a module, a table is produced when the app starts. But when the selection criteria are changed, the table don't update.
I have included an app illustrating the problem. Table 1 is generated without using shiny module and updates as expected when the selection changes. Table 2 is output using the module and don't update when the selection is changed.
I'm running R-studio 1.1.463, R version 3.5.2 and DT version 0.5.
# module for presenting data using DT
showDTdataUI <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
showDTdata <- function(input, output, session, DTdata) {
output$table <- renderDataTable({
# User interface
ui <-
width = 4,
selectInput("selectedSpecies", label = "Species",
choices = c("setosa","versicolor","virginica"),
selected = "versicolor")
h3("Table 1. Presenting selected data from Iris" ),
h3("Table 2. Presenting selected data from Iris using shiny module"),
# Define server logic ----
server <- function(session, input, output) {
selectedIris <- reactive ( {
selected <- iris[which(iris$Species==input$selectedSpecies),]
output$table <- renderDataTable({
callModule(showDTdata, id="testDTModule", DTdata=selectedIris())
# Run the app ----
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
You have to pass the reactive conductor in showDTdata:
showDTdata <- function(input, output, session, DTdata) {
output$table <- renderDataTable({
DT::datatable(DTdata()) # not datatable(DTdata)
callModule(showDTdata, id="testDTModule", DTdata=selectedIris) # not DTdata=selectedIris()
Does this do what you want? I removed your functions and added the selection ='multiple' to table 1 (tableX) so that we can then listen to tableX_rows_selected
P.S.: I have noticed that if you first load DT and then shiny, that the whole app won't work anymore. This is a bit weird since we call all datatable functions with DT::... but, you do get a warning message that some parts of DT are masked by shiny or viceversa.
# User interface
ui <-
width = 4,
selectInput("selectedSpecies", label = "Species",
choices = c("setosa","versicolor","virginica"),
selected = "versicolor")
h3("Table 1. Presenting selected data from Iris" ),
h3("Table 2. Presenting selected data from Iris using shiny module"),
# Define server logic ----
server <- function(session, input, output) {
values <- reactiveValues(rowselect = numeric())
selectedIris <- reactive ( {
selected <- iris[which(iris$Species==input$selectedSpecies),]
output$tablex <- renderDataTable({
DT::datatable(selectedIris(), selection = 'multiple')
IrisSelected <- reactive({
df <- iris[c(input$tablex_rows_selected), ]
output$table2 <- renderDataTable({
req(nrow(IrisSelected()) > 0)
DT::datatable( IrisSelected())
# Run the app ----
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Without knowing of the shiny module approach, I would have probably written it like a normal function. The app below works but I am curious now after seeing the answer by #Stephane what the advantages are of using callModule approach over regular function approach
makeTable <- function(dataframe) { DT::datatable(dataframe) %>%
formatStyle(names(dataframe), background = '#fff')
# User interface
ui <-
width = 4,
selectInput("selectedSpecies", label = "Species",
choices = c("setosa","versicolor","virginica"),
selected = "versicolor")
# Define server logic ----
server <- function(session, input, output) {
selectedIris <- reactive ( {
selected <- iris[which(iris$Species==input$selectedSpecies),]
output$Table1 <- renderDataTable(makeTable(selectedIris()))
# Run the app ----
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

One reactive function to be displayed on two different pages interactively

I have an application which has 3 tabItems. I want to use a slider on second page to display same result on 3rd page interactively, i.e. if 2nd page slider changes then 3rd page slider should also change respectively.
I have a reactive function on server side
choose_segment <- reactive({
Multiple conditions for dropdown{Due to security cant share the exact code.}
and this choose_segment is refered in UI once and now i want to use it on the third page as well, but when i am calling the function on third page it is not displaying any thing on ui and also not giving any error.
in UI it is called inside UIoutput.
My observations : I think as per my study we can not call one function directly twice, so what i am doing is i have made two different functions and calling same function from them, i.e.
output$chooseSegment1 <- renderUI({
output$chooseSegment2 <- renderUI({
Issue : it is giving me output but they both are not interactive :(
Kindly provide a solution so that i can make both the sliders work in interactive manner.
I have faced the same scenario, in that i was suppose to change the code structure.
I made dynamic output uiOutput to the Dropdown menu ob ui and then used the same in my server as Input$xyz in observe on server and it worked for me.
Code :
UI : column(3, selectInput(inputId="ABC",label= "Choose ABC"))
column(3, selectInput(inputId="ABC1",label= "Choose ABC"))
Server : observe({
if(is.null(tab2_summary())) return(NULL)
updateSelectInput(session, "ABC", value = input$ABC)
updateSelectInput(session, "ABC1", value = input$ABC)
updateSelectInput(session, "ABC", value = input$ABC1)
So this is how i was able to make the selectInput interactive on two different page.
For your reference there is one full reproducible code.
Kindly refer,
# UI ----------------------------------------------------------
ui <- navbarPage("Navbar!",
tabPanel("Plot", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(
radioButtons("yaxis1", "y-axis", c("speed"="speed", "dist"="dist"),
selected = "speed"
mainPanel( plotOutput("plot"),
textOutput("test2")))), # for input checking
tabPanel("Summary", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(
radioButtons("yaxis2", "grouping-var", c("speed"="speed", "dist"="dist")
# Server ------------------------------------------
server <- function(input, output, session) {
x <- input$yaxis1
updateRadioButtons(session, "yaxis2", selected = x)
y <- input$yaxis2
updateRadioButtons(session, "yaxis1", selected = y)
# output$test1 <- renderPrint({cat("yaxis1", input$yaxis1)})
# output$test2 <- renderPrint({cat("yaxis2", input$yaxis2)})
# output$plot <- renderPlot({ plot(cars[['speed']], cars[[input$yaxis1]]) })
# output$summary <- renderPrint({ summary(cars[[input$yaxis2]]) })
shinyApp(ui, server)
I Hope it will of your help.

Reset row selection for DT::renderDataTable() in Shiny R

I reproduced an example shiny app written by Yihui Xie (https://yihui.shinyapps.io/DT-rows/). The app uses DT::renderDataTable() which allows a row selection.
Everything works perfectly fine. I was however wondering if it's possible to reset the row selection (i.e. undo the click selection) ? I already tried it with an action button to reset s = input$x3_rows_selected (see script below).
With my current script,s = input$x3_rows_selected does indeed get emptied, I can however not refill it. Also the selected rows are still clicked (shaded)
Does anyone has an idea? Is there an option within DT::renderDataTable() to reset the selection? Or does anyone has an idea for a workaround?
Thank you!
Example form https://yihui.shinyapps.io/DT-rows/) with my modification (action button):
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
# you must include row names for server-side tables
# to be able to get the row
# indices of the selected rows
mtcars2 = mtcars[, 1:8]
output$x3 = DT::renderDataTable(mtcars2, rownames = TRUE, server = TRUE)
# print the selected indices
selection <- reactive({
if (input$resetSelection)
vector() else input$x3_rows_selected
output$x4 = renderPrint({
if (length(selection())) {
cat("These rows were selected:\n\n")
output <- selection()
cat(output, sep = "\n")
title = 'Select Table Rows',
h1('A Server-side Table'),
column(9, DT::dataTableOutput('x3')),
column(3, verbatimTextOutput('x4'),
label = "Click to reset row selection"
) # end of action button
) #end of column
In the current development version of DT (>= 0.1.16), you can use the method selectRows() to clear selections. Please see the section "Manipulate An Existing DataTables Instance" in the documentation.
Here is a possible solution, maybe not the best but it works. It is based on re-create the datatable each time the action button is clicked, so the selected rows are removed.
server = function(input, output, session) {
mtcars2 = mtcars[, 1:8]
output$x3 = DT::renderDataTable({
# to create a new datatable each time the reset button is clicked
}, rownames = TRUE, server = TRUE
# print the selected indices
selection <- reactive ({
output$x4 = renderPrint({
if (length(selection())) {
cat('These rows were selected:\n\n')
output <- selection()
cat(output, sep = '\n')
ui = shinyUI(fluidPage(
title = 'Select Table Rows',
h1('A Server-side Table'),
column(9, DT::dataTableOutput('x3')),
column(3, verbatimTextOutput('x4'),
actionButton( 'resetSelection',label = "Click to reset row selection")
) #end of column
