Regex for alternating pattern between two character groups - r

I'm trying to find matches where the pattern alternates between two character groups, D\E and R\K\H.
The pattern I've come up with (through reading other posts on here) is
Using this pattern with this test string: DREDRDRDRARDK
I get the following matches: DR, DRDRD, RD
The matches are missing the last letter for each group.
Please could someone help me figure out why.

Match the first group followed by the second with all that matched any number of times and then possibly followed by the first group. i.e. ([DE][RKH])+[DE]?, or the same with the groups interchanged, i.e. ([RKH][DE])+[RKH]? or just the first group, i.e. [DE] or just the second group, i.e. [RKH]:
x <- "DREDRDRDRARDK" # input
rx <- "(([DE][RKH])+[DE]?|([RKH][DE])+[RKH]?|[DE]|[RKH])"
strapply(x, rx)
## [[1]]
## [1] "DRE" "DRDRDR" "RDK"

In your pattern, you repeatedly match a single character out of 2 character classes followed by a positive lookahead which asserts that there should be a character present directly at the right.
(Note that the positive lookahead should not be optionally repeated (?=[RKH])* or else it will always be true, matching too much)
If the quantifier * is not present after the lookahead you will get your matches where characters are missing.
The reason why the matches are missing the last letter for each group is when [DE] is matched, there is a positive lookahead asserting what is directly to the right is [RKH] (and the other way around due to the alternation)
It does not match the E in DRE because when matching E the lookahead asserts on of [RKH] after is, which is not the case
It does not match the last R in DRDRDR as there is no A following the last R
As the positive lookahead asserts that there should be a next character present, you also don't match the last K because there is no character after it
As already answered, you can repeatedly match the pairs of character classes followed by optionally matching the first character class after it.
Without the groups, I think it could also be shortened to:
Regex demo
str_extract_all("DREDRDRDRARDK", "(?:[DE][RKH])+[DE]?|(?:[RKH][DE])+[RKH]?")
[1] "DRE" "DRDRDR" "RDK"


regex to find the position of the first four concurrent unique values

I've solved 2022 advent of code day 6, but was wondering if there was a regex way to find the first occurance of 4 non-repeating characters:
From the question:
# discard as repeating letter b
# match the 5th character, which signifies the end of the first four character block with no repeating characters
in R I've tried:
txt <- "bvwbjplbgvbhsrlpgdmjqwftvncz"
str_match("(.*)\1", txt)
But I'm having no luck
You can use
stringr::str_extract(txt, "(.)(?!\\1)(.)(?!\\1|\\2)(.)(?!\\1|\\2|\\3)(.)")
See the regex demo. Here, (.) captures any char into consequently numbered groups and the (?!...) negative lookaheads make sure each subsequent . does not match the already captured char(s).
See the R demo:
txt <- "bvwbjplbgvbhsrlpgdmjqwftvncz"
str_extract(txt, "(.)(?!\\1)(.)(?!\\1|\\2)(.)(?!\\1|\\2|\\3)(.)")
## => [1] "vwbj"
Note that the stringr::str_match (as stringr::str_extract) takes the input as the first argument and the regex as the second argument.

How to match binomial expressions in R?

I want to match binomials, that is, bisyllabic words, sometimes hyphenated, with slightly varied syllable reduplication; the variation always concerns the first (and, possibly, second) letter in the reduplicated syllable:
x <- c("pow-wow", "pickwick", "easy-peasy", "nitty-gritty", "bzzzzzzz", "mmmmmm", "shish", "wedged", "yaaaaaa")
Here, we have said syllable reduplication in pow-wow, pickwick, easy-peasy, and nitty-gritty (which are then the expected output) but not in bzzzzzzz, mmmmmm, shish, wedged and yaaaaa.
This regex does at least manage to get rid of wedged(which is pronounced as one syllable) as well as monosyllabic words by requiring the presence of a vowel in the capturing group:
grep("\\b\\w?((?!ed)(?=[aeiou])\\w{2,})-?\\w\\w?\\1\\b$", x, value = T, perl = T)
[1] "pow-wow" "pickwick" "easy-peasy" "nitty-gritty" "yaaaaa"
However, yaaaaa is getting matched too. To not match it my feeling is that the capturing group should be disallowed to contain two identical vowels in immediate succession but I don't know how to implement that restriction.
Any ideas?
It looks as though you want to match words that cannot contain ed after the initial chars and 2 or more repeated chars if the same chunk is not found farther in the string. Also, the allowed "difference" window at the start and middle is 0 to 2 characters.
You may use
See the regex demo
\b - a word boundary (you may use ^ if your "words" are equal to whole string)
\w{0,2} - two or more word chars (replace with \p{L} to only match letters)
(?!((.)\2+)(?!.*\1)|ed) - no ed or two or more identical chars that do not repeat later in the string are allowed immediately to the right of the current location
([aeiou]\w+) - a vowel (captured in Group 3) and 1+ word chars (replace with \p{L} to only match letters)
-? - an optional hyphen
\w\w? - 1 or 2 word charsd
\3 - same value as captured in Group 3
\b - a word boundary (you may use $ if your "words" are equal to whole string)

Matching character followed by exactly 1 digit

I need to align formatting of some clinical trial IDs two merge two databases. For example, in database A patient 123 visit 1 is stored as '123v01' and in database B just '123v1'
I can match A to B by grep match those containing 'v0' and strip out the trailing zero to just 'v', but for academic interest & expanding R / regex skills, I want to reverse match B to A by matching only those containing 'v' followed by only 1 digit, so I can then separately pad that digit with a leading zero.
For a reprex:
string <- c("123v1", "123v01", "123v001")
I can match those with >= 2 digits following a 'v', then inverse subset
> idx <- grepl("v(\\d{2})", string)
> string[!idx]
[1] "123v1"
But there must be a way to match 'v' followed by just a single digit only? I have tried the lookarounds
# Negative look ahead "v not followed by 2+ digits"
grepl("v(?!\\d{2})", string)
# Positive look behind "single digit following v"
grepl("(?<=v)\\d{1})", string)
But both return an 'invalid regex' error
Any suggestions?
You need to set the perl=TRUE flag on your grepl function.
grepl("v(?!\\d{2})", string, perl=TRUE)
See this question for more info.
You may use
grepl("v\\d(?!\\d)", string, perl=TRUE)
The v\d(?!\d) pattern matches v, 1 digits and then makes sure there is no digit immediately to the right of the current location (i.e. after the v + 1 digit).
See the regex demo.
Note that you need to enable PCRE regex flavor with the perl=TRUE argument.

Stringr function or or gsub() to find an x digit string and extract first x digits?

Regex and stringr newbie here. I have a data frame with a column from which I want to find 10-digit numbers and keep only the first three digits. Otherwise, I want to just keep whatever is there.
So to make it easy let's just pretend it's a simple vector like this:
new<-c("111", "1234567891", "12", "12345")
I want to write code that will return a vector with elements: 111, 123, 12, and 12345. I also need to write code (I'm assuming I'll do this iteratively) where I extract the first two digits of a 5-digit string, like the last element above.
I've tried:
gsub("\\d{10}", "", new)
but I don't know what I could put for the replacement argument to get what I'm looking for. Also tried:
str_replace(new, "\\d{10}", "")
But again I don't know what to put in for the replacement argument to get just the first x digits.
Edit: I disagree that this is a duplicate question because it's not just that I want to extract the first X digits from a string but that I need to do that with specific strings that match a pattern (e.g., 10 digit strings.)
If you are willing to use the library stringr from which comes the str_replace you are using. Just use str_extract
vec <- c(111, 1234567891, 12)
str_extract(vec, "^\\d{1,3}")
The regex ^\\d{1,3} matches at least 1 to a maximum of 3 digits occurring right in the beginning of the phrase. str_extract, as the name implies, extracts and returns these matches.
You may use
new<-c("111", "1234567891", "12")
sub("^(\\d{3})\\d{7}$", "\\1", new)
## => [1] "111" "123" "12"
See the R online demo and the regex demo.
Regex graph:
^ - start of string anchor
(\d{3}) - Capturing group 1 (this value is accessed using \1 in the replacement pattern): three digit chars
\d{7} - seven digit chars
$ - end of string anchor.
So, the sub command only matches strings that are composed only of 10 digits, captures the first three into a separate group, and then replaces the whole string (as it is the whole match) with the three digits captured in Group 1.
You can use:
#[1] 111 123 12

R Remove specific character with range of possible positions within string

I would like to remove the character 'V' (always the last one in the strings) from the following vector containing a large number of strings. They look similar to the following example:
str <- c("VDM 000 V2.1.1",
"ABVC 001 V10.15.0",
"ASDV 123 V1.20.0")
I know that it is always the last 'V', I would like to remove.
I also know that this character is either the sixth, seventh or eighth last character within these strings.
I was not really able to come up with a nice solution. I know that I have to use sub or gsub but I can only remove all V's rather than only the last one.
Has anyone got an idea?
Thank you!
This regex pattern is written to match a "V" that is then followed by 5 to 7 other non-"V" characters. The "[...]" construct is a "character-class" and within such constructs a leading "^" causes negation. The "{...} consturct allows two digits specifying minimum and maximum lengths, and the "$" matches the length-0 end-of-string which I think was desired when you wrote "sixth, seventh or eighth last character":
sub("(V)(.{5,7})$", "\\2", str)
[1] "VDM 000 2.1.1" "ABVC 001 10.15.0" "ASDV 123 1.20.0"
Since you only wanted a single substitution I used sub instead of gsub.
You can use:
##[1] "VDM 000 2.1.1" "ABVC 001 10.15.0" "ASDV 123 1.20.0"
The regex V(\\d+.\\d+.\\d+)$ matches the "version" consisting of the character "V" followed by three sets of digits (i.e., \\d+) separated by two "." at the end of the string (i.e., $). The parenthesis around the \\d+.\\d+.\\d+ provides a group within the match that can be referenced by \\1. Therefore, gsub will replace the whole match with the group, thereby removing that "V".
Since you know it's the last V you want to remove from the string, try this regex V(?=[^V]*$):
gsub("V(?=[^V]*$)", "", str, perl = TRUE)
# [1] "VDM 000 2.1.1" "ABVC 001 10.15.0" "ASDV 123 1.20.0"
The regex matches V before pattern [^V]*$ which consists of non V characters from the end of the String, which guarantees that the matched V is the last V in the string.
