I have two data frames(df1, df2) and performed full_join using the common column of interest col1.
df1 <- data.frame(col1=c('A','D','C','C','E','E','I'),col2=c(4,7,8,3,2,4,9))
df2 <- data.frame(col1=c('A','A','B','C','C','E','E','I'),col2=c(4,1,6,8,3,2,1,9))
df1 %>% full_join(df2, by = "col1")
# col1 col2.x col2.y
# 1 A 4 4
# 2 A 4 1
# 3 D 7 NA
# 4 C 8 8
# 5 C 8 3
# 6 C 3 8
# 7 C 3 3
# 8 E 2 2
# 9 E 2 1
# 10 E 4 2
# 11 E 4 1
# 12 I 9 9
# 13 B NA 6
As expected the full_join provides multiplicty of the joining column values and I wish to avoid it. I wish to arrive at the following output. What kind of post-processing approaches do you suggest?
# col1 col2.x col2.y
# 1 A 4 4
# 2 A NA 1
# 3 D 7 NA
# 4 C 8 8
# 5 C 3 3
# 6 E 2 2
# 7 E 4 1
# 8 I 9 9
# 9 B NA 6
More information:
Case 1: I do not need four rows in the output for two same values in both input objects:
# 4 C 8 8
# 5 C 8 3
# 6 C 3 8
# 7 C 3 3
instead, I want only two as:
# 4 C 8 8
# 5 C 3 3
Case 2: Similarly, I need same row for the difference in values:
# 8 E 2 2
# 9 E 2 1
# 10 E 4 2
# 11 E 4 1
instead, I want only two rows as below:
# 8 E 2 2
# 9 E 4 1
A possible solution in 2 steps using the data.table-package:
0) load package & convert to data.table's
1) define helper function
unlistSD <- function(x) {
l <- length(x)
ls <- sapply(x, lengths)
m <- max(ls)
newSD <- vector(mode = "list", length = l)
for (i in 1:l) {
u <- unlist(x[[i]])
lu <- length(u)
if (lu < m) {
u <- c(u, rep(NA_real_, m - lu))
newSD[[i]] <- u
return(setNames(as.list(newSD), names(x)))
2) merge and apply helper function
merge(df1[, .(col2 = list(col2)), by = col1],
df2[, .(col2 = list(col2)), by = col1],
by = "col1", all = TRUE
)[, unlistSD(.SD), by = col1]
which gives the following result:
col1 col2.x col2.y
1: A 4 4
2: A NA 1
3: C 8 8
4: C 3 3
5: D 7 NA
6: E 2 2
7: E 4 1
8: I 9 9
9: B NA 6
Another possibiliy with base R:
unlistDF <- function(d, groupcols) {
ds <- split(d[, setdiff(names(d), groupcols)], d[,groupcols])
ls <- lapply(ds, function(x) max(sapply(x, lengths)))
dl <- lapply(ds, function(x) lapply(as.list(x), unlist))
du <- Map(function(x, y) {
lapply(x, function(i) {
if(length(i) < y) {
c(i, rep(NA_real_, y - length(i)))
} else i
}, x = dl, y = ls)
ld <- lapply(du, as.data.frame)
cbind(d[rep(1:nrow(d), ls), groupcols, drop = FALSE],
do.call(rbind.data.frame, c(ld, make.row.names = FALSE)),
row.names = NULL)
Now you can use this function as follows in combination with merge:
df <- merge(aggregate(col2 ~ col1, df1, as.list),
aggregate(col2 ~ col1, df2, as.list),
by = "col1", all = TRUE)
unlistDF(df, "col1")
I have >100 dataframes loaded into R with column name prefixes in some but not all columns that I would like to remove. In the below example with 3 dataframes, I would like to remove the pattern x__ in the 3 dataframes but keep all the dataframe names and everything else the same. How could this be done?
df1 <- data.frame(`x__a` = rep(3, 5), `x__b` = seq(1, 5, 1), `x__c` = letters[1:5])
df2 <- data.frame(`d` = rep(5, 5), `x__e` = seq(2, 6, 1), `f` = letters[6:10])
df3 <- data.frame(`x__g` = rep(5, 5), `x__h` = seq(2, 6, 1), `i` = letters[6:10])
You could put the data frames in a list and use an anonymous function with gsub.
lst <- mget(ls(pattern='^df\\d$'))
lapply(lst, \(x) setNames(x, gsub('x__', '', names(x))))
# $df1
# a b c
# 1 3 1 a
# 2 3 2 b
# 3 3 3 c
# 4 3 4 d
# 5 3 5 e
# $df2
# d e f
# 1 5 2 f
# 2 5 3 g
# 3 5 4 h
# 4 5 5 i
# 5 5 6 j
# $df3
# g h i
# 1 5 2 f
# 2 5 3 g
# 3 5 4 h
# 4 5 5 i
# 5 5 6 j
If you have no use of the list, move the changed dfs back into .GlobalEnv using list2env, but I don't recommend it, since it overwrites.
lapply(lst, \(x) setNames(x, gsub('x__', '', names(x)))) |> list2env(.GlobalEnv)
I have a dataframe, say
df = data.frame(x = c("a","a","b","b","b","c","d","t","c","b","t","c","t","a","a","b","d","t","t","c"),
y = c(2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6))
I want to remove only those rows in which one or multiple ts are directly in between a d and a c, in all other cases I want to retain the cases. So for this example, I would like to remove the ts on row 8, 18 and 19, but keep the others. I have over thousands of cases so doing this manually would be a true horror. Any help is very much appreciated.
One option would be to use rle to get runs of the same string and then you can use an sapply to check forward/backward and return all the positions you want to drop:
rle_vals <- rle(as.character(df$x))
drop <- unlist(sapply(2:length(rle_vals$values), #loop over values
function(i, vals, lengths) {
if(vals[i] == "t" & vals[i-1] == "d" & vals[i+1] == "c"){#Check if value is "t", previous is "d" and next is "c"
(sum(lengths[1:i-1]) + 1):sum(lengths[1:i]) #Get row #s
},vals = rle_vals$values, lengths = rle_vals$lengths))
#[1] 8 18 19
# x y
#1 a 2
#2 a 4
#3 b 5
#4 b 2
#5 b 6
#6 c 2
#7 d 4
#9 c 2
#10 b 6
#11 t 2
#12 c 4
#13 t 5
#14 a 2
#15 a 6
#16 b 2
#17 d 4
#20 c 6
This also works, by collapsing to a string, identifying groups of t's between d and c (or c and d - not sure whether you wanted this option as well), then working out where they are and removing the rows as appropriate.
df = data.frame(x=c("a","a","b","b","b","c","d","t","c","b","t","c","t","a","a","b","d","t","t","c"),
y=c(2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dfs <- paste0(df$x,collapse="") #collapse to a string
dfs2 <- do.call(rbind,lapply(list(gregexpr("dt+c",dfs),gregexpr("ct+d",dfs)),
function(L) data.frame(x=L[[1]],y=attr(L[[1]],"match.length"))))
dfs2 <- dfs2[dfs2$x>0,] #remove any -1 values (if string not found)
drop <- unlist(mapply(function(a,b) (a+1):(a+b-2),dfs2$x,dfs2$y))
df2 <- df[-drop,]
Here is another solution with base R:
df = data.frame(x = c("a","a","b","b","b","c","d","t","c","b","t","c","t","a","a","b","d","t","t","c"),
y = c(2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6))
s <- paste0(df$x, collapse="")
L <- c(NA, NA)
while (TRUE) {
r <- regexec("dt+c", s)[[1]]
if (r[1]==-1) break
L <- rbind(L, c(pos=r[1]+1, length=attr(r, "match.length")-2))
s <- sub("d(t+)c", "x\\1x", s)
L <- L[-1,]
drop <- unlist(apply(L,1, function(x) seq(from=x[1], len=x[2])))
df[-drop, ]
# > drop
# 8 18 19
# > df[-drop, ]
# x y
# 1 a 2
# 2 a 4
# 3 b 5
# 4 b 2
# 5 b 6
# 6 c 2
# 7 d 4
# 9 c 2
# 10 b 6
# 11 t 2
# 12 c 4
# 13 t 5
# 14 a 2
# 15 a 6
# 16 b 2
# 17 d 4
# 20 c 6
With gregexpr() it is shorter:
s <- paste0(df$x, collapse="")
g <- gregexpr("dt+c", s)[[1]]
L <- data.frame(pos=g+1, length=attr(g, "match.length")-2)
drop <- unlist(apply(L,1, function(x) seq(from=x[1], len=x[2])))
df[-drop, ]
I very often transform subsets of data using the .SDcols option in data.table. It makes sense that the .SD columns sent to j are in the same order as the original data.table.
EDITED to properly identify the issue
It's nice that .SD columns have the same order as that specified in the .SDcols argument. This does not happen when get is used in the j argument (inside an lapply call, at least). In this case, the .SD table columns maintain their original order.
Is there any way to override this behaviour?
An example without get works fine
# library(data.table)
dt = data.table(col1 = rep(LETTERS[1:3], 4),
b = rnorm(12),
a = 1:12,
c = LETTERS[1:12])
# columns I want to do something to
d.vars = c('a', 'b') #' names in different order than names(dt)
# Generate columns of first differences by group
dt[, paste('d', d.vars, sep='.') :=
lapply(.SD, function(L) L - shift(L, n = 1, type='lag') ),
keyby = col1, .SDcols = d.vars]
The result is assigns differenced values to the "wrong" column because my named vector (d.vars) is ordered differently than the columns in dt. The result is:
The results are as expected, the .SD table's columns are ordered the same way as the names in d.vars.
> dt
col1 b a c d.a d.b
1: A -0.28901751 1 A NA NA
2: A 0.65746901 4 D 3 0.94648651
3: A -0.10602462 7 G 3 -0.76349362
4: A -0.38406252 10 J 3 -0.27803790
5: B -1.06963450 2 B NA NA
6: B 0.35137273 5 E 3 1.42100723
7: B 0.43394046 8 H 3 0.08256772
8: B 0.82525042 11 K 3 0.39130996
9: C 0.50421710 3 C NA NA
10: C -1.09493665 6 F 3 -1.59915375
11: C -0.04858163 9 I 3 1.04635501
12: C 0.45867279 12 L 3 0.50725443
Which is the expected output because lapply in j processed column a first and b second, in spite of the column order in dt.
Example with get behaves differently
dt2 = data.table(col1 = rep(LETTERS[1:3], 4),
b = rnorm(12),
a = 1:12,
neg = -1,
c = LETTERS[1:12])
# columns I want to do something to
d.vars = c('a', 'b') #' names in different order than names(dt)
# name of variable to be called in j.
negate <- 'neg'
dt2[, paste('d', d.vars, sep='.') :=
lapply(.SD, function(L) {(L - shift(L, n = 1, type='lag') ) * get(negate) }),
keyby = col1, .SDcols = d.vars]
Now the naming of the newly created columns doesn't align with the name order in d.vars:
> dt2
col1 b a neg c d.a d.b
1: A -0.3539066 1 -1 A NA NA
2: A 0.2702374 4 -1 D -0.62414408 -3
3: A -0.7834941 7 -1 G 1.05373150 -3
4: A -1.2765652 10 -1 J 0.49307118 -3
5: B -0.2936422 2 -1 B NA NA
6: B -0.2451996 5 -1 E -0.04844252 -3
7: B -1.6577614 8 -1 H 1.41256181 -3
8: B 1.0668059 11 -1 K -2.72456737 -3
9: C -0.1160938 3 -1 C NA NA
10: C -0.7940771 6 -1 F 0.67798333 -3
11: C 0.2951743 9 -1 I -1.08925140 -3
12: C -0.4508854 12 -1 L 0.74605969 -3
In this second example the b column is processed by lapply first and therefore assigned to d.a.
If I refer to neg directly (i.e., I don't use get) then the results are as expected: lapply processes the .SD columns in the order given in d.vars.
p.s. Thanks data.table team! I love this package!
Based on the description, we can use match to match the 'd.vars' and the column names of 'dt' ('d.vars1') and then use it to get the order right
d.vars1 <- d.vars[match(names(dt), d.vars, nomatch = 0)]
dt[, paste0("d.",d.vars1) := lapply(.SD, function(L)
L - shift(L, n = 1, type='lag') ), keyby = col1, .SDcols = d.vars1]
# col1 b a c d.b d.a
# 1: A -0.28901751 1 A NA NA
# 2: A 0.65746901 4 D 0.94648652 3
# 3: A -0.10602462 7 G -0.76349363 3
# 4: A -0.38406252 10 J -0.27803790 3
# 5: B -1.06963450 2 B NA NA
# 6: B 0.35137273 5 E 1.42100723 3
# 7: B 0.43394046 8 H 0.08256773 3
# 8: B 0.82525042 11 K 0.39130996 3
# 9: C 0.50421710 3 C NA NA
#10: C -1.09493665 6 F -1.59915375 3
#11: C -0.04858163 9 I 1.04635502 3
#12: C 0.45867279 12 L 0.50725442 3
Based on the new dataset
d.vars1 <- d.vars[match(names(dt2), d.vars, nomatch = 0)]
dt2[, paste0('d.', d.vars1) := lapply(.SD, function(L)
L - shift(L, n = 1, type='lag') * get(negate) ),
keyby = col1, .SDcols = d.vars1]
# col1 b a neg c d.b d.a
# 1: A -0.3539066 1 -1 A NA NA
# 2: A 0.2702374 4 -1 D -0.0836692 5
# 3: A -0.7834941 7 -1 G -0.5132567 11
# 4: A -1.2765652 10 -1 J -2.0600593 17
# 5: B -0.2936422 2 -1 B NA NA
# 6: B -0.2451996 5 -1 E -0.5388418 7
# 7: B -1.6577614 8 -1 H -1.9029610 13
# 8: B 1.0668059 11 -1 K -0.5909555 19
# 9: C -0.1160938 3 -1 C NA NA
#10: C -0.7940771 6 -1 F -0.9101709 9
#11: C 0.2951743 9 -1 I -0.4989028 15
#12: C -0.4508854 12 -1 L -0.1557111 21
I have data of the form:
ID A1 A2 A3 ... A100
1 john max karl ... kevin
2 kevin bosy lary ... rosy
3 karl lary bosy ... hale
10000 isha john lewis ... dave
I want to get one ID for each ID such that both of them have maximum number of common attributes(A1,A2,..A100)
How can I do this in R ?
Edit: Let's call the output a MatchId:
ID MatchId
1 70
2 4000
10000 3000
I think this gets what you're looking for:
# make up some data
rbind_all(lapply(1:15, function(i) {
x <- cbind.data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE, i, t(sample(LETTERS, 10)))
colnames(x) <- c("ID", sprintf("A%d", 1:10))
})) -> dat
## Source: local data frame [15 x 11]
## ID A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10
## 1 1 H F E C B A R J Z N
## 2 2 Q P E M L Z C G V Y
## 3 3 Q J D N B T L K G Z
## 4 4 D Y U F V O I C A W
## 5 5 T Z D I J F R C B S
## 6 6 Q D H U P V O E R N
## 7 7 C L I M E K N S X Z
## 8 8 M J S E N O F Y X I
## 9 9 R H V N M T Q X L S
## 10 10 Q H L Y B W S M P X
## 11 11 M N J K B G S X V R
## 12 12 W X A H Y D N T Q I
## 13 13 K H V J D X Q W A U
## 14 14 M U F H S T W Z O N
## 15 15 G B U Y E L A Q W O
# get commons
rbind_all(lapply(1:15, function(i) {
rbind_all(lapply(setdiff(1:15, i), function(j) {
common=length(intersect(c(t(dat[i, 2:11])),
c(t(dat[j, 2:11])))))
})) -> commons
commons %>%
group_by(id1) %>%
top_n(1, common) %>%
filter(row_number()==1) %>%
select(ID=id1, MatchId=id2)
## Source: local data frame [15 x 2]
## Groups: ID
## ID MatchId
## 1 1 5
## 2 2 7
## 3 3 5
## 4 4 12
## 5 5 1
## 6 6 9
## 7 7 8
## 8 8 7
## 9 9 10
## 10 10 9
## 11 11 9
## 12 12 13
## 13 13 12
## 14 14 8
## 15 15 2
Using similar data as provided by #hrbrmstr
dat <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:15, function(i) {
x <- cbind.data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE, i, t(sample(LETTERS, 10)))
colnames(x) <- c("ID", sprintf("A%d", 1:10))
You could achieve the same using base R only
Res <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(dat)),
function(x) apply(dat[-1], 1,
function(y) length(intersect(dat[x, -1], y))))
diag(Res) <- -1
cbind(dat[1], MatchId = max.col(Res, ties.method = "first"))
# ID MatchId
# 1 1 5
# 2 2 7
# 3 3 5
# 4 4 12
# 5 5 1
# 6 6 9
# 7 7 8
# 8 8 7
# 9 9 10
# 10 10 9
# 11 11 9
# 12 12 13
# 13 13 12
# 14 14 8
# 15 15 2
If I understand correctly, the requirement is to obtain the maximum number of common attributes for each ID.
Frequency tables can be obtained using table() and recursively in lapply(), assuming that ID column is unique - slight modification is necessary if not (unique(df$ID) rather than df$ID in lapply()). The maximum frequencies can be taken and, if there is a tie, only the first one is chosen. Finally they are combined by do.call().
df <- read.table(header = T, text = "
ID A1 A2 A3 A100
1 john max karl kevin
2 kevin bosy lary rosy
3 karl lary bosy hale
10000 isha john lewis dave")
do.call(rbind, lapply(df$ID, function(x) {
tbl <- table(unlist(df[df$ID == x, 2:ncol(df)]))
data.frame(ID = x, MatchId = tbl[tbl == max(tbl)][1])
# ID MatchId
#john 1 1
#kevin 2 1
#karl 3 1
#isha 10000 1
A <- c(1,6)
B <- c(2,7)
C <- c(3,8)
D <- c(4,9)
E <- c(5,0)
df <- data.frame(A,B,C,D,E)
1 1 2 3 4 5
2 6 7 8 9 0
I would like to have this:
1 2
A 1 6
B 2 7
C 3 8
D 4 9
E 5 0
If your dataframe is truly in that format, then all of your vectors will be character vectors. Or, you basically have a character matrix and you could do this:
It would be better, though, to just define it the way you want it from the get-go
df <- data.frame(c('A','B','C','D','E'),
c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
c(6, 7, 8, 9, 0))
You could also do this
df <- data.frame(LETTERS[1:5], 1:5, c(6:9, 0))
If you wanted to give the columns names, you could do this
df <- data.frame(L = LETTERS[1:5], N1 = 1:5, N2 = c(6:9, 0))
Sometimes, if I use read.DIF of Excel data the data gets transposed. Is that how you got the original data in? If so, you can call
read.DIF(filename, transpose = T)
to get the data in the correct orientation.
I really recommend data.table approach without manual steps becauce they are error-prone
A <- c(1,6)
B <- c(2,7)
C <- c(3,8)
D <- c(4,9)
E <- c(5,0)
df <- data.frame(A,B,C,D,E)
dat.m <- melt(as.data.table(df, keep.rownames = "Vars"), id.vars = "Vars") # https://stackoverflow.com/a/44128640/54964
1 1 2 3 4 5
2 6 7 8 9 0
Vars variable value
1: 1 A 1
2: 2 A 6
3: 1 B 2
4: 2 B 7
5: 1 C 3
6: 2 C 8
7: 1 D 4
8: 2 D 9
9: 1 E 5
10: 2 E 0
R: 3.4.0 (backports)
OS: Debian 8.7